- As previously reported, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule on August 30, 2021 that revoked all tolerances for the pesticide chemical chlorpyrifos on raw agricultural commodities; the rulemaking was driven by toxicity concerns, primarily concerning exposure in children. The tolerances are set to expire on February 28, 2022, effectively banning the use of chlorpyrifos on food crops. In light of the expiration, FDA published a guidance document to assist food producers and processors that handle foods which may contain chlorpyrifos restudies.
- In October of 2021, agriculture stakeholders submitted formal written objections and a request to stay the tolerance revocations to EPA. More than 80 stakeholders signed the document, arguing that significant harms would result from banning chlorpyrifos and urging the agency to stay implementation of the rule until objections were formally addressed by EPA.
- Agriculture stakeholder groups are now seeking a court injunction against EPA’s ban on chlorpyrifos. On February 10, 2022, agricultural trade groups representing thousands of members filed a lawsuit against EPA before the Eight Circuit Court of Appeals, alleging that the agency ignored its own scientific findings regarding 11 high-benefit and low-risk crop uses for chlorpyrifos and that the revocation will cause irreparable damage. It remains to be seen how EPA will respond to the lawsuit.
Category: FDA
Feeling Thirsty? Wall Street, Industry Giants Stir Renewed Interest in the CBD-Beverage Market
For several years, industry giants such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Anheuser-Busch have made waves announcing future plans to explore the CBD-beverage market. And last week, Nasdaq published an article on the future of investment opportunities in cannabis-infused drinks. Perhaps most notable from the article was Nasdaq’s expected valuation for the CBD beverage market — a staggering $1.4 billion by 2023.
While it is true that certain investors are seeing green in the CBD-beverage market, the space is still plagued by a landmine of legal uncertainty and questions. Hemp-derived CBD was legalized at the federal level by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill. However, as we previously discussed, the FDA and FTC have overlapping enforcement authority over the marketing of CBD products, which can include anything from food products to dietary supplements to beverages with CBD added. And as recently as November 16, 2021, the FDA reiterated that its approach to regulating the CBD industry will be same as it has been — a regulatory minefield. The acting Deputy Center Director for Regulatory Policy at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research recently emphasized the agency’s position that it needs additional CBD research and safety data before it will consider CBD for uses beyond prescription drugs, including usage as a food or beverage additive or dietary supplement.
Companies marketing CBD beverages should take careful steps to ensure compliance with the FDA’s labeling requirements and guidance regarding CBD products. Unless and until the FDA provides further guidance, we can expect the back-and-forth game to continue with CBD companies entering the beverage space and the FDA initiating periodic enforcement actions. At a minimum, CBD companies entering the beverage space should refrain from making health claims, such as a product “can prevent, treat, or cure” a disease, as these claims are ripe for FDA enforcement actions. We provided several marketing dos and don’ts in a previous blog post that apply with equal force to the CBD beverage industry.
With industry experts claiming that the “best way to consume cannabinoids is through a beverage,” and Nasdaq reporting on the investment opportunities that surround CBD beverages, it is no surprise that CBD beverages are exploding in popularity.
This article was written by Rachel Sodee and Richard Swor of Bradley Arant Boult Cummings law firm. For more articles about CBD products, please click here.
New Tools in the Fight Against Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals
The explosive growth of internet pharmacies and direct-to-consumer shipment of pharmaceuticals has provided increased access to, and reduced the cost of, important medications. Unfortunately, these same forces have increased the risks that counterfeit medicines will make their way to consumers, endangering patient safety and affecting manufacturers’ reputation in the public eye.
While the Food and Drug Administration attempts to police such misconduct through enforcement of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FDCA), the resources devoted to enforcement are simply no match for the size and scope of the counterfeiting threat. Fortunately, pharmaceutical manufacturers are not without recourse, as several well-established tools may be used in the right circumstances to stop counterfeiters from profiting from the sale of knock-offs.
Experienced litigators can use the Lanham Act and the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act to stop unscrupulous individuals and organizations from deceiving customers with counterfeit versions of trademarked drugs. Until recently, these legal weapons – including search warrants, seizures, forfeitures, and significant penalties – were typically wielded only by the government and only in criminal prosecutions.
As one recent case demonstrates, however, many of the tools that law enforcement has used for years to combat counterfeiters are also available to pharmaceutical manufacturers. In Gilead Sciences, Inc. v. Safe Chain Solutions, LLC, et al., the manufacturer of several trademarked HIV medications filed a civil complaint, under seal, alleging violations of the Lanham Act and RICO against scores of individuals and companies that were allegedly selling counterfeit versions of these drugs to patients across the country.
By deploying private investigators and techniques typically used by law enforcement, Gilead was able to gather a substantial amount of evidence before even filing the case. The company then used this evidence to secure ex parte seizure warrants and asset freezes, allowing it to locate and seize thousands of counterfeit pills and packaging before they could be shipped to unsuspecting consumers. Through the seizure of the financial proceeds of the alleged counterfeiting, Gilead prevented the dissipation of assets. If the company can successfully prove its RICO case, it stands to recover treble damages and attorneys’ fees as well.
Manufacturers of trademarked pharmaceuticals may consider using these and other tools to tackle the threat posed by counterfeiters. By drawing upon the experience and skills of trained litigators – particularly counsel who previously deployed these tools on behalf of the government while serving as federal prosecutors – companies can proactively protect their intellectual property and the consumers who depend on their products.
Phantom Participants with Real-World Ramifications: Clinical Drug Trial Data Falsification
As if medical-related disinformation was not pernicious enough, unscrupulous actors seek to enrich themselves from falsifying clinical drug trial data. A Florida-based clinical research firm project manager was sentenced to 30 months in prison because of his involvement in a conspiracy to falsify clinical drug trial data. Previously, the primary investigator, clinic owner, and another senior employee at Miami-based Tellus Clinical Research were charged with various counts of mail and wire fraud, money laundering, as well as making false statements to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors. A researcher or other employee of the medical clinic could have reported this conspiracy to the government and shared in 15-25% of the government’s recovery.
Pharmaceutical companies sponsor clinical research trials to gather data on the safety and efficacy of the drugs they manufacture. Prior to commencing research trials, pharmaceutical companies or “sponsors” must submit to the FDA their “study protocol,” which identifies who can participate, drug dosages and timing, and how the study’s performance will be measured. Sponsors engage contract research organizations (CROs) to perform the clinical trials, and the CRO must ensure compliance with the study protocol and FDA regulations. In this case, a clinical research firm contracted with pharmaceutical manufacturers to conduct trials related to an opioid dependency treatment, an irritable bowel syndrome drug, and diabetic nephropathy or kidney disease medication. The sponsors would reimburse the CRO a set amount per study participant and for some fees and Tellus would pay participants in accordance with the study protocol.
How the research firm gamed the system involved the eligibility requirements for the studies: each of these clinical trials required patients to meet certain requirements for participation. Instead of honestly recruiting patients with the diagnoses needed to participate in the program, the defendants enrolled people without applicable diagnoses and falsely claimed that study participants completed all the requirements in the study protocol, to garner more payments from the clinical trial sponsors. Several of the defendants enrolled friends and family members to bump up the research firm’s participation numbers, and other research firm employees went so far as to misappropriate personal information from third parties without their knowledge or consent. The co-conspirators also falsified clinical notes and medical records of these unwitting participants, claiming to have performed medical exams, drawn blood for testing, and made payments to participants. This elaborate conspiracy served to wrongfully enrich the research firm owner and senior management at the expense of pharmaceutical companies and ultimately patients.
Clinical research fraud is harmful to consumers. As the Assistant Commissioner for the FDA Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI) stated, “Compromised clinical trial data could impact the agency’s decisions about the safety and effectiveness of the drug under review.” Consumers could end up with unsafe medications due to fraudsters’ schemes.
A whistleblower could have reported this fraud to the FDA and ensured only drugs which perform well in clinical trials on real human beings make it to market. The Department of Justice needs whistleblowers to report fraud involving clinical drug trials.
Same As It Ever Was: FDA Reiterates That CBD Cannot Be Included in Food or Dietary Supplements
While we enter a new season this week, the same cannot be said for the FDA which, on November 16, reiterated that its approach to regulating the cannabidiol (CBD) industry will be “the same as it ever was”—a regulatory minefield. Grail Sipes, acting Deputy Center Director for Regulatory Policy at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, emphasized the agency’s position that it needs additional CBD research and safety data before the agency will consider CBD for uses beyond prescription drugs, including usage as a food additive or dietary supplement. This, she said, is because “clear answers to many important questions are still lacking, such as what adverse reactions may be associated with CBD from hemp-derived products and what risks are associated with the long term use of these products.”
So why should industry stakeholders care about the FDA’s opinion anyway? Wasn’t hemp-derived CBD legalized at the federal level by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill?
Yes, but as we discussed in a previous blog post, the FDA and FTC have overlapping enforcement authority over CBD marketing, with the FDA having primary authority over labeling. The FDA has previously issued guidance stating that CBD can be used as an ingredient in cosmetics so long as it does not cause the product to be “adulterated or misbranded.” However, a product containing CBD cannot be marketed as a drug absent FDA approval—a lengthy and costly process. Companies marketing CBD products must therefore ensure compliance with the FDA’s labeling requirements and guidance regarding CBD products.
The FDA has not been shy to issue warning letters to CBD companies that fail to heed the agency’s labeling requirements and guidance. Starting in April 2019, the FDA (together with the FTC) began issuing warning letters to companies marketing CBD products as treatments and cures for a variety of diseases and illnesses. Those agencies continued to issue warning letters for marketing and labeling violations throughout 2019, largely for improper health-based claims about CBD products (those letters are described in more detail here and here). The most recent iteration came in 2021 when the agencies issued two warning letters to companies selling over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for pain relief that contained CBD. Sipes made clear the FDA will continue to monitor the CBD marketplace and issue warning letters to companies making improper health claims in her November 16 comments.
Given these comments, we can expect the cat-and-mouse game between federal regulators and CBD companies that push the marketing envelope to continue. To mitigate the risk of falling within the FDA’s crosshairs, CBD companies must ensure compliance with the various state and federal regulations governing the labeling and advertising of their products. We provided several marketing dos and don’ts in a previous blog post. But given the FDA’s unchanging position, the biggest takeaway remains the same: don’t make claims that a CBD product “can prevent, treat, or cure” or a disease.
Article By Rachel L. Sodée and J. Hunter Robinson of Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
For more news on biotech, food, and drug law, click here to visit the National Law Review.
What to Know About FDA’s Recent Statements on CBD
Last week FDA issued a public release on CBD titled, “What You Need to Know (And What We’re Working to Find Out) About Products Containing Cannabis or Cannabis derived Compounds, Including CBD.”
The FDA document does not break much new ground, though it emphasizes again FDA’s concern with the safety of CBD, some of which comes from FDA’s review of the CBD-based epilepsy drug Epidiolex. FDA does not believe it has enough information about certain aspects of CBD, such as what happens if someone takes CBD daily for sustained periods. In addition, FDA specifically identifies as a potential harm the use of CBD with alcohol because of the increased risk of sedation and drowsiness, which can lead to injuries. FDA, in addition to issuing this document, sent 15 warning letters to companies marketing CBD products that FDA views as unapproved drugs primarily because of the drug like claims made for such products.
FDA appears to be on a path toward considering a regulation to allow the marketing of CBD in conventional foods or as a dietary supplement. This approach will likely take a long time—perhaps some 2-4 years—absent legislative changes that do not appear likely in an election year. In the meantime, FDA continues to view putting into interstate commerce a food to which CBD has been added or to market CBD as or in a dietary supplement as a violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).
© 2019 McDermott Will & Emery
FDA Proposes New Graphic Warnings for Cigarettes
The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (FCLAA), as amended by Section 201 of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (TCA; signed into law on June 22, 2009) directs the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to develop graphic warnings for cigarette packages and promulgate regulations requiring the warnings within 24 months of enactment of the TCA. Accordingly, FDA issued a final rule requiring graphic warnings on June 22, 2011. However, the original graphic warning images did not survive a First Amendment challenge by the tobacco industry (see R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. v. FDA), and FDA withdrew the rule.
In response to a lawsuit filed against FDA by a coalition of public health groups lead by The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Heart Association and others, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts ruled that FDA “unlawfully withheld” or “unreasonably delayed” a revised graphic warning rule because nearly a decade had passed since the TCA was enacted. In March 2019, the Court ordered FDA to publish the new proposed rule by August 2019 and issue a final rule in March 2020. FDA promulgated a notice of proposed rulemaking on the new cigarette health warnings on August 15, 2019 (available here).
The proposed rule would require advertising and packages of cigarettes sold in the United States to include one of thirteen warnings:
- WARNING: Tobacco smoke can harm your children.
- WARNING: Tobacco smoke causes fatal lung disease in nonsmokers.
- WARNING: Smoking causes head and neck cancer.
- WARNING: Smoking causes bladder cancer, which can lead to bloody urine.
- WARNING: Smoking during pregnancy stunts fetal growth.
- WARNING: Smoking can cause heart disease and strokes by clogging arteries.
- WARNING: Smoking causes COPD, a lung disease that can be fatal. (This statement is paired with two different images.)
- WARNING: Smoking reduces blood flow, which can cause erectile dysfunction.
- WARNING: Smoking reduces blood flow to the limbs, which can require amputation.
- WARNING: Smoking causes type 2 diabetes, which raises blood sugar.
- WARNING: Smoking causes age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness.
- WARNING: Smoking causes cataracts, which can lead to blindness.
Under the proposal, each statement is paired with a graphic image, except the COPD statement which is paired with two different images. The proposed labels, with the accompanying graphic images, can be found here. Among other requirements, the top fifty percent (50%) of the front and rear panels of the package and 20% of the top of the advertisement would need to provide a graphic warning.
For more information, see FDA’s press release, landing page for Cigarette Health Warnings, and Web Feature.
© 2019 Keller and Heckman LLP
Article by Food and Drug Law at Keller and Heckman LLP.
More on tobacco regulation on the Biotech, Food & Drug law page of the National Law Review.
State AGs Want Role in Regulation of CBD-Containing Products
Many, including state regulators, are closely watching the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as it works through the challenges associated with regulating cannabidiol (CBD) products. Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), CBD cannot lawfully be added to a food or marketed as a dietary supplement; however, industry has been pressuring the Agency to create a pathway for the lawful use of CBD in food and dietary supplements through either an exception by regulation to the FD&C Act or through a nonenforcement policy.
As previously reported on this blog, FDA held a public meeting on May 31, 2019 to obtain scientific data and information about the safety of FDA-regulated products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds. The Agency has made clear that outstanding questions related to the safety of CBD products must first be addressed before a regulatory framework can be established for lawfully marketing foods and dietary supplements containing CBD.
In response to FDA’s request for safety data and information, on July 16, 2019, a coalition of 37 Attorneys Generals submitted a letter to FDA, urging the Agency to cooperate with the states to protect consumer from false advertising and potential harms to their health from products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds, including CBD. The letter also urged the Agency to develop ongoing assessments of potential risk and benefits of these products, including how they interact with other dietary or pharmaceutical products. Ultimately, the letter requests that FDA “ensure that states maintain a role as regulators in this emerging market.”
How Social Media Impacted the Teenage Juul Epidemic: Study Recommends Strict FDA Control
BMJ’s journal, Tobacco Control, just released a study recommending that the FDA do more to control Juul’s e-cigarette advertising in social media. The study included a review of over 15000 posts in a three-month period during 2018. Approximately 30% of reviewed posts were promotional, e.g., leading to Juul purchase locations, and over half the posts included “youth” and “youth lifestyle” themes. Because many of these posts were re-posts or user-generated, rather than ads specifically placed by Juul, the company protested that 99% were third-party content over which Juul had no control. However, the intended goal for social media advertising is to “share” and to inspire creation of third-party user-generated content that is also shared. Juul’s public comments weirdly suggest they don’t understand social media advertising. That is quite unlikely.
Juul first came under fire for its youth-focused advertising back in 2016, but has only recently made changes to restrict it. Not until late 2018, long after being called-out by educational and government agencies for targeting youth, did it begin to materially limit its social media accounts and social media messaging.
Juul’s chief administrative officer, Ashley Gould, was quoted last year telling CNN that Juul was “completely surprised by the youth usage of the product.” (Source: CNN.) In response, Dr. Robert Jackler, founder of the Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising, said, “I don’t believe that, not for a minute, because they’re also a very digital, very analytical company,” he added. “They know their market. They know what they’re doing.”
Gould’s obfuscation about underage users doesn’t fool people in the know—and it certainly doesn’t generate trust that Juul will voluntarily follow ethical practices. Juul only instituted its recent changes to restrict youth advertising after FDA scrutiny and bad press.
Juul also advertises its products are for smoking cessation. Last week, in response to San Francisco’s imminent ban on e-cigarette sales, Juul raised concerns that people would resort back to traditional cigarettes—implying this would further negatively impact the health of San Franciscans.
Unfortunately for Juul, the internet remembers everything. In a 2015 Verge interview at the beginning of Juul’s meteoric rise, one of Juul’s R&D engineers made it clear that Juul didn’t care about smoking cessation nor had any concerns about creating an addictive product. The engineer (Atkins) was quoted saying, “We don’t think a lot about addiction here because we’re not trying to design a cessation product at all,” he said, “anything about health is not on our mind.”
Juul’s public “feint and parry” strategy tends to mirror the traditional tobacco industry—a group with a sordid history of youth-focused advertising, concealment, lying to officials, and purposely creating highly addictive products in order to boost sales. It took multiple lawsuits and the Master Settlement Agreement of the nineties for big tobacco to materially comply with government regulations.

Unfortunately, despite all of that history, the tobacco industry’s disregard for consumer protection has spread into the e-cigarette industry. As late as 2017, big tobacco-owned e-cigarette, Blu, launched its “Something Better” advertising campaign. The campaign mocked government-mandated package warnings on traditional cigarettes. The ads included variations of the following text and were designed to look like cigarette warning labels:
“Important: Contains flavor;”
“Important: Vaping blu smells good”
“Important: No ashtrays needed”
The parody on government-mandated safety warnings mocks consumer protection efforts by government agencies—a tactic not surprising coming from a tobacco company. Right now, there is very little regulation over e-cigarettes despite the fact that the FDA was granted oversight in 2016. Like Blu, Juul also has heavy ties to big tobacco. Altria, parent company to Phillip Morris, the maker of Marlboro, is heavily invested in Juul.
If Juul truly intends to address social media advertising, consumer protection, and youth e-cigarette use, it must do more than spew rhetoric through the media. It must take incisive, prophylactic action to reduce exposure of its products to underage users. If history is any indication, that won’t happen without strict FDA regulation.
If you or someone you know has become seriously addicted to nicotine in e-cigarettes, has health problems associated with e-cigarettes, or has been injured by a malfunctioning e-cigarette, you should contact an experienced e-cigarette injury attorney to advise you on the ability to seek compensation for your injuries.
FDA Issues Warning Letters to Companies Illegally Selling Unapproved, Misbranded Kratom Products
On June 25, FDA issued warning letters to two marketers and distributors of kratom products – Cali Botanicals and Kratom NC. FDA determined that the companies were illegally selling unapproved, misbranded kratom-containing drug products with unproven claims about their ability to treat or cure opioid addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, FDA found that the companies also made claims about treating pain, as well as other medical conditions like depression, anxiety, and cancer.
In FDA’s press release, Acting FDA Commissioner Ned Sharpless noted that there are no FDA-approved uses for kratom and the agency has been active in warning consumers about the serious risks associated with kratom. For example, as our readers may know, FDA has warned about both the high levels of heavy metals found in kratom products and the contamination of certain kratom products with salmonella. Indeed, FDA issued its first ever mandatory recall order for the salmonella-containing kratom products.
The June 25 warning letters allege that the companies used their websites and social media to illegally market kratom products and made unproven claims about the ability of the products to cure, treat, or prevent disease. Examples of the claims include:
- “Kratom acts as a μ-opioid receptor-like morphine.”
- “In fact many people use kratom to overcome opiate addiction.”
- “Of course, people who are using kratom to overcome a preexisting opiate addiction may need to use kratom daily to avoid opiate withdrawal.”
- “Usage: It is for the management of chronic pain, as well as recreationally.”
FDA reiterates that “[t]hese products have not been demonstrated to be safe or effective for any use and may keep some patients from seeking appropriate, FDA-approved therapies. Selling these unapproved products with claims that they can treat opioid addiction and withdrawal and other serious medical conditions is a violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.” FDA has requested responses from both companies within 15 working days.