EPA Revises Lead and Copper Rule for the First Time in Three Decades

On December 22, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) finalized long-anticipated revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule—the first major revision since the rule was promulgated in 1991. While the final rule maintains the current lead “action level” of 15 parts per billion (“ppb”) and “maximum contaminant level” goal of zero, it also includes a variety of other revisions that will significantly impact water systems across the nation.

Enhanced Focus on Identifying and Addressing Homes with Lead Service Lines

A major driver behind EPA’s effort to revise the Lead and Copper rule has been identifying and remediating high-risk homes, and in particular, those served with a lead service line (“LSL”). EPA’s final rule thus requires all water systems prepare, and update, LSL inventories. EPA also introduces a requirement to “find and fix” sources of lead in any individual home where a test demonstrates lead levels in excess of 15 ppb. When the “fix” is outside of the water system’s control, documentation must be provided to the state. The final rule further modifies tap sampling procedures and the criteria for selecting homes for sampling to prioritize homes served by LSLs.

Greater Transparency

The final rule also aims to increase transparency by requiring that systems serving greater than 50,000 people post LSL inventories on a publicly-accessible Internet site. In a departure from its initial proposal, EPA reduced the threshold required for water systems to publish their inventory online from 100,000 to 50,000 persons. In addition, the final rule mandates annual notices by water systems to homeowners with LSLs. Certain systems that fail to reach their LSL replacement requirements for a given year must conduct additional outreach in the following year, such as through a townhall meeting. And when any individual tap sample exceeds the lead action level of 15 ppb, systems are now required to notify consumers at the site within 24 hours of learning of the result (instead of the current 30 days).

New Lower “Trigger” for Corrosion Control and Lead Service Line Replacement Actions

The final rule makes changes to the requirements for corrosion control, most notably by establishing a new “trigger” level of 10 ppb. The trigger level is not a health-based standard. At this trigger level, systems that currently treat for corrosion are required to re-optimize their existing treatment, while systems that do not currently treat for corrosion must conduct a corrosion control study. Per EPA’s final rule, water systems must also now conduct outreach and initiate LSL replacement programs when lead levels are above the proposed trigger level of 10 ppb. The final rule requires systems that are above 10 ppb, but at or below 15 ppb, to work with their state to set an annual goal for LSL replacement. Systems that are above the action level of 15 ppb must replace a minimum of three percent of LSLs annually based upon a two-year rolling average.

Testing of Schools and Childcare Centers

EPA’s final rule requires that systems annually test drinking water in 20% of elementary schools and childcare centers in their service areas for a period of five years, and upon request in secondary schools (and elementary schools and childcare centers following the initial five year mandatory testing period). Water systems must provide the results of these tests and information about the actions the school or childcare facility can take to reduce lead in drinking water.

© 2020 Beveridge & Diamond PC
For more, visit the NLR Environmental, Energy & Resources section.

A More Conservative SCOTUS Slated to Hear Remand Question in Baltimore Climate Suit

With the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett on October 26, the Supreme Court that will review a Fourth Circuit decision affirming the remand of Baltimore City’s ongoing climate suit is significantly more conservative than the Supreme Court that granted certiorari just a few weeks prior.[1] Justice Barrett, a self-proclaimed textualist and a prior clerk to the late Justice Antonin Scalia, is expected to give strong preference to the plain language meaning of federal statutes, regardless of the policy ramifications. This will likely favor Petitioners, whose certiorari petition relied on a plain language reading of the relevant federal statute.

Petitioners—major energy companies—had removed the case to federal court on multiple jurisdictional grounds, including federal officer jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1442. After the U.S. District Court for Maryland ordered remand, Petitioners appealed to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals based on an exception to the federal statutory prohibition on such appeals where removal is based on the federal officer provision. See 28 U.S.C. § 1447(d).  On March 6, 2020, the Fourth Circuit affirmed the district court’s rejection of the federal officer basis for removal but declined to review the other jurisdictional arguments, ruling them outside the purview of the Section 1447(d) exception. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore v. BP P.L.C., 952 F.3d 452 (4th Cir. 2020). The Petitioners sought certiorari on the issue of whether the Fourth Circuit improperly declined to review the other bases for removal. The Supreme Court granted certiorari on October 2, 2020.

The Supreme Court will address a question that has split nine federal circuit courts. The Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Circuits have found that the Section 1447(d) exception allows for appellate review of all issues subject to an eligible remand order. The Second, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits have found review is limited to the jurisdictional issue that forms the basis of the exception for an otherwise non-appealable remand order, i.e., removal based on federal officer jurisdiction or civil rights claims.[2]

While limited to an arcane jurisdictional question regarding the proper scope of appellate review of federal remand orders, the Supreme Court’s review of the case will have significant implications for the dozens of ongoing lawsuits for climate-related damages across the country. As cities and states pursue their claims, there will continue to be procedural battles over whether the cases should be heard in state or federal court, and federal appellate review of remand orders could play a significant role in deciding the proper forum for such suits. In turn, it will be either state or federal judges who review the substantive merit of such claims, including whether federal or state common law should be applied to interstate climate torts and whether federal environmental statutes preempt such tort claims.

[1] Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. recused himself from consideration of the petition.  Presumably, he will also recuse himself from consideration of the appeal on the merits.

[2] There are currently two exceptions: one for federal officers and one for civil rights claims. See 28 U.S.C. § 1447(d) (citing id. §§ 1442, 1443).

© 2020 Beveridge & Diamond PC
For more articles on environmental litigation, visit the National Law Review Environmental, Energy & Resources section.

Key Environmental Law and Policy Issues to Watch in the Biden Administration

On November 7, Joe Biden was projected to become President-elect. This news alert provides a high-level review of issues to watch and changes to expect in a Biden administration. Although the makeup of the Senate is not yet entirely clear, it seems that there will not be a change in Senate leadership and that the House will remain under Democratic control. The ultimate fate of the Senate majority will be decided on January 5, 2021 with the runoff of the two Georgia Senate Seats. For the Democrats to become the majority, they would need to prevail in both Senate races.

The next few years will see significant shifts in U.S. environmental and natural resource law and policy, as well as changes in political and perhaps some career personnel at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies that establish and implement U.S. environmental regulation. The next six months look to be especially consequential, as the Trump administration seeks to finalize certain ongoing efforts while the new Biden administration identifies and implements early priorities. Although some form of the stimulus bill may get bipartisan support, and Congress must yet fund the government through the appropriations process, we do not expect any major environmental legislation during the remainder of the Trump administration. The Trump administration, however, still has complete Executive Branch authority and can still issue new rules, pursue enforcement actions, and promulgate significant rules. Similarly, without control of the Senate, a Biden Administration will be unlikely to pass significant environmental legislation, particularly a climate bill, but will be able to direct policy through the Executive Branch.

As events unfold, we will provide updates. Please contact the authors, your usual B&D attorney, or any member of our Election Analysis Task Force (including several former senior EPA and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) officials) for more information.

Key Takeaways

The Regulated Community should consider taking the following actions in the short term:

  1. Administrative litigation and rulemakings. Know where you stand with respect to ongoing litigation (which may be stayed in the early days of a new administration) and pending rulemakings, as well as recently-promulgated rulemakings or Executive Orders that may be subject to full or partial reversal.
  2. Climate, environmental justice, clean energy, and vehicles. Anticipate aggressive action by the Biden administration on climate change, environmental justice, and clean energy and vehicle technologies. If Congress remains divided, legislation is unlikely to occur, but much can be done through Executive Order and other executive branch action. The administration will also promote infrastructure reform which could be significant and will require legislation that may be able to get bi-partisan support.
  3. Federal-state coordination. Anticipate renewed state-federal coordination, with exceptions and some “patchwork quilt” effects, as the Biden administration EPA, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and DOJ join forces with progressive states on enforcement and implementation of policy priorities. Many of the environmental statutes are designed to be implemented cooperatively between the state and federal governments. This “cooperative federalism” is a balance that in many but not all cases, Trump officials favored with a more limited federal government role and a narrow interpretation of the scope of federal statutory authority. Expect Biden’s EPA and DOJ to increase federal enforcement, directing the agencies to pursue appropriate cases to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  4. Criminal enforcement. Expect criminal enforcement to be more vigorously pursued.
  5. International engagement. Prepare for renewed engagement on international environmental and waste treaties, as the Biden administration reengages in many of these issues.
  6. New key administration officials. Pay attention to new key officials in the new administration, some of whom will probably be announced in December. Generally speaking, cabinet-level officers are announced first. Below is a list of the cabinet-level officials in the areas of energy, environment, project development, and worker safety and the Senate committee that would review their nomination.

Immediate (Pre-Inauguration) Considerations

Transition Process

President-elect Biden has an established transition team with five co-chairs and a 15-person advisory board. The leaders are as follows:

  • Former U.S. Sen. Ted Kaufman
    Appointed to the U.S. Senate from Delaware on Jan. 15, 2009 and served until Nov. 10, 2010.
  • Jeffrey Zients
    CEO of Cranemere, a private equity firm. Past Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, at the White House Feb. 2014-Jan. 2017.
  • Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham
    Elected Governor of New Mexico in Nov. 2018. Served three terms in the U.S. House.
  • U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond
    Member of the U.S. House representing LA-2. First elected in Nov. 2010.
  • Anita Dunn
    Senior advisor on the Biden campaign.

President-elect Biden has also indicated that he intends to name the White House Chief of Staff very soon.

Other specific transition steps typically occur. In September, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sent a memorandum to all of the federal agencies titled “Guidance on Presidential Transition Preparation.” The memo required each agency to designate a senior career official as in charge of the transition, and outlined its purpose as follows:

“This memorandum provides guidance to agencies on transition preparation requirements and deadlines consistent with the statutory obligations in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended (3 U.S.C. § 102 note) (the Act) and best practices. In addition to the ongoing work required by the Act, this guidance is intended to ensure the seamless continuity of Federal government operations and services during a transition to a second term of an administration or to a new administration. It also increases the transparency of the transition process. As agencies implement the guidance outlined below, officials should approach the work in ways that are responsive to the ongoing needs of the current administration while balancing the preparations for a potential new administration.”

Biden’s transition team has already signed a memorandum of understanding with President Trump’s General Services Administration to begin planning for a potential handover of power. The document is required under the Presidential Transition Act and formalizes how the federal government will go about assisting Biden’s transition team ahead of Election Day. For the memorandum to be effective, the GSA Administrator Emily Murphy, must sign a letter acknowledging Biden as the President-elect.

In addition to the transition team, “landing teams” will meet with each federal agency to collect information and interview selected individuals to prepare for the new administration. Those landing teams are not agency officials and do not receive confidential or privileged information, but are extraordinarily valuable to the new administration. They report regularly to the incoming White House on the immediate issues facing the administration and provide an important conduit between the incoming President’s team and the executive agencies.


While landing and transition teams have already begun work (or will soon increase the pace of their work), the Trump administration still has nearly three months with which to complete its work. Amidst the changeover in political appointed positions, career staff will continue to make decisions and move matters forward. Ensure that your relationships with career officials at headquarters and regional offices are sound, as you will need to rely on them over the next six months and beyond.

It is typical for virtually all of the outgoing administration political appointees to resign before the new administration starts. The exception is often the U.S. Attorneys, who are sometimes held over in their positions. At the beginning of a new administration, political positions are either temporarily filled by political appointees or often with senior career officials.

Ensure that your relationships with career officials at headquarters and regional offices are sound, as you will need to rely on them as appointed positions change over the next six months.

Post-Inauguration Administrative, Legislative, and Judicial Process

Expect the new administration, upon taking office, to immediately issue a directive withdrawing pending regulations that are not yet published in the federal register. This could include final rules that are awaiting publication. This is a standard approach by a new administration.

The new administration will also review executive orders and guidance documents and rescind those that conflict with Biden policy direction. There are over a dozen, maybe two dozen, different executive orders and many, many guidance documents relevant to environmental policy direction. These do not have the force of law but often direct agencies to take specific actions. The Environmental Law Institute and Harvard Law School’s Environmental and Energy Law Program have produced useful references on this subject. Note that rescinding an Executive Order, which can be done immediately, does not rescind implementing actions, such as new regulations finalized in response to the Executive Order.

Without democratic leadership in the Senate, significant environmental legislation is not expected, with the possible exception of a bi-partisan infrastructure bill. Without legislation, Biden will be particularly interested in moving policy forward using Executive Branch tools. A Biden administration will want to issue new executive orders to re-direct the federal government consistent with his policy initiatives, such as environmental justice. For example, he has already pledged to revise and reinvigorate the 1994 Executive Order 12898 (EO 12898) Federal actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations. In addition, he has pledged that he would rejoin the Paris Accords on the first day of the administration, which can be done by Executive Order.

DOJ will likely seek to stay federal litigation, particularly litigation challenging rulemaking, to allow time to develop new administration positions. The administration would then have the option of supporting the regulation, rescinding it through the Administrative Procedure Act process, and/or replacing it with a new regulation. Currently, litigation is pending on several high profile rules, including the Navigable Waters Protection Rule that defines the scope of Clean Water Act jurisdiction, the National Environmental Policy Act revisions, and the Affordable Clean Energy Rule which regulates greenhouse gases from coal-fired electric generating units. In addition, there is active litigation on the California waiver, which determines whether California will be allowed to continue to set vehicle emission standards.

© 2020 Beveridge & Diamond PC
For more articles on environmental law, visit the National Law Review Environmental, Energy & Resources section.

Amazon Ruling Impacts Prop 65 Issues

The 2020 Prop. 65 Clearinghouse conference marked another year of thought-provoking discussion on the current state of Proposition 65 regulations and litigation.  Although the Act is nearly 35 years old, trends in enforcement litigation and defenses are continuously evolving.  The Prop. 65 Clearinghouse does an excellent job of combining perspectives from the various stakeholders and litigants in the field.

Among the panels at this year’s conference, discussing topics from acrylamide litigation to warnings on marijuana products, was an excellent and lively discussion on the affirmative defense under the compelled speech doctrines of the First Amendment.  Briefly mentioned in that discussion was whether we may see an emergence of other protections from the Constitution invoked as defense to Prop. 65 actions.  Due Process and Commerce Clause were briefly mentioned among those other potential areas where we may see further constitutional defenses.

This discussion brought to mind other areas where federal law may preempt California’s Prop. 65.  In particular, and on the heals of the California Court of Appeal’s August 2020 decision in Bolger v. Amazon, the applicability of the federal Communications Decency Act of 1996.  To be clear, Bolger was not a Prop. 65 case.  However, the decision did briefly touch an area of federal preemption that can be used as a defense to Prop. 65 actions brought against Amazon and other online third-party seller platforms.

In Bolger, a woman was severely hurt following an explosion of a replacement laptop battery she purchased on Amazon from a third-party seller.  Amazon raised a number of defenses, including immunity from liability under title 47 U.S.C. section 230 – part of the Communications Decency Act (CDA).

The CDA is extremely important to the free flow of information on the internet as it shields online content platforms from being held liable as the speaker or publisher of third-party content.  Plaintiffs pursuing lawsuits based on state law “may hold liable the person who creates or develops unlawful [online] content, but not the interactive computer service provider who merely enables that content to be posted online.” (Nemet Chevrolet, Ltd. v. Consumeraffairs.com, Inc. (4th Cir. 2009) 591 F.3d 250, 254; see also, HomeAway.com, Inc. v. City of Santa Monica (9th Cir. 2019) 918 F.3d 676, 681.)

The Bolger Court found that the CDA did not protect Amazon from strict liability for the battery purchased on its website because speech was not the issue.  Liability was not rooted in a failure to adequately warn, for example.  The Court stated that Amazon’s liability in the case did not turn whether Amazon was classified as a speaker/publisher of content on amazon.com that had been provided by the third-party seller.  Instead, Amazon was found liable in Bolger because of its role in the transaction itself that was more akin to that of a “conventional retailer” and the Court subjected Amazon to strict liability as it would have for any other “conventional retailer.”  (In a future CMBG3 post, we will be discussing the ramifications of that retailer label, as well as the split among courts around the country on the issue.)

From a Prop. 65 perspective, the take-away from seemingly unrelated cases like Bolger and HomeAway.com is that CDA immunity may extend to lawsuits where a plaintiff is seeking to pursue a state law cause of action (i.e., enforcement of California’s Prop. 65) against an online platform for content provided by another.  In other words, the CDA could shield a company like Amazon from content-based lawsuits stemming from the alleged absence or inadequacy of a Prop. 65 warning that the third-party seller either neglected to post on the product page, or failed to provide the proper warning under Prop. 65.

For the third-party seller, not only should this be a reminder to review your obligations under regulations like Prop. 65, but also to read your vendor agreements with Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, Shopify and the like.  To keep the theme on Amazon, the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement includes indemnity provisions and regulatory compliance provisions (that specifically call out Prop. 65 compliance) that every vendor should understand.

©2020 CMBG3 Law, LLC. All rights reserved.
For more articles on Prop 65, visit the National Law Review Environmental, Energy & Resources section.

FERC Redefines QF Eligibility Requirements

On September 1, 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or “Commission”) issued an order breaking with decades of precedent regarding how it will determine whether a renewable resource is eligible for certification as a qualifying small power production facility (“QF”) pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, as amended (“PURPA”).[1]  The result of the Commission’s order is that renewable resources will no longer have the ability to qualify for QF status by voluntarily limiting their output to comply with the 80 MW cap on small power production facilities.  Commissioner Richard Glick dissented and we anticipate that parties to the proceeding will seek rehearing and possibly appeal the order to federal court.  Bracewell will keep you updated on significant PURPA developments.

PURPA and the Commission’s implementing regulations limit a small power production QF’s capacity to a “power production capacity” of 80 MW.[2]  When evaluating whether a facility complied with this requirement, the Commission focused on the “maximum net output of the facility that can be safely and reliably achieved under the most favorable operating conditions likely to occur over a period of several years.”[3]  In practice, the Commission’s focus on the maximum net output of the facility—rather than the installed capacity of the equipment at the site—has meant that developers have been able to qualify for QF status by voluntarily installing control systems or taking other steps to limit the sustainable net output of the generation facility in any given hour to 80 MW or less, even if the installed generation capacity of the facility exceeded the 80 MW cap.

In the proceeding resulting in the September 1 Order, the Commission considered whether a combined solar and storage facility owned by Broadview Solar, LLC complied with the 80 MW cap.  The facility at issue consisted of a 160 MW solar array and a 50 MW battery storage system that would connect to 82.5 MW DC-to-AC invertors.  Because any energy produced by the solar array and battery storage system would need to be converted from DC power to AC power prior to the injection in the grid, the maximum achievable output from the facility in a given hour was 82.5 MW.  Thus, even though the installed capacity of the solar array and storage system exceeded the 80 MW cap, Broadview explained that the net output of the facility, taking into account losses and station load, could never exceed 80 MW.[4]

The Commission rejected Broadview’s arguments, however, and found that Broadview’s facility cannot meet the requirements for QF status.  The Commission acknowledged that previous orders had allowed “facilities with greater power production capacities to be certified as QFs when the net output was no more than 80 MW.”[5] The Commission found, however, that this interpretation was inconsistent with the plain language of PURPA limiting the “power production capacity” of QFs to 80 MW.  While the Commission recognized that the inverters were only capable of converting 80 MW into AC power, the Commission observed that this was merely a “conversion limit” and that the solar array alone had the capability to produce 160 MW of DC power.  According to the Commission, “[u]tilizing inverters to limit the output of an otherwise above-80 MW power production facility to 80 MW is . . . inconsistent with the type of facility that Congress specified can qualify as a small power production facility (i.e., a facility sized 80 MW or less).”[6]  For that reason, the Commission found that Broadview’s facility did not meet the requirements to qualify as a QF.

Recognizing the potential impact of its abrupt change in policy, the Commission explained that its finding would only be applied prospectively.[7]  As a result, the Commission’s order will not affect “QFs that have self-certified [through the submission of FERC Form 556] or have been granted Commission certification prior to the date of” the Commission’s order, even if the self-certification filed by the facility “included adjustments for inverters or other output-limiting devices to calculate its maximum net power production capacity as 80 MW or less.”[8]

The Commission’s order represents a marked departure from Commission precedent that  effectively eliminates the ability of renewable resources to meet the QF certification requirements by limiting the output of their facility so that it does not exceed 80 MW.[9]  Although the Commission indicated that it would only apply this determination prospectively, the Commission’s decision could have significant implications for projects that are in the final stage of development, but have not yet filed a notice of self-certification to FERC.[10]  The Commission emphasized, for example, that the owner of a facility with a legally enforceable obligation could not benefit from “grandfathered” status for the facility in the absence of a self-certification Form 556 submittal or FERC order granting certification before September 1, 2020.[11]  Also, the Commission’s order does not address whether the Commission would be willing to revisit the QF status of facilities that submit a notice of re-certification in order to report a change in the facts reported in its initial certification, including upgrading, modernizing or retrofitting existing facilities.[12]  The Commission did, however, clarify that load and line losses could continue to be factored in when measuring a facility’s 80 MW maximum net power production.

The Commission expressly declined to address how the capacity of an energy storage system should be taken into account for QF purposes – an aspect of the proceeding that many were following.[13]  In a number of recent proceedings, companies developing renewable resources combined with battery storage have taken the position that the capacity of a battery storage system should not be included when calculating the net capacity of the facility on the basis that the storage does not represent an additional source of independent power generation and merely allows the facility to shift the time of production; in those cases, however, the QF certification application was withdrawn before FERC made a substantive determination on the issue.[14]  Broadview took a similar position in this proceeding, arguing that aggregating the combined capacity of the solar array with the energy storage system would artificially inflate the aggregate capacity of the facility components.  The Commission found that it did not have to address that issue in this case because the 160 MW solar array on its own without considering the energy storage facilities was already double the 80 MW cap.[15]


[1] Broadview Solar, LLC, 172 FERC ¶ 61,194 (2020).

[2] 16 U.S.C. §§ 796(17), 824a-3; 18 C.F.R. § 292.204.

[3] Occidental Geothermal, Inc., 17 FERC ¶ 61,231, at 61,445 (1991).

[4] Id. at P 3.

[5] Id. at P 21.

[6] Id. at P 25.

[7] See id. at P 27.

[8] Id.

[9] See id. at P 27.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] See id.

[13] Id. at P 21 n. 57.

[14] See, e.g., NorthWestern Corp., 168 FERC ¶ 61,049 (2019).

[15] Broadview, 172 FERC ¶ 61,194, at P 21 n. 57.

© 2020 Bracewell LLP
For more articles on the environment, visit the National Law Review Environmental, Energy & Resources section.

EPA’s Asbestos Problem: Pending Litigation and Draft Risk Evaluation

Multiple States’ Attorneys General and asbestos advocacy groups are suing EPA in the Federal District Court for the Northern District of California[1]. The plaintiffs are seeking judicial intervention concerning EPA “arbitrary and capricious” decision to deny states’ earlier petition that requested EPA collect more data on imported asbestos under the authority granted to EPA in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).[2]  Under the Arbitrary and Capricious standard, plaintiffs must prove that there was no rational connection between the facts found and the decision made by EPA.[3]  Normally, an agency action is “arbitrary and capricious” if the agency relied on factors that Congress did not intend it to consider, failed to consider an important aspect of the problem, offered an explanation not supported by the evidence, or the implausible decision cannot be explained as a differing viewpoint.[4]  The standard that EPA’s action will be evaluated is not as high as intermediate review and strict scrutiny.

At initial review, there is not a strong challenge EPA’s actions being outside Congress’ intent.  TSCA provides EPA with statutory authority to regulate the manufacturing, importing, processing, and commercial distribution of asbestos.[5]  EPA recently promulgated additional regulations regarding Restrictions on Discontinued Uses of Asbestos; Significant New Use Rule.[6]  Therefore, the States’ Attorneys General will have to develop factual evidence to show EPA’s action was unreasonable.  EPA argues, inter allia, that it did not act arbitrarily or capriciously with regard to its denial of the initial petition given it would not have collected any additional data on asbestos imports given its decision was based on review of data from multiple sources.[7]

For brief background on the mining and importing of asbestos, asbestos mining in the United States steadily declined after it peaked in the mid-1970’s, and mining in the United States completely stopped just after the turn of the millennia.[8]  Likewise, the rate of manufacturing/use of asbestos in the United States also steadily declined during this same period, but manufacturing/use of asbestos has never completely stopped.  Where does the United States get its asbestos now?  The answer is not Canada, which was once home to the largest asbestos mine in the world (i.e., Johns Manville’s Jeffrey Mine).  Currently, all the asbestos imported to the United States is chrysotile from Russia.[9]

As an overlay to the above, the EPA is also in the process to update its Risk Evaluation of asbestos, specifically chrysotile.  The EPA’s Draft Risk Evaluation of Asbestos (“DRE”) was released in March 2020.  Most notably, EPA’s draft findings call into question the long-standing conclusion of the medical and scientific communities that chrysotile asbestos is unequivocally less potent than amphibole asbestos minerals.[10]  EPA is currently evaluating the numerous comments it received from the medical and scientific communities that questioning the EPA’s data and findings in the DRE.[11]  EPA has seemingly created its own paradox by releasing the DRE that finds an increased risk from chrysotile after getting sued for allegedly loosening restrictions on imported asbestos that is all Russian chrysotile.  Notwithstanding and without triggering a political debate, there is always an elephant in the room when discussing the Federal government’s actions that implicate Russia given the current administration.  All these factors considered, should make for an active and interesting discovery period in the pending lawsuits against EPA.

©2020 CMBG3 Law, LLC. All rights reserved.

For more articles on the EPA, visit the National Law Review Energy, Climate, and Environmental Law News section.

[1] States’ Attorneys General for California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Kersey, Oregon, Washington, as well as  Washington DC are plaintiffs; and lead plaintiff for the asbestos advocacy groups is The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization.  See Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, et al. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, et al., United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 3:19-CV-008871-EMC; and State of California, by and through Attorney General Xavier Becerra, et al. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, et al., United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 3:19-CV-03807-EMC.

[2] 15 U.S.C. §2601

[3] Motor Vehicle Mfgrs. Assn. of United States, Inc. v. State Farm Mut. Automobile Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29, 43 (1983) (cited by Michigan v. E.P.A., 576 U.S. 743, 750-751 (2015)

[4] Id.

[5] See 40 CFR 763 (July 12, 1989)

[6] See 84 FR 17345 (April 25, 2019)

[7] United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 3:19-CV-008871-EMC, ECF Document 52, pp. 11-12

[8] https://www.asbestos.com/occupations/mining/

[9] https://www.asbestos.com/news/2020/03/23/us-asbestos-imports-drop/

[10] https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2020-3/documents/1_draft_risk…

[11] https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0501-0113;and https://www.epa.gov/assessing-and-managing-chemicals-under-tsca/draft-risk-evaluation-asbestos#docs

PFAS Water Cleanup…Have You Bought Yourself a Multi-Million Dollar Superfund Issue?

The last two years have seen an incredible uptick in activity with respect to PFAS regulations, and media coverage of PFAS continues to fuel the fires from the public, non-government organizations and environmental groups for additional action to be taken. The EPA continues its process of determining Maximum Contaminant Levels for PFAS. The FDA is examining the ways that it might regulate PFAS levels in both food and food packaging. Meanwhile, states, bombarded with constituent outcries and under pressure to take action to fill the gap until the EPA and FDA finish their regulatory review processes, quickly enact drinking water limits for PFAS and ban PFAS-containing products, such as children’s toys and food packaging.

As states continue setting drinking water limits for PFAS and in preparation for the EPA’s final determination of a Maximum Contaminant Level for PFAS in drinking water, many water utilities are beginning to evaluate the steps needed to come into compliance with existing or anticipated water regulations. Comprehensive compliance programs are being created and costly well testing sites are being built to determine PFAS content at various points along the waterways for drinking water sources. At water treatment facilities, expensive water filtration systems are being installed to remove as many PFAS as possible from drinking water sources. With water utilities coming under fire in the litigation world for PFAS issues, these steps may curtail the short-term issues and costs associated with PFAS litigation.

However, the long-term impact of the remediation steps that water treatment facilities ae taking may only be pushing litigation costs further down the road, not eliminating them. In addition, little considered Superfund laws may be triggered through PFAS water filtration that could end up costing water treatment facilities tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in cleanup costs.


Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), once a substance is designated as “hazardous” by the EPA, the Act gives the EPA considerable power to designate sites containing such substances as Superfund sites and force parties responsible for the pollution to pay for the cleanup of the site. Without a designation of a substance as “hazardous” (and therefore a site as a Superfund site), the EPA may either pay for the cleanup of the site itself or attempt to pursue, through time-consuming and costly litigation, the property owner for the costs of cleanup.

One of the most closely watched developments in the PFAS world is whether the EPA will make the determination that PFAS are “hazardous” under CERCLA. Although the EPA has promised its determination soon and various lawmakers are pressuring the EPA to make a determination in the near future, it is still uncertain as to when the EPA will issue its final regulations.

In the meantime, however, water utilities are under increasing pressure to filter out PFAS from drinking water. These PFAS are typically deposited in landfills. Out of sight, out of mind? Not exactly, when it comes to PFAS. As the quantity of PFAS accumulate in landfills, if the EPA makes a determination that PFAS are “hazardous” substances under CERCLA, the EPA could immediately designate landfills full of PFAS as Superfund sites and take action to pursue parties to pay for the cleanup. Water utilities could therefore be at significant risk of having to pay for Superfund site cleanup.

Further, in some instances, water utilities may have previously been involved with Superfund site cleanup for other reasons and believed the site issues to be fully remediated.  However, since PFAS have not yet been classified as “hazardous”, Superfund sites were never tested for PFAS. Should the EPA determined that PFAS are “hazardous” under CERCLA, the EPA will have the right to reopen previously closed Superfund sites for further testing and remediation specific to PFAS, even if parties deemed responsible for the pollution already paid millions of dollars to clean up the site for other contaminants.

Water utilities in particular must pay special attention to PFAS developments under CERCLA. Proactive planning is needed to determine alternate means of disposing of or eliminating PFAS from water sources. Failure to enact forward-thinking strategies may very well end up costing water utility companies tens of millions in unexpected and unwanted costs if they fail to do so.

©2020 CMBG3 Law, LLC. All rights reserved.

ARTICLE BY John Gardella at CMBG3 Law.

EPA Issues Compliance Advisory Regarding Pesticide Devices Making Claims to Kill the Novel Coronavirus

In late May, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Compliance Advisory providing the public with information regarding the limits of governmental review of the efficacy of pesticide devices, especially pesticide devices that claim to kill the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 (coronavirus).  Per the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), chemical pesticides must be reviewed and approved by EPA for efficacy claims made by the pesticide registrant before marketing is permitted.  In contrast, FIFRA prohibits pesticide device sellers from making false or misleading claims about the safety or efficacy of their pesticide devices, but it does not require EPA approval before a pesticide device may be sold.  Thus, pesticide devices (an instrument or other machine) designed to kill a pest do not undergo pre-market review for efficacy.

Because there is no pre-market review of pesticide device efficacy, and since EPA “is receiving a steady stream of tips/complaints concerning potentially false or misleading claims” associated with pesticide devices being sold with claims of killing coronavirus, EPA’s Compliance Advisory  sets out some cautionary statements:

“Please note that ozone generators, UV lights and other pesticide devices may not be able to make claims against coronavirus where devices have not been tested for efficacy or safety for use against the virus causing COVID-19 or harder-to-kill viruses.  In addition, because EPA does not review these data as part of a registration review process, these claims are not supported by any government review.” [Emphasis in original].

The Advisory reviews EPA’s process for approving chemical pesticides, and specifically the process EPA uses to maintain its “List N”—a list of disinfectants that meet EPA’s criteria for use against coronavirus.  The Advisory notes that consumers’ success in killing viruses using List N pesticides depends on following all label directions including heeding the recommended contact time, which is the amount of time the pesticide product needs to remain wet on a surface.

The Advisory also describes the limits prescribed by FIFRA for pre-market review and approval of pesticidal devices and warns that EPA cannot confirm whether, or under what circumstances, such pesticide devices might be effective against the spread of coronavirus.  The Advisory specifically cautions that “consumers should be aware that pesticidal devices making such claims have NOT been reviewed and accepted by EPA”.

Pesticide device sellers are allowed to make certain efficacy claims, as long as they possess supporting data.  FIFRA does impose penalties for making false or misleading labeling claims about the safety or efficacy of a pesticidal device.

The Advisory concludes with ‘Compliance Concerns’ and warns sellers who attempt to profit from sales of pesticides or pesticide devices with unapproved or unsupported claims for use against coronavirus:

“EPA intends to pursue enforcement against products making false and misleading claims regarding coronavirus. EPA is working with e-commerce platforms to remove/prohibit these fraudulent and/or otherwise inefficacious products from the marketplace. EPA is also coordinating with the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal partners to bring the full force of the law against those selling or otherwise distributing violative products.”

© 2020 Van Ness Feldman LLP

For more EPA regulation, see the National Law Review Environmental, Energy & Resource law section.

President Trump Orders Expanded Use of Emergency Powers to Streamline Infrastructure

On Thursday, June 4, 2020, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) on “Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Emergency by Expediting Infrastructure Investments and Other Activities.” Relying on the COVID-19 declared national emergency, the EO directs federal agencies to invoke their existing emergency authorities under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and other laws to expedite economic recovery, including taking “all reasonable measures” to speed infrastructure and public works projects. While consistent with prior administrative directives to expedite project permitting, this latest EO likely will have little practical effect on individual projects and generate increased litigation for projects that rely on it.

The EO aspires to expedite a variety of projects that fall under the jurisdiction of several specific federal agencies:

  • All authorized and appropriated highway and other infrastructure projects within the authority of the U.S. Department of Transportation;
  • All authorized and appropriated civil works projects under the purview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and
  • All authorized and appropriated infrastructure, energy, environmental, and natural resources projects on federal lands managed by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Interior, and the Department of Agriculture.

The EO’s main action item is periodic reporting by affected federal agencies to the White House. Agency heads must provide a summary report listing all projects expedited under their emergency authorities no later than July 4th (30 days after the EO’s issuance date), and provide status reports every 30 days thereafter. The EO specifies no end date for the national emergency or use of emergency authorities.

The EO principally relies on the government-wide NEPA regulation for emergency situations.  40 C.F.R. § 1506.11. It also invokes the ESA implementing regulation on Section 7 consultations in emergencies (50 C.F.R. § 402.05 2) and the CWA Section 404 regulations and nationwide permits addressing emergency circumstances. Lastly, the EO directs agencies to review “other authorities” potentially applicable to emergencies, including “all statutes, regulations, and guidance documents that may provide for emergency or expedited treatment (including waivers, exemptions, or other streamlining).”  Overall, the EO intends to allow critical infrastructure and public works projects to move forward more quickly, by abbreviating or waiving legally required environmental reviews, interagency consultation, and public comment.

While the goals of reducing time and paperwork are laudable, the EO will likely be less impactful than other recent efforts (such as One Federal Decision). The emergency exemptions available under NEPA, the ESA, the CWA, and other laws are quite limited pursuant to regulations and case law. They are meant for very narrow or discrete circumstances, not for indefinite national conditions. Moreover, they do not entirely or permanently waive environmental requirements, but rather allow for deferred or alternative procedures that achieve statutory aims. For example, the NEPA emergency regulation provides that when emergency circumstances make it necessary to take actions with significant environmental impacts without observing the typical NEPA process, agencies may consult with the Council on Environmental Quality to make “alternative arrangements” to take such actions. The effort and resources required to develop such “alternative arrangements” may not save time in the overall NEPA review. Nor can an EO legally displace regulations or case law.

Predictably, environmental organizations have already indicated a likely forthcoming challenge to the EO. Though a direct challenge may face jurisdictional obstacles, individual project approvals relying on the EO may be more vulnerable to lawsuits. And given the EO’s focus on timing, preliminary injunction motions at the commencement of lawsuits likely would be a centerpiece of those lawsuits, which likely would offset any advantage that may have been gained from relying on the EO.

© 2020 Beveridge & Diamond PC

EPA OIG Report States Further Efforts Needed to Uphold Scientific Integrity Policy at EPA

On May 20, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report entitled Further Efforts Needed to Uphold Scientific Integrity Policy at EPA.  OIG conducted an Agency-wide survey to determine whether EPA’s Scientific Integrity Policy is being implemented as intended to ensure scientific integrity throughout EPA.  OIG received 4,320 responses (a 23.5 percent response rate), showing that 3,987 respondents were aware of or had some familiarity with the Scientific Integrity Policy.  According to OIG, among those respondents with a basis to judge, the majority (56 percent; 1,025 of 1,842) were satisfied with the overall implementation of the Policy.  OIG states that the survey also revealed some concerns with specific aspects of scientific integrity at EPA, including dissatisfaction with EPA’s culture of scientific integrity (59 percent; 1,425 of 2,402) and the release of scientific information to the public (57 percent; 1,049 of 1,842).  OIG recommends that EPA’s deputy administrator lead an effort to examine the causes associated with the scientific integrity concerns identified in the survey and communicate the results to EPA employees, including planned actions to address the causes.  OIG also made 11 recommendations to the EPA science advisor, including developing procedures for addressing and resolving allegations of scientific integrity violations, communicating the outcomes of reports of scientific integrity violations, and improving the release of scientific information to the public.  OIG states that EPA agreed with its recommendations and provided acceptable corrective actions.  According to OIG, EPA has completed two recommendations, and the others are resolved with corrective actions pending.

©2020 Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.