Are UK-to-US employee data transfers sunk by ECJ’s torpedoing of Safe Harbor regime?

So there it is – in a tremendous boost for transatlantic relations, the European Court of Justice has decided that America is not to be trusted with the personal data of EU residents.  That is not exactly the way the decision is phrased, of course, which (so far as relevant to UK HR) is more like this:

Under the Eighth Principle of the UK’s Data Protection Act (and all or most of its EU cousins) the personal data of your employees can be transferred outside the EU only where the recipient country ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subject.

Until now an EU employer has been able to rely in this respect on a US company’s registration with the Safe Harbor (sic) scheme, a series of commitments designed to replicate the safeguards of EU law for that data.  As of this week, however, that reliance has been deemed misplaced – the ability and tendency of the US security agencies to access personal data held by US employers has been found to compromise those commitments beyond immediate repair.  In addition, one of the EU “model clauses” which can legitimise international data transfers requires the US recipient to confirm that it is aware of no legislation which could compel it to disclose that personal data to third parties without the employee’s consent.  New US laws enacted to boost homeland security mean that this can simply no longer be said.  Therefore Safe Harbor has been comprehensively blown up and can no longer be used as automatic air-cover for employee data transfers to the US.

This creates two immediate questions for HR in the UK.  First, what exposure do we have for past data transfers to the US on a basis which is now shown to be illegitimate?  Second, what do we do about such transfers starting now?

  • Don’t panic! To make any meaningful challenge out of this issue, the UK employee would need to show some loss or damage arising out of that transfer.  In other words, even if the data has been used in the US as the basis for a negative decision about him (dismissal or demotion or no bonus), the employee would need to show that that decision would have been more favourable to him if it had been taken by the same people based on the same data but physically within the EU.  Clearly a pretty tough gig.

Second, all this case does is remove the presumption that Safe Harbor registrants are safe destinations – it does not prove that they are not, either now or historically.  The question of adequacy of protection is assessed by reference to all the circumstances of the case, including the nature of the personal data sent, why it is sent to the US and what relevant codes of conduct and legislative protections exist there.

Last, Schedule 4 of the DPA disapplies the Eighth Principle where the data subject (the employee) has given his consent to the international transfer, or where the transfer is necessary for the entering or performance of the employment contract between the employee and the UK employer.  It will rarely be the case that neither of these exceptions applies.

If you have not previously had complaints from your UK employees that their personal data has been misused/lost/damaged in the US, nothing in this decision makes that particularly likely now.

  • Still don’t panic.

  • However, do be aware that this case is likely to lead to stricter precautions being required to ensure that what is sent to the US is genuinely only the bare minimum.

  • On its face, Schedule 4 should allow most reasonable international transfers of employee data anyway, pretty much regardless of what level of protection is offered in the destination country. However, there is a strong body of opinion, especially in Continental Europe, that reliance on this provision alone is unsafe and that it is still appropriate for the EU employer to take specific steps (most usually, some form of data export agreement with its US parent) to satisfy itself that a reasonable level of protection for that data exists. It may also wish to be seen to reconsider how far those HR decisions need to be made in the US at all, and whether EU employee data could be kept on an EU-based server if that is not currently the case.

  • To the extent that employment contracts do not already include it, amend them to include an express consent to the transfer of relevant personal data to the US (but do note another possible avenue of attack much mulled-over in Europe, i.e. that consent in an employment contract is not freely given because the job hangs upon it). Last, be seen to prune the UK employee data you do hold in the US back to what is strictly necessary and get rid of stuff which is no longer (if it ever was) relevant to the performance of the employment contract.

© Copyright 2015 Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP

EU Official Calls for Invalidation of EU–U.S. Safe Harbor Pact

A European Court of Justice (ECJ) advocate general, Yves Bot, has called for the European Union–U.S. Safe Harbor Agreement to be invalidated due to concerns over U.S. surveillance practices (press release here, opinion here). The ECJ has discretion to reject the recommendation, but such opinions are generally followed. A final decision on the issue is expected to be issued late this year or next year.

The issue arises out of the claims of an Austrian law student, Max Schrems, who challenged Facebook’s compliance with EU data privacy laws. (The case is Schrems v. (Irish) Data Protection Commissioner, ECJ C-362/14.) He claims that the Safe Harbor Framework fails to guarantee “adequate” protection of EU citizen data in light of the U.S. National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance activities. Although the Irish data protection authority rejected his claim, he appealed and the case was referred to the ECJ.

The European Data Protection Directive prohibits data of EU citizens from being transferred to third countries unless the privacy protections of the third countries are deemed adequate to protect EU citizens’ data. The U.S. and EU signed the Safe Harbor Framework in 2000, which permits companies self-certify to the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) annually that they abide by certain privacy principles when transferring data outside the EU. Companies must agree to provide clear data privacy and collection notices and offer opt-out mechanisms for EU consumers.

In 2013, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden began revealing large-scale interception and collection of data about U.S. and foreign citizens from companies and government sources around the globe. The revelations, which continue, have alarmed officials around the world, and already prompted the European Commission to urge more stringent oversight of data security mechanisms. The European Parliament voted in March 2014 to withdraw recognition from the Safe Harbor Framework. Apparently in response to the concern, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken action against over two dozen companies for failing to maintain Safe Harbor certifications while advertising compliance with the Framework, and in some cases claiming compliance without ever certifying in the first place. For more, see here (FTC urged to investigate companies), here (FTC settles with 13 companies in August 2015), and here (FTC settles with 14 companies in July 2014).

Advocate General Bot does not appear to have been mollified by the U.S. efforts, however. He determined that “the law and practice of the United States allow the large-scale collection of the personal data of citizens of the [EU,] which is transferred under the [S]afe [H]arbor scheme, without those citizens benefiting from effective judicial protection.” He concluded that this amounted to interference in violation of the right to privacy guaranteed under EU law, and that, notwithstanding the European Commission’s approval of the Safe Harbor Framework, EU member states have the authority to take measures to suspend data transfers between their countries and the U.S.

While the legal basis of that opinion may be questioned, and larger political realities regarding the ability to negotiate agreements between the EU and the U.S. are at play, if followed by the ECJ, this opinion would make it extremely difficult for companies to offer websites and services in the EU. This holds true even for many EU companies, including those that may have cloud infrastructures that store or process data in U.S. data centers. It could prompt a new round of negotiations by the U.S. and European Commission to address increased concerns in the EU about surveillance.

Congressional action already underway may help release some tension, with the House Judiciary Committee unanimously approving legislation that would give EU consumers a judicial right of action in the U.S. for violations of their privacy. This legislation was a key requirement of the EU in an agreement in principle that would allow the EU and U.S. to exchange data between law enforcement agencies during criminal and terrorism investigations.

Although the specific outcome of this case will not be known for months, the implications for many businesses are clear: confusion and continued change in the realms of privacy and data security, and uncertainty about the legal rules of the game. Increased fragmentation across the EU may result, with a concomitant need to keep abreast of varying requirements in more countries. Change and lack of harmonization is surely the new normal now.

© 2015 Keller and Heckman LLP

Switzerland Is the First Country to Lift Some Sanctions on Iran

Certain US sanctions on Iran may be lifted mid to late 2016 or even later.badge_button_switzerland_flag_800_2222

On August 13, Switzerland became the first country to formally lift certain sanctions on Iran, following the announcement of the Iran nuclear deal this past July. Switzerland is not a party to the Iran nuclear deal.

The Swiss Federal Council made the decision, which is a seven-member executive council that constitutes the federal government of Switzerland and serves as the Swiss collective head of government and state. This action nullifies a ban on precious metals transactions with Iranian governmental bodies and the requirement to report trade in Iranian petrochemical products to the Swiss government. It also eliminates an obligation to report to the Swiss government the transport of Iranian crude oil and petroleum products and certain rules on insurance and reinsurance policies linked to such transactions. In the financial sector, threshold values for reporting and licensing obligations in relation to money transfers from and to Iranian nationals were increased tenfold.

These Swiss measures had already been suspended since January 2014, but by lifting them on an apparently more formal or permanent basis, the Swiss government patently appears to be sending a far larger political message to sanctions compliance personnel. The Swiss government’s announcement stated, in part, the following:

Today’s decision by the Federal Council underlines its support for the ongoing process to implement the nuclear agreement, and its confidence in the constructive intentions of the negotiating parties. The Federal Council also wishes to signal that Switzerland’s positioning with respect to Iran, which was developed and maintained over a number of years, should be used to promote a broad political and economic exchange with Iran. In recent decades, Switzerland has pursued a consistent, neutral and balanced policy with regard to Iran . . . . Should implementation of the agreement fail, the Federal Council reserves the right to reintroduce the lifted measures.

It seems clear that the Swiss Federal Council is signaling that Switzerland is eager to resume normal business with Iran. Meanwhile, however, US Department of State spokesman Mark Toner said US sanctions continue to remain in place and penalties would still apply to any country or company that violates them. He told reporters that the United States wasn’t informed in advance of the Swiss move to drop its sanctions before Iran has taken the promised steps to curb its nuclear program and before the United States, European Union, and United Nations have removed their penalties.

It is also important to remember that for now, US secondary Iran sanctions will continue to remain in effect against foreign companies for probably the next 12 months or until the implementation day, no matter the consequence of this Swiss Federal Council action.

Moreover, “US Persons” are prohibited from entering into executory contracts for Iran-related transactions until US sanctions are lifted after implementation day. The US Department of State has recently suggested that that day may fall in summer or autumn of 2016, depending if and whether the International Atomic Energy Agency can certify that Iran has taken the required steps under the Iran nuclear deal.

“US persons” means US nationals, US permanent resident aliens (“Green Card holders”), entities incorporated in the United States, individuals or entities in the United States, or entities established or maintained outside the United States that are owned or controlled by a US person. For a US person to sign such an executory contract before implementation day would be a dealing in property or an interest in property involving Iran or a Specially Designated National, which is prohibited by current US regulations as applicable to US persons. The current Iran sanctions regulations expressly state that such executory contracts are property or an interest in property because they involve “contracts of any nature whatsoever, and any other property, real, personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, or interest or interests therein, present, future, or contingent.”

On the other hand, it appears that non–US persons (as defined above) that have no US nexus (e.g., not incorporated in the United States or owned or controlled by a US person), that do not act in or through the United States or a US person and that otherwise are not generally subject to US jurisdiction may enter into executory contracts with Iran without risk of exposure of an Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) enforcement case for so doing. Even in these cases, potential non–US person investors in Iran are well advised to seek clearance from the relevant regulators that these contracts do not violate United Nations, European Union, or other non–US sanctions.

At this time, it is unclear to what extent entities established or maintained outside the United States that are owned or controlled by a “US person” will be able to engage in trade with Iran after implementation day occurs. OFAC has indicated that it will resolve this question in due course, and at that time, it will issue appropriate guidance.

ARTICLE BY Louis Rothberg & Margaret M. Gatti of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Copyright © 2015 by Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. All Rights Reserved.

Coming to America: Foreign Manufacturers Looking to Produce in the U.S.

There’s been buzz about Keer Group lately, the Chinese textile company that opened a cotton mill this year in South Carolina.  China has long been seen as the global capital of textile manufacturing, due in part to their low production costs and seemingly endless supply of cheap labor.  But Keer Group found the rising costs in China made it difficult to grow in its hometown of Hangzhou.  Wages there have been steadily increasing, energy costs are rising, and shipping costs are growing higher.  Textile operations in China are actually starting to become unprofitable.  So production was moved to America.   And Keer Group is not alone.  JN Fibers Inc., also of China, is building a plant in South Carolina.  Indian textile manufacturer, ShriVallabh Pittie Group, is building a factory in Georgia.

Why would textile companies from traditionally low cost countries move production to the U.S.?  What’s the allure for these foreign companies?  Isn’t it expensive to operate here as opposed to low wage countries like China and India?  Well, despite the comparatively high wage rate in the U.S., several factors are at play to offset the cost of labor.  Years of low employment mean that Americans are willing to work longer hours and for suppressed wages.  The U.S. is also home to several right-to-work states where union representation is low and workers are not restricted to a single task but rather can set up, operate, and run multiple machines.   But even with a wage gap between the U.S. and low wage countries, the gap is more than compensated for by other savings.

“Except for human labor, all other production factors are cheaper in the U.S.”

“Except for human labor, all other production factors are cheaper in the U.S.”

The U.S. is a political, economic, and infrastructural oasis in an uncertain world.  America benefits from cheap, plentiful, and reliable energy ensuring production facilities can be kept running constantly.  While textile companies in the past have looked to countries such as Bangladesh and India to keep production costs low, economic volatility resulting in unreliable energy sources are disrupting production.  Many plants today are primarily automated, meaning companies rely on the constant energy supply.  What good are cheap utilities when they aren’t stable?

The U.S. has also created incentives to keep costs down for foreign companies looking to relocate.  Government at the local, state, and federal level have eagerly provided infrastructure grants, revenue bonds, and tax credits in order to bring back jobs to economically depressed areas.  Additionally, trade agreements between the U.S. and other low cost countries provide the extra incentive of keeping shipping and logistical costs low.  NAFTA has created duty free zones on imported textiles between the U.S. and several trade partners.  And should the Trans-Pacific Partnership reach an agreement, companies with production in America can take advantage of an expanded pool of countries with tariff reductions, including Vietnam.

Just how difficult is it for a foreign company to establish operations in America?  Not difficult at all.  The U.S. Small Business Administration has provided excellent guidance on the basic steps needed get started.

Businesses in the U.S. are incorporated at the state level, first by registering with the state and then establishing a registered agent with a valid state address to receive legal documents on behalf of the company.  Considerations for the foreign company include which state will be the most attractive in terms of readiness of labor force, land availability, and tax benefits.

International shipping of goods through the U.S. will be regulated at the federal level, requiring specific licenses and permits.  The Department of Commerce’s Trade Information Center and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection provide useful information on U.S. importation and exportation procedures.  Additional considerations include compliance with the Internal Revenue Service, starting by either obtaining an Employment Identification Number or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, depending upon the citizenship of the individual establishing the business.  Trade licensing requirements, IRS compliance, and tax credits, including incentives available to businesses through a foreign tax treaty, are all important issues to consider, and if left with any questions, it is always best to consult with a qualified attorney.

Symbol, the struggle for economic power between the United StateThere are numerous benefits for a foreign company to relocate manufacturing operations to the U.S., but there are also important considerations that should be taken into account.  However, navigating the channels of regulations and requirements shouldn’t deter manufacturers from taking advantage of all of that come from setting up shop in America.  Foreign companies are finding that operating in what were traditionally considered to be low cost countries are no longer profitable and are starting to look outside their borders.  And if companies like Keer Group are any indication, for the first time in a long time manufacturing in America is not only a consideration, it’s a serious contender.

© Copyright 2015 Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP

Negotiators Have Reached Deal with Iran – U.S. Persons Should Not Expect Quick Relief From Sanctions

On July 14, 2015, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) plus Germany (the “P5 + 1”) announced a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran intended to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. The agreement builds on the JCPOA framework announced on April 2, 2015, and is intended to provide Iran with phased sanctions relief based on verification that Iran has implemented key nuclear commitments.

Under the JCPOA, Iran agrees to cap its uranium enrichment capability for 10 years and to accept international monitoring of its nuclear program. In exchange, the United States, European Union, and United Nations will relax sanctions on Iran in stages. Once international nuclear inspectors verify that Iran has implemented the agreed to nuclear-related restrictions, the United Nations will pass a new resolution that will terminate various resolutions currently in place. If, at any time, Iran is determined to be out of compliance with its obligations, those resolutions will “snapback” or be re-imposed against Iran. The EU further agreed to terminate its regulations implementing all nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions at the time the inspectors verify Iran is in compliance.

U.S. sanctions relief will initially be limited to the suspension of secondary sanctions that target the commercial activities of non-U.S. companies in key sectors of the Iranian economy, such as oil, gas and petrochemical industries, as well as companies in the shipping and shipbuilding and automotive sectors. In other words, the sanctions relief that was provided to non-U.S. persons earlier in the negotiations will continue. Eventually, these secondary sanctions may be eliminated (rather than suspended) but only if the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verifies that Iran has implemented key nuclear-related measures described in the JCPOA.

It is anticipated that the United Nations Security Council will endorse the Agreement over the new few days. The JCPOA and its commitments will come into effect 90 days after the Security Council’s endorsement, which will be known as “Adoption Day.” Beginning on Adoption Day, the P5+1 and Iran will prepare for implementation of the agreement, but no sanctions relief will be granted until inspectors have verified Iran is in compliance with its commitments.

What changes, if any, will be made in primary U.S. sanctions, such as the Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations (ITSR), is less certain. Under the Iran Nuclear Review Act, passed into law in May 2015, the president must transmit the agreement to Congress, which then has 60 days to review it. During Congress’ review period, the president may not waive, suspend, reduce, or provide relief from statutory sanctions or refrain from applying existing sanctions. In other words, there will be no sanctions relief for U.S. persons in the immediate future. If, as some members of Congress have threatened, Congress issues a joint resolution of disapproval, which the president in turn has threatened to veto, there is another waiting period during which the president may take no action to reduce sanctions.

Thus, the status quo will likely continue for quite some time, and from the perspective of U.S. primary sanctions – those that apply to U.S. individuals and entities, as well as entities owned or controlled by U.S. persons – no changes are imminent.

©2015 Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP. All Rights Reserved

Part Three: An Overview of the Legal Mechanisms for Challenge and Redress by Those Potentially Affected by the Early Closure of the Renewables Obligation

In the first two parts of this series, we considered how the RO operates, possible plans to close the RO in 2016, and the potential impact of those plans upon the onshore wind industry. In this final post, we outline two possible legal avenues for challenge and redress by those who may be affected by the early closure of the RO: through the national courts and under international investment treaties.

windmill vertical

The first possibility is to challenge the Government’s actions through the national courts. This route recently has been used by the solar industry, with mixed results. In 2012, the Supreme Court refused the Government’s appeal to cut solar feed-in-tariffs before the completion of a consultation on the matter. However, in November 2014, the High Court refused an application for judicial review against the Government’s decision to close the RO to ground and building mounted solar photovoltaic capacity above 5 megawatts in 2015 rather than 2017.

Affected investors could also consider commencing international arbitration proceedings under an investment treaty. If successful, an investor could obtain compensation for the loss of their investment as a result of measures introduced by the Government. However, this option would only be available to foreign investors from member States that have an investment treaty in place with the UK, and who have made a qualifying investment in the UK, as defined by the applicable treaty.

A number of European states, including Spain, are currently being sued by foreign investors under the Energy Charter Treaty as a result of changes to national solar subsidies. Marcus Trinick QC, representing Renewables UK, has warned Energy Minister Amber Rudd to “be aware of the dangers of state aid discrimination and look at what is happening in international energy arbitration across Europe. In such a position we could not afford not to fight, especially if action is taken to interfere retrospectively.

Media reports suggest that, given the extent of industry opposition, DECC is delaying an announcement to allow for further refinement of the proposed measures and their impact, in order to reduce the scope for legal challenges. Marcus Trinick QC has emphasised the need for dialogue between the industry and the Government before action is taken, which could reduce the risk of legal challenges arising.

The message from industry representatives is clear: the early closure of the RO would be a major blow to the future of onshore wind in the UK, which could spark a legal battle with the UK Government. As Maf Smith, deputy chief executive of RenewableUK, has stated, “[t]he industry will fight against any attempts to bring in drastic and unfair changes utilising the full range of options open, including legal means if appropriate.

Part One: An Overview of the Renewables Obligation and Plans for Its Early Closure

Part Two: How Would the Renewables Obligation’s Early Closure Affect the UK Onshore Wind Industry?

© 2015 Covington & Burling LLP

Part Two: How Would the Renewables Obligation’s Early Closure Affect the UK Onshore Wind Industry?

Part One of this series outlined the RO scheme and the expected announcement to close the RO earlier than anticipated. In this second post, we consider the potential impact of such measures upon the onshore wind industry.

Until the consultation with devolved authorities (Scotland and Northern Ireland) is completed, and detailed proposals are published, the timing and nature of the impact on the industry will be uncertain.

There are currently around 3,000 new turbines with a combined capacity of more than 7 gigawatts seeking planning permission, many of which would have been expecting to secure accreditation under the RO. Bloomberg Energy Finance has estimated that, if the RO closes to new generating capacity in 2016 and onshore wind was not eligible for public subsidy under the Contracts for Difference scheme, less than half the capacity of projects in advanced stages of planning would benefit from subsidies.

The majority of the planned projects are due to be located in Scotland. Given the apparent tension between the Scottish First Minister and Prime Minister over the future of onshore wind (referred to in our first post in this series), there is currently uncertainty as to whether or not the applicable RO in Scotland would close in 2016. This is an important consideration regarding the possible impact of any proposed measures.

It is unclear whether there would be a ‘grace period’ in relation to the changes, which could enable projects that already have planning permission to be included under the RO scheme, and closing the RO for those that do not. Ian Marchant, chairman of wind developer Infinis Energy, said: “The Government’s alleged plans to close down the Renewable Obligation-regime early for onshore wind beggar belief. . . . If the RO is terminated early without reasonable grace periods in place, not a single energy or large scale infrastructure project in the UK will be safe going forward.

The potential impact of such measures is giving rise to considerable uncertainty and concern over the future of the onshore wind industry. In our final post in this series, we will consider what action could be taken by industry participants who may be affected by the early closure of the RO.

Part One: An Overview of the Renewables Obligation and Plans for Its Early Closure

Part Three: An Overview of the Legal Mechanisms for Challenge and Redress by Those Potentially Affected by the Early Closure of the Renewables Obligation

© 2015 Covington & Burling LLP

The Uncertain Future of the UK Renewables Obligation: A Three-Part Series

In early June 2015, the UK Department for Energy & Climate Change (“DECC”) was expected to announce plans to close the existing subsidy scheme for onshore wind, the Renewables Obligation (“RO”), to new generating capacity a year earlier than expected. This announcement has been delayed amid concerns that it could spark potential legal challenges from the industry and lead to a dispute with the Scottish Government over the future of onshore wind.

In this three-part series, we outline how the RO operates, the potential impact of the early closure of the RO upon the onshore wind industry, and the possible routes for challenge and redress for industry participants who may be affected.

Part One: An Overview of the Renewables Obligation and Plans for Its Early Closure

How does the RO operate?

The RO is designed to support renewable electricity projects in the UK. It obliges UK electricity suppliers to source a proportion of the electricity that they supply to customers from eligible renewable sources. The RO is currently set to close to all new generating capacity of any technology on 31 March 2017.

Ofgem, which administers the scheme, issues Renewable Obligation Certificates (“ROCs”) to electricity generators for the eligible renewable electricity they generate.  The ROCs are sold, either directly or indirectly, to electricity suppliers, who can use the ROCs to demonstrate their compliance with their annual obligations (i.e., “redeem” the ROCs against their RO). If a supplier does not present sufficient ROCs to meet its RO, it must pay a penalty known as the buy-out price. The funds collected by Ofgem from the buy-out price are redistributed on a pro-rata basis to suppliers who redeem ROCs.

What are the proposed changes to the RO?

Before winning the UK general election, the Conservative party pledged that it would end “any new public subsidies” for onshore wind farms on the basis that they “often fail to win public support and are unable by themselves to provide the firm capacity that a stable energy system requires”.

DECC is expected announce that it will close the RO to new generating capacity in April 2016, instead of April 2017. Such a move has been described as “going further” than the Conservative party’s pre-election pledge, by ending an existing subsidy a year earlier than expected. At present, DECC has reportedly declined to confirm the precise nature of the proposals.

The majority Conservative Government disclosed in late May 2015 that it would “be announcing measures to deliver this soon”, after conducting a consultation with the devolved administrations (Scotland and Northern Ireland) over the nature of the changes. However, at the time of writing, an announcement has not yet been made.

The basis for delaying the announcement of these measures appears to be twofold.

First, the Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron, and Scottish First Minister and SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, have opposing opinions over the future of onshore wind. While Cameron has stated that “enough is enough” for onshore wind subsidies,  Sturgeon has demanded a veto on the Conservative’s plans. Energy Minster Amber Rudd stated that the consultation with devolved authorities would continue “until we have arrived at a firm policy”, and MPs would have to “bear with us a little longer”.

Second, trade bodies representing the onshore wind industry have vocally opposed the Conservative’s plans, due to their potentially significant effect on the future of onshore wind in the UK. The possible impact on the industry is considered in part two of this series.

Part Two: How Would the Renewables Obligation’s Early Closure Affect the UK Onshore Wind Industry?

Part Three: An Overview of the Legal Mechanisms for Challenge and Redress by Those Potentially Affected by the Early Closure of the Renewables Obligation

© 2015 Covington & Burling LLP

EU Investigating Geo-Blocking of Online Video Games

On May 6, 2015, the European Competition Commission released a new Digital Single Market Plan, and simultaneously launched a broad antitrust investigation into e-commerce.  The DSM plan, consisting of sixteen proposals, seeks to create a single digital European market where access to digital goods and services is unfettered across all 28 member states.  The European Competition Commission will investigate whether firms’ restrictions on cross-border online trade violate the EU competition laws, and attempt to remedy them through enforcement mechanisms.  High on the list is the geo-blocking of online content, including video games.  The impending probe will likely target some large U.S. technology companies.

Geo-blocking is a technical barrier that allows online merchants to charge different prices or restrict users’ access based on physical location or credit card information.  For example, a German resident may have to pay more for a pair of shoes purchased online from an Italian retailer than someone living in Italy.  With respect to gaming, the investigation will focus on the geo-blocking of video games that are sold online for use on personal computers.  The Digital Single Market plan is highly critical of geo-blocking―which it describes as violating the EU’s goal of free movement of commerce within its borders―and proposes to eliminate the practice altogether.  But the Competition Commission cannot seek to change a firm’s business practice unless it violates EU antitrust law, necessitating a rigorous investigation.

To determine whether certain geo-restricting practices are anticompetitive, the Commission will analyze game publishers’ business practices, probing into their contractual limitations on the distribution of online video games.  EU Competition Chief Margrethe Vestager said that geo-restrictions “are often the result of arrangements that are included in contracts between manufacturers and content owners on one side and their distributors on the other.”  Accordingly, the Commission is willing to go as far as “examining the clauses in their contracts.”  But the Commission also recognizes that companies use geo-blocking for legitimate and procompetitive reasons, like restricting information to paying customers and protecting copyrighted material.

The probe will begin with comprehensive questionnaires sent to companies involved in e-commerce within the EU and could potentially lead to formal inquiries and enforcement actions.  Commissioner Vestager hopes to have preliminary findings by mid-2016.

The probe may target large U.S. technology companies, especially if they are suspected of abusing their dominant position to restrict trade.  EU competition law places certain duties on companies that are “dominant” in their markets (a fairly low bar compared to US standards), and abuse of a dominant position can be illegal.  American technology companies tend to be larger and more successful than their European counterparts, so they may trigger the Commission’s scrutiny.  Accoring to Vestager, “every company that sells products online, including their suppliers and their technology providers, will be affected. Potentially, the scope will be very wide.”  On the gaming front, the probe may affect large online game developers.

The Commission hopes that the creation of a single digital market will boost European startups by making it easier for them to launch and grow quickly across borders, similar to the advantage American companies have to rapidly gain a national user base in the U.S.  “We want companies in Europe to use the Digital Single Market to scale up, not move out,” said Andrus Ansip, the EC’s Vice President of Digital Single Market.  So it’s not surprising that the proposal and investigation come on the heels of the EU’s crackdown on American tech giants, the re-opening of the Google investigation being the most recent example.  Indeed, some commentators have characterized the move as protectionist, given Europe’s recent concerns over the increasing power of large U.S. web companies.

The ramifications of the DSM plan are not yet clear, but game companies that use geo-blocking may have to look for other solutions in the future.

Canada to Implement Electronic Travel Authorization System

Starting in March 2016, Canada will require individuals who may visit Canada without a visa to first obtain approval from its electronic travel authorization system (eTA). Visitors to the United States will recognize eTA as similar to the ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization), which is used by the United States to pre-screen its visa-exempt visitors. Applicants will be able to use the eTA system starting Aug. 1, 2015.

The eTA will only be required for visa-exempt individuals seeking to travel to Canada by air for a short-term visit. Applicants must pay a CAD $7.00 processing fee and the resulting electronic travel authorization will be valid for five years or until the applicant’s passport expires, the eTA is cancelled, or a new eTA is issued. The eTA will include the applicant’s name, date, place of birth, gender, address, nationality, and passport information.

Notably, U.S. citizens are exempt from the eTA requirement, as are individuals who already have a Canadian visitor visa in their passport.

Authored by Rebecca Schechter of Greenberg Traurig

©2015 Greenberg Traurig, LLP. All rights reserved.