Wisconsin Tort Reform 2011: Governor signed the Omnibus Tort Reform Act

As posted on the National Law Review by Joseph Louis Olson and Adam E. Witkov of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP – implications of the Wisconsin Omnibus Tort Reform Act signed into law today by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker:  

Governor Scott Walker signed the OmnibusTort Reform Act (the “Act”) today, January 27, 2011.  The Act addresses several areas of interest for Wisconsin companies.

Specifically, the Act:

Limits Punitive Damages.

  • Punitive damages are capped at to $200,000 or double the amount of compensatory damages, whichever is higher. The cap does not apply to lawsuits related to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

Raises the Standards for Expert Testimony.

  • This Act adopts the standard set forth in Federal Rule of Evidence 702, also known as the “Daubert standard.” The Daubert standard allows the admission of expert testimony only if it is based on sufficient factors or data and is the product of reliable principles and methods.

Limits the Application of the Risk Contribution Theory.

  • This provision is a response to the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s 2005 decision in Thomas v. Mallett, 2005 WI 129, 285 Wis. 2d 236, 701 N.W.2d 523, where the Court permitted a case to proceed against seven paint manufacturers despite the fact that the plaintiff could not prove who made the lead-based paints that he claimed poisoned him as a child. The Act limits the holding in Thomas. If the claimant can not identify the specific product that allegedly caused the injury, a manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product may be held liable only if all of the following apply: (1) the claimant proves: (a) no other lawful process exists for the claimant to seek any redress from any other person for the injury or harm; (b) that the claimant has suffered an injury or harm that can be caused only by a manufactured product chemically and physically identical to the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant’s injury or harm; and (c) that the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted a complete integrated product, in the form used by the claimant or to which the claimant was exposed, and that meets all of the following criteria: (i) is chemically and physically identical to the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant’s injury or harm; (ii) was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted in the geographic market where the injury or harm is alleged to have occurred during the time period in which the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant’s injury or harm was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted; and (iii) was distributed or sold without labeling or any distinctive characteristic that identified the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter; and (2) the action names, as defendants, those manufacturers of a product who collectively manufactured at least 80 percent of all products sold in this state during the relevant production period by all manufacturers of the product in existence during the relevant production period that are chemically identical to the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant’s injury or harm.

Limits Strict Product Liability Claims.

  • Under the Act, Wisconsin is now in line with the majority of other states that have adopted the “reasonable alternative design” test instead of the broader “consumer expectation” test. Accordingly, a manufacturer will be liable for damages caused by the manufacturer’s product based on a claim of strict liability only if the injured claimant proves that the product was defective, the defective condition made the product unreasonably dangerous, the defective condition existed at the time the product left the control of the manufacturer, the product reached the user or consumer without substantial change, and the defective condition caused the claimant’s injuries. If the injured party’s percentage of total causal responsibility for the injury is greater than the percentage resulting from the defective condition of the product, the injured party may not, based on the defect in the product, recover damages from the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or any other person responsible for placing the product in the stream of commerce. If the injured party’s percentage of total causal responsibility for the injury is equal to or less than the percentage resulting from the defective condition of the product, the injured party may recover but the damages recovered by the injured party shall be diminished by the percentage attributed to that injured party.

Toughens State Rules Relating to Damages for Frivolous Claims.

  • In civil cases, a party or his or her attorney may be liable for costs and fees for actions that are done (1) in bad faith, solely for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring another; or (2) was without a reasonable basis in the law. If the offending party withdraws or corrects the improper conduct within 21 days of receiving the other party’s motion for fees, the court can decide whether to award actual costs taking into consideration the offending party’s mitigating conduct. If the offending party does not timely withdraw or correct the conduct, actual costs shall be awarded. If the decision is appealed and the appellate court affirms the award of fees, the offending party must also pay the attorney fees incurred in the appeal.  

In addition to the tort reform provisions outlined above, the Act includes several health care related provisions previously discussed in a client alert dated January 10, 2011, also available here.


Agencies Issue Additional FAQs on Health Care Reform and the Mental Health Parity Act

Recent featured guest blogger at the National Law Review Penny C. Wolford of Ford & Harrison LLP – brings to our attend the recent actions by Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury regarding the implementation of the the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“health care reform”) and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act.  Of most note to employers is: 

Right before the holidays, the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury issued additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“health care reform”) and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. The guidance of most note to employers is as follows:

1. Automatic Enrollment in Health Plans: The agencies clarified that the automatic enrollment requirement of health care reform does not become effective until the agencies issue regulations on the requirement. The Department of Labor indicated that it intends to issue regulations on the automatic enrollment requirement sometime before 2014.

2. 60-Day Prior Notice Requirement for Material Modifications: Health care reform requires group health plans to provide notice of modifications to participants no later than 60 daysprior to the date on which the modification becomes effective. The agencies clarified that group health plans are not required to comply with the 60-day advance notice requirement until standards for the requirement are issued by the agencies.

3. Dependent Coverage of Children to Age 26: Health care reform prohibits group health plans from making distinctions based upon age in dependent coverage. (For example, charging a higher premium for adult children than for minor children would be a prohibited distinction.) The agencies clarified that health care reform does not prohibit distinctions based upon age that apply to all coverage under the plan. Therefore, in answer to the specific question posed in the FAQs, the agencies determined that it is permissible for a group health plan that normally charges a co-payment for physician visits that do not constitute preventive services, to charge a co-payment to individuals age 19 and over, including employees, spouses, and dependent children but waive the requirements for those under age 19.

4. Grandfathered Health Plans: The agencies clarified that a fixed amount cost-sharing, other than a co-payment, that is based on a percentage-of-compensation formula, will not cause a plan to lose grandfathered plan status as long as the formula remains the same as that which was in effect on March 23, 2010, even though the actual cost-sharing may change as a result of a change in the employee’s compensation.

5. Mental Health Parity Act: The agencies issued several answers to questions on the Mental Health Parity Act, including: (a) confirming that a small employer exempt from the Act is an employer with 50 or fewer employees; (b) stating that a contracting health care provider can request and is entitled to receive the plan’s criteria for medical necessity determinations; and (c) explaining that plans can apply for the increased cost exemption under the Act if costs under the plan have increased at least 2 percent in the first year that the Act applies to the plan (the first plan year beginning after October 3, 2009), or at least 1 percent in any subsequent plan year (generally, plan years beginning after October 3, 2010.) The exemption lasts for one year and allows the plan to be exempt from the requirements of the Act for the following year. Plans can apply for the cost exemption by following the exemption procedures described in the 1997 Mental Health Parity Act regulations.

6. Wellness Programs: Along with health care reform and the Mental Health Parity Act, the agencies also addressed a few FAQs on HIPAA and wellness programs. Most notably, the Department of Labor explained that under health care reform, the maximum reward that can be provided under a HIPAA wellness program will increase from 20% to 30%. The increase will not occur under health care reform until 2014. However, the agencies intend to propose regulations using regulatory authority under HIPAA to raise the percentage for the maximum reward that can be provided under a HIPAA wellness program to 30% before the year 2014.

Employers’ Bottom Line

The agencies continue to define the landscape of health care reform even for the first round of requirements that have already gone into effect or will be going into effect for employer‑sponsored plans beginning on or after the first plan year following September 23, 2010. Employers should keep an eye out for additional guidance and make a good-faith effort to comply with existing guidance with an understanding that additional adjustments may be necessary as further guidance and clarifications are issued.

© 2011 Ford & Harrison LLP

Arizona Employers Must be Ready for New Medical Marijuana Use Law

From featured guest blogger at the National Law Review Dinita L. James of Ford & Harrison LLP, a great overview of Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Use Law: 

Almost two weeks after the polls closed, Arizona became the 15th state in the nation to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Proposition 203, or the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, appeared unlikely to pass early on election night. However, after the early voter and provisional ballots were finally counted, the tally put the yes votes ahead by a mere 4,341 votes out of the nearly 1.7 million cast.

The election results became official November 29, 2010. The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) has 120 days from that date to promulgate regulations implementing the law. According to information from the ADHS, the agency will publish an informal draft of the regulations by December 17, 2010 and a formal draft by January 31, 2011. The agency has stated that it expects to issue final regulations by March 28, 2011. Thus, by spring of 2011, Arizona employers need to have reviewed their drug-testing and employment discrimination policies to ensure they comply with the new law.

What Does the Law Provide?

Generally, the law permits medical marijuana cardholders (which includes qualifying patients, designated caregivers, and nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary agents) to possess, transport and, in some situations, cultivate an allowable amount of marijuana for medical use. Significantly for employers, the law prohibits discrimination against medical marijuana cardholders and registered qualifying patients.

Discrimination Prohibited: The law provides that employers may not discriminate against a person in hiring, termination or by imposing any term or condition of employment or otherwise penalize a person because of that person’s status as a medical marijuana cardholder, unless a failure to do so would cause an employer to lose a monetary or licensing related benefit under federal law or regulations. As noted above, medical marijuana cardholders may include not only patients, but also designated caregivers and nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary agents. Thus, the law creates a new category of individuals protected from discrimination.

The law also prohibits discrimination against a registered qualifying patient based on that person’s positive test for marijuana unless the patient was impaired by marijuana on the employer’s premises or during the hours of employment. While the law does not require an employer to permit an employee to ingest marijuana at work or to work while under the influence of marijuana, it also states that a registered qualifying patient is not considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because that person tests positive for marijuana metabolites in an amount that is insufficient to cause impairment.

Who is a Qualifying Patient? A qualifying patient is a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition. Debilitating medical conditions include diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Crohn’s disease, and other conditions that result in certain symptoms such as wasting syndrome, severe and chronic pain, severe nausea, or severe and persistent muscle spasms. For a qualifying patient to receive a registry identification card, the patient must submit written certification from his or her physician stating that in the physician’s professional opinion the patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of marijuana to treat or alleviate the patient’s debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition.

ADHS will establish a process for issuing photo ID cards for qualified patients, designated caregivers, and authorized agents of dispensaries. The law requires the ADHS to act on applications for ID cards within 10 days and to issue photo ID cards within 5 days after approving an application. Thus, based on the time-frame given by the ADHS, employers can expect to see medical marijuana ID cards by mid-April 2011 and should be prepared to comply with the law by that date, at the latest.

Employers’ Bottom Line:

The law presents employers with a number of issues, some of which may be clarified after the ADHS issues its regulations. Zero-tolerance and pre-employment drug-testing policies likely will present the most challenges under the new law in light of the prohibition of discrimination against qualifying patients based on the presence of marijuana metabolites insufficient to cause impairment. Because there is no accepted testing standard for determining impairment due to marijuana use, this determination will by necessity be subjective unless the state issues regulations defining a standard to be used under the law.

© 2011 Ford & Harrison LLP

Final Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act "GINA" Regulations Impact All Employers

From National Law Review’s featured blogger Patricia Anderson Pryor of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, important information for both employers and employees about the Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act (“GINA”).

On November 9, 2010, the EEOC published its final regulations concerning the employment aspects of the Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act (“GINA”).

Although very few employers consciously utilize genetic information or discriminate against individuals because of genetic information, the prohibitions in GINA impact all employers.  Prohibited genetic information includes medical information about an employee’s family members.  The new regulations provide that an employer may violate GINA even if the employer does not specifically intend to acquire genetic (or family medical) information.

Many employers inadvertently come into contact with what the law defines as “genetic information” when they send employees for medical exams, when they request medical information in connection with requests for accommodation or requests for leave, when they provide employee wellness programs, when their supervisors engage in, or overhear, general, water cooler type conversations or even when supervisors look through Facebook posts.

In order to protect themselves, employers may need to update postings, policies and leave of absence or other medical request forms.

Employers should take precautions to avoid receiving genetic information in connection with requests for medical information and medical exams.

An employer who requests medical information from an employee or provider to support a request for an accommodation, FMLA leave or other leave, may inadvertently receive genetic information, including family medical information, that is already contained in the provider’s file.  The regulations provide that such receipt will not run afoul of GINA if either the employer informed the provider not to provide genetic information, with language similar to that suggested by the EEOC, or the request was so narrowly tailored that the request for medical information was not likely to result in the production of genetic information.

However, according to the final regulations, if an employer is requiring an employee to submit to a medical exam in connection with employment (either a pre-employment/post-offer exam or a fitness for duty exam), the employer “must” tell the health care provider not to collect genetic information, including family medical history, as part of the exam.  If the provider nonetheless requests genetic information, the regulations provide that the employer may need to take additional reasonable measures, including potentially no longer using that health care professional’s services.

Wellness programs cannot include a financial incentive for the disclosure of genetic information.

Many wellness programs include a health risk assessment that often requests family medical history.  Requesting genetic information in connection with a wellness program is permissible only if the employee’s participation is knowing and voluntary (among other things).  The final regulations clarify that “voluntary” means that an employer cannot offer a financial incentive to induce individuals to provide genetic information.  If a health risk assessment includes questions concerning genetic information, the employer must inform the employees that any incentive will be provided regardless of whether the employee answers the particular questions identified as requesting genetic or family medical information.

Information obtained through casual conversations or social network sites may still be inadvertent, as long as there is no intentional probing.

The final regulations keep intact the exceptions for certain inadvertent acquisitions of genetic information, including a supervisor overhearing a conversation about an employee’s genetic information or a family member’s medical condition or a supervisor viewing similar information on a social media site that he or she had permission to access.

However, the new regulations clarify that although an employer may obtain genetic information inadvertently or through information that is publicly or commercially available, these exceptions do not apply if the employer has deliberately sought the information by asking probing questions or searching for genetic information on line.

GINA’s requirements go far beyond simply prohibiting genetic testing.

Copyright © 2010 Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP. All rights reserved.

An Analysis of South Africa’s Mental Health Legislation

The National Law Review is pleased to congratulate Natalie LaToya McCrea of American University- Washington College of Law winner of the Fall 2010 Law Student Writing contest.  

If one were to measure a society’s health by its historical environment, then something can indeed be said of South Africa. This nation is known for its long abhorrent history with apartheid entrenched with a political and human rights struggle. In 1995, the world witnessed the evisceration of apartheid and the birth of a new democratic South Africa. In light of the struggle endured by a visible portion of the South African population, a question asked is, what about the forgotten and somewhat invisible individuals, those who suffer with mental illness. The purpose of this work is to discuss South Africa’s mental health legislation, namely Mental Health Care Act, No. 17 [MHCA 2002], and conduct a comparative study with the African Banjul Charter, the UN Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness [MI Principles], and the World Health Organization Principles.

Historical Mental Health Legislation

While South Africa has had numerous mental health statutes, our discussion will commence with the 1973 Act.

Mental Health Act 18 of 1973 [MHA 1973] grew out of a “public panic” that ensued after the assassination of then Prime Minister, Dr. Hendrik French Verwoerd by someone deemed to be mentally ill.[i] A Commission that inquired into his death concluded that many assassinations “are committed by mentally disordered persons.”[ii] The Commission’s conclusion spawned a proposed amendment, which eventually culminated into MHA 1973.[iii]

Scholars and psychiatrists have noted that MHA 1973 did not have an individual rights concern. Rather, its primary focus was on patient control and treatment, along with the “welfare and safety” of the society.[iv] The fact that this Act was propelled during the apartheid era cements the view that the human rights of the patients were not necessarily the priority. Specifically, MHA 1973 has been criticized because (i) it only required a reasonable degree of suspicion to be certified to a mental institution;[v] (ii) individuals could be denied their freedom and placed in a mental facility based on prejudices and vendettas.[vi] In fact, finding someone mentally incapable was sometimes utilized solely for political means in the apartheid era. Freedom fighters were often silenced by being placed in a mental facility; (iii) once deemed mentally ill and certified, patients went without the assistance of the law, and could spend a considerable amount of time in the mental institutions against their will[vii]; and (iv) patients did not have a significant right of appeal or representation.[viii]

According to the South Africa Federation for Mental Health, while MHA 1973 was in existence, it facilitated disproportionate mental health care based on race, with blacks receiving the least care. In effect, the MHA 1973 provisions did not promote personal autonomy, dignity or justice for individuals with mental illness.  Instead, it highlighted a paternalistic principle which allowed mentally ill patients to be alienated, stigmatized and disempowered. It became apparent that MHA 1973 needed to be reconsidered and changed.

South Africa’s Present Mental Health Legislation

South Africa entered into a state of transition after the presidential election of Nelson Mandela in 1994. The nation was moving from a repressive regime into a new democratic era. According to the World Health Organization [WHO], Mandela’s administration was particularly focused on ridding the nation of all apartheid polices, and instituting new ones that met the needs of groups previously disadvantaged.

The new South Africa adopted its Constitution with an accompanying Bill of Rights on May 8, 1996, which came into force on February 7, 1997. It became even more evident that MHA 1973 needed to be brought in step with the newly adopted principles of the South African Bill of Rights.[ix] Specifically, it needed to reflect the rights expounded in Chapter 2, §§§ 9, 10, and 12; recognizing respectively, issues of equality; the right to the respect and protection of human dignity; and the freedom and security of person.

South Africa’s new Mental Health Care Act (MHCA 2002) was passed in 2002 and promulgated on December 15, 2004.[x] It came in force in line with other positive international initiatives in mental health legislation, such as the London Mental Health Act 2007, The Scotland Mental Health (Care and Treatment) 2003, and the Jamaica Mental Health Act 1998.  In effect, MCHA 2002 seeks to: (1) shift the system from a past custodial approach to one encouraging community care; (2) make certain that appropriate care, treatment and rehabilitation are provided at all levels of the health service; and (3) highlight that individuals with mental disabilities should not be discriminated against, stigmatized or abused.[xi]

MCHA 2002’s Key Provisions

Mental illness is defined under the Act as a “positive diagnosis of a mental health related illness in terms of accepted diagnostic criteria” made by a mental health care practitioner authorized to make such diagnosis.[xii] The Act outlines the rights and duties to mental health patients, and highlights that their human dignity and privacy must be respected; that they should not be unfairly discriminated against because of their mental status; and that they should be protected from “exploitation, abuse and any degrading treatment” [xiii]

Involuntary Treatment:

Regulation No. 27117 of 2004 governs MCHA 2002.[xiv] This Regulation and § 33 of the Act, states that in order to commence a proceeding to have someone involuntarily committed, “an application must be made to the Head of a Health Establishment (HHE) by a spouse, next of kin, partner, associate, parent or guardian”, who must have seen the person within the past seven days.[xv] Once the application is received, the HHE must have the person examined by two mental health care practitioners who perform independent assessments of the patient, and must report their findings and recommendations.[xvi] If the assessments of the two practitioners are different, then the HHE must have the patient assessed by another practitioner.[xvii] The HHE can approve an application only if the two mental health care practitioners agree together that involuntary care is needed.[xviii]

MHCA 2002 is clear that only individuals suffering from mental illness are eligible for involuntary care.[xix] According to the Act, an involuntary mental health user “must be provided with care, treatment and rehabilitation at a health establishment if at the time of application, there is a reasonable belief that the mental health care user has a mental illness,” and is likely to cause serious harm to their person or others.[xx]

If the HHE recommends involuntary care, treatment and rehabilitation, the patient must be admitted to a health establishment within 48 hours.[xxi] The HHE must then arrange for the assessment of the patient’s physical and mental health status for 72 hours.[xxii] After the 72-hour assessment, based on the medical health care practitioner’s reports, the HHE must decide if the patient requires further involuntary care, treatment and rehabilitation services as an inpatient. If the HHE determines that the patient does not require further treatment, care or rehabilitation, the patient must be discharged immediately, unless the patient gives consent to further care. Invariably, depending upon the HHE’s determination, the patient can be discharged or have their status changed to a voluntary inpatient or outpatient. [xxiii]

Voluntary Treatment:

MHCA 2002 directs that an individual who voluntarily submits to a mental health facility for care and treatment, and who consents to such care, is “entitled” to care and treatment, or referral.[xxiv]

Procedural Protections and Precautions:

MHCA 2002 incorporates several procedures, and precautions to ensure that patient’s rights are fully protected. One notable precaution is that persons directed by the HHE to examine the prospective patient must be qualified mental health practitioners.[xxv]

Another important precaution and procedural protection is the establishment of the Mental Health Review Boards, which are to be constituted in every province.[xxvi]The primary aim of the Boards is to ensure that the rights of the prospective patients are not violated. The Boards must be comprised of one magistrate, one attorney, and a mental health practitioner.[xxvii] Where the HHE subjects an involuntary patient to the 72 hour assessment, and concludes that the patient should receive further involuntary care, treatment and rehabilitation, the HHE must submit a report within 7 days of the expiration of the 72-hour assessment requesting the Board to approve further involuntary care.[xxviii]

One striking element of the Act is that while the Board considers the HHE’s decision to continue involuntary treatment, all (the applicant, the mental health providers), except for the reluctant patient is afforded the opportunity to present their representations to the Board.[xxix] Additionally, it is interesting that after the Board makes its deliberations, there is no mention of them sending a notification of the results to the potential patient. The Act, however, notes that decision letters are sent to the HHEs and the applicant who requested that the patient be treated.[xxx] Once the Board decides to adhere to the HHE’s assessment that the involuntary patient should continue to be so treated, the Board must submit their decision for judicial review and send all documentations to the High Court for consideration of the matter. The Court has a month to consider.[xxxi]

The aforementioned concerns are somewhat ameliorated by the Act’s provision that mental health care users have a right to legal representation, and to appeal to the Board about the decisions of the HHE to continue involuntary treatment.[xxxii]One problem, however, is that the HHE’s decision in favor of involuntary care is not submitted to the patient, but to the applicant.  Since the reluctant patient was not notified of the HHE’s decision in the first place, it is rather difficult for the patient to submit an appeal.  If the Board finds for the reluctant patient, s/he must be released immediately. If the Board finds in favor of the HHE’s decision, the Board must submit their decision to the High Court for judicial review.[xxxiii]

Another important procedural protection applicable to both voluntary and involuntary mental patients is that their conditions must be periodically reviewed, and annual reports must be submitted to the Board for review.[xxxiv]

MHCA 2002 Compliance with Other Human Rights Principles

The African Banjul Charter on Human and People’s Rights was ratified by South Africa on June 9, 1996, and accordingly, its principles are binding on South Africa. The Charter calls for the protection of the dignity of mental health patients; their equality before the law; their right not to be deprived of their liberty and security; and the right to obtain good mental health. [Articles 5, 3, 6, 16, respectively]. Some of these proscriptions were called to the forefront before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in the landmark case, Purohit and Moore v. Gambia No. 241/2001 (2003). The Commission held that all states party to the Banjul Charter should guard and protect the rights of the mentally disabled to dignity and the enjoyment of life.[xxxv]

South Africa’s MHCA 2002 recognizes and subscribes to the importance of protecting individuals with mental illness.[xxxvi] The Act further recognizes that this protection is called for in the state Constitution.  There is a clear indication that South Africa wants to protect the rights and interests of the mentally ill.[xxxvii] The human dignity and respect principles evoked in Purohit are enforced and protected in §§8, 10 and 11 of the Act.

The Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care (MI Principles)[xxxviii]

As illustrated below, MHCA 2002 comports with many of the tenets of the United Nations’ MI Principles:

Chapter III of the Act is a reflection of MI Principle 1 enumerating some basic rights for the mentally ill, such as respect for human dignity and privacy;[xxxix] the consent to care factor;[xl] and rules against discrimination, exploitation and abuse.[xli] MI Principle 4 is reflected in Section 12 of the Act. Specifically, similar to the MI Principles, MHCA 2002 § 12 directs that a determination of an individual’s mental health status should not be based on their socio-political, cultural or economic background. The MI Principle of Notice of Rights (Principle 12) can be found in § 17 of the Act providing that mental health patients must be informed of their rights before any administration of care or treatment.  The Act follows MI Principle 16 on involuntary admission in that it considers the dangerousness factor before committing an individual involuntarily. The Act, like Principle 16, recognizes the importance of the concurrence of two mental health practitioners, and that involuntary preliminary treatment should be brief pending a review.[xlii] Additionally, both the Act and the MI Principles contain provisions for the creation of Review Boards [Principle 17; MHCA § 18]. They both also have provisions for periodical reviews of involuntary patients [Principle 17, MHCA § 30]; and the right of the patient to appeal [Principle 17, MHCA §29]. The MI Principle of monitoring is reflected in the Act in the form of judicial reviews in §§ 34, 35, 36 and 37.

The World Health Organization Principles

According to the WHO, South Africa’s MHCA 2002 “is consistent with international human rights standards…and appears to be a highly appropriate and important milestone in the development of the mental health system in South Africa.[xliii]

Many of the principles reflected in MHCA 2002 are in line with the WHO’s concept that the aim of a mental health legislation is to “protect, promote, and improve” the lives of the mentally ill.[xliv] Significantly, WHO’s concepts are reflected in a number of the Act’s principles, namely that mental health services should offer care, treatment and rehabilitation; and that recipients should be treated with the least possible restriction on their freedom.

Concerns with the New Mental Health Care Legislation

Despite the fact that MHCA 2002 represents a major milestone in South Africa’s history, the WHO has noted that it does not appear to be enough to bring forward major reforms greatly needed in South Africa’s mental health system.[xlv] In fact scholars have commented that the system is plagued with human resource constraints and infrastructure restraints, and thus implementation of the Act’s requirement in community and district hospitals is problematic.[xlvi] According to Moosa, South Africa has a limited amount of specialized psychiatric hospitals, and those that are available are ill equipped to properly abide by the 72-hour provision. Additionally, many South African psychiatric hospitals do not separate the patients by age groups; and there is a significant lack of beds.[xlvii] Other problematic areas that undermine the Acts successful implementation are lack of proper training, inadequate skills; and a lack of proper understanding of the Act.[xlviii]


South Africa’s new mental health care act is an important instrument implemented to advocate for the best interest of mental health care users. Although there are problems, one must remember that the nation had a horrid past, and remnants of the past system are still ingrained therein. The redeeming factor is that South Africa has made the step to correct the deficiency and has moved towards enabling its citizens to have access to obtaining optimal mental health care.

[i] Nicholas Haysom, Martin Strous, and Lloyd Vogleman, The Mad Mrs. Rochester Revisited: The involuntary confinement of the mentally ill in South Africa, 6 SAJHR 341, 343 (1990).

[ii] Id.

[iii] Id.

[iv] Burns, JK Implementation of the Mental Health Care Act (2002) at district hospitals in South Africa: Translating principles into practice, S Afr Med J 2008; 98 46-49.

[v] Id.

[vi] Id.

[vii] Id.

[viii] Id.

[ix] Bonthuys, Elsje, Involuntary Civil Commitment and the New Mental Health Bill,118 SALJ 667 (2001).

[x] Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002 (S.Afr.),http://www.info.gov.za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=68051

[xi] MYH Moosa and FY Jeenah, Involuntary treatment of psychiatric patients in South Africa, 11(2)Afr Journal of Psychiatry, 109, 110 (2008).

[xii] Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002 Chapter 1, § xxi (S. Afr.).

[xiii] Id. atChapter 3, §§§ 8, 10 and 11.

[xiv] http://www.info.gov.za/gazette/notices/2004/27117.pdf

[xv] Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002 §33 (1,2) (S. Afr).

[xvi] Id. at § 33(4,5).

[xvii] Id. at § 33(6).

[xviii] Id. at §33(7).

[xix] Id. at § 32.

[xx] Id.

[xxi] Id. at §33(9).

[xxii] Id. at § 34.

[xxiii] Id. at §34(3).

[xxiv] Id. at §§ 25, 26.

[xxv] Id. at §27(4), §33(4).

[xxvi] Id. at § 18.

[xxvii] Id. at § 20.

[xxviii] Id. at §34(3)(c).

[xxix] Id. at §34(7)(a).

[xxx] Id. at §34(7)(b).

[xxxi] Id. at §34(7)(c).

[xxxii] Id. at §§ 15, 35.

[xxxiii] Id. at §35(3)(4).

[xxxiv] Id. at §§30, 37.

[xxxv] Michael L. Perlin, Arlene S. Kanter, Mary P. Treuthart, Eva Szeli & Kris Gledhill, INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS and COMPARATIVE MENTAL DISABILITY LAW840-841 (Michael L. Perlin eds., 2006).

[xxxvi] Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002 Preamble (S. Afr).

[xxxvii] Id. at §4(c)(d).

[xxxviii] The Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the Improvement of Mental Health Care, G.A. Res. 46/119, U.N. Doc. A/Res/46/119 (Dec 17, 1991).

[xxxix] Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002 §§8, 13 (S. Afr).

[xl] Id. at §9.

[xli] Id. at §§10, 11.

[xlii] Id. at §§26, 33.

[xliii] WHO, Mental Health Policy Development and Implementation in South Africa: A Situation Analysis, 10 [January 31, 2008].

[xliv] Id.

[xlv] Id.

[xlvi] MYH Moosa and FY Jeenah, Involuntary treatment of psychiatric patients in South Africa, 11(2)Afr Journal of Psychiatry, 109, 110 (2008).

[xlvii] Id.

[xlviii] Burns, JK Implementation of the Mental Health Care Act (2002) at district hospitals in South Africa: Translating principles into practice, S Afr Med J 2008; 98 46-49.

© 2010 Natalie McCrea

About the Author:

Natalie Latoya McCrea received her J.D. from Syracuse University College of Law in 2009. She also holds a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. She is currently pursuing a LLM with a specialty in international business from American University Washington College of Law.  www.wcl.american.edu / 347-886-6900


National Forum on Clinical Integration Washington DC Nov. 16th-17th

The National Law Review is a  media sponsor of the National Forum on Clinical Integration  Monday, November 15 to Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Hilton Washington Embassy Row, Washington, DC   

Use Discount Code “NLR” and receive a $200 discount off your registration.

Health Care Reform is now a reality. You’ve heard the basics – now it’s time to learn the practical answers and solutions for developing long-term sustainability of commercial and PPACA integrated models

There is no time to waste – You must have strategies for forming, structuring, and implementing Accountable Care Organizations and other integrated models to stay competitive in the evolving health care market

Come to one forum that will help you understand how ACOs and other integrated models can be reconciled with existing delivery structures

The National Forum on Clinical Integration is your premiere guide to navigating the complexities of structuring and implementing Accounting Care Organizations and other integrated health care models in the wake of landmark Health Care Reform legislation.  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) expressly creates specific measures to curb, transform, and reduce spending while increasing quality of care through the introduction of ACO pilot programs that will have a tremendous impact on the legal and compliant structure, organization, and implementation of integrated care and health care delivery systems.

CLE credit has been approved in NY and CA  accreditation will be sought in those jurisdictions requested by the registrants which have continuing education requirements.

Register now – Space is Limited and Seats Are Already Filling Up Fast
www.AmericanConference.com/ACOForum   Also remember to use Discount Code “NLR” and receive a $200 discount off your registration.

For Health Care / HR Professionals ASHHRA's 46th Annual Conference & Expo Sept. 25-28 in Tampa, FL

For Health Care – HR Professionals – the National Law Review wants to remind you that the Advanced Registration Discount date in August 25th  for the 46th Annual ASHHRA Conference in Tampa, FL.  The  conference runs from September 25th – 28th.  For more info:    http://dld.bz/rBN8