Reclassification of Hydrocodone Takes Effect This Week

McBrayer NEW logo 1-10-13

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) published a Final Rule on August 22, 2014, which elevates hydrocodone-combination products (“HCPs”) to a Schedule II category of drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. That rule becomes effective this week – on October 6, 2014. While some hydrocodone products are already listed as Schedule II, some combination products (such as Vicodin, Norco, and Tussionex) were previously listed on the less-restrictive Schedule III. In determining whether rescheduling was necessary, the DEA considered multiple factors including the potential for abuse, likelihood of dependence, and the threat to public health posed by the drug.

How does the new rule affect prescribers?

According to DEA, HCPs prescriptions issued prior to October 6, 2014 and authorized to be filled or refilled may be dispensed if such dispensing occurs before April 8, 2015. In some cases, pharmacy dispensing software products may not be able to process existing refills starting on October 6, or pharmacies may simply choose not to dispense refills after the effective date.

Pursuant to the Final Rule, HCPs prescriptions written on or after October 6, may not be refilled. No refills are allowed by any practitioner for Schedule II controlled substances and Schedule II prescriptions may only be given for maximum of a 30-day supply. Commentators to the proposed rule worried that rescheduling would result in more trips to the doctor to receive appropriate pain control. In response to these concerns, the DEA noted in the Final Rule that prescribers may issue multiple prescriptions authorizing patients to receive up to a 90-day supply, provided certain regulatory requirements (established in 21 CFR 1306.12) are met.

Prescription Bottle of Pills Spilled on Table

In addition, in Kentucky, Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions may not be faxed or called in to a pharmacy except as provided for in 902 KAR 55:095. Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions that are electronically prescribed must use a system that has been audited for compliance with the regulations specified in 21 CFR 1311. Further, Schedule II controlled substance prescriptions are valid for 60 days from the date written and controlled substance prescriptions must be signed and dated on the date issued by the prescriber.

Kentucky prescribers should be aware that restrictions on prescribing existing Schedule II pure hydrocodone products remain under current Kentucky statutes and regulations because these products were not rescheduled to Schedule II.

Midlevel providers who operate under collaborative agreements or are limited in their ability to prescribe certain Schedules of medications may be particularly affected by the Final Rule. In Kentucky, KRS 314.011, Section 8 (a) limits APRN prescribing of Schedule II controlled substances to a 72 hour supply with no refills, except certified psychiatric-mental health nurses are permitted to prescribe up to a 30-day supply of a Schedule II psychostimulant with no refills. KRS 314.011, Section 8 (b) limits APRN prescribing of Schedule III controlled substances to a 30-day supply with no refills. Because KRS 314.011, Section 8 (b) was in effect March 19, 2013, all APRNs will continue to be permitted to prescribe a 30-day supply of Schedule II hydrocodone combination products if allowed under their DEA license.

Even if the Final Rule does not specifically affect a prescriber’s abilities, prescribers should be prepared to work with pharmacies in order to minimize dispensing disruptions after the effective date. They should also identify and inform patients who are currently receiving HCPs about the rescheduling and, if necessary, discuss alternative pain management options. And, as prescribers well know, any new regulatory framework also brings with it the expectation of greater scrutiny and oversight in the future from regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies.


Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act to be Signed into Law

Drinker Biddle Law Firm

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014, known as the IMPACT Act, passed the House on September 16th. It was introduced in the House by Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and in the Senate by Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) on June 26, 2014. The Senate voted to approve the legislation on Thursday, September 18, meaning it will now be sent to President Obama for his signature.

The IMPACT Act establishes requirements for post-acute care (PAC) providers to report and share standardized assessment data, including patient assessments, quality measures, and information about resource use. The bill gives various facilities between two and just over four years to implement processes that allow them to report different kinds of data. The legislation also directs the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) to evaluate payment systems that consider individual characteristics rather than just the type of facility at which a patient is treated. The new data to be reported will help illustrate facility performance and could help determine if a payment system that takes patient outcomes into account is preferable.

Additionally, the bill directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct two studies using additional data to determine what effect, if any, socioeconomic and other factors have on quality and resource use measures.  To learn more, read the District Policy Group bill summary, written by Legislative Assistant Sarah Williams here.

Read a summary from the Library of Congress here.



President Obama’s Response to the Ebola Crisis

According to the U.S. Department of Defense, December 30, 2013 was epidemiological week 1 for the current Ebola crisis in West Africa.  Since that date, more than 4,985 cases — 2,461 of which have resulted in death — have been confirmed or suspected.

Today, nine months after the epidemic’s outbreak, President Obama has made an overdue announcement that the U.S. will deploy an estimated 3,000 troops in an effort to stem the crisis.  The response is certainly welcome but it remains far from certain that an intervention by the U.S. military will be sufficient to defeat this deadly epidemic.

President Obama is right to characterize the Ebola outbreak as a top national security priority for the U.S., and the past is instructive for what we might be dealing with in this situation.

The last time that the U.S. declared a health emergency to be a threat to U.S. national security was in 2000, when the Clinton administration designated HIV/AIDS as a threat that could undermine governments, lead to conflict and weaken progress on democracy and economic growth.  At that time, the Clinton Administration doubled its budget request to combat HIV/AIDS internationally to $254 million.  However, it was not until 2003 when President George W. Bush requested from Congress $15 billion over five years that the U.S. began to turn the tide of that deadly pandemic.  It was still another two years before medicines became widely available to those infected with HIV and, in 2008, PEPFAR was reauthorized for $48 billion for another five years.

To date, the Obama administration has spent $175 million to address the rapidly spreading Ebola crisis in West Africa.  This is likely to be a fraction of the ultimate cost required to defeat this disease.  Recent estimates from the United Nations place the costs around $1 billion.

In addition to involving the U.S. military, President Obama has committed the U.S. to the construction of 17 treatment centers (each of which will have 100  beds) in Liberia and the establishment of a site to train up to 500 local health care providers per week.  In terms of containing this deadly disease, this “whole of government” response from the Obama Administration is a good, if belated, start.  However, key questions remain.

It is not clear how long the strategy will take to implement and, according to international health officials who spoke with The New York Times, 1,000 beds are needed in the next week alone to contain the spread of the disease.  It also is not clear how the U.S. will work with the governments of Sierra Leone and Guinea, as nearly half the cases reported come from those two countries, nor Nigeria and Senegal who also have reported cases.

Over the weekend, chief executives from 11 companies operating in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea made an urgent appeal to the international community to pool its resources to fight Ebola.  It is an important development that the U.S. is moving forward with a more aggressive response to this plea.  Yet victory will likely require a “whole of community” response from all stakeholders, including governments, businesses, NGOs and others, who want to see the governments of West Africa defeat this deadly scourge.



Kickback-Tainted Medicare/Medicaid Claims for Reimbursement Actionable Under FCA, New York Federal Judge Holds

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The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (“SDNY”) recently issued an opinion making clear that liability now arises under theFalse Claims Act (“FCA”) whenever claims for reimbursement of prescription drugs are submitted under Medicare Part B, Medicare Part D, or state Medicaid programs in connection with which a provider has received a kickback (referred to herein as a kickback-tainted claim).  The SDNY’s decision was based on an interpretation of an amendment to the Anti-Kickback Statute made by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) in 2010, which implicates claims arising under the False Claims Act (“FCA”).

The FCA allows a private citizen whistleblower (referred to as a relator) with knowledge of fraud against the federal government to file a qui tam lawsuit on behalf of himself and the United States.  Because the FCA provides for treble damages and significant civil penalties, as well as attorneys’ fees and costs, recoveries are often in the multi millions of dollars, providing a strong deterrent to companies and individuals against committing fraud on the government.  In addition, whistleblowers are entitled to an award of between 15% and 30% of any amount recovered, providing an equally strong incentive for those with knowledge of such fraud to come forward.  Health care fraud is particularly rampant, having given rise to over 70 percent of all FCA recoveries over the past decade.

U.S. ex rel. Kester v. Novartis, involved a common form of health care fraud involving kickbacks, where monetary payments or other financial incentives are unlawfully provided to doctors, hospitals, or pharmacies in exchange for referrals or for the prescription of pharmaceutical drugs or supplies.  Specifically, in this case, the government alleged that Novartis had paid kickbacks to certain pharmacies for promoting two Novartis pharmaceuticals (Myfortic and Exjade) in violation of the Anti-Kickback Statute (“AKS”), which prohibits pharmacies from accepting kickbacks in exchange for purchasing or recommending a drug covered by a federal health care program, such as Medicare and Medicaid.

In 2010, the PPACA amended the AKS with the intention of assigning liability under the FCA for violations of the kickback statute.  The FCA prohibits making a fraudulent claim for payment to the Government or submitting false information material to such a claim.  The AKS amendment expressly provided that a “claim that includes items or services resulting from a violation of [the AKS] constitutes a false or fraudulent claim for purposes of [the FCA].”  42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(g).  Novartis argued, however, that the “resulting from” language in the amendment limited, rather than expanded, the reach of the FCA, asserting that liability could not be established without showing that the claims for reimbursement were actually caused by the receipt of a kickback―”i.e. where a pharmacy convinced a physician . . . to prescribe a drug that he would not have otherwise prescribed, or convinced a patient . . . to order a refill that he would not otherwise have ordered.”  Such a strict “but-for” causation requirement not only would have made it difficult to show liability, it would have significantly reduced any recovery to only those situations where “the decision to provide medical treatment is caused by a kickback scheme.”

The SDNY rejected this unduly narrow interpretation, relying on the legislative history of the PPACA, which it reasoned was aimed at expanding the reach of the FCA, and the Second Circuit’s framework for analyzing false claims set forth in Mikes v. Straus, 274 F.3d 687 (2d Cir. 2001).  In Mikes, the Second Circuit held that a party violates the FCA when it falsely certifies compliance with a statute, regulation, or contract that is a precondition to payment.  Mikes also held that false certifications did not need to take the form of express statements certifying compliance, but rather could be implied when the underlying statute or regulation expressly requires a party to comply in order to be paid.  Under such circumstances, knowingly submitting a noncompliant claim for payment will constitute a violation of the FCA.  To this end, the SDNY held in Novartis that the PPACA expressly made compliance with the AKS a precondition to payment under Federal health care programs.  Consequently, any kickback-tainted claim for reimbursement submitted to the government is a violation of the FCA under this reasoning.  Thus, whereas previously, a whistleblower had to have evidence of an express certification of compliance with the law, now, in order to establish an FCA violation involving kickbacks, a whistleblower need only show that a claim for reimbursement was submitted to the Government in connection with which kickbacks were received.



Full D.C. Circuit to Rehear ACA Premium Tax Credit Case

Mcdermott Will Emery Law Firm

The full U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has vacated the 2-1 panel decision issued July 22, 2014, in Halbig v. Burwell, which struck down the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Rule providing for Affordable Care Act (ACA) premium tax credits to be available to lower income exchange customers, regardless of their state of residence.  The government’s brief is due October 3, 2014, and the plaintiffs’ opposing brief is due a month later on November 3, 2014, to precede oral arguments on December 17, 2014.  It is likely that the full D.C. Circuit would not render its opinion before mid- to late Spring 2015.  This has the effect of preserving the status quo with respect to the availability of premium tax credits, at least until the full D.C. Circuit renders its decision.

Meanwhile, the plaintiffs have sought review by the Supreme Court of the United States in King v. Burwell, Halbig’s sister case in which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld that same IRS Rule.  The Clerk of the Supreme Court has granted the government an extension until October 3, 2014, to respond to the petition for certiorari.  The plaintiffs have urged the highest court render its decision as quickly as possible to resolve the circuit split.  If the Supreme Court accepts King for review before mid-January, it could issue a ruling in the current term, which is scheduled to end in late June 2015.

Among the highest profile legal challenges to the ACA, Halbig and King seek to invalidate a May 2012 IRS Rule providing that health insurance premium tax credits will be available to all taxpayers nationwide, regardless of whether they obtain coverage through a state-based exchange or a federally facilitated exchanges (FFE).  The plaintiffs (represented by the same lawyers in both cases) argued that the plain language of the ACA limits the availability of premium tax credits to only those taxpayers who reside in the 14 states (plus the District of Columbia) that set up their own exchanges, and thus nullifies the IRS Rule’s application to the 36 states operating exchanges through the FFE.  Plaintiffs’ argument is based on language providing that premium tax credits are only available for plans “enrolled in through an Exchange established by the State under section 1311 of the [ACA].”  ACA § 1401(a), enacting 26 U.S.C. § 36B(c)(2)(A)(i) (emphasis added).  The government counters that other provisions of the ACA make clear that the subsidies are to be made available in the FFE states as well.  

There are also two similar cases awaiting decisions by federal trial courts on motions for summary judgment.  First, in Pruitt v. Burwell, pending in federal district court in Muskogee, Oklahoma, the state complains that the availability of the premium tax credit in FFE states forces the state to choose between the costs of providing coverage to its employees or paying the IRS a significant financial penalty.  Second, in Indiana v. IRS, pending in federal district court in Indianapolis, the state and 39 of its public school districts argue that the IRS Rule directly injures the state and school districts in their capacities as employers by subjecting them to increased compliance costs and administrative burdens.  On August 12, 2014, the plaintiffs survived the government’s motion to dismiss based upon lack of standing inIndiana v. IRS, although the court dismissed one aspect of the case because of the delay in enforcing the employer mandate.  Oral arguments on the merits are set for October 9, 2014.


Difficult Situation Know-How: What To Do If an Employee Seems Suicidal

Steptoe Johnson PLLC Law Firm

As people in the world, we face difficult situations all the time.  If someone seems sad or depressed, we may want to help but not know how.  When it’s your employee who is going through tough times, you may have legal concerns to worry about too.  It’s good to be as prepared as possible beforehand.  For example, let’s imagine that one of your employees seems depressed and starts making comments around the workplace about hurting him or herself.

A condition causing an employee to become suicidal may be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).  In that case, it would be an unlawful discriminatory practice to take adverse employment actions based on the employee’s condition, and the employee may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation.  If an employee makes a statement or does something that causes you to think that he or she may be suicidal, it is best to initially address the situation under the assumption that the employee has a condition covered under the ADA.

The first thing to do is to have a private conversation with the employee.  Do not ask if the employee has a medical condition.  Rather, ask the employee if there is anything you or the company can do to help.  You can also ask if anything at work is causing or contributing to the employee’s problem and ask if the employee has any ideas for what could change at work to help.  If the employee has reasonable requests for accommodation, then accommodate the employee. Later, follow up with the employee to ensure that the accommodation helped the problem.  If not, it may be time to seek advice from your attorney to determine whether the employee is suffering from a condition covered by the ADA.

Be sure to document this entire process: keep written documentation of (1) the employee’s complaint(s), (2) that you asked how you could help, (3) that you did not ask whether the employee has any medical conditions, (4) that the employee suggested a certain accommodation, (5) that you provided the accommodation, and (6) that you followed up with the employee to see if the accommodation worked.  Keep this documentation confidential.

Although you generally do not want to ask about whether the employee has a medical condition (such as depression), you can listen if the employee brings personal problems up and wishes to talk about them.  It’s better not to offer advice, but you can offer hope that the employee will find a solution to his or her problems.  You can also let the employee know that counseling is available, for instance, through an Employee Assistance Program, a crisis intervention or suicide prevention resource in your community, or a suicide-prevention hotline. Be careful not to pressure the employee or to imply that counseling is required or in any way a penalty.  Again, keep your conversation confidential.

As a final note, the only time it may be alright to ask your employee whether they have a medical condition is when asking is job-related and consistent with business necessity.  For example, this may be the case when the employee’s ability to perform essential job functions is impaired because of the condition or when the employee poses a direct threat.  However, it is a good idea to consult your attorney before making such an inquiry as it can be fraught with legal perils.


Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to Begin Phase 2 of HIPAA Audit Program

Mcdermott Will Emery Law Firm

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will soon begin a second phase of audits (Phase 2 Audits) of compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) privacy, security and breach notification standards (HIPAA Standards) as required by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. Unlike the pilot audits during 2011 and 2012 (Phase 1 Audits), which focused on covered entities, OCR will conduct Phase 2 Audits of both covered entities and business associates.  The Phase 2 Audit Program will focus on areas of greater risk to the security of protected health information (PHI) and pervasive noncompliance based on OCR’s Phase I Audit findings and observations, rather than a comprehensive review of all of the HIPAA Standards.  The Phase 2 Audits are also intended to identify best practices and uncover risks and vulnerabilities that OCR has not identified through other enforcement activities.  OCR will use the Phase 2 Audit findings to identify technical assistance that it should develop for covered entities and business associates.  In circumstances where an audit reveals a serious compliance concern, OCR may initiate a compliance review of the audited organization that could lead to civil money penalties.

The following sections summarize OCR’s Phase 1 Audit findings, describe the Phase 2 Audit program and identify steps that covered entities and business associates should take to prepare for the Phase 2 Audits.

Phase 1 Audit Findings

OCR audited 115 covered entities under the Phase 1 Audit program, with the following aggregate results:

  • There were no findings or observations for only 11% of the covered entities audited;
  • Despite representing just more than half of the audited entities (53%), health care providers were responsible for 65% of the total findings and observations;
  • The smallest covered entities were found to struggle with compliance under all three of the HIPAA Standards;
  • Greater than 60% of the findings or observations were Security Standard violations, and 58 of 59 audited health care provider covered entities had at least one Security Standard finding or observation even though the Security Standards represented only 28% of the total audit items;
  • Greater than 39% of the findings and observations related to the Privacy Standards were attributed to a lack of awareness of the applicable Privacy Standard requirement; and
  • Only 10% of the findings and observations were attributable to a lack of compliance with the Breach Notification Standards

The Phase 2 Audit Program

Selection of Phase 2 Audit Recipients

Unlike the Phase 1 Audit Program, which focused on covered entities, OCR will conduct Phase 2 Audits of both covered entities and business associates.  OCR has randomly selected a pool of 550–800 covered entities through the National Provider Identifier database and America’s Health Insurance Plans’ databases of health plans and health care clearinghouses.  OCR will issue a mandatory pre-audit screening survey to the pool of covered entities this summer.  The survey will address organization size measures, location, services and contact information.  Based on the responses, the agency will select approximately 350 covered entities, including 232 health care providers, 109 health plans and 9 health care clearinghouses, for Phase 2 Audits.  OCR intends to select a wide range of covered entities and will conduct the audits between October 2014 and June 2015.

OCR will notify and send data requests to the 350 selected covered entities this fall.  The data requests will ask the covered entities to identify and provide contact information for their business associates.  OCR will select the business associates that will participate in the Phase 2 Audits from this pool.

Audit Process

OCR will audit approximately 150 of the 350 selected covered entities and 50 of the selected business associates for compliance with the Security Standards, 100 covered entities for compliance with the Privacy Standards and 100 covered entities for compliance with the Breach Notification Standards.  OCR will initiate the Phase 2 Audits of covered entities by sending the data requests this fall and then initiate the Phase 2 Audits of business associates in 2015.

Covered entities and business associates will have two weeks to respond to OCR’s audit request.  The data requests will specify the content, file names and other documentation requirements, and the auditors may contact the covered entities and business associates for clarifications or additional documentation.  OCR will only consider current documentation that is submitted on time.  Failure to respond to a request could lead to a referral to the applicable OCR Regional Office for a compliance review.

Unlike the Phase 1 Audits, OCR will conduct the Phase 2 Audits as desk reviews with an updated audit protocol and not on-site at the audited organization.  OCR will make the Phase 2 Audit protocol available on its website so that entities may use it for internal compliance assessments.

The Phase 2 Audits will target HIPAA Standards that were sources of high numbers of non-compliance in the Phase 1 Audits, including:  risk analysis and risk management; content and timeliness of breach notifications; notice of privacy practices; individual access; Privacy Standards’ reasonable safeguards requirement; training to policies and procedures; device and media controls; and transmission security.  OCR also projects that Phase 2 Audits in 2016 will focus on the Security Standards’ encryption and decryption requirements, facility access control, breach reports and complaints, and other areas identified by earlier Phase 2 Audits.  Phase 2 Audits of business associates will focus on risk analysis and risk management and breach reporting to covered entities.

OCR will present the organization with a draft audit report to allow management to comment before it is finalized.  OCR will then take into account management’s response and issue a final report.

What Should You Do to Prepare for the Phase 2 Audits?

Covered entities and business associates should take the following steps to ensure that they are prepared for a potential Phase 2 Audit:

  • Confirm that the organization has recently completed a comprehensive assessment of potential security risks and vulnerabilities to the organization (the Risk Assessment);
  • Confirm that all action items identified in the Risk Assessment have been completed or are on a reasonable timeline to completion;
  • Ensure that the organization has a complete inventory of business associates for purposes of the Phase 2 Audit data requests;
  • If the organization has not implemented any of the Security Standards’ addressable implementation standards for any of its information systems, confirm that the organization has documented (i) why any such addressable implementation standard was not reasonable and appropriate and (ii) all alternative security measures that were implemented;
  • Ensure that the organization has implemented a breach notification policy that accurately reflects the content and deadline requirements for breach notification under the Breach Notification Standards;
  • Health care provider and health plan covered entities should ensure that they have a compliant Notice of Privacy Practices and not only a website privacy notice;
  • Ensure that the organization has reasonable and appropriate safeguards in place for PHI that exists in any form, including paper and verbal PHI;
  • Confirm that workforce members have received training on the HIPAA Standards that are necessary or appropriate for a workforce member to perform his/her job duties;
  • Confirm that the organization maintains an inventory of information system assets, including mobile devices (even in a bring your own device environment);
  • Confirm that all systems and software that transmit electronic PHI employ encryption technology or that the organization has a documented the risk analysis supporting the decision not to employ encryption;
  • Confirm that the organization has adopted a facility security plan for each physical location that stores or otherwise has access to PHI, in addition to a security policy that requires a physical security plan; and
  • Review the organization’s HIPAA security policies to identify any actions that have not been completed as required (e.g., physical security plans, disaster recovery plan, emergency access procedures, etc.)


FDA Denies Citizen Petition’s Request to Ban Marketing of Non-Absorbable Surgical Mesh Products for Transvaginal Repair of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Covington BUrling Law Firm


On July 14, 2014, FDA publicly posted its response denying Public Citizen’s August 2011 citizen petition concerning the marketing of non-absorbable surgical mesh products for transvaginal repair of pelvic organ prolapse (POP).  In its response, FDA took the position that a ban or recall of POP devices is not warranted at this time.

As background, in August 2011, Public Citizen filed a citizen petition asserting that POP devices “offer no clinically significant benefits in comparison to surgical repairs for POP performed without placement of surgical mesh” and “have high rates of serious complications.”  Public Citizen requested that the agency take the following actions: (1) ban the marketing of all available non-absorbable surgical mesh products for transvaginal repair of POP; (2) order all manufacturers to recall these products; and (3) classify all new non-absorbable surgical mesh products for transvaginal repair of POP as class III devices and approve the products only under a premarket approval application (PMA).

In its response, dated May 1, 2014, FDA denied the citizen petition.  While the agency rejected Public Citizen’s call for a ban or recall of POP devices, FDA noted that it shares some of the concerns outlined in the citizen petition and is taking actions to address these concerns.  In addition, the agency also determined that “a citizen petition is not the appropriate mechanism for requesting a reclassification of a device.”

FDA explained that in September 2011, the agency convened an advisory committee meeting of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Devices Panel to discuss the safety and efficacy of transvaginal surgical mesh products used for repair of POP.  The Panel determined that “a favorable benefit-risk profile” for these devices “had not been well-established” and that the devices should be reclassified from class II to class III.  The Panel also recommended that manufacturers conduct postmarket studies of currently marketed surgical mesh products for transvaginal repair of POP.  As of May 2014, FDA had issued 126 postmarket surveillance orders to 33 manufacturers of these devices.

FDA explained that it has evaluated information from the Panel’s recommendations and the published scientific literature and has tentatively determined that the device should be reclassified as a class III device.  On May 1, 2014, FDA published a proposed order in the Federal Register to reclassify surgical mesh for transvaginal repair of POP from class II to class III.  On the same day, FDA published another proposed order in the Federal Register to require the filing of a PMA following the reclassification of the device to class III.  Thus, although FDA did not grant Public Citizen’s third request, the agency “initiated the process that could ultimately result” in reclassification of the device and the requirement to submit a PMA for these devices.

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Proposed Legislation Introduced to Override Hobby Lobby Ruling

Barnes Burgandy Logo

On July 9th, Senator Democrats introduced proposed legislation known at the Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act (Act) in an effort override the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, which was previously discussed in our June 30th Alert.

The Act would reinstate the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage obligations imposed on employers, requiring employers to provide such health insurance. The Act specifically is targeted at the Supreme Court’s 5-4 Hobby Lobby decision, which held closely-held companies (those that are family-owned or have a limited number of shareholders) can exercise their freedom of religion protections to avoid paying for such contraceptive coverage.  Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), one of the three Senators who introduced this legislation, explained that houses of worship and religious non-profits would remain exempt from providing contraceptive coverage under the Act.

The introduction of this legislation in the Senate follows the announcement by two House Democrats last week, indicating they would introduce similar bills in response to the Hobby Lobby decision. If the legislation were to pass the Senate, many experts anticipate it will fail in the Republican-controlled House.

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Hobby Lobby: The Supreme Court’s View and Its Impact


For the second time in two years the United States Supreme Court (the “Court”) hasruled against the Obama Administration with respect to elements of the Affordable Care Act (the “ACA”).  In a 5-4 decision announced today in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.  (“Hobby Lobby”) (f/k/a Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.), the Court ruled that the federal government, acting through Health and Human Services (“HHS”), overstepped its bounds by requiring faith-based private, for-profit employers to pay for certain forms of birth control that those employers argued contradicted their religious beliefs, in violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (“RFRA”).

In Hobby Lobby, the Court found that for-profit employers are “persons” for purposes of the RFRA.  The Court, assuming that the government could show a compelling interest in its desire to provide women with access to birth control, ultimately held that the government could have met this interest in a less burdensome way.


Among its many insurance mandates, the ACA requires non-grandfathered health insurance plans to cover “preventive services” at no cost to participants.

As part of its implementation of the ACA, HHS added 20 contraceptives that were required to be included as preventive services, including four that may have the effect of preventing a fertilized egg from developing.

Hobby Lobby argued that requiring the company to pay for or provide pills and procedures that they believe terminate life—so-called abortifacients—intrudes intrudes on their religious beliefs.   Hobby Lobby sued HHS, asserting that requiring them to pay for or provide abortifacients violated their First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and also violated the RFRA.

The RFRA provides that the federal government “shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion” unless that burden is the least restrictive means to further a compelling governmental interest.  The Administration argued, however, that neither Hobby Lobby nor Conestoga or any other for-profit, faith-based employer was a person for purposes of the RFRA or the First Amendment.

The Decision

Writing for the majority, Justice Samuel Alito held that private—as opposed to publicly traded—employers could be considered “persons” for the RFRA.  The Court noted that the law imposed a substantial burden on religious beliefs, requiring the owners of Hobby Lobby to engage in conduct that “seriously violates their sincere religious beliefs.”

The Court noted that for the government to prevail it needed to demonstrate a compelling state interest and that its application was the least restrictive means to achieve its goals.  The Court assumed (with Justice Kennedy providing the swing vote in his concurrence) that the government does, in fact, have a compelling interest to, among other things, promote “public health” and “gender equality” by providing contraceptive coverage for women. However, the Court found that even assuming a compelling interest there were less restrictive alternatives for the government. The government could, the four-person majority noted, simply provide these benefits to all, without charge to the individuals; in his concurrence, Justice Kennedy questioned this, and noted the Court’s opinion does not decide this issue.  But Kennedy and the four-person majority agreed the government could extend the accommodation it made religiously affiliated employers:  they do not have to provide the benefit but their insurers or third-party administrators would without charge to either the employers or the employees.

Because there are less restrictive alternatives, the Court found that HHS had violated the RFRA as applied to these faith-based, for profit, private employers.

The Impact

The Hobby Lobby ruling has a direct impact on a relatively small number of employers—as a percentage of total employers across the country there are very few that can be considered faith-based employers.

However, the ruling is significant in that it signals an ongoing willingness by the Court to exercise its checks-and-balances power.  The Court indicated it may not provide the Administration much leeway in its implementation of the ACA, when implementation impacts and is limited by other federal rights.

The ruling may also be significant for certain religious-affiliated non-profit employers who are operating under the accommodation discussed above.  By identifying the accommodation as a less restrictive alternative, the Court may be signaling it believes that the exception HHS provided them suffices to meet any concerns they may have.  The Court, however, noted it was not deciding this issue, and the “government-pay” approach tendered by four justices may provide a possible opening for relief for the religious-affiliated non-profit employers.

Finally, the Hobby Lobby decision should stand as a reminder that while there may be differences of opinion about specific rules and requirements under the ACA, and some of those differences may be decided against the government, the law itself is not going away.  Employers need to continue to monitor new developments and implement strategies for complying with the ACA.