The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 2013 E-Discovery and Information Governance National Institute:
January 23 – 25, 2013
- Stetson University
- College of Law/Tampa Law Center
- 1700 N Tampa St
- Tampa, FL 33602-2653
- United States of America
The ABA Section of Science and Technology Law is pleased to invite you to the E-Discovery and Information Governance National Institute at Stetson’s Tampa Law Center in Tampa, Florida January 23–25, 2013. This National Institute will provide attendees a rare opportunity to sharpen their skills in electronic discovery and digital evidence (EDDE). The curriculum will consist of case studies, a mock 26(f) meet-and-confer, a mock spoliation hearing, and panel discussions with luminaries in the field.
The faculty, consisting of judges, legal practitioners, technologists, and forensics experts will:
- Present information on the current thought on the handling of electronically stored information (ESI), including descriptions and interpretations of judicial decisions
- Analyze recent judicial decisions on the production of ESI and the key rules from the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that impact e-discovery
- Provide invaluable insights on how best to prepare their technical staff and information systems to respond to requests for ESI
- Cover ESI issues for a variety of business sectors including the HIPAA HITECH requirements that mandate an enhanced standard of care for the parties producing and receiving electronic health records (EHR)
- Describe how new search technologies will lead to cost efficient, yet defensible, automated production of relevant ESI
- Examine the e-discovery implications of the increasing use of encryption, social media, and data stored in the cloud Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how the handling of ESI has evolved and will present a hopeful prognosis that expected improvements will provide cost efficient, but defensible, management of ESI.
Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how the handling of ESI has evolved and will present a hopeful prognosis that expected improvements will provide cost efficient, but defensible, management of ESI.
This unique blend of faculty, case studies, analysis of judicial decisions, clear explanation of where technology is and where it is going, and informative yet entertaining mock hearings presented in a two-day package offer an experience matched by no other conference. This is a one-of-a-kind program you will not want to miss.
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