Biden Administration to Open New For-Profit Immigrant Detention Center in Pennsylvania

After Pennsylvania’s York County prison dissolved its contract with Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) in August, it was announced that a new immigration detention center will be opened in Clearfield County. The Clearfield County Board of Commissioners approved and signed a five-year contract with ICE and the GEO Group.

Clearfield County Immigration Detention Center

The prison, which operates for-profit, will convert the former Clearfield County Prison facility into a detention center to process individuals in violation of federal immigration laws. The prison can house roughly 1,900 immigrant detainees, but due to COVID-19 safety requirements, no more than 800 members will be held. “The beds will hold adults. There will not be any children. Primarily males, with some room for females,” said John Sibel, a Clearfield County Commissioner.

Training for prison employees is due to start soon, and the facility is expected to be in full operation within the next two months. Upgrades to the prison’s fencing and other areas will be underway soon.

GEO Group Detention Center and Clearfield County

GEO Group, a private company that ran the former Moshannon Valley Correctional Center, also owns the facility in Philipsburg. The correctional center, a federal prison, was closed in March this year. The closure impacted 300 employees, causing job loss in an already economically disadvantaged area.

Unlike York County, where the facility housed both immigrant detainees and other incarcerated people, the converted facility will house only immigrant detainees. Sibel said, “[t]he signing of the contract guarantees now that property tax revenues will continue to come to Clearfield County, Decatur Township, and the Philipsburg-Osceola School District.”

Safety Concerns for Local Residents

Residents of Clearfield County raised safety concerns over the new facility. However, Sibel reassured them that the GEO Group, which is responsible for running the facility, is in the process of upgrading the perimeter, and will transport immigrants who are released to the locations where they want to return.

“A lot of the folks that will be there, that will go through the processing center, will be there because they violate federal immigration laws, but they won’t necessarily have committed a criminal act… that would have caused them to be in the old prison,” Sibel said.

ICE’s Priorities Guidelines to Be Enforced

The Action field office director Brian McShane said that individuals held in the facility will fall under ICE’s enforcement priorities guidelines. Those priorities are focused on national security, border security, and public safety. “They will have their due process in immigration court if that’s what the law calls for while we go through the process to attempt to effectuate their removal,” he added.

©2021 Norris McLaughlin P.A., All Rights Reserved

Country-Specific International Travel Restrictions Will Be Rescinded November 8, 2021

Beginning November 8, 2021, international travelers subject to CDC country-specific travel restrictions will be able to resume travel to the U.S. without applying for an exemption. The current travel restrictions apply to certain travelers from China, Iran, the European Schengen area (the EU), the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Brazil, South Africa and India, and prohibit a foreign national who does not qualify for an exemption from traveling to the U.S. if they have been physically present in one of the designated countries 14 days in advance of their arrival to the U.S. These restrictions will be rescinded and replaced by new travel restrictions based on individual vaccination status:

  • Beginning November 8, 2021, all adult foreign national (i.e. non-immigrant, non-citizen) travelers will be required to prove that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 3 days of boarding a flight to the United States. There will be very limited exceptions to this policy.
  • U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will still be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 3 days of boarding a flight to the United States.
  • U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who are not fully vaccinated, or who cannot provide proof of full vaccination, will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 1 day of boarding a flight to the United States.
  • Airlines will verify a traveler’s negative COVID-19 test result and vaccination status.
  • Airlines will be required to collect comprehensive contact information for every passenger arriving in the United States, and provide that information to the CDC on request, and will be required to contact travelers who have been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Children under 18 are exempted from the vaccination requirement.
  • Children between 2 and 17 must present a negative COVID-19 test result.
    • If traveling with vaccinated adult, the 3-day testing requirement applies.
    • If traveling alone, or with unvaccinated individuals, a 1-day testing requirement applies.
  • Proof of vaccination must be a paper or digital record issued by an official source with the traveler’s name and date of birth, and the name and date of the administered vaccine doses.
  • Land travel at the U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico borders is permitted for all fully vaccinated travelers, regardless of purpose of travel. Unvaccinated travelers must continue to demonstrate that their purpose of travel is essential. The essential travel requirement for unvaccinated travelers remains in effect through January 21, 2022. After January 21, 2022, all foreign national travelers, whether entering for essential or non-essential reasons, must be fully vaccinated.
  • Limited exceptions will be provided for the following classes of non-citizen, non-immigrant travelers:
    • Persons on diplomatic or official foreign government travel
    • Children under 18 years of age
    • Persons with documented medical contraindications to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine
    • Participants in certain COVID-19 vaccine trials
    • Persons issued a humanitarian or emergency exception
    • Persons with valid visas [excluding B-1 (business) or B-2 (tourism) visas] who are citizens of a foreign country with limited COVID-19 vaccine availability
    • Members of the U.S. Armed Forces or their spouses or children (under 18 years of age)
    • Sea crew members traveling with to a C-1 and D nonimmigrant visa
    • Persons whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, Secretary of Transportation, or Secretary of Homeland Security (or their designees)
  • Exempted travelers must take a viral test within 3-5 days of arrival and self-quarantine for a full seven days regardless of test result. For those who intend to stay in the U.S. for 60 days or longer, they must become fully vaccinated within 60 days of arrival or as soon as medically appropriate.

This is welcome news for international travelers from the 33 countries affected by the travel restrictions who have not been able to qualify for an exemption. Under the current travel restrictions, set to expire November 8, 2021, U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents and their spouses are exempt, as well as parents of U.S. citizen minor children (under age 21). Otherwise, affected travelers must apply for a National Interest Exemption through a U.S. Consulate abroad.

For more information on the new travel policies, please view this information from the Department of State and the CDC.

© 2021 Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone PLC

For more articles on immigration, visit the NLR Immigration section

Immigration and Compliance Briefing: Fall Travel & COVID-19 Policy Update

On October 25, 2021, the Biden Administration issued a Presidential Proclamation to lift the travel bans which currently restrict entry into the U.S. directly from specific geographic areas (for a full list of restricted countries, see our prior client alert here), to be effective November 8, 2021. Instead of banning entry from specific locations abroad, the U.S. will utilize vaccine status-based restrictions for incoming travelers entering the country as noncitizen nonimmigrants (i.e., temporary visa holders or visa-free travelers). Once the new rules go into effect, most travelers will be required to provide proof of being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 prior to boarding an airplane, regardless of recent travel history (“fully vaccinated” refers to individuals who received the final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine more than 14 days prior).

Currently, the list of acceptable vaccines approved/authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO), are as follows:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech

  • Moderna

  • Johnson & Johnson

  • Oxford-AstraZeneca/Covishield

  • Sinopharm

  • Sinovac

  • Mixed doses comprising of any two authorized/approved vaccines

As additional vaccines receive authorization/approval by either the FDA or WHO, it is anticipated that they will be added to the list of acceptable vaccines. In addition, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control will implement contact-tracing protocols. Mask mandates for airlines and airports, as well as the pre-travel negative COVID-19 test requirements, will remain in place until at least mid-January.

Exceptions include, but are not limited to, the following types of noncitizen nonimmigrants:

  • Certain noncitizen nonimmigrants traveling in an official capacity (i.e., foreign government officials and their family, individuals entering pursuant to a NATO visa classification, or individuals traveling pursuant to the United Nations Headquarters Agreement)

  • Children under the age of eighteen (18) years

  • Individuals participating in COVID-19 clinical trials*

  • Individuals unable to receive the vaccine due to a medical contraindication, as determined by the CDC

  • Individuals unable to receive the vaccine due to unavailability in their country of residence who are seeking to enter the U.S. on a nonimmigrant visa except B-1/B-2

  • Members of the U.S. Armed Forces

  • Sea crew members

  • Individuals whose entry is in the national interest

  • Individuals granted exceptions for humanitarian or emergency reasons

*The CDC will determine the qualifying criteria for individuals seeking to enter under this exception.

In addition to the restrictions above, all unvaccinated travelers traveling to the U.S. must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within one day of travelThis requirement includes unvaccinated U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (“green card” holders).

Vaccinated U.S. citizens and Green Card holders must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test within three days of travel.

Finally, additional measures may be required for certain types of travelers, including self-quarantine and vaccination within sixty (60) days of entry.

This policy will remain in place for an initial period of sixty (60) days and may be renewed on a monthly basis after that.

U.S. Land Border Updates

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it will lift travel restrictions for land and ferry border crossings from Canada and Mexico in two phases, beginning November 8, 2021. Instead of keeping the land borders closed to nonessential travel, the Biden administration will implement the same policy as for air travel. Beginning November 8, nonessential travel will be permitted for fully vaccinated individuals, as described above. Nonessential travel will continue to be permitted regardless of vaccination status. However, beginning in early January 2022, all individuals entering the U.S. via the land border or ferry will be required to be fully vaccinated. This decision will permit nonessential travel via the land border between Canada and Mexico for the first time since March 21, 2020.

Vaccine Requirement for Individuals Seeking Permanent Immigrant Status

Effective October 1, 2021, applicants for immigrant status (i.e., a “green card”) in the U.S. who are subject to submitting Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record must be fully vaccinated as described above against COVID-19, before a civil surgeon designated by the Immigration Service can complete and sign the Form I-693 medical exam.

Waivers may be granted in certain circumstances, including where the COVID-19 vaccine is:

  • Not age appropriate;

  • Contraindicated due to a medical condition;

  • Not routinely available where the civil surgeon practices; or

  • Limited in supply and would cause significant delay for the applicant to receive the vaccination.

    © 1998-2021 Wiggin and Dana LLP

For more articles on COVID-19 Immigration, visit the NLR Immigration section.

How the Labor Shortage is Impacting the Supply Chain: Would Immigration Reform Help?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present challenges to the US economy, labor shortages are contributing to the ongoing supply chain disruptions facing many industries. Companies are finding it difficult to find the right candidates for the jobs they’re looking to fill while millions of Americans are quitting their jobs or threatening to strike or walking out for better working conditions.

One industry in particular affected by the labor shortages brought on by COVID-19 is the   shipping and warehousing industry. At the Port of Los Angeles, for example, there aren’t enough workers to unload goods from ships, causing shipping delays across the US. Additionally, a shortage of truck drivers is contributing to the problem. Ninety percent of leaders who spoke to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said labor shortages are impacting economic growth in some areas.

To help remedy the problem, President Joe Biden announced the Port of Los Angeles will be open 24/7, with logistics companies FedEx and UPS making similar pledges. Another potential solution is increasing immigration through offering more worker visas in order to bring in more workers to the country.

Difficulty Hiring During COVID-19: Labor & Visa Shortages

US Chamber of Commerce Chief Policy Officer Neil Bradley told CNN Business that immigration is one of the key ways to solve the labor shortage. However, despite immigration’s potential to add additional employees to the workforce, the number of immigrants US employers can hire has remained flat. Additionally, while there are options for workers with a high level of education, there aren’t as many visa options for employers needing seasonal or temporary worker visas or workers in many service industry roles.

The Chamber of Commerce requested Congress and the White House to double the cap on employment-based visas, specifically to double H-1B temporary worker visas and H-2B visas for seasonal workers.

“When we see these workforce gaps in the nonprofessional roles for instance, US companies are not typically able to turn to the US immigration system to help fill that need,”  said Caroline Tang, immigration shareholder in the Austin office of Ogletree Deakins.  “Across the board, there’s just a tighter labor market now in terms of candidate availability, people willing to do certain types of work or wanting to come back to work in environments where they will be more physically closer to other people, which oftentimes are the roles that really heavily impact our supply chain.”

Also contributing to the ongoing supply chain disruptions is the labor shortage that’s impacting  a wide variety of industries. Some of the factors impacting the labor market during the COVID-19 pandemic include the demand for higher wages as the prices for goods and services rises, as well as better benefits and protections for workers. Additionally, some workers aren’t able to come back to work because they’re taking care of family members sick with COVID-19, or are sick with the virus themselves or childcare problems. Many workers are also leaving their jobs in record numbers, and are delaying coming back to work. For example, in August, 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs.

“I think everyone has been impacted by the Great Resignation as people are calling it. And certainly, that has impacted a lot of the industries that impact our supply chain and a lot of areas in the US,” Ms. Tang said.

Specifically, Ms. Tang said the semiconductor industry in particular is impacted by the labor and supply chain shortages. The shortage is expected to last until 2022 and beyond, and impacts a variety of industries from the automotive industry to appliances and toothbrushes.

“I work extensively in the semiconductor industry. They have definitely been impacted by pandemic related supply chain issues, which we can tell from the cost of automotive prices here in the US since all these cars rely on microprocessors,” she said.

Even though many of the supply and labor shortage issues are expected to last for many years to come, companies can take steps to help mitigate some of the problems they’re facing, Ms. Tang said.

US Company Workers Offshore Solve Some of the Visa Quota Issues

“For the companies that have international offices, they have a wider footprint and have some options with staffing their workers in other countries. So, for instance where companies hire some college graduates from the US who are not able to get one of those H1-B visas, they might potentially work in the person’s home country where they don’t need a visa to work. And that way they can keep that person working on the same project and still contributing research and development efforts for that company,” Ms. Tang said.

If a company doesn’t have international offices, handling visa shortages and delays may be a little harder.

“If a company doesn’t have an international footprint, it’s hard. I’ve been talking to employers that say, ‘Hey, we are just sort of living with the fact that we might only have these employees on our payroll for two to three years because of their visa limitations.’ We need to be considering what we’re going to do about succession planning and making sure that we diversify our employee population as much as possible. I think it’s definitely requiring a lot of creativity from employers,” Ms. Tang said.

How US Immigration Policy Affects the Labor Shortage 

One potential method for addressing labor shortages is to alter current U.S. immigration policy. Despite the ongoing need for workers in all industries, visa caps have remained relatively static, limiting the number of foreign nationals allowed to work in the U.S. long-term. Changes to such policies would be a considerable boon for the supply chain especially, allowing companies to quickly fill roles left empty by the pandemic.

The most likely target for change might be the H-1B visa, which allows employers to hire foreign workers for positions that require particular skills or specialized knowledge. “The annual quota on H-1B visa numbers – it would certainly be helpful to increase that quota,” said Ms. Tang. “That 85,000 number has been static for many, many years. It’s not a fluctuating number based on any sort of economic conditions or economic or supply or demand. So, I certainly think it would be beneficial for the government to have some sort of system where that quota number can have a fluctuating number depending on our economic conditions.”

How Does US Immigration Policy Impact the US’ Supply Chain Woes?

Of course, changes to H-1B policy intended for highly skilled employees, are only helpful to a certain point. Some sectors of the U.S. economy are in dire need of employees for non-professional roles, such as the retail and service industries, where highly specialized knowledge is not as critical. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), foreign-born workers were more likely than native-born workers to be employed in service occupations; natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations; and production, transportation, and material moving occupations. Companies often utilize the H-2B visa to fill these gaps; again, however, logistical considerations and static caps stand in the way. In May, the BLS released updated statistic revealing that employment fell by 2.7 million among the foreign born from 2019 to 2020, a decline of 9.8 percent.

Ms. Tang points to manufacturing as a key example of an industry for which immigration reform would be a windfall. “For the non-professional roles, I think there is certainly an area where perhaps the government needs to create some sort of a work permit to fill these specific demands that our manufacturers are seeing in that area, with respect to the need to staff their manufacturing facilities,” she said. “A visa that’s available that’s for seasonal or peak load work, but again, there’s a quota on that visa as well.”

Per the BIS, the demographic composition of the foreign-born labor force differs from the native-born US labor force. In 2020, men accounted for 57.3 percent of the foreign-born labor force, compared with 52.1 percent of the native-born labor force. By age, the proportion of the foreign-born labor force made up of 25- to 54-year-olds (71.8 percent) was higher than for the native-born labor force (62.2 percent). Labor force participation is typically highest among persons in the 25-54 age bracket.

“It can be very difficult to get the perspective of timing, and oftentimes, employers who are trying to pursue this H-2B visa, if the pursuit of that visa is unsuccessful and they miss the quota, then they’re out of luck with respect to being able to staff the staff in these areas that really require someone to be doing the frontline work.”

In considering how to alter U.S. immigration practices to address supply chain woes, it is also vital that American workers are not forgotten. Policy changes must take into account a variety of factors to ensure a fair playing field. “There have been some proposals in the past, that number be moved up or down based on for instance, the unemployment rate in the United States, so that you were not disadvantaging US workers,” said Ms. Tang. “But in years when unemployment is extremely low, and clearly we are having labor shortage issues, perhaps we can increase the quota numbers there for the H-1B.”

Aging Workforce and the US Losing its Ability to Attract and Keep Top Talent – Is Immigration Reform a Solution?

The US Census Bureau (USCB) projects that one in every five US residents will be older than age 65, by 2030. Additionally, by 2030 the USCB projects that net international migration will overtake birthrate as the primary driver of population growth in the United States, a first for the US. Accordingly, US will have to rely more on foreign workers as our workforce ages. If the labor shortage continues, the Chamber of Commerce said it’s possible the shortage will pressure lawmakers to act to raise the cap on workers. 

Additionally, bringing in more foreign workers in the US could help boost the economy, as foreign workers tend to be more focused in the service industries and more likely to be of prime workforce age, can fill job shortages and create additional jobs to alleviate the strain on the supply chain. Who wants to live in a country with shortages of basic supplies and poor infrastructure, if they have a choice to live elsewhere?  If lawmakers don’t act, the US risks losing talent and entrepreneurs to other countries that have more flexible immigration policies.

“I think we’re going to see some brain drain from the US to other countries that are perceived as having more favorable immigration systems and policies – for instance, Canada,” Ms. Tang said. Entrepreneurs need workers for their enterprises and have global mobility, and the US’ worker shortage for both service workers and specialized high skilled workers, limits the US’ ability to compete in the world marketplace.

Copyright ©2021 National Law Forum, LLC

For more articles on immigration and hiring, visit the NLR Labor & Employment section.

United States to Open Borders with Canada and Mexico for Vaccinated Nationals Beginning November

The United States will open its northern and southern land borders to fully vaccinated foreign nationals sometime in November 2021. When this happens, it will be the first time since March 2020 that these individuals will be able to enter the United States from Canada and Mexico for “non-essential” purposes, such as tourism, shopping, and family gatherings.

The reopening is expected to occur in two phases. During the first phase, fully vaccinated foreign nationals will be able to enter for non-essential purposes. Unvaccinated individuals will still be able to enter for essential purposes, including for work. During the second phase, scheduled to go into effect in early January 2022, all foreign nationals, whether entering for essential purposes or not, will have to be fully vaccinated. The expectation is that there will be limited exceptions, for example for children.

The “essential travel” restrictions applied only to land and sea borders. Foreign nationals have been able to fly into the United States from Canada or Mexico if they met the COVID-19 testing requirements. In November, however, new COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements will be in place for all air travel. All foreign nationals seeking to enter the United States from anywhere, with limited exceptions, will have to be fully vaccinated, as well as show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within three days of departure. Unvaccinated U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents will need to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 24 hours of boarding a flight to the United States and undergo testing upon arrival.

The United States is a little late to the border game. Canada reopened its border to fully vaccinated Americans on August 9, 2021, and to other fully vaccinated foreign nationals on September 7, 2021. It is still not clear exactly when the new U.S. rules will become effective. The United States already announced that the 14-day travel restrictions on China, Iran, the UK and Ireland, the 26 Schengen Zone countries, Brazil, South Africa, and India are scheduled to be lifted sometime in “early” November. The northern and southern border restrictions will be lifted at the same time. We are still awaiting official guidance on documentation requirements and the implementation date.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2021

For more articles on travel, visit the NLR Utilities & Transport section.

EAGLE Act Aims to Reform Employment-Based Green Cards, H-1B Visa Program, and Family-Sponsored Visas

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), chair of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, and Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah) have introduced the Equal Access to Green Cards for Legal Employment (“EAGLE”) Act. Its reforms focus on employment-based green cards, the H-1B visa program, and family-sponsored visas.


The proposed bill makes it harder for fraud to occur. The bill requires all H-1B job postings to be listed on the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”)‘s website for 30 days. Employers are prohibited from employing more than 50% of their workforce through H-1B jobs. The Act also requires employers to adjust wage requirements for H-1B jobs in a way that reflects changes in the cost of living throughout the United States.

The bill’s sponsors strongly feel that the proposed changes will reduce H-1B visa fraud, which will, in turn, allow American employers truly in need of foreign workforce to meet their demands better, even without increasing the H-1B visa cap.

The bill also proposes a remedy to the current green card backlogs. By phasing out per-country caps by 2032, the bill would prevent U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) from being overwhelmed with an enormous number of backlogged applications.

Present Immigration System Requires Reforms

It is widely known that the immigration system has had many setbacks, and reform is long-awaited. The last major reform was in 1990. At least five presidents have channeled their efforts in proposing drastic immigration reforms, but some have seen little success.

The present immigration system has placed caps on many visa programs, restricting the number of visas issued. This restricts employers with an immediate need for workforce, as they cannot find enough workers to employ within the United States. Since the pandemic, the U.S. has seen acute labor shortages, causing employers to lobby for an increase in the employment-based visa cap.

Employment-based permanent resident visas are subject to a 7 percent per-country cap. India and China have the maximum number of skilled workers on employment-based visas, resulting in skilled workers from these countries waiting for decades for permanent residency. As a result, these skilled workers are often unable to immigrate to the United States.

“We are now seeing recruiters from outside America luring those with highest skills away from the U.S.,” Lofgren stated in a press release. Unlike the United States, many countries, like Canada and Australia, use merit-based immigration programs. In the merit-based immigration system, potential immigrants are scored based on language skills, educational degrees, and salary offers. Visas are offered to those who meet the minimum requirements.

Reforms to H-1B Visa Program

One of the most coveted visa programs employers use is the H-1B, an employment-based visa for immigrants in a specialty occupation. Each year, only 85,000 H-1B visas are issued, including 20,000 set aside for applicants with master’s degrees and PhDs from American universities. There are far more applicants each year than the numeric limit allows, so a lottery is held. The H-1B program is also criticized for fraud by employers, some of whom employ foreign workers and pay them less than they would pay equivalent American workers.

©2021 Norris McLaughlin P.A., All Rights Reserved

For more articles on green cards, visit the NLR Labor & Employment section.

UK Graduate Visa Application Opened on 1 July 2021

Following the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union and, therefore, the end of free movement, there have been questions as to how and when a postgraduate visa would be available to help international students currently studying in the UK. In September 2019, the UK government announced plans for a post-study work visa for international students as part of a new points-based immigration system. This new route, the Graduate visa, opened on 1 July 2021.


In order to be eligible for the Graduate visa, an applicant must already be in the UK on a Student visa or a Tier 4 (General) Student visa. An applicant must also have successfully completed a UK bachelor’s, postgraduate or other eligible course prior to applying for the Graduate visa.

Duration of Visa

The Graduate visa will last for two years, but an eligible individual with a Ph.D. or doctoral qualification will be granted a three-year Graduate visa. The period of the visa will start from the day that the UK Home Office approves the application.

The Graduate visa is not extendable and time spent on the visa will not count toward settlement in the UK. Once a Graduate visa holder secures employment, the visa holder can extend a stay in the UK by switching to the Skilled Worker visa prior to the expiration of the Graduate visa. The Skilled Worker visa would allow the visa holder to start accruing time toward indefinite leave to remain in the UK (typically five years for a holder of a Skilled Worker visa).

As the Graduate visa permits work at any skill level, it allows greater flexibility than another type of work visa. This means Graduate visa holders can find temporary employment to pay the bills while they secure more suitable long-term skilled roles, or they can enter professions at lower levels, build over two years, and apply for the Skilled Worker visa.

In addition, on the Graduate visa, applicants may look for work, do voluntary work, travel abroad and return to the UK, and be self-employed. It does not permit recourse to public funds, and it is not available to professional sportspeople.

Application Prerequisites

Individuals must apply for the Graduate visa before their Student visa/Tier 4 (General) student visa expires. Due to the requirement of having successfully completed a course of study in the UK in order to be eligible, applicants must wait until they have received confirmation that they have passed their course, but it is not necessary for applicants to wait until they have graduated or received certificates in order to apply for the Graduate visa.

© 2021, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., All Rights Reserved.

For more articles on immigration, visit the NLRImmigration section.

Immigration Weekly Round-Up: NJ Driver’s Licenses Skyrocket; White House Seeks Speedier Processing at Border and With Asylum Cases; COVID Restrictions to Continue at U.S. Border

New Jersey Sees Dramatic Increase in Driver’s Licenses after Permitting Undocumented Individuals to Apply

The state of New Jersey has seen a more than 60% increase in new driver’s licenses issued since May 1, as the new state law took effect law that permitted residents to obtain licenses regardless of immigration status. The Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) does not keep records of immigration status and thus could not confirm the cause of the increase. However, a rise of 100,000 total licenses issued over the past three months, from the typical 60,000 over the same period in previous years, is likely fueled in significant part by the new law.

Although more driver’s licenses have been issued, backlogs have also increased, with some people now waiting several weeks for appointments to receive their licenses. Immigrant rights activists have expressed frustration over the delay, with the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice stating that the “MVC had nearly 3 years of notice and more than enough time to engage advocates and the community to prepare.” The MVC has indicated that it plans to add personnel to its facilities to make more appointments available and increase awareness of online resources so that many people can avoid unnecessary in-person trips.

President Biden Aims to Expedite Asylum Processing

This week, the White House announced a broad new set of initiatives dedicated to streamlining the adjudication of asylum applications in the United States while also increasing the use of expedited removal of detained noncitizens while entering the United States without documentation.

The Biden administration stated that it had established a separate docket in the immigration court system to handle asylum applications to help manage the extensive backlog of cases throughout the United States. President Biden has also requested funding in next year’s budget for an additional 100 immigration judges and new support staff and asked for $15 million in funding to support pro bono legal services for immigrants facing removal proceedings. Meanwhile, President Biden has called to expand the expedited removal process, allowing immigration officers to order a noncitizen’s removal from the United States even before that person has seen a judge, coming within the larger stated goal of strengthening border security.

COVID-19 Border Restrictions to Remain in Place

The White House has delayed implementing a plan for a partial rescission of a policy instituted by the Trump administration following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic that permitted border officials to summarily expel immigrants at the U.S./Mexico border in an attempt to stem the spread of the coronavirus. President Biden cited the new dangers of the Delta variant as the reason for the delay.

President Biden is facing pressure on both sides of his party on this issue. Many Democrats have urged Biden to ease this policy, arguing that it prevents a proper review of whether immigrants have a legitimate claim to remain in the United States. California Democrat Judy Chu told Reuters news that “they’re just indiscriminately rejecting people and sending them back.” However, other Democrats, such as Henry Cuellar of Texas, have stated that the focus must be on the safety of border communities and stopping undocumented entry into the country.

The White House did not immediately make clear when it would revisit the policy.

©2021 Norris McLaughlin P.A., All Rights Reserved

Article By William C. Menard at Norris McLaughlin P.A. For more Immigration News see the National Law Review Immigration Law section.

COVID-19 Fears Prompt State Department ‘Do Not Travel’ Advisory for UK, Other Restrictions Continue

The State Department, in coordination with the CDC, raised its Travel Advisory for the United Kingdom to “Do Not Travel” because of COVID-19 (Level IV).

Coincidentally, the Department’s move came on the same day Prime Minister Boris Johnson lifted most COVID-19-related restrictions in the United Kingdom (yet, excluding Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland). He made this move as the case numbers are rising because most adults in the United Kingdom are fully vaccinated.

Despite the United Kingdom lifting its restrictions, the European Union has opened its borders to individuals from the United States (with various restrictions). Further, Canada is about to open its borders to fully vaccinated U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Moreover, the White House reported that the United States will not be lifting travel restrictions due to the spread of the Delta variant. Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that it is not clear how long the restrictions will last. As of July 23, 2021, the CDC announced that the seven-day average of COVID-19 cases in the United States was up over 46 percent from the prior week.

Therefore, despite lobbying efforts aimed at increasing summer tourism from Europe, the Presidential Proclamations restricting travel to the United States due to COVID-19 are likely to remain in effect throughout the tourist season and beyond. The travel restrictions were imposed more than a year ago, in January 2020, when President Donald Trump instituted the ban on travel from China. Further bans were instituted in 2020 and 2021 on individuals travelling from Iran, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the 26-member countries of the Schengen Zone, Brazil, South Africa, and, more recently, India. To overcome these restrictions those who need to travel to the United States but are subject to the bans must either “camp-out” in a non-banned country (if they can enter such a country) for 14 days before attempting to enter the United States or they must apply for and receive a National Interest Exception (NIE) to the relevant ban. Eligibility for NIEs is set forth in a web of complex and changing guidance from the Department of State and Customs and Border Protection.

Employers all over the country are suffering due to the bans. Their key employees cannot travel back and forth from or to the United States for important business purposes. The highly skilled or temporary, seasonal workers they need to boost their businesses and the economy cannot be hired. This is compounded by the fact that most U.S. consulates abroad are extremely back-logged and understaffed due to COVID-19.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2021

Judge Again Finds DACA Program Illegal, Blocks New Applications, Allows Renewals

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program (DACA) is not legal, U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen has ruled in State of Texas et al. v. U.S. et al.

Judge Hanen issued an injunction preventing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from accepting new DACA applications. However, recognizing the substantial reliance interests involved, he allowed current DACA beneficiaries to continue to renew their statuses and their employment authorization – at least while appeals are pending. The Biden Administration immediately responded that it would appeal the decision.

The case is expected to wind its way through the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (in New Orleans) and end up at the U.S. Supreme Court for a third time. The first time was when the Supreme Court heard an appeal of Judge Hanen’s earlier decision that the extension of DACA and the creation of the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents were illegal. In that case, the Supreme Court tied, leaving Judge Hanen’s nationwide injunction in place. The second time, the Supreme Court ruled on narrow technical grounds that the Trump Administration had not followed the proper procedures when it attempted to terminate the DACA program.

The question now is whether Congress will pass legislation to protect the “Dreamers” and provide them a path to permanent residence and U.S. citizenship. The American Dream and Promise Act, passed by the House in 2021, provides those paths, but the full bill is not likely to pass in the Senate. A carve-out of the DACA provision might be possible. Otherwise, the thousands of individuals who were brought to the United States by their parents before the age of 16, will remain in limbo.

DACA was put into place by the Obama Administration in 2012 and has been under attack since 2017, when the Trump Administration announced it would terminate DACA. President Joe Biden has stated that Dreamers are “part of our national fabric and make vital contributions to communities across the country every day.” President Biden recognized the Dreamers’ contributions have been particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, as “[m]any have worked tirelessly on the frontlines throughout this pandemic to keep our country afloat, fed, and healthy – yet they are forced to live with fear and uncertainly because of their immigration status.”

Judge Hanen’s decision in State of Texas v. U.S. does not affect the status or employment authorization of any current DACA beneficiaries. DACA beneficiaries who have unexpired employment authorization documents do not need to reverify employment authorization as a result of this ruling (although they will need to reverify prior to the expiration of their employment authorization).

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2021

For more articles on DACA, visit the NLRImmigration section.