8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:

8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

Upcoming Spring 2012 CLE National Institutes

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the ABA’s Upcoming Spring 2012 CLE National Institutes:

Learn and network at these in-person,full-day or multi-day seminars held live in various locations across the country that draw lawyers from across the nation.

Canadian International Trade Compliance Conference – August 21-23, 2012

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Canadian International Trade Compliance Conference:

Addressing the Global Trade Compliance Concerns Involving Export Controls, Custom Compliance and Cross Border Trade in Canada

Event Date: 21-23 Aug 2012
Location: Toronto, Ontario – VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED, Canada

Key conference topics
  • Assess the latest export permit requirements in Canada with Pratt and Whitney Canada
  • Address re-exports of U.S. origin goods from Canada to comply with both Canadian and U.S. export controls with Future Electronics
  • Integrate an effective anti-corruption compliance program as part of a global trade compliance program with Methanex Corporation
  • Analyze supply chain security concerns when dealing with cross border trade with Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
  • Uncover the updates to the Export Controls List and their impact upon Canadian companies with Research in Motion Limited

Currently, international trade compliance professionals need to stay up to date on the changing regulations within Canada and also abroad. With the changes to the Export Controls List and the ever-complex nature of Canadian-U.S. cross border trade, companies need to be aware of how these changes affect their international trade compliance programs.

Canada’s relationship with the U.S. makes it imperative that the International Trade Compliance community is informed on the impact that U.S. rules and regulations can have on Canadian companies.

Building upon the success of the 2nd Annual International Trade Compliance Conference, the marcusevans Canadian International Trade Compliance conference addresses the Global Trade Compliance Concerns involving export controls, customs compliance and cross border trade in Canada.

By attending this event, industry leaders will be able to overcome any potential challenges in crafting and sustaining a comprehensive trade compliance program.

Attending This Conference Will Enable You To:

1. Dissect the latest updates from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with Research in Motion Limited
2. Comprehend the U.S. Export Reform Initiative and the impact upon Canadian companies with Public Works and Government Services Canada
3. Develop and understanding of import value and transfer pricing with Ericsson Canada Inc.
4. Focus on NAFTA and other Free Trade Agreements with Plains Midstream Canada

Industry leaders attending this event will benefit from a dynamic presentation format consisting of workshops, panel discussions and case studies. Attendees will experience highly interactive conference sessions, 10-15 minutes of Q&A time after each presentation, 4+ hours of networking and exclusive online access to materials post-event.


SVPs, VPs, Directors, Superintendents, Supervisors, Engineers, Specialists, Leaders and Managers from the Chemical, Petrochemical, and Refining Industries with responsibilities in:

  • EHS Environmental Health and Safety
  • Safety/Process Safety Management
  • Plant Management/Operations
  • Inspection/Reliability
  • Mechanical/Asset Integrity
  • Manufacturing/Technology
  • Training & Development

Retail Law Conference 2012

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Retail Law Conference:

at the Westin Galleria in Dallas, Texas

November 7-9, 2012

This event is the perfect opportunity to discuss the latest issues affecting the retail industry while obtaining important continuing legal education (CLE) credits.

Open to retail and consumer product general counsel, senior legal executives and in-house attorneys and their teams, the exceptional dialogue presented at this conference will help your organization navigate the current legal landscape of the industry.

8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:

8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

Upcoming Spring 2012 CLE National Institutes

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the ABA’s Upcoming Spring 2012 CLE National Institutes:

Learn and network at these in-person,full-day or multi-day seminars held live in various locations across the country that draw lawyers from across the nation.

2012 National Law Review Law Student Writing Competition

The National Law Review is pleased to announce their 2012 Law Student Writing Competition

The National Law Review (NLR) consolidates practice-oriented legal analysis from a variety of sources for easy access by lawyers, paralegals, law students, business executives, insurance professionals, accountants, compliance officers, human resource managers, and other professionals who wish to better understand specific legal issues relevant to their work.

The NLR Law Student Writing Competition offers law students the opportunity to submit articles for publication consideration on the NLR Web site.  No entry fee is required. Applicants can submit an unlimited number of entries each month.

  • Winning submissions will be published according to specified dates.
  • Entries will be judged and the top two to four articles chosen will be featured on the NLR homepage for a month.  Up to 5 runner-up entries will also be posted in the NLR searchable database each month.
  • Each winning article will be displayed accompanied by the student’s photo, biography, contact information, law school logo, and any copyright disclosure.
  • All winning articles will remain in the NLR database for two years (subject to earlier removal upon request of the law school).

In addition, the NLR sends links to targeted articles to specific professional groups via e-mail. The NLR also posts links to selected articles on the “Legal Issues” or “Research” sections of various professional organizations’ Web sites. (NLR, at its sole discretion, maydistribute any winning entry in such a manner, but does not make any such guarantees nor does NLR represent that this is part of the prize package.)

Congratulations to our 2012 and 2011 Law Student Writing Contest Winners

Winter 2012:

Fall 2011:

Why Students Should Submit Articles:

  • Students have the opportunity to publicly display their legal knowledge and skills.
  • The student’s photo, biography, and contact information will be posted with each article, allowing for professional recognition and exposure.
  • Winning articles are published alongside those written by respected attorneys from Am Law 200 and other prominent firms as well as from other respected professional associations.
  • Now more than ever, business development skills are expected from law firm associates earlier in their careers. NLR wants to give law students valuable experience generating consumer-friendly legal content of the sort which is included for publication in law firm client newsletters, law firm blogs, bar association journals and trade association publications.
  • Student postings will remain in the NLR online database for up to two years, easily accessed by potential employers.
  • For an example of  a contest winning student written article from Northwestern University, please click here or please review the winning submissions from Spring 2011.

Content Guidelines and Deadlines

Content Guidelines must be followed by all entrants to qualify. It is recommended that articles address the following monthly topic areas:

  • March Topic Feature:  Environmental and Energy, Insurance and Intellectual Property Law
  • March Submission Deadline:  Tuesday, February 21, 2012
  • May Topic Feature:     Tax, Bankruptcy and Restructuring and Healthcare Law
  • May Submission Deadline:  Monday, April 16, 2012

Articles covering current issues related to other areas of the law may also be submitted. Entries must be submitted via email to lawschools@natlawreview.com by 5:00 pm Central Standard Time on the dates indicated above.

Articles will be judged by NLR staff members on the basis of readability, clarity, organization, and timeliness. Tone should be authoritative, but not overly formal. Ideally, articles should be straightforward and practical, containinguseful information of interest to legal and business professionals. Judges reserve the right not to award any prizes if it is determined that no entries merit selection for publication by NLR. All judges’ decisions are final. All submissions are subject to the NLR’s Terms of Use.

Students are not required to transfer copyright ownership of their winning articles to the NLR. However, all articles submitted must be clearly identified with any applicable copyright or other proprietary notices. The NLR will accept articles previously published by another publication, provided the author has the authority to grant the right to publish it on the NLR site. Do not submit any material that infringes upon the intellectual property or privacy rights of any third party, including a third party’s unlicensed copyrighted work.

Manuscript Requirements

  • Format – HTML (preferred) or Microsoft® Word
  • Length  Articles should be no more than 5,500 words, including endnotes.
  • Endnotes and citations – Any citations should be in endnote form and listed at the end of the article. Unreported cases should include docket number and court. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and proper format of related cites. In general, follow the Bluebook. Limit the number of endnotes to only those most essential. Authors are responsible for accuracy of all quoted material.
  • Author Biography/Law School Information – Please submit the following:
    1. Full name of author (First Middle Last)
    2. Contact information for author, including e-mail address and phone number
    3. Author photo (recommended but optional) in JPEG format with a maximum file size of 1 MB and in RGB color format. Image size must be at least 150 x 200 pixels.
    4. A brief professional biography of the author, running approximately 100 words or 1,200 characters including spaces.
    5. The law school’s logo in JPEG format with a maximum file size of 1 MB and in RGB color format. Image size must be at least 300 pixels high or 300 pixels wide.
    6. The law school mailing address, main phone number, contact e-mail address, school Web site address, and a brief description of the law school, running no more than 125 words or 2,100 characters including spaces.

To enter, an applicant and any co-authors must be enrolled in an accredited law school within the fifty United States. Employees of The National Law Review are not eligible. Entries must include ALL information listed above to be considered and must be submitted to the National Law Review at lawschools@natlawreview.com. 

Any entry which does not meet the requirements and deadlines outlined herein will be disqualified from the competition. Winners will be notified via e-mail and/or telephone call at least one day prior to publication. Winners will be publicly announced on the NLR home page and via other media.  All prizes are contingent on recipient signing an Affidavit of Eligibility, Publicity Release and Liability Waiver. The National Law Review 2011 Law Student Writing Competition is sponsored by The National Law Forum, LLC, d/b/a The National Law Review, 4700 Gilbert, Suite 47 (#230), Western Springs, IL 60558, 708-357-3317. This contest is void where prohibited by law. All entries must be submitted in accordance with The National Law Review Contributor Guidelines per the terms of the contest rules. A list of winners may be obtained by writing to the address listed above. There is no fee to enter this contest.

Canadian International Trade Compliance Conference – August 21-23, 2012

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Canadian International Trade Compliance Conference:

Addressing the Global Trade Compliance Concerns Involving Export Controls, Custom Compliance and Cross Border Trade in Canada

Event Date: 21-23 Aug 2012
Location: Toronto, Ontario – VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED, Canada

Key conference topics
  • Assess the latest export permit requirements in Canada with Pratt and Whitney Canada
  • Address re-exports of U.S. origin goods from Canada to comply with both Canadian and U.S. export controls with Future Electronics
  • Integrate an effective anti-corruption compliance program as part of a global trade compliance program with Methanex Corporation
  • Analyze supply chain security concerns when dealing with cross border trade with Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
  • Uncover the updates to the Export Controls List and their impact upon Canadian companies with Research in Motion Limited

Currently, international trade compliance professionals need to stay up to date on the changing regulations within Canada and also abroad. With the changes to the Export Controls List and the ever-complex nature of Canadian-U.S. cross border trade, companies need to be aware of how these changes affect their international trade compliance programs.

Canada’s relationship with the U.S. makes it imperative that the International Trade Compliance community is informed on the impact that U.S. rules and regulations can have on Canadian companies.

Building upon the success of the 2nd Annual International Trade Compliance Conference, the marcusevans Canadian International Trade Compliance conference addresses the Global Trade Compliance Concerns involving export controls, customs compliance and cross border trade in Canada.

By attending this event, industry leaders will be able to overcome any potential challenges in crafting and sustaining a comprehensive trade compliance program.

Attending This Conference Will Enable You To:

1. Dissect the latest updates from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with Research in Motion Limited
2. Comprehend the U.S. Export Reform Initiative and the impact upon Canadian companies with Public Works and Government Services Canada
3. Develop and understanding of import value and transfer pricing with Ericsson Canada Inc.
4. Focus on NAFTA and other Free Trade Agreements with Plains Midstream Canada

Industry leaders attending this event will benefit from a dynamic presentation format consisting of workshops, panel discussions and case studies. Attendees will experience highly interactive conference sessions, 10-15 minutes of Q&A time after each presentation, 4+ hours of networking and exclusive online access to materials post-event.


SVPs, VPs, Directors, Superintendents, Supervisors, Engineers, Specialists, Leaders and Managers from the Chemical, Petrochemical, and Refining Industries with responsibilities in:

  • EHS Environmental Health and Safety
  • Safety/Process Safety Management
  • Plant Management/Operations
  • Inspection/Reliability
  • Mechanical/Asset Integrity
  • Manufacturing/Technology
  • Training & Development

Retail Law Conference 2012

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Retail Law Conference:

at the Westin Galleria in Dallas, Texas

November 7-9, 2012

This event is the perfect opportunity to discuss the latest issues affecting the retail industry while obtaining important continuing legal education (CLE) credits.

Open to retail and consumer product general counsel, senior legal executives and in-house attorneys and their teams, the exceptional dialogue presented at this conference will help your organization navigate the current legal landscape of the industry.

8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:

8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.