Center Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of Inspector General (OIG) Extend Electronic Health Records (EHR) Stark Law Exception, Anti-Kickback Safe Harbor Through 2021


On December 27, 2013, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will publish final rules that extend through December 31, 2021 the existing Stark Law Exception (42 CFR 411.357(w)) and Anti-Kickback Statute Safe Harbor (42 CFR 1001.952(y)) applicable to the donation of electronic health records (EHR) items and services.   December 31, 2021 is the last year of the Medicaid Meaningful Use incentive payments.

In the Final Rule, CMS and OIG also:

  • Update the provisions under which EHR software is deemed interoperable;
  • Remove the requirement relating to e-prescribing from the Exception and Safe Harbor
  • Limit the scope of protected donors to exclude laboratory companies; and
  • Clarify the condition that prohibits a donor from limiting or restricting the use, compatibility or interoperability of donated EMR items and services.


The final rules require the donated EHR technology to be “interoperable” as of the date it is donated.  Such technology will be deemed to be interoperable if it has been certified by a certification body authorized by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to an edition of the EHR certification criteria identified in the then-applicable 45 CFR part 170 (i.e., the HITECH Act’s definition of “Certified EHR”).  This will require donated software to be “as interoperable as feasible given the prevailing state of technology at the time they are provided to the recipient.”  For example, in 2013, the HITECH Act’s definition of “Certified EHR” permits certification pursuant to either the 2011 or 2014 editions of the EHR certification requirements; in 2014, the HITECH Act requires certification pursuant to the 2014 edition only.


CMS and OIG have concluded that there are sufficient alternative policies driving the adoption of electronic prescribing such that it need not be included in the Exception and Safe Harbor.  Thus, under the final rules, an EHR is no longer required to have electronic prescribing capability in order to be subsidized.

Permissible Donors

In the proposed rules, CMS and OIG identified concerns of potentially abusive practices stemming from the donation of EHR software that seemed to provide for the interoperable exchange of information, but instead led to data and referral “lock-in” between the donor and the referral source.  OIG and CMS specifically referred to EHR items and services donated by ancillary service providers and suppliers, i.e., those do not have a direct primary patient care relationship, as subject to this concern. In the proposed rules, CMS and OIG sought comments on whether to limit the list of permissible donors of EHR items and services to hospitals, group practices, Prescription Drug Plan sponsors and Medicare Advantage organizations – or others with front-line patient care responsibilities.  In light of the comments received, in the final rules, CMS and OIG specifically exclude laboratories from the list of permissible donors.  Otherwise, the universe of protected donors remains the same.


In the proposed rules, CMS and OIG also requested comments on “new and modified conditions” that would prevent EHR donations from becoming a method for locking-in referrals (generally, to the donor), and instead encourage the free exchange of data.  CMS and OIG do not adopt any such additional conditions in the final rules, but clarify that neither a donor “nor any person on the donor’s behalf may take any action to limit or restrict the use, compatibility or interoperability of the donated items or services with other electronic prescribing or other EHR systems, including but not limited to health information technology applications, products or services.”  This expanded language is meant to clarify that neither donors nor recipients may limit interoperability and that donated EHRs must be interoperable both with other EHRs and with health information exchanges and other forms of technology.

To view the CMS final rule, click here. To view the OIG final rule, click here.

Article by:

Jennifer R. Breuer


Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Issued for Calendar Year 2014

McBrayer NEW logo 1-10-13

The Calendar Year 2014 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (“PFS”) final rule has been issued. The rule, over 1,000 pages in length, determines physician reimbursement for services provided to Medicare beneficiaries. Let’s take a look at just a few of the changes contained therein.

Payment Rates

Physicians will see a substantial decline in reimbursement – 20.1% – based on a statutory requirement which limits the amount of annual growth in physician payments. This requirement is known as the Sustainable Growth Rate (“SGR”). The President’s budget calls for averting these steep cuts, and since 2003, Congress has enacted legislation to prevent them. Congress is currently trying to create an alternative payment method which would include the permanent repeal of the SGR formula.

Primary Care and Chronic Care Management

CMS has stressed its support for advanced primary care physicians to address the needs of Medicare beneficiaries who have two or more significant chronic conditions. In 2015, Medicare will begin making separate additional payments to physicians for chronic care management services. Care management services include care plan development and implementation, patient and caregiver communication, and medication management. Medicare beneficiaries will be able to choose a physician or another eligible practitioner from a qualified practice to furnish chronic care management over 30-day periods.

Telehealth Services

Regulations describing eligible telehealth originating sites will now include health professional shortage areas (HPSAs) located in rural census tracts of urban areas as determined by the Office of Rural Health Policy. This change will result in more qualifying originating sites, which will improve access to telehealth services in shortage areas.

CMS is also developing a policy to determine geographic eligibility for originating sites on an annual basis in order to avoid mid-year changes to geographic designations, which often result in unexpected disruptions in telethealth services. In addition, CMS is updating the list of eligible Medicare telehealth services to include transitional care management services.

Application of Therapy Caps to Critical Access Hospitals

Prior to the passage of the American Taxpayers Relief Act of 2012, therapy caps were not applied to therapy services furnished in Critical Access Hospitals (“CAH”). The final rule, however, in conjunction with the American Taxpayers Relief Act, does subject CAH to therapy caps (currently set at $1,920 for 2014).

Physician Quality Reporting System (“PQRS”)

Eligible professionals will be able to submit quality measure data for the PQRS through qualified clinical data registries. These quality measures will be aligned across all reporting programs so that a physician need only report a measure once for all programs.

Most changes established by the PFS will take effect on January 1, 2014. CMS, however, will accept comments on the final rule until January 27, 2014.


Article by:

Anne-Tyler Morgan


McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie and Kirkland, PLLC

Dental and Vision Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act



Many employers are unaware of how dental and vision insurance coverage fit within the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This article unravels these rules.

ACA does not mandate dental and vision insurance for adults. For children under age 19, the rules are different. In the exchanges and the individual and small-employer markets, dental and vision insurance are generally required for children under age 19. This requirement does not apply to large employers with 50 or more employees.

Individuals and Small Employers

Effective January 1, 2014, for the small employer and individual market, ACA requires non-grandfathered health plans to cover a specific group of health benefits known as“essential health benefits.” There are ten benefit categories, of which one is pediatric services. Pediatric services include dental and vision care for children under age 19.

Children in this age group are entitled to teeth cleaning twice a year, x-rays, fillings and orthodontia if medically necessary. (It should be noted that there is not a single definition of “medically necessary.”) In addition, children under age 19 can annually get an eye exam and one pair of glasses or contact lenses. There is no requirement under ACA that health plans provide dental and/or vision coverage to individuals age 19 and over.

The Exchanges

Except as provided below, health insurance plans offered within an exchange must include pediatric dental and vision benefits. If the exchange has a stand-alone dental plan providing pediatric dental benefits, the health insurance plan does not need to offer this benefit. The exchanges do not have stand-alone plans for pediatric vision benefits.

Under the federal exchanges, when the dental insurance is a stand-alone plan, employers and individuals are not required to purchase it. State exchanges may provide otherwise. There are no subsidies for stand-alone pediatric dental plans.

Planning tips:  

  1. It may be more cost effective to purchase a stand-alone dental policy. When the health plan includes dental coverage, certain dental expenses may not be covered until the medical deductible is satisfied.
  2. If dental and vision coverage is desired for adults, the health plan should be carefully examined because the law only requires pediatric dental and vision coverage. If dental and vision insurance for adults are not covered in the health plan, the adults must purchase a stand-alone policy.

Employers With 50 or More Employees

Currently, health plans for large employers with 50 or more employees are not required to provide essential health benefits. Instead, health plans for large employers must offer “minimum essential coverage.” If this coverage is not affordable and meaningful, beginning in 2015, the employer may be subject to a monetary penalty.

The term minimum essential coverage is defined very broadly under ACA. Virtually any health plan offered within a state that is offered to at least 95% of the employer’s full-time employees and dependents constitutes minimum essential coverage. There is no requirement under ACA that dental or vision benefits must be offered in these health plans. Unlike the exchanges and the individual and small employer markets, dental and vision care for children under age 19 are not required.  Although not required, most large employers offer dental and vision coverage to their employees.

Article By:

William N. Anspach, Jr.


Much Shelist, P.C.

USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Finalizes Import Regulations for “Mad Cow Disease”

Varnum LLP


In November, the USDA announced a final rule that will align the Agency’s import regulations for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or “mad cow disease”)with international standards. According to a USDA November news release, the final regulation will allow for the safe trade of bovines and bovine product, while still protecting the U.S. from the introduction of BSE.

Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow praised the new rule by stating, “I applaud USDA’s actions to make sure that American’s beef producers have access to new export markets…This effort is crucial to breaking down other countries’ unfounded trade barriers, and re-opening trade markets that are closed to U.S. beef. American agriculture has long set the gold standard food production. [These] actions will ensure U.S. beef producers can operate on a more level playing field and help grow our agriculture economy.”


Article by:

Aaron M. Phelps


Varnum LLP

Supreme Court To Consider Employers’ Arguments Regarding Contraceptive Mandate

McBrayer NEW logo 1-10-13


The United States Supreme Court will revisit the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”)requirement that most employers provide contraceptive coverage in employee health insurance plans. On November 26, 2013, the Court accepted two cases which center on the issue, each of which resulted in a different outcome. The ACA currently provides an exemption to certain non-profit religious organizations, but there is no such exemption for private employers.

The Supreme Court will now consider whether private companies should be able to refuse to provide employees with contraception coverage under their health plans on the basis of religion. Further, the Supreme Court may consider whether for-profit corporations may validly claim protection under freedom of religion.

In Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.[1], the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit ruled that a requirement which forced Hobby Lobby to comply with the contraception coverage mandate violated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which protects religious freedom. Hobby Lobby is owned by David and Barbara Green, who have stated that they strive to run their company in accordance with their Christian beliefs. The Greens have no objection to preventive contraception, but only medication which may prevent human embryos from being implanted in the womb (i.e., “the morning-after pill”).

The 10th Circuit Appeals Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby based upon its  decision in a previous case, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission[2], which held that corporations hold political speech rights akin to individuals. Taking this reasoning further, if a corporation can have political speech rights, then it should also have protection for its religious expression, according to the Court.

In Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius[3], the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit viewed the issue differently. The Court upheld the contraception coverage mandate based upon what it perceived as a “total absence of case law” to support any argument that corporations are guaranteed religious protection.

According to the ACA, contraceptive coverage provided by employers’ group health insurance plans is “lawful and essential” to women’s health; however, certain businesses assert that their religious liberty is more important. Ultimately, the United States Supreme Court will cast the deciding vote.

[1] Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 723 F.3d 1114 (10th Cir. 2013).

[2] Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010).

[3] Conestoga Woods Specialties v. Sebelius, 724 F.3d 377 (3d Cir. 2013).


Article by:

Brittany Blackburn Koch


McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie and Kirkland, PLLC


It's Official—The Supreme Court Announces That It Will Review The Contraceptive Mandate


On Nov. 26, 2013, U.S. Supreme Court announced that it will review two cases in which for-profit employers challenged the application of the contraceptive mandate under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The cases are Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores and Conestoga Wood Specialites Corp. v. Sebelius.

Both employers say that their religious beliefs bar them from providing employees with drugs or other items that they consider abortifacients. These employers argue that the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act protects their religious beliefs and therefore bars the application of the contraceptive mandate. In contrast, the government argues that for-profit corporations cannot exercise religion and therefore have no protection from the mandate.

Supreme Court

At present, the federal courts of appeal are deeply divided on this issue. Three circuits—the Seventh, Tenth, and D.C. Circuits—have upheld challenges to the mandate, while two circuits—the Third and the Sixth—have rejected these challenges. The most recent decision came from the Seventh Circuit in Korte v. Sebelius, Case No. 12-3841, and Grote v. Sebelius, Case No. 13-1077.  The court’s ruling, issued Nov. 8, 2013, held that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act barred the application of the mandate to closely held, for-profit corporations when the mandate substantially burdened the religious-exercise rights of the business owners and their companies.

The Supreme Court will likely hear oral argument in the consolidated Hobby Lobby andConestoga case in March 2014. The decision is expected to decide whether—and to what extent—for-profit corporations have a right to exercise religion. Many commentators see parallels between this case and the Citizens United case in which the Court held that corporations had a First Amendment right to make certain political expenditures. If the Court finds that corporations also have religious rights, it could have significant impact on the application of other laws—including the Title VII, the ADA, the FMLA, etc. For example, could a religious employer object to providing FMLA leave for an employee to care for a same-sex spouse, even in a state that recognizes same-sex unions? Keep an eye on this case—it could have far-reaching consequences.

Article by:

Mark D. Scudder


Barnes & Thornburg LLP

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff: Mobile Medical Applications

GT Law


On September 25, 2013, the Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”) released final guidance on the regulatory requirements regarding the introduction of mobile medical applications into the marketplace (the “Final Guidance”).  The purpose of the Final Guidance and its Appendices is to assist manufacturers with determining if a product is a mobile medical app and if so the FDA’s expectations for that product.  This Alert summarizes some the key components of the Final Guidance.

I. Summary of the Guidance

This Final Guidance informs manufacturers, distributors and other entities on how the FDA intends to apply its regulatory authorities to select software applications intended for use on mobile platforms (mobile applications).1   Some mobile applications may meet the definition of a medical device under section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)), but because some may pose a lower risk to the public, FDA intends to exercise enforcement discretion.  A majority of mobile applications either do not meet the definition of the FD&C Act or are in a category where the FDA intends to exercise enforcement discretion.

The FDA intends to apply its regulatory oversight on those mobile applications that are medical devices and whose functionality could post a risk to a patient’s safety if the mobile application does not function appropriately.  The Final Guidance is intended to provide clarity and predictability for manufacturers of these mobile applications.

The Final Guidance provides lengthy definitions of the following terms:

  • Mobile Platform
  • Mobile Application
  • Mobile Medical Application
  • Regulated Medical Device
  • Mobile Medical App Manufacturer

The above-referenced definitions can be found in the full guidance.

II. Scope

The Final Guidance explains the FDA’s intent—to focus its oversight on a segment of mobile apps.

III. Regulatory Approach for Mobile Medical Apps

The FDA intends to apply its regulatory oversight to only those mobile apps that are (1) medical devices; and (2) whose functionality could pose a risk to a patient’s safety if the mobile app were to not function as intended. The FDA believes that if it fails to function as intended, this subset of mobile medical apps poses potential risks to the public health as currently regulated devices. The FDA strongly recommends that manufacturers who fall within the scope of this guidance follow the Quality System2  regulation (which includes good manufacturing practices) in the design and development of their mobile medical apps and initiate prompt corrections to their mobile medical apps, when appropriate, to prevent patient and user harm. Manufacturers of mobile medical apps must meet the requirements associated with the applicable device classification.

A. Mobile medical apps: Subset of mobile apps that are the focus of the FDA’s regulatory oversight

The FDA currently intends to apply its regulatory oversight to only the subset of mobile apps.3   Of major importance, mobile apps can transform a mobile platform into a regulated medical device by using attachments, display screens, sensors, or other such methods. In spite of the transformation, FDA considers such mobile apps to be mobile medical apps.

The following are mobile apps that the FDA considers to be mobile medical apps that are subject to regulatory oversight:

  • Mobile apps that are an extension of one or more medical devices by connecting4  to such device(s) for purposes of controlling5  the device(s) or displaying, storing, analyzing, or transmitting patient-specific medical device data.
  • Mobile apps that transform the mobile platform into a regulated medical device by using attachments, display screens, or sensors or by including functionalities similar to those of currently regulated medical devices. Mobile apps that use attachments, display screens, sensors or other such similar components to transform a mobile platform into a regulated medical device are required to comply with the device classification associated with the transformed platform.
  • Mobile apps that become a regulated medical device (software) by performing patient-specific analysis and providing patient-specific diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. These types of mobile medical apps are similar to or perform the same function as those types of software devices that have been previously cleared or approved.

B. Mobile Apps for which the FDA intends to exercise enforcement discretion (meaning that FDA does not intend to enforce requirements under the FD&C Act)

The Final Guidance illustrates the FDA’s exercise of enforcement discretion for mobile apps that: (i) Help patients (i.e., users) self-manage their disease or conditions without providing specific treatment or treatment suggestions; (ii) Provide patients with simple tools to organize and track their health information; (iii) Provide easy access to information related to patients’ health conditions or treatments; (iv) Help patients document, show, or communicate potential medical conditions to health care providers; (v) Automate simple tasks for health care providers; or (vi) Enable patients or providers to interact with Personal Health Record (“PHR”) or Electronic Health Record (“EHR”) systems.

It is important to note that some mobile apps listed above and below may be considered mobile medical apps, and others might not.

The following examples represent mobile apps for which the FDA intends to exercise enforcement discretion:

  • Mobile apps that provide or facilitate supplemental clinical care, by coaching or prompting, to help patients manage their health in their daily environment.
  • Mobile apps that provide patients with simple tools to organize and track their health information.
  • Mobile apps that provide easy access to information related to patients’ health conditions or treatments (beyond providing an electronic “copy” of a medical reference).
  • Mobile apps that are specifically marketed to help patients document, show, or communicate to providers potential medical conditions.
  • Mobile apps that perform simple calculations routinely used in clinical practice.
  • Mobile apps that enable individuals to interact with PHR systems or EHR systems.

IV. Regulatory Requirements

Manufacturers of mobile medical apps are subject to the requirements described in the applicable device classification regulation.6

Our team will continue to provide you with updated information on various aspects of this Final Guidance.

1 While many have suggested that this guidance provides similar views on software, the Agency has taken a more formalized position on certain software requirements and the classification of such products.  For example, the FDA has previously clarified that when stand-alone software is used to analyze medical device data, it has traditionally been regulated as an accessory to a medical device or as medical device software.  Medical Devices; Medical Device Data Systems Final Rule (76 FR 8637) (Feb. 15, 2011).

2 See 21 CFR part 820.

3 See Appendix C.

To meet this criterion, the mobile medical apps need not be physically connected to the regulated medical device (i.e. the connection can be wired or wireless).

Controlling the intended use, function, modes, or energy source of the connected medical device.

6 Class I devices: General Controls, including:

  • Establishment registration, and Medical Device listing (21 CFR Part 807);
  • Quality System (QS) regulation (21 CFR Part 820);
  • Labeling requirements (21 CFR Part 801);
  • Medical Device Reporting (21 CFR Part 803);
  • Premarket notification (21 CFR Part 807);
  • Reporting Corrections and Removals (21 CFR Part 806); and
  • Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) requirements for clinical studies of investigational devices (21 CFR Part 812).

Class II devices: General Controls (as described for Class I), Special Controls, and (for most Class II devices) Premarket Notification.

Class III devices: General Controls (as described for Class I), and Premarket Approval (21 CFR Part 814).


Article by:


Greenberg Traurig, LLP

IRS Announces Modification to “Use-It-Or-Lose-It” Rule for Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts

Dickinson Wright Logo

On October 31, 2013, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) announced a modification to the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule that applies to health care Flexible Spending Arrangements (“FSAs”) under a cafeteria plan. Under the use-it-or-lose-it rule, unused amounts in a participant’s health care FSA for a plan year not used to pay eligible medical expenses incurred during the plan year were required to be forfeited to the employer, unless the employer adopted the 2 1/2 month grace period. The grace period rules permit participants to use amounts remaining from the prior year to pay eligible medical expenses incurred during the first two months and 15 days immediately following the end of the plan year (March 15 for a calendar year plan).

The New Carryover Provision

Under the new rule, an employer, at its option, may permit a participant to carryover to the immediately following plan year up to $500 in unused amounts from a health care FSA. This carryover may be used to pay or reimburse medical expenses under a health care FSA incurred during the entire plan year to which it is carried over. The rule also provides that:

  • The carryover does not count against or otherwise affect the maximum payroll reduction limit for the plan year ($2,500 for 2014).
  • Although the maximum unused amount allowed to be carried over to any plan year is $500, the plan may specify a lower amount.
  • If a plan permits a carryover, the same dollar limit must apply to all plan participants.
  • A plan that adopts the carryover provision is not permitted to provide the FSA grace period.
  • The use of the carryover option does not affect the plan’s ability to provide for the payment of expenses incurred in one plan year during a permitted “run-out” period at the beginning of the following year.
  • A plan is not permitted to allow unused amounts related to an FSA to be cashed out to the participant or used for any other taxable or non-taxable benefit.
  • A plan is permitted to treat reimbursements of all claims that are incurred in the current plan year as reimbursed first from unused amounts credited for the current plan year and, only after exhausting these amounts, as then reimbursed from unused amounts carried over from the previous year.
  • Any carryover amount used to pay for eligible medical expenses in the current plan year will reduce the amounts available to pay claims during the run-out period from the prior plan year.

For example, Jane Smith participates in her employer’s FSA with a calendar plan year, a run-out period from January 1 to March 31, an open enrollment in November for making salary reductions for the following year and the $500 carryover.

In November 2014, Jane elects a salary reduction of $2,500 for 2015. By December 31, 2014, she has $800 remaining from 2014. The plan may treat $500 of the unused $800 as available to pay 2015 expenses. Jane now has a total of $3,000 to spend in 2015. She is reimbursed for a $2,700 claim incurred in July 2015. The plan treats the first $2,500 as reimbursed with 2015 contributions, and the remaining $200 of the claim as reimbursed with unused 2014 contributions (leaving $300 for any further 2015 expenses). If she submits no further claims in 2015, the remaining $300 is carried over to 2016.

Assume these same facts, except that Jane’s $2,700 expense is incurred and submitted in January 2015 (during the 2014 run-out period). Jane is reimbursed for the claim first from 2015 contributions ($2,500) and then from 2014 contributions ($200). Since this claim was incurred during the run-out period, the 2014 run-out amount is reduced to $600 ($800-$200). If on February 1, 2015 Jane receives a medical bill from 2014 for $700 and submits the expense, the plan may only reimburse her for $600 of the total $700 claim. Jane continues to have $300 available for any 2015 expense, which may be carried over to 2016.

Next Steps

An employer that wants to implement the new carryover option must amend its cafeteria plan on or before the last day of the plan year from which amounts may be carried over and the amendment can be made effective retroactively to the first day of that plan year. For example, an employer can amend a calendar year plan on or before December 31, 2013 and have the carryover rule apply for 2013. The employer must notify participants of the new rule.

This increased flexibility will reduce a key barrier for many potential FSA users and may increase enrollment in FSA programs. Participants will no longer have to perfectly predict normally unpredictable health expenses a year in advance. Even though the carryover is limited to $500, the majority of forfeitures under the use-it-or-lose-it rule were less than $500.

Employers should carefully consider whether their employees would benefit from adopting the carryover rule instead of the grace period rule. The carryover rule is limited to $500 but permits the $500 to be used to pay for eligible expenses during the entire year into which it was carried over. In contrast, the grace period rule permits the entire amount of unused dollars in a health care FSA to be used but only to pay expenses incurred during the first 2 1/2 months of the next year.

Employers seeking to modify a 2013 plan that currently has a grace period should also carefully consider the ERISA implications of eliminating the availability of the grace period for 2013 contributions.

Article by:

Eric W. Gregory


Dickinson Wright PLLC

Government Shutdown Now Over – But What About Sequestration?


The government may be back up and running and funded under a short-term continuing resolution (CR), but the battle is far from over as Congress heads toward new deadlines to address budgetary matters.  There has been some confusion about what the current budget agreement means in terms of sequestration’s annual cuts to discretionary and mandatory programs instituted in 2012.  The law signed by the President to address the short-term continuing resolution and temporarily raise the debt ceiling does not provide federal agencies flexibility to administer new sequestration cuts at this time.  With the government spending levels remaining at FY 2013 levels for the duration of the CR, a new round of sequester cuts are not set to kick in until January 2014.

The law established a short-term budget conference committee, with a set deadline of Dec. 13, 2013 to outline recommended spending levels and program cuts.  Of note is that the committee deadline is set in advance of when the second year of the sequester will begin.  The deadline provides a window of opportunity for the new budget conferees to address how the sequester cuts are applied in FY 2014.   The conferees may contemplate making other adjustments to entitlement programs (Medicare and Medicaid) to address health care spending issues that will be negotiated during their deliberations.  In addition, Medicare payments to physicians are set to be cut by approximately 25 percent if Congress does not address the cut by December 31, 2013 and offset the cut with a payfor that would likely include cuts to other health care entities. Any of these negotiations and decisions, if ultimately accepted by Congress, could impact the size of the Medicare sequester cuts in January FY 2014.

Article By:


Government Shutdown Aftermath: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Under Pressure to Finalize Medicare Payment Rules


  • Because of the prolonged government shutdown, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) may encounter delays in promulgating final payment rules that would otherwise be effective January 1, 2014.
  • It is reasonable to expect that CMS will miss the November 1, 2013 statutory deadline to publish final rules due to the staff shortage from the shutdown as well as the complexity of many significant rule changes that were proposed earlier this year.
  • There is precedent for delaying the effective date of an entire payment rule to allow for the proper 60-day notice and comment period, and there are cases where only portions of a rule that represent significant changes have been delayed.
  • Providers should assess whether CMS has taken the requisite time to properly account for stakeholder input through the comment process, and, if not, they should identify possible remedies.

Despite the short-term resolution to the government budget and debt-ceiling “crisis,” health care providers serving approximately 50 million Medicare beneficiaries may be waiting longer than usual this year to see what rates they will be paid in 2014 as a result of the government shutdown. Any delay is likely to cause great angst amongst providers, including physicians, hospitals, laboratories, and post-acute care facilities such as home health agencies, whose livelihood depends to a significant degree on the terms of annual reimbursement rules. These include the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS), the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS), the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) and the Home Health Prospective Payment System (HHPPS).

As we noted prior to the government shutdown, over three quarters of the staff at CMS, the federal agency that administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs, are subject to a furlough. Most of the remaining staff are funded through non-annual discretionary appropriations, such as those who are working to implement the health care marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act. Therefore, even though the government reopened on October 17, 2013, the likelihood that CMS and other executive branch offices will finalize a series of important 2014 Medicare payment rules by the November 1st statutory deadline is becoming increasingly doubtful.

Much depends on the progress executive branch officials had already made on specific payment rules before the shutdown, on how fast staff are able to ramp up now that it is over (for the time being), and on competing priorities and deadlines for the Administration. Adding to the complexity of finalizing the payment rules this year, CMS had proposed numerous significant changes that could greatly impact reimbursement for calendar year 2014. Some of the most significant changes that were proposed in earlier rulemaking include:

Home Health Prospective Payment System
  • Responding to this proposed rule, industry stakeholders have been vocal in their concerns over portions of the proposed rule, which imposes a 14% reduction in Medicare home health funding by means of the maximum allowable rebasing adjustment of 3.5% each year from 2014 to 2017. In comments submitted to the agency, numerous stakeholders from the home health sector specified methodological flaws in the rule including that it was drafted using outdated data and the wrong base year; its impact was only analyzed for 2014 even though it applies to 2014-2017; and that it failed to include an adequate small business impact analysis per the Regulatory Flexibility Act – in fact, the Small Business Administration has expressed concern with the proposed HHPPS rule.
Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System
  • Collapsing Outpatient Visits: Collapsing 20 hospital clinic visits, Type A emergency department (ED) and Type B ED visit codes into 3 new codes – one for each type of visit.
  • Packaging: Identifying seven new categories of items and services whose costs will be packaged into payment for other services to which they are integral, ancillary or supportive, including, among others, radiation oncology, clinical diagnostic laboratory tests, and drugs, biologicals, and radiopharmaceuticals that function as supplies when used in a diagnostic test or procedure.
  • New Cost Centers: Using distinct cost-to-charge ratios (CCRs) for cardiac catheterizations, CT scans and MRIs to calculate OPPS payment weights – a change which represents significant cuts to CT and MRI reimbursement (approx. 26% and 11%, respectively).
Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
  • New National Limitation Amounts (NLAs) that will govern reimbursement for over 100 tier 1 molecular pathology codes, covering genetic testing ranging from cancers to rare diseases such as cystic fibrosis.
Physician Fee Schedule
  • Cuts in reimbursement for independent laboratories (-26%), radiation therapy centers (-13%), diagnostic testing facilities (-7%), radiation oncology (-5%), pathology (-5%), and interventional radiology (-4%), among others.
  • Capping for certain services in the PFS at the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) or Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) rates for 2013.
  • Revisions to the Medicare Economic Index (MEI) that could cut reimbursement for diagnostic testing facilities, portable x-ray suppliers, and radiation therapy centers.

Legal Background for Payment Rule Timing

Various laws and executive orders govern when a Medicare payment rule must be posted for public comment, the required length of time of the notice and comment process, and when the final rule is to become effective.

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) normally requires a 30-day delay in the effective date of a rule. Furthermore, the Congressional Review Act (CRA) generally requires an agency to delay the effective date of a major rule by 60 days in order to allow for congressional review of the agency action. Finally, in order to receive the proper stakeholder input, the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requires CMS to provide a 60-day notice and comment period before promulgating a rule. Thus, CMS has a statutory deadline of November 1, 2013 if it wants to have an effective date of January 1, 2014 for a Medicare payment rule.

A comment period of at least 60 days is the default under Executive Order 12866, § 6(a)(1) (Sept. 30, 1993), Regulatory Planning and Review, as amended by Exec. Orders 13258 (Feb. 26, 2002) and 13422 (Jan. 18, 2007) (providing that “each agency should afford the public a meaningful opportunity to comment on any proposed regulation, which in most cases should include a comment period of not less than 60 days”).

If CMS finds good cause to waive the delay in the effective date of a final rule because the delay is unnecessary, impractical, or contrary to the public’s interest, or the statute permits waiving the delay, the final rule may become effective upon publication.

A History of Delays

CMS regularly misses the November 1 deadline, and in some cases the final rule is published in late November. In certain instances, CMS has delayed the effective date of a payment rule to account for the 60-day notice and comment period as well as the 30-day minimum effective date requirement. For example, for the CY 2003 PFS, CMS delayed the effective date from January 1 to March 3 after publishing the final rule on December 31, 2002. During the last government shutdown in 1995, CMS published the CY 1996 PFS on December 8th and retained an effective date of January 1, 1996 for the overall rule, but extended comments for new or revised payment codes until Feb 6th. The agency has used similar processes for other payment rules, such as the CY 2008 HOPPS rule that extended the comment period until the end of January for certain codes that were significantly changed.

Recent history seems to indicate that if the rules are delayed into December, there is a small, albeit infrequently used, possibility that rules/codes that are significantly changed may have a delayed comment and effective date. However, CMS has also ignored such deadlines in the past and, through a variety of methods, has been able to justify shorter notice and comment periods and effective dates less than 60 days from original publication.


It is reasonable to believe that due to the government shutdown and ensuing staff shortage, CMS could incur significant delays in publishing Medicare final payment rules, in some cases until well after the “standard” statutory November 1st deadline. While CMS has extended notice/comment periods and effective dates, it has done so rarely and only when delays relate to significant substantive changes made in the rules. Because a series of complex and economically significant changes to reimbursement rates and rules has been proposed for 2014, stakeholders should work to ensure that CMS provides adequate time for consideration of industry input via notice and comment in compliance with the spirit and letter of the law.

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