Patent Exhaustion Rejected: Patented Seed Purchaser Has No Right to Make Copies


The Supreme Court in Bowman v. Monsanto Co. ruled unanimously that a farmer’s replanting of harvested seeds constituted making new infringing articles.  While the case is important for agricultural industries, the Supreme Court cautioned that its decision is limited to the facts of the Bowman case and is not a pronouncement regarding all self-replicating products.

In a narrow ruling that reaffirms the scope of patent protection over seeds, and possibly over other self-replicating technologies, the Supreme Court of the United States held that a purchaser of patented seeds may not reproduce them through planting and harvesting without the patent holder’s permission.  Bowman v. Monsanto Co., Case No. 11-796 (Supreme Court May 13, 2013).

In this case, Monsanto had asserted two of its patents that cover genetically modified soybean seeds that are resistant to herbicide (Roundup Ready® seeds).  Monsanto broadly licenses its Roundup Ready® soybean seeds under agreements that specify that the farmer “may not save any of the harvested seeds for replanting, nor may he supply them to anyone else for that purpose.”  Vernon Hugh Bowman is a farmer who purchased soybean seeds from a grain elevator.  Bowman replanted Roundup Ready® seeds in multiple years without Monsanto’s permission.  The district court granted summary judgment of patent infringement against Bowman, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed.  Bowman appealed to the Supreme Court, which granted certiorari.

On appeal, Bowman heavily relied on the “patent exhaustion” doctrine, which provides that the authorized sale of a patented article gives the purchaser or any subsequent owner a right to use or resell that article.  Bowman argued that the authorized sale of the Roundup Ready® seeds exhausted Monsanto’s patent rights in the seeds, because “right to use” in the context of seeds includes planting the seeds and reproducing new seeds.

Patent Implications

Speaking through Justice Kagan, the Supreme Court unanimously affirmed the Federal Circuit’s decision that Bowman’s activities amounted to making new infringing articles.  The Supreme Court held that “the exhaustion doctrine does not enable Bowman to make additional patented soybeans without Monsanto’s permission.”  Specifically, the exhaustion doctrine restricts a patentee’s rights only as to the particular article sold, but “leaves untouched the patentee’s ability to prevent a buyer from making new copies of the patented item.”  The Supreme Court noted that if Bowman’s replanting activities were exempted under the exhaustion doctrine, Monsanto’s patent would provide scant benefit.  After Monsanto sold its first seed, other seed companies could produce the patented seed to compete with Monsanto, and farmers would need to buy seed only once.

In rebuffing Bowman’s argument that he was using the seed he purchased in the manner it was intended to be used, and that therefore exhaustion should apply, the Supreme Court explained that its ruling would not prevent farmers from making appropriate use of the seed they purchase—i.e., to grow a crop of soybeans consistent with the license to do so granted by Monsanto.  However, as the Supreme Court explained “[A]pplying our usual rule in this context . . . will allow farmers to benefit from Roundup Ready, even as it rewards Monsanto for its innovation.”

Tying the Supreme Court’s decision in this case narrowly to seed (as opposed to other self-replicating technologies), Justice Kagan noted that the decision is consistent with the Supreme Court’s 2001 decision in J.E.M. Ag. Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Inc., in which the Supreme Court concluded that seeds (as well as plants) may simultaneously be subject to patent protection and to the narrower protection available under the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA).  PVPA protection permits farmers who legally purchase protected seed to save harvested seed for replanting.  However, reconciling the two forms of protection, Justice Kagan explained, “[I]f a sale [i.e., of a patented seed] cut off the right to control a patented seed’s progeny, then (contrary to J.E.M.) the patentee could not prevent the buyer from saving harvested seed.”

Other Self-Replicating Technologies

The Supreme Court’s decision in Monsanto is, of course, important for agricultural industries.  If extended to other self-replicating technologies, it may also prove important for biotechnology companies and others  that rely on self-replicating technologies, including, for example, companies that own patent rights over viral strains, cell lines, and self-replicating DNA or RNA molecules.  If subsequent cases extend the “no exhaustion” holding of Monsanto to these technologies, patent protection would extend to copies made from the “first generation” product that is obtained through an authorized sale.

However, the Supreme Court cautioned that its decision is limited to “the situation before us” and is not an overarching pronouncement regarding all self-replicating products.  The Supreme Court suggested that its “no exhaustion” ruling might not apply where an article’s self-replication “occur[s] outside the purchaser’s control” or is “a necessary but incidental step in using the item for another purpose,” citing computer software (and a provision of the Copyright Act) as a possible example.  As explained by Justice Kagan, “We need not address here whether or how the doctrine of patent exhaustion would apply in such circumstances.”  In this regard, the Supreme Court particularly noted that “Bowman was not a passive observer of his soybeans’ multiplication.”  Instead, Bowman “controlled the reproduction” of seeds by repeated planting and harvesting.  Thus, the Supreme Court suggests that a purchaser’s “control” over the reproduction process likely will be a key inquiry in considering the patent exhaustion doctrine as it relates to other self-replicating technologies.  Of course, it remains to be seen how broadly lower courts will interpret the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Antitrust Implications

By holding that Monsanto’s restriction on replanting was within the scope of its patent rights, the Supreme Court effectively immunized that restriction from antitrust scrutiny.  Other court decisions have called into question other license restrictions viewed as going beyond the scope of patent protection as being potentially susceptible to an antitrust or patent misuse challenge.

The Supreme Court highlighted its application of the exhaustion doctrine last addressed in Quanta, which held that “the initial authorized sale of a patented item terminates all patent rights in that article.”  This boundary line conventionally demarcated the end of a patent’s protection and the beginning of a potential antitrust minefield.  Some commentators may interpret the Monsanto decision to push that line further out.  Importantly, however, the Supreme Court deemed the seeds at issue to be a “new product.”  So construed, Monsanto’s restriction on replanting did not affect the product’s use, as in Quanta and Univis Lens, but rather came within the well-settled principle that “the exhaustion doctrine does not extend to the right to ‘make’ a new product.”

The Supreme Court not only was doctrinally conservative in its Monsanto decision, it was also careful to explain that its holding is a narrow one.  Monsanto never exhausted its patent rights in the “new” seeds; indeed, it never truly “sold” them.  Rather, Bowman created new seed from seeds that Monsanto had sold.  The decision therefore may not portend a more general inclination to construe the scope of patent protection more broadly.  In fact, the Supreme Court went so far as to clarify that it could reach a different outcome were it presented with a different technology.

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The New Generic Top-Level Domains and the New Trademark Clearinghouse: Deciding Whether to Register Your Brands

Mintz Logo

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”) is the organization that oversees domain names worldwide.  It recently began accepting new applications for expanding the number of generic top-level domains (“gTLDs”) on the Internet. The most popular gTLDs until now have included .com, .info, .org, and .net. With the approval of applications for new gTLDs will come an unlimited number of new opportunities on the Internet for entrepreneurs of all types, including trademark infringers. Thus, trademark owners must make some decisons on how to address this new threat. One possibility is the new Trademark Clearinghouse.

ICANN created the Trademark Clearinghouse (“Clearinghouse”),  which went live on March 26, 2013, in an effort to help trademark owners protect their brands in the midst of this expansion of available gTLDs.  Trademark owners who record their marks with the Clearinghouse under the relevant procedures are entitled to: (1) first priority in registering their recorded marks as second-level domain names under the new gTLDs during the “sunrise” period (which will vary by gTLD but will be at least 30 days before the general public would be permitted to do so), and (2)  receipt of notification when a domain has been registered under any new gTLD that matches the trademark owner’s recorded mark. The ICANN filing fee to record a trademark in the Clearinghouse is $150 (US) for one year, $435 for three years, and $725 for five years.

There is no deadline for recording a trademark with the Clearinghouse, but there are advantages to doing so during the “sunrise” periods. As stated above, recordation during this period provides trademark holders with advanced opportunities to obtain a second-level domain name under one of the new gTLDs before registration is open to the general public, e.g., In addition, during the “trademark claims period,” which will run for at least 90 days after the initial operating period for general domain name registration under a new gTLD, those seeking registration of a domain name that matches a recorded trademark will be notified of the existence of the recorded mark. There is no mechanism in place which will automatically prevent the registration of a domain name matching a recorded trademark. Thus, although someone seeking to register a domain name which matches a recorded trademark may be notified about the existence of the recorded mark, that someone may still register that domain. Should this happen, the owner of the recorded trademark will be notified of the registration and will then have to make a unilateral decision on what action to take, if any, against the registered domain.

For those who have recorded their marks at the Clearinghouse, ICANN provides two global rights protection mechanisms for dealing with allegedly improper domain registrations: (1) the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, and (2)  Uniform Rapid Suspension. Each mechanism operates in a slightly different manner.

Since neither recordation with the Clearinghouse nor any other ICANN procedure actually stops registration of a domain name which matches a recorded trademark, reaction by trademark owners to the Clearinghouse has been mixed. Accordingly, each trademark owner will have to engage in its own cost/benefit analysis and weigh the pros and cons of this new system in deciding whether to record any, all, or some of its trademarks.

Federal Circuit Fails to Clarify Software Patent Eligibility

Neal Gerber

In a highly-anticipated decision that was expected to clarify the test for eligibility of software patents under 35 U.S.C. § 101, in CLS Bank Int’l v. Alice Corp.,1 a divided en banc panel of the Federal Circuit upheld the lower court’s determination that the asserted method, computer-readable medium, and system claims are invalid. In doing so, however, the Federal Circuit further muddied the waters, “propound[ing] at least three incompatible standards, devoid of consensus, serving simply to add to the unreliability and cost of the system of patents as an incentive of innovation.”2 In sorting through the 135 pages of seven different opinions in this decision, at least a few takeaways include: (1) the future of software patents remains uncertain for the time being; (2) until further development, the outcomes of future Federal Circuit cases regarding software patents will vary greatly based on the specific judicial panels deciding the cases; and (3) for now, parties filing and enforcing software patents should consider focusing their subject matter more heavily on system claims and the hardware used in those systems.


At issue were patents directed to “a computerized trading platform used for conducting financial transactions in which a third party settles obligations between a first and a second party so as to eliminate . . . ‘settlement’ risk.”3 Certain of the asserted claims “recite methods of exchanging obligations between parties,” others “are drawn to data processing systems,” and others are directed to “computer-readable media containing a program code for directing an exchange of obligations.”4

CLS Bank filed suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against patent owner Alice Corp. seeking, in pertinent part, a declaratory judgment of patent invalidity under 35 U.S.C. § 101.5 The District Court granted summary judgment that the asserted claims are invalid as being directed to ineligible subject matter (i.e., an abstract idea).6 Alice Corp. appealed to the Federal Circuit, and a three-judge panel reversed the District Court and found all of the asserted claims to be patent eligible.7 The Federal Circuit granted CLS Bank’s petition for rehearing en banc.8

The En Banc Decision

In a one paragraph per curiam opinion, a majority of the en banc panel affirmed the District Court’s holding that the asserted method and computer-readable medium claims are ineligible and invalid under § 101, and because a majority could not be reached with respect to the asserted system claims, the District Court’s determination regarding those claims remained intact, rendering the asserted system claims ineligible and invalid under § 101 as well.9

None of the six remaining opinions garnered a majority of six of the ten judges that sat on the en banc panel.10Accordingly, as best stated by Chief Judge Rader, “though much is published today discussing the proper approach to the patent eligibility inquiry, nothing said today beyond our judgment has the weight of precedent.”11 Thus, the precedential effect of the Federal Circuit’s decision is limited to the asserted claims, with the remaining opinions simply providing insight into the Judges’ different, conflicting proposed approaches to determining patent eligibility.12

Judge Lourie Requires an Inventive Concept

Judge Lourie, joined by four panel members, advocated that a claim embodying an abstract idea is patent eligible under § 101 if that claim includes “additional substantive limitations”—which Judge Lourie termed an “inventive concept”—“that narrow, confine, or otherwise tie down the claim so that, in practical terms, it does not cover the full abstract idea itself.”13In other words, according to Judge Lourie, if a claim includes elements embodying an abstract idea, additional elements of the claim (i.e., those elements not embodying the abstract idea) must include an “inventive concept” for the claim to be patent eligible. With respect to claim directed to computer-implemented inventions, Judge Lourie asserted that “appending generic computer functionality to lend speed or efficiency to the performance of an . . . abstract concept does not meaningfully limit the claim scope for purposes of patentability. . . . [T]he requirement for computer participation . . . fails to supply an ‘inventive concept.’”14

Applying this approach to the asserted claims, Judge Lourie opined that the claims embodied “the abstract idea of reducing settlement risk by effecting trades through a third-party intermediary . . . empowered to verify that both parties can fulfill their obligations before allowing the exchange—i.e., a form of escrow.”15 He found that none of the elements of any of the claims in addition to those embodying the alleged abstract idea, including the structural elements of the system claims,16 include an “inventive concept,” and found all of the asserted claims to be ineligible and invalid under § 10117. Regarding the inclusion of computer functionality in the claims, Judge Lourie stated that “adding generic computer functions to facilitate performance provides no substantial limitation and therefore is not ‘enough’ to satisfy § 101.”18Judge Lourie largely disregarded the format of the claims (i.e., whether the claims were drawn to methods, computer-readable media, or systems), opining that “when § 101 issues arise, the same analysis should apply regardless of claim format.”19

Chief Judge Rader Focuses on Meaningful Limitations

Chief Judge Rader, joined in full by one panel member20 and in part by two other panel members,21 disagreed with Judge Lourie’s requirement of an “inventive concept,”22 and instead advocated that a claim embodying an abstract idea is patent eligible under § 101 if that claim includes “limitations that meaningfully tie that [abstract] idea to a concrete reality or actual application of that idea.”23 With respect to a claim directed to a computer-implemented invention, Chief Judge Rader opined that the claim is patent eligible “where the claim is tied to a computer in such a way that the computer plays a meaningful role in the performance of the claimed invention, and the claim does not pre-empt virtually all uses of an underlying abstract idea.”24

Applying this approach to the asserted system claims, Chief Judge Rader found the system claims to be patent eligible, stating that “the claim covers the use of a computer and other hardware specifically programed to solve a complex problem. . . . The specific functions recited in these claims, which are integral to performing the invention, show that the . . . claims are directed to practical applications of the underlying idea and thus are patent-eligible.”25 Chief Judge Rader stated that the specification “explains implementation of the recited special purpose computer system” and “includes numerous flowcharts that provide algorithm support for the functions recited in the claims,” concluding that “[l]abeling this system claim an ‘abstract concept’ wrenches all meaning from those words, and turns a narrow exception into one which may swallow the expansive rule (and with it much of the investment and innovation in software).”26

Turning to the asserted method claims, Chief Judge Rader stated that the claims embody the abstract idea “of using a neutral intermediary in exchange transactions to reduce risk that one party will not honor the deal, i.e., escrow management.”27 He found the asserted method claims to be ineligible and invalid under § 101 because the recited steps were “inherent in an escrow and claimed at a high level of generality” and did not add any meaningful limitations to the claims.28 Because Alice Corp. conceded that the method claims and the computer-readable medium claims rise or fall together, Chief Judge Rader also found that the asserted computer-readable medium claims were ineligible and invalid under § 101.29

Judge Newman Defers to the Plain Language of the Statute

Judge Newman would abolish the judicially-created exceptions to § 101, and advocated that the Federal Circuit “abandon its failed section 101 ventures into abstraction, preemption, and meaningfulness,” and find that a claim is patent eligible if “the subject matter is within the statutory classes in section 101.”30 In other words, under Judge Newman’s approach, a claim is patent eligible if that claim recites a “process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter,”31 and “claims that are ‘abstract’ or ‘preemptive’“ will be “eliminate[d] . . . on application of the laws of novelty, utility, prior art, obviousness, description, enablement, and specificity.”32 Applying this approach to the asserted claims, Judge Newman found all of the claims to be patent eligible.33 Judge Newman also called for the Federal Circuit to confirm a right of “experimental use of patented information,” which she believes would render it “no longer . . . necessary to resort to the gambit of treating such information as an ‘abstraction’ in order to liberate the subject matter for experimentation.”34

Interestingly, Chief Judge Rader, in his separately-filed additional reflections, seemed to agree with Judge Newman’s adherence to the plain language of the statute, stating: “I doubt innovation is promoted when subjective and empty words like ‘contribution’ or ‘inventiveness’ are offered up by the courts to determine investment, resource allocation, and business decisions. . . . [W]hen all else fails, it makes sense to consult the simplicity, clarity, and directness of the statute.”35

Judge Linn Calls for Congressional Action

Judge Linn addressed the concerns expressed by various Amici “regarding the proliferation and aggressive enforcement of low quality software patents,” opining that “broadening what is a narrow exception to the statutory definition of patent eligibility should not be the vehicle to address these concerns.”36 Rather, Judge Linn called for legislative action, asserting that “Congress can, and perhaps should, develop special rules for software patents.”

A Divided Majority Believes that the Asserted Claims Should Rise or Fall Together

As noted by Judge Lourie, a majority of the en banc panel agreed that, under the particular facts of this case, the asserted method, computer-readable medium, and system claims should rise or fall together. It is important to note, however, that the majority did not agree on why all of the asserted claims should rise or fall together.38 Judge Lourie and those joining his concurring opinion believed that the asserted claims should rise or fall together because they all fail to satisfy his inventive concept test. Judge Linn and Judge O’Malley, on the other hand, believed that the asserted claims should rise or fall together because, based on the record, all of the claims “are grounded by the same meaningful limitations that render them patent eligible.”39 Finally, Judge Newman simply stated that “patent eligibility does not depend on the form of the claim.”40 Since the majority did not agree on why all of the asserted claims should rise or fall together, the fact that they agreed that the claims should rise or fall together in this particular case has no precedential effect.


At the outset, it is important to note that Alice Corp. will almost certainly ask the Supreme Court to hear the case. The combination of the divided nature of this en banc decision, the arguably incompatible Federal Circuit precedent regarding § 101, and the potential impact on the patent system makes it likely that the Supreme Court will hear the case to (hopefully) provide clarity to courts, patent owners, and inventors. Judge Moore aptly summarized the potential impact of this case: “If the reasoning of Judge Lourie’s opinion were adopted, it would decimate the electronics and software industries. . . . There has never been a case which could do more damage to the patent system than this one.”41

In the meantime, during this period of uncertainty, when preparing a patent application directed to an invention implemented in software, the applicant should consider including as much computer hardware as possible in the specification (including the claims) without unduly limiting the invention, and then tying the central software steps and functionality of the invention to those hardware elements. The applicant should also consider including system claims that include the hardware elements and how they interact to perform the software functions within the central portions of the claims.

Additionally, a patentee asserting claims directed to software during litigation should consider only asserting system claims. Although the majority did not agree on the reason why the asserted claims should rise or fall together in this particular case (robbing the decision of any precedential effect), the majority nevertheless appears to believe that claims should rise or fall together. Since method and computer-readable medium claims are more likely to be found invalid than system claims according to this decision, a patentee may not want to risk system claims being found invalid simply because corresponding method and/or computer-readable medium claims are found invalid.

No. 2011-1301, slip op. at 6–7 (Fed. Cir. May 10, 2013) (per curiam). 

Id. at 1–2 (Newman, J., concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part). 

Id. at 2–3 (Lourie, J., concurring) (citing CLS Bank Int’l v. Alice Corp., 768 F. Supp. 2d 221, 224 (D.D.C. 2011)). 

Id. at 3–4. 

Id. at 4 (Rader, C.J., concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part) (citing CLS Bank Int’l, 768 F. Supp. 2d at 221). 



The Federal Circuit granted the petition for rehearing en banc to address the following two questions:

a.     What test should the court adopt to determine whether a computer-implemented invention is a patent ineligible “abstract idea”; and when, if ever, does the presence of a computer in a claim lend patent eligibility to an otherwise patent-ineligible idea?

        b.     In assessing patent eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 of a computer-implemented invention, should it matter whether the invention is claimed as a method, system, or storage medium; and should such claims at all times be considered equivalent for § 101 purposes?
Id. at 4 (quoting CLS Bank Int’l v. Alice Corp., 484 F. App’x. 559 (Fed. Cir. 2012)). 

Id. at 6–7 (per curiam). Chief Judge Rader, Judge Dyk, Judge Lourie, Judge Moore, Judge Prost, Judge Reyna, and Judge Wallach determined that the asserted method and computer-readable medium claims are ineligible and invalid under § 101. Judge Dyk, Judge Lourie, Judge Prost, Judge Reyna, and Judge Wallach found that the asserted system claims are ineligible and invalid under § 101, while Chief Judge Rader, Judge Linn, Judge Moore, Judge Newman, and Judge O’Malley determined that the asserted system claims are patent eligible. 

10 Judge Taranto did not participate in the decision. Id. at 6. 

11 Id. at 1–2 n.1 (Rader, C.J., concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part) (emphasis added). 

12 Note that Chief Judge Rader wrote separately to express his dismay at the outcome. Id. (Rader, C.J., additional reflections).

13 Id. at 17–22 (Lourie, J., concurring). Judges Dyk, Prost, Reyna, and Wallach joined Judge Lourie’s opinion. 

14 Id. at 27. 

15 Id. at 25. 

16 Id. at 34 (The “tangible devices . . . , including at least ‘a computer’ and ‘a data storage unit’” recited in the claims “cannot support any meaningful distinction from the computer-based limitations that failed to supply an ‘inventive concept’ to the related method claims.”). 

17 Id. at 26–29, 31, 36. 

18 Id. at 28. 

19 Id. at 33. 

20 Judge Moore filed a separate dissenting-in-part opinion, joined by Chief Judge Rader and Judges Linn and O’Malley, “to explain why the system claims at issue are directed to patent eligible subject matter.” Id. at 4 (Moore, J., dissenting-in-part). 

21 Judges Linn and O’Malley did not join in the portion of Chief Judge Rader’s opinion that found the asserted method and computer-readable medium claims to be ineligible and invalid under § 101. Id. at 1–2 (Linn, J., dissenting). Judge Linn filed a separate dissenting opinion, joined by Judge O’Malley, that found the asserted method and computer-readable medium claims to be patent eligible. Id. at 11–12. 

22 Id. at 5–11, 22 n.5 (Rader, C.J., concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part). 

23 Id. at 16. 

24 Id. at 22. 

25 Id. at 31, 35. 

26 Id. at 31–32, 34. 

27 Id. at 39–40. 

28 Id. at 40–42. 

29 Id. at 39, 42. 

30 Id. at 11–13 (Newman, J., concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part). 

31 35 U.S.C. § 101. 

32 CLS Bank Int’l, No. 2011-1301, slip op. at 4 (Newman, J., concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part). 

33 Id. at 14. 

34 Id. at 9–10. 

35 Id. at 5 (Rader, C.J., additional reflections). 

36 Id. at 12–13 (Linn, J., dissenting). 

37 Id. at 13. 

38 Id. at 2 n.1 (Lourie, J., concurring). 

39 Id. at 1–2 (Linn, J., dissenting). 

40 Id. at 4 (Newman, J., concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part). 

41 Id. at 2–3 n.1 (Moore, J., dissenting-in-part). Judge Moore explicitly requested that the Supreme Court provide guidance on this issue: “It has been a very long time indeed since the Supreme Court has taken a case which contains patent eligible claims. This case presents the opportunity for the Supreme Court to distinguish between claims that are and are not directed to patentable subject matter.” Id. at 3.

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International Trade Commission Rules Lack of Domestic Industry Results in a Termination of Investigation


The International Trade Commission (ITC) is an independent, quasi-judicial agency that adjudicates the importation of products that allegedly infringe U.S. intellectual property rights. The ITC can halt the importation of goods that infringe U.S. patents and/or trademarks, and thus is an effective tool for obtaining a relatively rapid determination of infringement (one year) and an exclusion order. One of the requirements for such an order is to prove harm to a domestic industry. The following case (ITC investigation 337-TA-874) is an example of one way that such an investigation can be defeated.

In a recent decision, the ITC ordered an investigation into whether certain laminated products infringed the claims of a nonpracticing entity’s (NPE) patent. In initiating the investigation, the ITC ordered the administrative law judge (ALJ) overseeing the investigation to hold a preliminary hearing and to issue a decision as to whether the NPE has the required domestic industry in the United States to bring an investigation before the ITC. A finding of a lack of domestic industry would result in a termination of the investigation, as the NPE would not have standing with the ITC. This is a departure from current ITC practice, and it may provide an effective tool for preventing NPEs from bringing frivolous suits before the ITC.

Under 19 U.S.C. § 1337(a), the ITC has jurisdiction to hear matters in which a party alleging infringement (the complainant) has, or is in the process of establishing, a domestic industry in the United States. The determination of domestic industry is a two-prong test. The first prong, referred to as the “technical prong,” requires the complainant to show that it is practicing a valid claim of each asserted patent in a product sold in the United States. The analysis of the technical prong is similar to an infringement analysis, in which each claim is compared to the domestic product.1 The second prong of the test, referred to as the “economic prong,” requires the complainant to demonstrate “(a) a significant investment in plant and equipment, (b) significant employment of labor and capital, or (c) a substantial investment in its exploitation, including engineering, research and development, or licensing.”2

The complaint in the present investigation (337-TA-874) was brought by Lamina Packaging Innovations, an NPE, against a group of companies including Hasbro, John Jameson Import Company, Cognac Ferrand USA, Inc. and Camus Wines & Spirits Group. In the investigation, Lamina Packaging alleged that the respondents were infringing two of Lamina’s patents directed to a packaging material. In initiating the investigation, the ITC ordered the ALJ to issue an initial determination as to whether Lamina has satisfied the economic prong of the domestic industry requirement. Further, the ITC stated that the initial determination would become the ITC’s final determination 30 days after the date of service of the initial determination. Accordingly, a finding of no domestic industry by the ALJ would result in a termination of the investigation. The ITC ordered the ALJ to issue a decision on domestic industry within 100 days from the institution of the investigation.

Typically, lack of domestic industry is an affirmative defense presented by a respondent. The new ruling by the ITC may allow respondents to terminate ITC investigations early, opposed to the current practice that requires respondents to endure a summary judgment motion or a trial before a domestic industry decision is rendered. As more NPEs file complaints with the ITC in an attempt to “test run” future district court cases, this recent decision may greatly reduce the number of NPE cases filed with the ITC.

1 Alloc, Inc. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 342 F.3d 1361, 1375 (Fed. Cir. 2003).

2 19 U.S.C. § 1337(b).

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False Marking Claims Must Be Pled with Specificity as to Intent


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit settled a split among the district courts when it held that false patent marking claims must be pled with particularity under Fed. R. of Civ. Pro. 9(b).   In granting the defendant’s petition for a writ of mandamus, the Federal Circuit held that the district court should have dismissed a false marking complaint for failure to plead, with particularity, the circumstances of defendant’s alleged intent to deceive the public.   In re BP Lubricants USA Inc., Misc. Docket No. 960 (Fed. Cir., Mar. 15, 2011) (Linn, J.).

The plaintiff had included in its complaint allegations that BP was a “sophisticated company” having experience applying for, obtaining and litigating patents.   Based on that categorization, the plaintiff claimed BP “knew or should have known” that the patent had expired.   The district court concluded that the complaint satisfied the requirements of Rule 9(b) because it had pled the who, how, what and when of the alleged fraud.  BP sought mandamus at the Federal Circuit.

The Federal Circuit clarified that in all cases sounding of fraud or mistake, Rule 9(b) requires the plaintiff to plead “with particularity the circumstances constituting the fraud or mistake.”   The Court noted that Rule 9(b) acts as a “safety valve to assure that only viable claims alleging fraud or mistake are allowed to proceed to discovery.   … Permitting a false marking complaint to proceed without meeting the particularity requirement of Rule 9(b) would sanction discovery and adjudication for claims that do little more than speculate that the defendant engaged in more than negligent action.” The Court stated that the district court erred in denying BP’s motion to dismiss because it expressly relied on the plaintiff’s general allegations that BP knew or should have known that the patent expired. The Court explained that a complaint must provide some objective indication to reasonably infer that the defendant was aware that the patent expired.  Accordingly, general allegations that the defendant is a “sophisticated company” and that it “knew or should have known” that the patent expired are insufficient under Rule 9(b).

The Court went further and provided exemplary allegations with which a court may reasonably infer an intent to deceive, “[alleging that a] defendant [had] sued a third party for infringement of a patent after the patent had, e.g., expired or made multiple revisions of the marking after expiration” may set forth facts upon which intent to deceive can be reasonably inferred.


Replication without Human Intervention: Lessons from Monsanto v. Bowman


Until now, the practicing of an invention needed some direct form of human action; someone was needed to “do something” to bring the invention into existence, as well as replicate it by making more (in the case of a physical object) or performing it again (in the case of a method). However, this may no longer be necessary in all instances. At least in the case of some biological technologies, once an invention has been created by a human, further human intervention may no longer be needed for replicating the invention. In these instances, does a patent owner lose the right to exclude future uses, sales, offers for sale or importations of such an invention?

In Monsanto v. Bowman, the Supreme Court is poised to bring some clarity to this question. Monsanto Company designs and manufactures herbicide-resistant soybean seeds and related technology. Monsanto sold patented seeds to farmers for growing and resale as commodity items to be used in such things as public-school lunches and animal feed. Such sales were made under license agreements that allowed the beans to be sold without any ongoing restrictions on the use of those beans.

Vernon Bowman is a soybean farmer. Bowman purchased these beans and replanted them as second-generation seeds, which were the products of seeds purchased from a licensed Monsanto technology distributor.

Monsanto sued Bowman for patent infringement, arguing that the beans were products of Monsanto’s patented herbicide-resistant seeds and that, by planting them instead of purchasing new seeds, Bowman violated the Monsanto Technology Agreement for the seeds. The U.S. District Court found that Bowman’s activities infringed upon Monsanto’s patent and awarded damages to Monsanto for violation of its patented technology. The Federal Circuit agreed and upheld the decision, holding that Monsanto’s patent covered both the original seeds and a product of the original seeds, such as those second-generation beans grown by Bowman.

Bowman appealed, arguing that, under the doctrine of patent exhaustion, Monsanto’s patent rights were exhausted upon its initial sale of the seeds that Bowman later purchased from the licensed distributor, and that use of progeny seeds is an expected use of the product. In response, Monsanto argued that in the case of self-replicating technologies, such as seeds that grow and produce more seeds, the patent extends to the underlying technology (i.e., herbicide resistance) and not only to the seed itself.

The important question raised in this case is whether an exception to the doctrine of patent exhaustion for self-replicating technologies is needed and/or warranted. While this question is clearly important to the biotechnology and agricultural industries, it also has the potential to significantly affect the software and robotics industries. For example, as robotics and artificial intelligence become increasingly sophisticated in their abilities to adapt and “grow,” it does not seem too outlandish to think that, one day, these may also become self-replicating technologies.

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Early Patent Trial and Appeal Board Orders Demonstrate Differences Between America Invents Act (AIA) Patent Trials and District Court Trials

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Patent practitioners are still absorbing some of the differences and advantages that are unique to litigation in the PTAB as opposed to district court litigation.  For example, PTAB proceedings only decide questions of validity and are not directed to rule on questions of infringement or damages, as is the practice in traditional litigation.  Another example is that PTAB trials require that the petitioner provide a lot of technical arguments and factual evidence in the original petition, as opposed to traditional litigation where parties make sure they have a good faith basis to sue and then rely on discovery to later develop the case.  Thus, a petition for review of patentability in PTAB practice is more akin to a summary judgment motion than a complaint in trial practice.  But a PTAB petition is still very different than a summary judgment motion.  And these differences can be exploited to more inexpensively and quickly resolve validity issues.

In considering summary judgment, a judge must decide if there is “no genuine dispute as to any material fact,” as set forth in FRCP Rule 56.  In contrast, the technical patent judges on the Board can decide technical disputes instantly and can resolve disputes of technical and legal nature.  PTAB panels use their technical and patent law experience to quickly identify dispositive issues and focus the parties on how their respective positions are being viewed by the Board early in the proceedings.  This means that PTAB trials will put a premium on identification of technical defects in patents early in the proceedings, as opposed to traditional litigation approaches that favor discovery before attempting summary judgment or that shy away from summary judgment as a mechanism for resolution of complex technical disputes.

Examples of the Board’s unique capabilities are already being demonstrated in recent orders.  For example, in an inter partes review by Chimei Innolux Corporation against Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co.,Ltd. concerning U.S. Patent No. 8,068,204 (IPR2013-00068), the Board squarely addressed technical disputes between what the petition asserted versus what the patent owner’s preliminary statement set forth when the Board decided to institute trial.

The Board took great care to understand and sift through extremely technical differences between the claimed subject matter and the prior art as it was characterized by the parties.  This is a highly complicated task, because the patent relates to improvements for substrate bonding and electrical connections in liquid-crystal displays and because the parties were advancing very technical arguments on both sides of the validity issue.  In this early order to institute trial the Board construed a phrase from the claims and used that construction to decide the merits of the positions taken by the petitioner and patent owner.  The Board then considered technical arguments made by both parties, such as whether a reference used in combination in an obviousness challenge teaches away from the combination (page 15), or whether it would have been obvious to employ a known (contact) structure (page 18).  The Board decided that certain arguments were not persuasive and used the order to focus the parties on the issues it ruled upon.  The following excerpt from pages 19-21 of the the order instituting trial demonstrates the attention to detail that the Board is devoting to these proceedings:

SEL responds that “[. . .] a person of ordinary skill in the art does not know whether an insulating film (first insulating film) is formed between the bottom layer of the first wiring line 127 (formed in the step of forming the scanning lines Yj) and the top layer of the first wiring line 127 (formed in the step of forming the data lines Xi).” (Prelim. Resp. 31.) According to SEL, Shiba’s “‘two-layered structure’” might be “sequentially stacked” without an insulating layer therebetween. (Id.) As noted, claim 31 requires such an intervening insulating layer.

SEL’s argument is not persuasive. Shiba implies or suggests that the two wiring layers in the two-layered structure 127, formed in the same manner as the two-layered scanning and data lines as the quoted passage shows, have an insulating layer therebetween just like the scanning and data lines. [cite omitted]  [. . .  .]  Skilled artisans also would have understood that overlapping portions readily could have been “partially connected” together by known methods, including using a connecting hole through such an insulating layer. [cite omitted]

Because the two-layered structure in Shiba’s lines 127 connect to pad 751, SEL maintains that under various hypothetical scenarios, pad 751 also must have a two-layered structure, and as such, with Sukegawa’s transparent layer modified to be on Shiba’s pad as CMI proposes in its ground of unpatentability, the pad structure would become a three-layered structure. . . .  SEL also argues that the Petition inconsistently conflates or interchanges Sukegawa’s transparent layer and the top layer of Shiba’s two-layered wiring structure 127, and thereby fails to show how the combination renders obvious the external connection line and transparent conductive film as recited in claims 31 and 54. (See Prelim. Resp. 25-26.)

It is clear from the analysis set forth by the Board that it is not afraid to weigh in on very technical issues and clarify how it perceives the arguments.  Of course, the preliminary response by the patent owner is considered a first initial response and is not a comprehensive response with evidence.  Therefore, the Board’s institution of trial is based on limited argument and is well before the patent owner has had an opportunity to fully respond.  But this process focuses the parties on issues that the Board (at least initially) perceives to be negative to the patent.  It is a preliminary ruling on the disputed issues by the Board that will shape discovery to come, as opposed to traditional litigation where discovery often leads and shapes the issues brought before the court.

Parties who believe that an asserted patent has validity issues may find it difficult to challenge disputed technical issues in summary judgment motion practice.  Validity issues are frequently accompanied with fact questions and in litigation there is a clear and convincing standard for invalidity that makes it hard to prove invalidity.  And it is unlikely that counsel will recommend a motion for summary judgment before conducting at least some discovery.  In contrast, in patent reviews and reexaminations the burden of proof is based on a preponderance of the evidence and can be done without discovery.  Given the different standards and the costs of e-discovery, there are significant advantages to the PTAB patent review option for defendants with genuine validity arguments.  But one must be careful to choose the PTAB trial option carefully to avoid estoppel should the proceeding not result in destruction of the relevant patent claims.

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Progressive Casualty Litigation Stayed Pending Outcome of Liberty Mutual Covered Business Method Patents

Schwegman Lundberg Woessner

Progressive Casualty Insurance Co. sued different insurance companies for patent infringement of 5 of its patents in 2010-2012 in the Northern District of Ohio.  (Cases 1:10CV01370 and 1:11CV00082 against Safeco; Case 1:12CV01068 against State Farm; and Case 1:12CV01070 against Hartford.)  One of the defendants is Safeco Insurance Company, which has Liberty Mutual as its parent.  In 2012 and 2013 Liberty Mutual filed ten covered business method patent review (CBM) petitions (two CBM petitions were filed per patent).  Eight of these ten petitions were instituted for trial and two petitions were denied, but each of the five patents has at least one CBM where trial was instituted by the PTAB.

Liberty Mutual and the remaining defendants moved to stay the litigation based on the CBMs instituted.  Progressive opposed the motion to stay.  The District Court heard oral arguments on April 11, 2013, and granted the motion stay on April 17, 2013.

The court used a four-factor test set forth in the AIA section pertaining to CBMs (AIA § 18(b)(1), P.L. 112-29, 125 Stat. 284, 331):

  • (1) whether a stay, or the denial thereof, will simplify the issues in question and streamline the trial;
  • (2) whether discovery is complete and whether a trial date has been set;
  • (3) whether a stay, or the denial thereof, would unduly prejudice the nonmoving party or present a clear tactical advantage for the moving party; and
  • (4) whether a stay, or the denial thereof, will reduce the burden of litigation on the parties and on the court.

It is interesting that the Liberty Mutual litigation was previously stayed pending the outcome of ex parte reexaminations, yet the Court found the benefits of inter partes covered business method review compelling enough to order another stay pending the outcome of the PTAB trials.  Some of these benefits observed by the Court include:

  • CBM proceedings are inter partes rather than ex parte, which allows Liberty mutual “a better platform to advocate its interests.”
  • CBM proceedings are “presided over by a panel of three administrative judges whom are required to have ‘competent legal knowledge and scientific ability,’ 35 U.S.C. § 6(a), as opposed to a single patent examiner.”
  • To institute CBM review, the petitioner must show the claims are likely invalid, 35 U.S.C. § 324(a), which is more onerous than meeting the “substantial new question of patentability” standard required to initiate ex parte reexaminations.
  • The Court also found the short timeline of the CBM proceedings (to be completed within 18 months of institution of trial), to be attractive and likely to decide issues before the Court.

For further information the order for stay provides the details of the Court’s findings and has a detailed table attached at the last page showing the different CBMs and their status.

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“Innovation Meets Insight:” An Intellectual Property Expert’s Take on the Revised America Invents Act (AIA)

The National Law Review a top volume legal news website

Speaking of the latest developments in the legal field, legislation for the Leahy-Smith American America Invents Act (“AIA” or “Act”) was signed by President Obama and passed in September of 2011 and has gone into full implementation this past March. The Act massively overhauls U.S. patent laws and sets forth the most comprehensive, sweeping changes to the U.S. patent system since 1836.

In an exciting era for intellectual property, David Kappos, one of the world’s leading experts on intellectual property law and a partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, recently sat down with me to discuss the revisions to the AIA and their implications. Mr. Kappos ended his term as director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) this past January, where he acted as advisor to the president on intellectual property policy matters. He will serve as keynote speaker for the upcoming 13th Annual SuperConference, where he will present the new-and-improved AIA to an audience of senior-level legal professionals. In doing so, Mr. Kappos will introduce a revolutionary patent system in which “innovation meets insight.”

However, the AIA almost did not materialize due to its largely stagnated history. Initial calls for changes to the patent system began in the 1980s, but negotiations for the actual legislation did not start until 2001. Mr. Kappos was in private practice at that time and helped with the negotiations. It took nearly five session of Congress for the legislation to finally gain approval.

The ensuing legislation affects many tenants of the patent system. Among the most prominent amendments to the Act is the U.S.’s conversion from a first-to-invent system to a first-to-file system, resulting in the first inventor to file an application with the USPTO for the claimed invention to be granted the patent. In addition, improvements have been made to the post-grant challenge system, resulting in the ability of an inventor to appeal to the USPTO to reconsider any issues related to granting approval of a patent.

According to Mr. Kappos, the AIA espouses a modern, pro-innovation outlook that has “leapfrogged” legislation. The patent system tends to treat innovation as highly valuable and offers incentives. For example, the U.S. now retains an interest-based system for enabling third parties to participate in the patent process.

The Act’s pervasiveness has led to progress and evolution in numerous industries. Mr. Kappos identified the life sciences and pharmaceutical sectors of the business community, which among other fields, have been granted supplemental examination, thus enabling patent owners to request timely additional examination of their inventions by the USPTO for further consideration. The finance and banking industry is expected to progress, due to the covered business method which permits parties to request a post-grant review hearing, providing patent owners an alternative to litigation for challenging a decision related to a patent. For small inventors, a new category has been carved into the Act for 75% off of fees owed to the USPTO associated with obtaining a patent.

Mr. Kappos believes that the legislation will overall bring more clarity to the U.S. innovation system. He characterized the AIA as a “more streamlined and effective way to perfect your innovations.” Any person or business seeking a patent will find a more clear, efficient and cost-effective arrangement in the AIA.

As far as the legal community catching up to the legislation, Mr. Kappos points out that there are numerous changes in the law and recommends attorneys read about the Act and focus on the modifications. The revisions are also great fodder for exchanging ideas and asking questions to other members of the IP field because there are multiple angles to look at.

Overall, Mr. Kappos has said that progress in terms of innovation is amazing and things that were unimaginable five to ten years ago are now possible due to invention and technology. He is optimistic about the future and the ability of technology to change the equation. In his own words,  “Through innovation we — humanity — has the ability to meet and overcome our most critical challenges. And when you talk about innovation, you are talking about invention and insight.  And following that thread, there is only one system of laws that protects invention, incenting it and encouraging creative people to spend their resources on it.  That one system of laws: the patent system.”


Petitioner Allowed to Submit Supplemental Information After Institution of Covered Business Method Patent Trial and Appeal Board Trial

Schwegman Lundberg Woessner

In Interthinx, Inc. v. Corelogic Solutions, LLC (CBM2012-000007), the Petitioner (Interthinx) was allowed to submit supplemental information under 37 C.F.R. § 42.223 after trial was instituted in this covered business method patent review (CBM).  Trial was instituted by the PTAB on January 31, 2013.  On February 27, 2013, Interthinx filed a Request for Authorization to File Motion to Submit Supplemental Information Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.223.  Corelogic sought to oppose the Petitioner’s request and motion.  Corelogic requested authorization to oppose Petitioner’s motion to supplement the record.  The PTAB denied Corelogic’s request and granted Petitioner’s request.

The supplemental information included testimony by the inventor (Dr. Jost) in an action styled Corelogic Information Solutions, Inc. v. Fiserv, Inc. et al. (1:10-CV-132-RSP)(E.D. Texas).  The PTAB reasoned that the Corelogic v. Fiserv trial occurred after the petition in the instant action was filed, and therefore the information from Dr. Jost was not available at the time the petition was filed.   The Petitioner also sought to submit testimony of another inventor (Krishna Gopinathan) taken in a depostion before the trial.  The inventors’ testimony relates to what the inventors invented, which the PTAB found to be directly related to an issue for which the trial was instituted.

The PTAB concluded the order by granting the Petitioner’s motion to submit supplemental information.  The order was entered April 16, 2013 as paper number 28.

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