Becoming Antitrust Aware in 2024: Top Five Recommendations for the New Year

A new year means resolutions which are often centered around self-improvement measures like weight loss, exercise plans, and other health improvement measures. Companies can also benefit from resolutions. Increasing antitrust awareness is not usually on the resolution list but here we offer some ideas for companies as they embark on a new year.

Treat antitrust as a priority in 2024.

As antitrust lawyers, our viewpoint may be biased, and we certainly appreciate that most companies already have a lengthy list of priorities for their in-house and outside legal teams. Given that all companies, regardless of their size, are subject to the antitrust laws, and given the high stakes involved (including criminal penalties and treble damages awards), antitrust certainly deserves to be on the priority list. One relatively easy way to get the ball rolling is to put fresh eyes on your company’s antitrust policy. When was the last time it was updated? What type of trainings does your company use to teach the concepts contained in the policy? The training doesn’t need to be – and shouldn’t be – boring or esoteric. Instead, trainings should be engaging and tailored to the specific antitrust risks that workgroups may face. For example, the sales team will need different antitrust training than those working on supply chain or environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Ask your antitrust lawyer to create easy-to-follow, lively online trainings that can be viewed on demand. And if your company doesn’t have an antitrust policy, we suggest that creating one be moved to the top (or near top) of the legal department’s to-do list in 2024.

Understand the current antitrust enforcement priorities.

2024 will be a significant year for antitrust. It’s an election year, which means 2024 may be the Biden Administration’s last year to execute on plans that have been in the works since President Biden issued Executive Order 14036, “Promoting Competition in the American Economy,” in July 2021. Some of the Administration’s more dramatic plans include significant revisions to the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) premerger notification process. While we don’t expect all the FTC and DOJ’s sweeping proposals to make it into the HSR final rule, we do expect some changes to be made, and they will likely mean significant additional burdens for filing parties. We also expect to see the FTC’s new rule on non-compete agreements. The FTC’s proposal would ban most non-compete agreements, and some states have already enacted their own prohibitions on non-compete agreements.

If your company engages in M&A, be aware of the new Merger Guidelines.

The newest Merger Guidelines, addressing both horizontal and vertical mergers, were unveiled in December 2023 . One of the most significant changes announced in the 2023 Merger Guidelines are the decreased levels of concentration that will trigger a rebuttable presumption of illegality. Under the new Guidelines, a market share of greater than 30% and a concentration increase of 100 points will be enough to trigger that rebuttable presumption. That is not to say the presumption is the death knell for a transaction, but it does mean that the government enforcement will be aggressive. Also be aware that the 2023 Guidelines introduce new topics, such as labor markets. Early analysis and planning will be critical, requiring involvement of skilled antitrust counsel.

Understand that application of the antitrust laws is constantly evolving.

The language of the core U.S. antitrust laws – the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, and the FTC Act, hasn’t changed, but the application of these laws is always evolving. For example, the antitrust enforcers and private plaintiffs are increasingly focused on labor issues, such as “no poach” agreements and wage fixing. Antitrust enforcers are also focused on private equity, as evidenced by the FTC’s recent lawsuit against Welsh, Carson, Anderson, and Stowe and some of the changes contained in the proposed revisions to the HSR Rules. Technology is also a significant factor that provokes interesting questions that don’t have answers, at least not currently. For example, do pricing algorithms lead to price fixing? How will antitrust enforcers deal with artificial intelligence?

Pay attention to state antitrust enforcers.

The federal regulators at the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission may get most of the attention, but we must never forget that states have their own antitrust laws and their own antitrust enforcers, who have the power to investigate and bring legal action. Often, the state regulators work collaboratively with their federal counterparts, but the state regulators are free to go their own way, such as those targeting various ESG initiatives. Also bear in mind that states are increasingly blazing new trails, such as bans on non-competes. Thirteen states have also enacted “mini” HSR premerger notification statutes for health care deals. It’s always prudent to check the laws of the state or states where business is conducted to determine if there are any state-specific antitrust considerations.

Corporate Transparency Act Requires Disclosure of Information Regarding Beneficial Owners to FinCEN

The new year brings the most expansive disclosure requirements for U.S. business entities since the Depression. Starting January 1, 2024, U.S. companies and foreign companies operating in the United States will be required to report their beneficial owners and principal officers to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) pursuant to the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) adopted as part of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, unless subject to specific exemptions.

Who Is Required to Report?
The CTA’s filing requirements (31 CFR 1010.380(c)(1)) apply to both domestic reporting companies and foreign reporting companies.

  • Domestic reporting companies are corporations, limited liability companies and any other entity registered to do business in any state or tribal jurisdiction by the filing of a document with the secretary of state or similar official.
  • Foreign reporting companies are business entities formed under the law of a foreign country that are registered to do business in any state or tribal jurisdiction by the filing of a document with the secretary of state or similar official

The CTA provides 23 categories of exemption. The following types of entities are not required to file reports with FinCEN:

  • Large Operating Companies
    This exemption applies to entities that (1) have 20 people or more full time employees in the United States, (2) have gross revenue (or sales) in excess of $5 million on their prior year’s tax return and (3) have a physical office in the United States.
  • Securities Reporting Issuers
  • Governmental Authorities
  • Banks
  • Credit Unions
  • Depository Institution Holding Companies
  • Money Services Businesses
  • Brokers and Dealers in Securities
  • Securities Exchanges and Clearing Agencies
  • Other Exchange Act Registered Entities
  • Investment Companies and Investment Advisers
  • Venture Capital Fund Advisers
  • Insurance Companies
  • State-Licensed Insurance Producers
  • Commodity Exchange Act Registered Entities
  • Accounting Firms
  • Public Utilities
  • Financial Market Utilities
  • Pooled Investment Vehicles
  • Tax-Exempt Entities
  • Entities Assisting a Tax-Exempt Entity
  • Subsidiaries of Certain Exempt Entities
  • Inactive Entities

It is worth noting that the definition of reporting companies is not limited to corporations and limited liability companies. Limited partnerships, professional service entities and other entities may qualify as reporting companies and, if so, are required to comply with the CTA’s reporting requirements.

How Does a Company Comply?
FinCEN requires affected companies to file beneficial ownership information reports (BOI Reports) using an electronic filing system. See the BOI E-Filing System.

What Information Should Be Reported?
Reporting companies must identify beneficial owners in their BOI Reports.

Beneficial owners are defined as individuals who directly or indirectly (1) exercise substantial control over a reporting company or (2) own or control at least 25 percent of ownership interests of a reporting company. Ownership interests covered by the CTA may include profits interests, convertible instruments, options and contractual arrangements as well as equity securities. In addition, owners who hold their ownership interests jointly or through a trust, agent or other intermediary are also required to be identified – although minors are generally exempted from reporting obligations.

Senior officers (typically, the president, CEO, CFO, COO and officers who perform similar functions); individuals with the ability to appoint senior officers or a majority of the board of directors or a similar body; and anyone else who directs, determines or has substantial input to other important decisions of a reporting company also need to be identified in BOI Reports as individuals exercising substantial control over reporting companies.

Reporting companies created on or after January 1, 2024, also must identify “company applicants” in their BOI Reports. Company applicants are the individuals who filed the documents creating the reporting company and individuals primarily responsible for directing or controlling the filing of documents creating a reporting company.

BOI Reports must contain the following information regarding the reporting company:

  • Legal name
  • Any trade name or d/b/a name
  • Address of the company’s principal place of business in the United States
  • Jurisdiction of formation
  • Taxpayer Identification Number.

BOI Reports must contain the following information regarding each beneficial owner and company applicant:

  • Full legal name
  • Date of birth
  • Current address
  • Copy of a passport, driver’s license or other identification document.

Every person who files a BOI Report must certify the information contained is true, correct and complete.

Information contained in BOI Reports will not be available to the public. However, FinCEN is authorized to disclose such information to:

  • U.S. federal agencies engaged in national security, intelligence or law enforcement activity
  • With court approval, to certain other state or local law enforcement agencies
  • Non-U.S. law enforcement agencies at the request of a U.S. federal law enforcement agency, prosecutor or judge
  • With the consent of the reporting company, financial institutions and their regulators
  • Federal regulators in assessing financial institutions compliance with customer due diligence requirements
  • The U.S. Department of the Treasury for purposes including tax administration.

Is There a Fee?
No fee is required in connection with filing of BOI Reports.

When Do Companies Need to File?
U.S. and foreign reporting companies that were formed or registered to do business in the United States prior to January 1, 2024, must file their initial BOI Reports no later than January 1, 2025. U.S. and foreign reporting companies formed on or after January 1, 2024, must file their initial BOI Reports within 90 days of receipt of notice of formation.

Reporting companies are required to file updated reports with FinCEN within 30 days of occurrence of a change in any of the information contained in their BOI Reports.

What If There Are Changes or Inaccuracies in the Reported Information?
Inaccuracies in BOI Reports must be corrected within 30 days of the date a reporting company becomes aware of or had reason to know of such inaccuracy. FinCEN has indicated that there will be no penalties for filing inaccurate BOI Reports if such reports are corrected within 90 days of their filing.

What If a Company Fails to File?
The willful failure to report the information required by the CTA or filing fraudulent information under the CTA may result in civil or criminal penalties, including penalties of up to $500 per day as long as a violation continues, imprisonment for up to two years and a fine of up to $10,000. Senior officers of an entity that fails to file a required report may be held accountable for such failure.

If you have questions regarding the provisions of the CTA or its applicability to your company, you may go to the FinCEN website.

Updated Merger Guidelines Finalized

On December 18, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) jointly issued a significantly revised version of the Merger Guidelines that describes the frameworks the enforcement agencies use when evaluating potential mergers.

The newly finalized Merger Guidelines are the result of a nearly two-year effort that involved both agencies soliciting public input via listening sessions, written comments, and workshops.

The agencies describe the new Merger Guidelines as necessary to address the modern economy and how firms now do business. The Merger Guidelines are broken into multiple sections: Guidelines 1–6 describe the frameworks the agencies use when attempting to identify a merger that the agencies believe raises a prima facie concern, while Guidelines 7–11 explain how to apply those frameworks in specific settings. The guidelines also identify evidence the agencies will consider to potentially rebut an inference of competitive harm. Finally, these guidelines include a discussion of the tools the agencies use when evaluating the relevant facts, the potential harm to competition, and how to define the relevant markets.

The Merger Guidelines are notable for signaling the FTC’s and DOJ’s desire to pursue a more aggressive enforcement agenda, specifically, by lowering the threshold at which proposed mergers will be deemed presumptively anticompetitive by those enforcement agencies. The new guidelines also seek to address relatively new concerns the agencies have identified, such as cross-market transactions and sequences of smaller transactions.

International Trade, Enforcement & Compliance Recent Developments Update (January 17, 2024)

One of the most consistent messages coming from the U.S. government is that multinational companies need to take control of their supply chains. Forced labor, human trafficking, supply chain transparency, OFAC sanctions, even conflict minerals — all are areas in which the best defense against potential violations is strong compliance and due diligence to ensure that companies properly manage their supply chains, rights down to the last supplier. Today’s mix of enforcement actions and guidance from the U.S. government underscores the importance of doing so.


The Department of Commerce has stated that it has the authority to put companies on the Entity List (requiring special licensing and restrictions) solely for human rights violations. Does your company conduct full due diligence on its suppliers and sub-suppliers to ensure that they are operating in accordance with U.S. forced labor and human trafficking laws?


The Department of Homeland Security continues to add Chinese and other companies to the Uyghur Forced Labor and Prevention Act (UFLPA) Entity List. Does your organization specifically screen against the UFLPA Entity List, as well as have in place UFLPA compliance and due diligence measures?


The U.S. government has issued a pointed six-agency set of compliance guidelines regarding “the Risks and Considerations for Businesses and Individuals with Exposure to Entities Engaged in Forced Labor and other Human Rights Abuses linked to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.” Does your organization maintain a compliance policy, vendor code of conduct, supply chain transparency and due diligence procedures, and other measures designed to ensure your supply chain is free of forced labor, human trafficking, or goods sourced from forced labor in the Xingjian Autonomous Region?


Due to the imposition of special Section 301 tariffs on most goods from Customs, many companies have begun to use the first sale rule, which allows the reporting of a lower value where there is a bona fide sale to a middleman. Improper application of the rule, however, can be the basis for substantial penalties, as an apparel company that paid a $1.3 million settlement with the DOJ found out. If your company uses the first sale rule, do you regularly review pricing and relevant circumstances to ensure you are meeting all the requirements for all entries?


Pledging “a new era of trilateral partnership,” the U.S., Japan, and South Korea governments have announced expanded collaboration to fight illegal exports of dual-use products, including high-tech products that might be shipped to China in violation of U.S. export controls. Has your organization performed a recent classification review to confirm it is aware of any restrictions that might adhere to the export of any of its products to sensitive countries, governments, or users?

Recent FinCEN FAQs Provide Additional Guidance on Compliance

The US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) released several new FAQs this month to provide further clarity on the Corporate Transparency Act’s (CTA) provisions.
Notably, FinCEN provided guidance on who is considered “primary responsible” for directing a filing, as well as what is necessary to qualify under the subsidiary exemption, among other matters.

The CTA’s requirements went into effect on January 1, 2024. As we’ve previously detailed, reporting companies formed prior to that date will be required to file their initial reports with FinCEN no later than January 1, 2025. A reporting company created during 2024 is required to file its initial report within 90 days of its creation or registration, and one created on or after January 1, 2025, will have 30 days to file its initial report. A previously registered company will need to update its registration within 30 days of a change in its beneficial ownership or other information reported to FinCEN. For detailed overviews of the CTA, please visit our earlier posts located here, here, and here.

Company Applicants: Who is “Primarily Responsible” for Directing a Filing?
The CTA requires that reporting companies formed on or after January 1, 2024, disclose their “company applicant.” An individual is a “company applicant” if (1) they directly file the company’s formation or registration documents with a secretary of state or similar office or (2) if more than one person is involved in the filing, they are primary responsible for directing or controlling the filing. A maximum of two individuals can be reported as company applicants.

The FAQs clarify that the person who signs the formation document, such as an incorporator, is not necessarily a company applicant. Instead, the rule focuses on the person responsible for making decisions about the filing, including how the filing is managed, what contents to include, and when and where filing will occur.

FinCEN provides three scenarios to illustrate the rule. In two of the scenarios, an attorney or a paralegal instructed by that attorney completes a company creation document using information provided by a client and sends the document to a corporate service provider to be filed with a secretary of state. In this scenario, the attorney will one of the company applicants, and the employee at the corporate service provider who directly filed the document with the secretary of state will be the other company applicant. In the third scenario, the attorney’s client initiated the company creation directly with the corporate service provider — in this case, the client will be a company applicant (as will the employee at the corporate service provider who directly filed the document).

Subsidiary Exemption: Is Partial Control of a Subsidiary’s Ownership Interests By an Exempt Entity Sufficient to Qualify for the Subsidiary Exemption?
The short answer is — no.

The CTA lists 23 categories of entities that are exempt from the beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting requirements. A subsidiary of certain categories of exempt entities will also be exempt if the subsidiary is controlled or wholly owned, whether directly or indirectly, by one or more of such exempt entities.

The FAQs clarify what happens when the exempt entity partially controls the subsidiary. Partial control is insufficient for an entity to fall within the subsidiary exemption — a subsidiary’s ownership interests must be fully, 100% owned or controlled by the exempt entity to qualify for this exemption. Thus, control of ownership interests means that one or more exempt entities entirely control all of the ownership interests in the reporting company, in the same way that an exempt entity must wholly own all of a subsidiary’s ownership interests for the exemption to apply.

Selected Additional Matters Covered by the New FAQs
Reporting Company Ownership Subject to Dispute: If ownership of a reporting company is the subject of active litigation, all individuals who own or control (or claim to own or control) at least 25% of the company’s interests are considered beneficial owners, and BOI must be submitted for each individual (in addition to BOI for all individuals who exercise substantial control over the company). If, after the legal dispute is solved, the reporting company has different beneficial owners from those initially reported, an updated BOI report must be filed within 30 calendar days after the litigation is resolved.
Third-Party Couriers or Delivery Service Employees: Third-party courier or delivery service employees who solely deliver documents to a secretary of state are not company applicants, as long as the third-party courier, the delivery service employee, and the delivery service that employs them play no other roles in the creation or registration of the reporting company.
Automated Incorporation Service: An automated incorporation service’s employees are not company applicants if the service solely provides software, online tools, or generally applicable written guidance for the creation of a reporting company and its employees are not directly involved in filing creation documents.
No Photo on Identification Document for Religious Reasons: If a beneficial owner’s or company applicant’s identification document does not include a photograph for religious reasons, the reporting company may submit an image of that identification document when submitting its report, provided that the document is otherwise an acceptable type of identification. If the individual in question obtains a FinCEN identifier, then the burden of providing the identification document to FinCEN would fall on the individual and not on the company (which would only need to report the FinCEN identifier).
No Permanent Residential Address: When a reporting company must report an individual’s residential address, but no such permanent address is available, the reporting company should report the residential address that is current at the time of filing the report. If the address later changes, the reporting company must submit an updated report within 30 days from such change. The use of a FinCEN identifier by the individual will eliminate the company’s need to submit an updated report, although the individual would be required to update his or her address with FinCEN directly.

© 2024 ArentFox Schiff LLP

by: Evgeny Magidenko of ArentFox Schiff LLP

For more news on Corporate Transparency Act Compliance, visit the NLR Corporate & Business Organizations section.

DOL Announces New Independent Contractor Rule

On January 9, 2024, the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) announced a new rule, effective March 11, 2024, that could impact countless businesses that use independent contractors. The new rule establishes a six-factor analysis to determine whether independent contractors are deemed to be “employees” of those businesses, and thus imposes obligations on those businesses relating to those workers including:  maintaining detailed records of their compensation and hours worked; paying them regular and overtime wages; and addressing payroll withholdings and payments, such as those mandated by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (“FICA” for Social Security and Medicare), the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (“FUTA”), and federal income tax laws. Further, workers claiming employee status under this rule may claim entitlement to coverage under the businesses’ group health insurance, 401(k), and other benefits programs.

The DOL’s new rule applies to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) which sets forth federally established standards for the protection of workers with respect to minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor. In its prefatory statement that accompanied the new rule’s publication in the Federal Register, the DOL noted that because the FLSA applies only to “employees” and not to “independent contractors,” employees misclassified as independent contractors are denied the FLSA’s “basic protections.”

Accordingly, when the new rule goes into effect on March 11, 2024, the DOL will use its new, multi-factor test to determine whether, as a matter of “economic reality,” a worker is truly in business for themself (and is, therefore, an independent contractor), or whether the worker is economically dependent on the employer for work (and is, therefore, an employee).

While the DOL advises that additional factors may be considered under appropriate circumstances, it states that the rule’s six, primary factors are: (1) whether the work performed provides the worker with an opportunity to earn profits or suffer losses depending on the worker’s managerial skill; (2) the relative investments made by the worker and the potential employer and whether those made by the worker are to grow and expand their own business; (3) the degree of permanence of the work relationship between the worker and the potential employer; (4) the nature and degree of control by the potential employer; (5) the extent to which the work performed is an integral part of the potential employer’s business; and (6) whether the worker uses specialized skills and initiative to perform the work.

In its announcement, the DOL emphasized that, unlike its earlier independent contractor test which accorded extra weight to certain factors, the new rule’s six primary factors are to be assessed equally. Nevertheless, the breadth and impreciseness of the factors’ wording, along with the fact that each factor is itself assessed through numerous sub-factors, make the rule’s application very fact-specific. For example, through a Fact Sheet the DOL recently issued for the new rule, it explains that the first factor – opportunity for profit or loss depending on managerial skill – primarily looks at whether a worker can earn profits or suffer losses through their own independent effort and decision making, which will be influenced by the presence of such factors as whether the worker: (i) determines or meaningfully negotiates their compensation; (ii) decides whether to accept or decline work or has power over work scheduling; (iii) advertises their business, or engages in other efforts to expand business or secure more work; and (iv) makes decisions as to hiring their own workers, purchasing materials, or renting space. Similar sub-factors exist with respect to the rule’s other primary factors and are explained in the DOL’s Fact Sheet.

The rule will likely face legal challenges by business groups. Further, according to the online newsletter of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, its ranking member, Senator Bill Cassidy, has indicated that he will seek to repeal the rule. Also, in the coming months, the United States Supreme Court is expected to decide two cases that could significantly weaken the regulations issued by federal agencies like the DOL’s new independent contractor rule, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless Inc. v. U.S. Dept. of Commerce. We will continue to monitor these developments.1

In the meantime, we recommend that businesses engaging or about to engage independent contractors take heed. Incorrect worker classification exposes employers to the FLSA’s significant statutory liabilities, including back pay, liquidated damages, attorneys’ fees to prevailing plaintiffs, and in some case, fines and criminal penalties. Moreover, a finding that an independent contractor has “employee” status under the FLSA may be considered persuasive evidence of employee status under other laws, such as discrimination laws. Additionally, existing state law tests for determining employee versus independent contractor status must also be considered.

1 The DOL’s independent contractor rule is not the only new federal agency rule being challenged. On January 12, 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to repeal the NLRB’s recently announced joint-employer rule, which we discussed in our Client Alert of November 10, 2023.

Eric Moreno contributed to this article.

Regulatory Update and Recent SEC Actions 2024



Stephanie Allen Named as SEC’s Director of Media Relations and Speechwriting

The Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) announced the appointment of Stephanie Allen as director of media relations and speechwriting, effective Oct. 1, 2023. Allen served as director of speechwriting and senior adviser to the chair since March 2023, and replaces Aisha Johnson, who recently departed the agency.

Allen will serve as the primary spokesperson for the SEC and for Chair Gensler and will lead media relations for the Office of Public Affairs. Allen was previously the executive director of the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity. Before that, she was the director of strategic communications and marketing at Promontory Financial Group, an IBM company. After working for two senators earlier in her career, she served as Chair Gensler’s speechwriter at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

SEC Names Kate E. Zoladz as Regional Director of Los Angeles Office

The SEC named, on November 29, 2023, Kate Zoladz as regional director of the SEC’s Los Angeles Office. Zoladz joined the SEC in 2010 as a staff attorney in the Los Angeles office and later joined the Division of Enforcement’s Asset Management Unit in 2017. Zoladz recently served as acting co-director since June 2023 and the associate regional director for enforcement since October 2019.

Daniel Gregus, Director of the Chicago Regional Office, to Depart the SEC

The SEC announced on December 7, 2023, that Daniel R. Gregus, director of the Chicago Regional Office, would leave the agency at the end of December after more than 30 years of service. Vanessa Horton and Kathryn Pyszka are now the acting co-directors. Horton has been an associate regional director of the Investment Adviser/Investment Company (IA/IC) examination program in the Chicago Regional Office since 2020. She joined the SEC’s Chicago office in 2004 as an accountant and was later an exam manager and an assistant regional director in the Chicago IA/IC examination program. Pyszka has served as an associate regional director for enforcement in the Chicago office since 2017. She began her SEC service in 1997 as a staff attorney and later served in the positions of branch chief, senior trial counsel, and as an assistant director in the Chicago office and the Enforcement Division’s Market Abuse Unit.

SEC Risk Alerts

SEC Announces 2024 Exam Priorities

The SEC’s Division of Examinations (the “Division”) issued its report (the “Report”) on October 16, 2023, regarding exam priorities for the upcoming year concerning investment advisers, broker-dealers, self-regulatory organization, and other market participants.

According to the Report, examination priorities continue to focus on whether investment advisers are adhering to their duty of care and duty of loyalty obligations. Areas of continued focus include:

  • Investment advice provided to clients (with an emphasis on advice to older clients and those saving for retirement) with regard to products, investment strategies, and account types:
    • Complex products, such as derivatives and leveraged exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”);
    • High-cost and illiquid products, such as variable annuities and non-traded real estate investment trusts (“REITs”); and
    • Unconventional strategies, including those that purport to address rising interest rates.
  • Processes for determining that investment advice is provided in clients’ best interest, including:
    • Making initial and ongoing suitability determinations;
    • Seeking best execution;
    • Evaluating costs and risks; and
    • Identifying and addressing conflicts of interest.

Per the Report, assessments will look at the factors that advisers consider in light of the clients’ investment profiles, including investment goals and account characteristics. Examinations will review how advisers address conflicts of interest, including: (i) mitigating or eliminating the conflicts of interest, when appropriate, and (ii) allocating investments to accounts where investors have more than one account (e.g., allocating between accounts that are adviser fee-based, brokerage commission-based, and wrap fee, as well as between taxable and non-taxable accounts).

Additionally, examinations will focus on the economic incentives and conflicts of interest associated with advisers that are dually registered as broker-dealers, use affiliated firms to perform client services, and have financial professionals servicing both brokerage customers and advisory clients to identify, among other things: (i) investment advice to purchase or hold onto certain types of investments (e.g., mutual fund share classes) or invest through certain types of accounts when lower cost options are available; and (ii) investment advice regarding proprietary products and affiliated service providers that result in additional or higher fees to investors. Exams will include review of disclosures made to investors and whether they include all material facts relating to conflicts of interest associated with the investment advice sufficient to allow a client to provide informed consent to the conflict.

Specific areas of focus will include:

  • Marketing Rule and whether advisers, including advisers to private funds, have:
    • Adopted and implemented reasonably designed written policies and procedures to prevent violations of the Advisers Act and the rules thereunder including reforms to the Marketing Rule;
    • Appropriately disclosed their marketing-related information on Form ADV;
    • Maintained substantiation of their processes and other required books and records; and
    • Disseminated advertisements that include any untrue statements of a material fact, are materially misleading, or are otherwise deceptive and, as applicable, comply with the requirements for performance (including hypothetical and predecessor performance), third-party ratings, and testimonials and endorsements.
  • Compensation arrangements:
    • Fiduciary obligations of advisers to their clients, including registered investment companies, particularly with respect to the advisers’ receipt of compensation for services or other material payments made by clients and others;
    • Alternative ways that advisers try to maximize revenue, such as revenue earned on clients’ bank deposit sweep programs; and
    • Fee breakpoint calculation processes, particularly when fee billing systems are not automated.
  • Valuation assessments regarding advisers’ recommendations to clients to invest in illiquid or difficult to value assets, such as commercial real-estate or private placements.
  • Disclosure review for the accuracy and completeness of regulatory filings, including Form CRS, with a particular focus on inadequate or misleading disclosures and registration eligibility.
  • Policies and procedures with respect to:
    • Selecting and using third-party and affiliated service providers;
    • Overseeing branch offices when advisers operate from numerous or geographically dispersed offices; and
    • Obtaining informed consent from clients when advisers implement material changes to their advisory agreements.
Investment Advisers to Private Funds

According to the Report, examinations will prioritize specific topics, such as:

  • Portfolio management risks in connection with exposure to recent market volatility and higher interest rates and effects on funds experiencing poor performance, significant withdrawals, and valuation issues for private funds with more leverage and illiquid assets.
  • Adherence to contractual requirements regarding limited partnership advisory committees or similar structures (e.g., advisory boards), including adhering to any contractual notification and consent processes.
  • Accurate calculation and allocation of private fund fees and expenses (both fund-level and investment-level), including valuation of illiquid assets, calculation of post commitment period management fees, adequacy of disclosures, and potential offsetting of such fees and expenses.
  • Due diligence practices for consistency with policies, procedures, and disclosures, particularly with respect to private equity and venture capital fund assessments of prospective portfolio companies.
  • Conflicts, controls, and disclosures regarding private funds managed side-by-side with registered investment companies and use of affiliated service providers.
  • Compliance with Advisers Act requirements regarding custody, including accurate Form ADV reporting, timely completion of private fund audits by a qualified auditor, and the distribution of private fund audited financial statements.
  • Policies and procedures for reporting on Form PF, including upon the occurrence of certain reporting events.
Registered Investment Companies (including Mutual Funds and ETFs)

Per the Report, exam focus may include the following assessments:

  • Compliance programs and fund governance practices—review boards’ processes for assessing and approving advisory and other fund fees, particularly for funds with weaker performance relative to their peers;
  • Disclosures to investors and accuracy of reporting to the SEC;
  • Valuation practices, particularly for those addressing fair valuation practices (e.g., implementing board oversight duties, setting recordkeeping and reporting requirements, and overseeing valuation designees), and, as applicable, the effectiveness of registered investment companies’ derivatives risk management and liquidity risk management programs;
  • Fees and expenses and whether registered investment companies have adopted effective written compliance policies and procedures concerning the oversight of advisory fees and implemented any associated fee waivers and reimbursements. Areas of particular focus include:
    • Charging different advisory fees to different share classes of the same fund;
    • Identical strategies offered by the same sponsor through different distribution channels but that charge differing fee structures;
    • High advisory fees relative to peers; and
    • High registered investment company fees and expenses, particularly those of registered investment companies with weaker performance relative to their peers.
    • Examinations will also review the boards’ approval of the advisory contract and registered investment company fees.
  • Derivatives risk management and whether registered investment companies and business development companies have adopted and implemented written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent violations of the SEC’s fund derivatives rule (Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment Company Act”) Rule 18f-4). Review of compliance with the derivatives rule may include:
    • Review of the adoption and implementation of a derivatives risk management program;
    • Board oversight, and whether disclosures concerning the registered investment companies’ or business development companies’ use of derivatives are incomplete, inaccurate, or potentially misleading; and
    • Procedures for, and oversight of, derivative valuations.

Division staff will also focus on the following areas:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cryptocurrency assets (focus on a range of activities surrounding crypto assets and related products, including offering, selling, recommending, trading, and providing advice on such assets); and
  • Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) programs.

Cybersecurity: With respect to cybersecurity, the Division noted that “operational disruption risks remain elevated due to the proliferation of cybersecurity attacks, firms’ dispersed operations, intense weather-related events, and geopolitical concerns.” According to the release, the examination staff will focus on firms’ policies and procedures, internal controls, governance practices, oversight of third-party vendors, and responses to “cyber-related incidents” such as ransomware attacks. Reviews will consider how firms train staff on issues including identity theft prevention and customer records and information protection. Staff will also place a particular focus on “the concentration risk associated with the use of third-party providers, including how registrants are managing this risk and the potential impact to the U.S. securities markets.”

Crypto Assets and Emerging Financial Technology: The release highlights concerns based on the continued growth and popularity of crypto assets (and their associated products and services) and the increase in automated investment tools, artificial intelligence, and trading algorithms or platforms. The Division’s goal is twofold: (1) to ensure that registrants meet their fiduciary duties when recommending or advising about crypto assets; and (2) that compliances, risk disclosures, and operational resiliency practices are routinely reviewed and updated to account for the unique challenges crypto assets provide.

For crypto assets that are funds or securities, this includes ensuring that crypto assets are complying with the custody requirements under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”) and whether policies and procedures are reasonably designed, and accurate disclosures are made, relating to technological risks associated with blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

Anti-Money Laundering: The Division will continue to focus on whether broker-dealers and certain registered investment companies have proper AML programs as required by the Bank Secrecy Act. Specifically, the Division will examine whether broker-dealers and investment companies are appropriately tailoring AML programs, conducting independent testing, establishing an adequate customer identification program, and meeting their filing obligations.

SEC Rulemaking

SEC Adopts Amendments to Rules Governing Beneficial Ownership Reporting

The SEC adopted rule amendments governing beneficial ownership reporting under Sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) on October 10, 2023, requiring market participants to provide more timely information on their positions.

Exchange Act Sections 13(d) and 13(g), along with Regulation 13D-G, require an investor who beneficially owns more than five percent of a covered class of equity securities to publicly file either a Schedule 13D or a Schedule 13G, as applicable. An investor with control intent files Schedule 13D, while “Exempt Investors” and investors without a control intent, such as “Qualified Institutional Investors” and “Passive Investors,” file Schedule 13G.

The adopted amendments (among other things): i) shorten the deadline for initial Schedule 13D filings from 10 days to five business days and require that Schedule 13D amendments be filed within two business days; ii) generally accelerate the filing deadlines for Schedule 13G beneficial ownership reports (the filing deadlines differ based on the type of filer); iii) clarify the Schedule 13D disclosure requirements with respect to derivative securities; and iv) require that Schedule 13D and 13G filings be made using a structured, machine-readable data language.

In addition, the adopting release provides guidance regarding the current legal standard governing when two or more persons may be considered a group for the purposes of determining whether the beneficial ownership threshold has been met, as well as how, under the current beneficial ownership reporting rules, an investor’s use of certain cash-settled derivative securities may result in the person being treated as a beneficial owner of the class of the reference equity securities.

The amendments were published in the Federal Register on November 7, 2023, effective on February 5, 2024. Compliance with the revised Schedule 13G filing deadlines will be required beginning on September 30, 2024. Compliance with the structured data requirement for Schedules 13D and 13G will be required on December 18, 2024. Compliance with the other rule amendments will be required upon their effectiveness.

“Today’s adoption updates rules that first went into effect more than 50 years ago. Frankly, these deadlines from half a century ago feel antiquated,” said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. “In our fast-paced markets, it shouldn’t take 10 days for the public to learn about an attempt to change or influence control of a public company. I am pleased to support this adoption because it updates Schedules 13D and 13G reporting requirements for modern markets, ensures investors receive material information in a timely way, and reduces information asymmetries.”

SEC Adopts Rule to Increase Transparency in the Securities Lending Market

The SEC adopted on October 13, 2023, new Rule 10c-1a, which will require certain persons to report information about securities loans to a registered national securities association (“RNSA”) and require RNSAs to make publicly available certain information that they receive regarding those lending transactions. According to the SEC, the rule is intended to increase transparency and efficiency of the securities lending market.

Rule 10c-1a will require certain confidential information to be reported to an RNSA to enhance the RNSA’s oversight and enforcement functions. The new rule requires that an RNSA make certain information it receives, along with daily information pertaining to the aggregate transaction activity and distribution of loan rates for each reportable security, available to the public. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) is currently the only RNSA.

The adopting release was published in the Federal Register on November 3, 2023. The compliance dates for the new rule are as follows: (1) an RNSA is required to propose rules within four months of the effective date; (2) the proposed RNSA rules are required to be effective no later than 12 months after the effective date; (3) covered persons are required to report information required by the rule to an RNSA starting on the first business day 24 months after the effective date; and (4) RNSAs are required to publicly report information within 90 calendar days of the reporting date.

SEC Adopts Rule to Increase Transparency Into Short Selling and Amendment to CAT NMS Plan for Purposes of Short Sale Data Collection

The SEC adopted, on October 13, 2023, new Rule 13f-2 to provide greater transparency to investors and other market participants by increasing the public availability of short sale related data. Specifically, Rule 13f-2 will require institutional investment managers that meet or exceed certain thresholds to report on Form SHO specified short position data and short activity data for equity securities. The Commission will aggregate the resulting data by security, thereby maintaining the confidentiality of the reporting managers, and publicly disseminate the aggregated data via EDGAR on a delayed basis. This new data will supplement the short sale data that is currently publicly available.

Relatedly, the Commission also adopted an amendment to the National Market System Plan (“NMS Plan”) governing the consolidated audit trail (“CAT”). The amendment to the NMS Plan governing the CAT (“CAT NMS Plan”) will require each CAT reporting firm that is reporting short sales to indicate when it is asserting use of the bona fide market making exception in Rule 203(b)(2)(iii) of Regulation SHO.

The adopting release for Rule 13f-2 and related Form SHO, as well as the notice of the amendment to the CAT NMS Plan, was published in the Federal Register on November 1, 2023. The final rule, Form SHO, and the amendment to the CAT NMS Plan will become effective 60 days after publication of the adopting release in the Federal Register. The compliance date for Rule 13f-2 and Form SHO will be 12 months after the effective date of the adopting release, with public aggregated reporting to follow three months later, and the compliance date for the amendment to the CAT NMS Plan will be 18 months after the effective date of the adopting release.

Clearing Agency Governance and Conflicts of Interest

On November 16, 2023, the SEC adopted Rule 17Ad-25 and related rules under the Exchange Act to improve clearing agency governance to mitigate conflicts of interest that may influence the board of directors or equivalent governing body of a registered clearing agency. The rules identify certain responsibilities of the board of a clearing agency, increase transparency into board governance, and, more generally, improve the alignment of incentives among owners and participants of a registered clearing agency. The rules establish new requirements for board and committee composition, independent directors, management of conflicts of interest, and board oversight.

The adopted rules:

  1. Define independence in the context of a director serving on the board of a registered clearing agency and require that a majority of the board—or 34 percent—be independent directors;
  2. Establish independent director requirements for the compensation of certain other board committees and identify circumstances that would preclude a director from being an independent director;
  3. Require a clearing agency to establish a nominating committee and a written evaluation process for evaluating board nominees and the independence of nominees and directors and specify requirements with respect to its composition, director fitness standards, and documentation of the outcome of the written eval practice;
  4. Require a clearing agency to establish a risk management committee, specify requirements with respect to the committees’ purpose and composition, and include an annual re-evaluation of such composition;
  5. Require policies and procedures for the management of risks from relationships with service providers for core services that directly support the delivery of clearance or settlement functionality or any other purpose material to the business of the registered clearing agency, with delineated roles for senior management and the board; and
  6. Require policies and procedures for the board to solicit, consider, and document its consideration of the views of participants and other relevant stakeholders regarding material developments in the registered clearing agency’s risk management and operations.

The final rule was published in the Federal Register on December 5, 2023, with an expected compliance 12 months after such publication for all requirements except for the independence requirement for the board and board committees, for which the compliance date is 24 months after publication.

SEC Defends Voting Disclosure Changes Before Fifth Circuit

In July of 2022, the SEC adopted amendments to its rules governing proxy voting advice. Specifically, the rule requires mutual funds, ETFs and certain other registered funds to disclose more information about how they cast votes on behalf of investors. (See Blank Rome’s Investment Management Regulatory Update dated October 2022, “SEC Adopts Amendments to Proxy Rules Governing Proxy Voting Advice,” for further discussion). The rule is set to become effective July 1, 2024.

Since passing the rule, four states (Texas, Louisiana, Utah, and West Virginia) have challenged the SEC’s authority to require fund managers to disclose additional information about votes they cast. Their argument to the Fifth Circuit is that the real purpose of the voting disclosure change is to empower corporate activities rather than the investing public. The SEC maintains, however, that the amendments fall within its authority under the Investment Company Act and that the SEC reasonably concluded that the changes would facilitate investors’ ability to access information important to investment decisions and mitigate conflicts of interest.

SEC Adopts Rule to Prohibit Conflicts of Interest in Certain Securitizations

On November 27, 2023, the SEC adopted Dodd-Frank rules against trader conflicts. Securities Act Rule 192 implements Section 27B of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”), a provision added by the Dodd-Frank Act. The Rule seeks to prevent the sale of asset-backed securities (“ABS”) that pose a material conflict of interest. Specifically, it prohibits a securitization participant, for a period of time, from engaging, directly or indirectly, in any transaction that would involve or result in any material conflict of interest between the participant and an investor in the relevant ABS. Rule 192 provides exceptions for risk-mitigating hedging activities, liquidity commitments, and bona fide market-making activities of a securitization participant.

Under new Rule 192, conflicted transactions include a short sale of the relevant ABS, the purchase of a credit default swap or other credit derivative that entitles the securitization participant to receive payments upon the occurrence of specified credit events in respect of the ABS, or a transaction that is substantially the economic equivalent of the aforementioned transactions, other than any transaction that only hedges general interest rate or currency exchange risk.

SEC Adopts Rules to Improve Risk Management in Clearance and Settlement and Facilitate Additional Central Clearing for the U.S. Treasury Market

The SEC adopted rules on December 13, 2023, to enhance risk management practices for central counterparties in the U.S. Treasury market and facilitate additional clearing of U.S. Treasury securities transactions. The rule changes update the membership standards required of covered clearing agencies for the U.S. Treasury market with respect to a member’s clearance and settlement of specified secondary market transactions. Additional rule changes are designed to reduce the risks faced by a clearing agency and incentivize and facilitate additional central clearing in the U.S. Treasury market.

According to the release, the amendments require that covered clearing agencies in the U.S. Treasury market adopt policies and procedures designed to require their members to submit for clearing certain specified secondary market transactions. These transactions include: (i) all repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities entered into by a member of the covered clearing agency, unless the counterparty is a state or local government or another clearing organization or the repurchase agreement is an inter-affiliate transaction; (ii) all purchase and sale transactions entered into by a member of the clearing agency that is an interdealer broker; and (iii) all purchase and sale transactions entered into between a clearing agency member and either a registered broker-dealer, a government securities broker, or a government securities dealer.

Further, the amendments permit broker-dealers to include customer margin required and on deposit at a clearing agency in the U.S. Treasury market as a debit in the customer reserve formula, subject to certain conditions. In addition, the amendments require covered clearing agencies in this market to collect and calculate margin for house and customer transactions separately. Finally, the amendments require policies and procedures designed to ensure that the covered clearing agency has appropriate means to facilitate access to clearing, including for indirect participants. The amendments also include an exemption for transactions in which the counterparty is a central bank, sovereign entity, international financial institution, or natural person.


SEC Charges Investment Adviser with Failing to Properly Disclose Investments by Publicly Traded Fund

The SEC charged an investment adviser, on October 24, 2023, for failing to accurately describe investments in the entertainment industry that comprised a significant portion of a publicly traded fund it advised. The investment adviser settled the charges and agreed to pay a $2.5 million penalty.

According to the SEC’s order, from 2015 to 2019, one of the investment adviser’s trusts made significant investments, through a lending facility, in Aviron Group, LLC, a company that developed print and advertising plans for one to two films per year. According to the SEC’s order, the investment advisor inaccurately described Aviron as a “Diversified Financial Services” company in many of the trust’s annual and semi-annual reports. In addition, according to the order, the investment adviser stated that Aviron paid a higher interest rate than was actually the case, and in 2019, the investment adviser identified these inaccuracies and the trust accurately reported the Aviron investment in reports going forward.

Per the SEC’s order, the investment adviser willfully violated fraud-based disclosure prohibitions under Section 34(b) of the Investment Company Act and Section 206(4) of the Advisers Act and related Rule 206(4)-8. Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, the investment adviser agreed to a cease-and-desist order and a censure in addition to a monetary penalty.

Previously, in 2022, the SEC charged and then resolved its action against William Sadleir, the founder of Aviron, for misappropriating the trust’s funds invested in Aviron.

“Retail and institutional investors rely on accurate disclosures of the companies that make up a closed-end or mutual fund’s portfolio to evaluate a current or prospective investment in the fund,” said Andrew Dean, co-chief of the Enforcement Division’s Asset Management Unit. “Investment advisers have a responsibility to provide this vital information, and [the adviser here] failed to do so with the Aviron investment.”

SEC Charges President/CCO of Asset Management Advisory Firm with Fraud

The SEC charged a president and chief compliance officer of registered investment adviser, Prophecy Asset Management LP (“Prophecy”), on November 2, 2023, for his involvement in a multi-year fraud that concealed losses of hundreds of millions of dollars from investors.

Prophecy advised multiple hedge funds and reported more than $500 million in assets under management. The SEC’s complaint alleged that the president and Prophecy misled the funds’ investors, auditors, and administrator about the funds’ trading practices, risk, and performance—all while collecting more than $15 million in fees.

According to the SEC’s complaint, the president led investors to believe that their investments were protected from loss, telling them the funds’ capital was shared among dozens of sub-advisers who traded in liquid securities and posted cash collateral to offset any trading losses they incurred. However, the SEC alleged that in reality, most of the funds’ capital went to one sub-adviser, who incurred massive trading losses that far exceeded the cash collateral he had contributed. In addition, the complaint alleged that the president caused the funds to invest in highly illiquid investments, which also resulted in substantial losses to the funds, concealed these losses by fabricating documents and engaging in a series of sham transactions, and deceived investors about the diversification and trading strategies in two other funds. The complaint pleads by 2020, after losses in funds that Prophecy managed amounted to more than $350 million, the president and Prophecy indefinitely suspended redemptions by investors.

The SEC’s complaint charged the president with violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act, Rule 10b-5, Section 206(1) and (2) of the Advisers Act, and Rule 206(4)-8 of the Advisers Act.

SEC Announces Enforcement Results for FY23

The SEC announced on November 14, 2023, its enforcement results for fiscal year 2023. The SEC filed 784 total enforcement actions in fiscal year 2023, a three percent increase over fiscal year 2022. These included 501 original, or “stand-alone,” enforcement actions, an eight percent increase over the prior fiscal year; 162 “follow-on” administrative proceedings seeking to bar or suspend individuals from certain functions in the securities markets based on criminal convictions, civil injunctions, or other orders; and 121 actions against issuers who were allegedly delinquent in making required filings with the SEC.

The stand-alone enforcement actions ranged from billion-dollar frauds to emerging market investments involving crypto asset securities and cybersecurity. The pool of charged individuals or entities included a diverse array of market participants from public companies and investment firms to gatekeepers (such as auditors and lawyers) to social media influencers. Notably, fiscal year 2023 was record-breaking for the SEC’s Whistleblower Program with awards totaling nearly $600 million and more than 18,000 whistleblower tips, which is nearly 50 percent more tips than in the previous fiscal year.

In total, the SEC obtained orders for $4.949 billion in financial remedies, second only to the record-setting $6.439 billion in fiscal year 2022. Of this $4.949 billion, $3.369 billion was obtained in disgorgement and prejudgment interests and $1.580 billion in civil penalties. The SEC also obtained orders barring 133 individuals from serving as officers and directors of public companies, the highest number of bars obtained in a decade.

Crypto Currency Exchange Agrees to pay $4.3 Billion in Fines for Violations of the Bank Secrecy Act

On November 21, 2023, the largest Crypto Currency Exchange (the “Exchange”) in the world agreed to pay a historic $4.3 billion fine for failing to register as a money-transmitting business and allowing users to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran. The Exchange’s founder pled guilty to failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program in violation of the Bank Secrecy Act. This agreement marks the end of the Department of Justice’s yearlong investigation over alleged money laundering, bank fraud, and sanctions violations.

The Exchange also agreed to pay several other penalties to resolve enforcement actions by the CFTC and Treasury Department. Under the CFTC’s proposed orders, the Exchange will pay $2.7 billion, the founder will pay $150 million, and former CCO will pay $1.5 million for ignoring potential money launder and terrorists financing on its platform and for failing to register with the CFTC.

Additionally, the FinCEN settlement will require the Exchange to pay $3.4 billion in civil money penalty and will be subject to a five-year monitorship. Office of Foreign Assets Control will require the Exchange to pay a $968 million penalty. The Treasury will also retain access to the company’s books, records, and systems for the five-year monitorship.

SEC Charges Real Estate Fund Adviser with $35 Million Fraud

The SEC filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for District of Arizona, on November 28, 2023, charging an adviser, his investment company, and related entities controlled by the adviser with violating the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws.

The SEC alleged that the adviser misappropriated more than $35 million from private real estate funds and other investment vehicles by using a substantial portion of the funds to pay for his family members’ personal expenses and to fund private jets, yachts, and expensive residences. Further, the adviser issued a press release from another wholly owned LLC that stated the company’s intention to purchase 51 percent of all minority shares in an unrelated public company, at $9 a share, more than nine times the company’s then-current trading price. The shares jumped over 150 percent in after-hours trading shortly after the press release was issued. The adviser had purchased more than 72,000 call options in the company at a price far below the stock price in the days leading up to the press release, hoping to exercise the options at a profit after manipulating the stock price.

Global Bank and Affiliated Entities to Pay $10 Million for Providing Prohibited Mutual Fund Services

The SEC announced, on December 13, 2023, that a global bank and two affiliated entities (“Entities”) agreed to pay $10 million to settle the SEC’s charges that they provided prohibited underwriting and advising services to mutual funds.

In October 2022, the Superior Court of New Jersey entered a consent order that resolved a case alleging that the Entities violated the antifraud provisions of the New Jersey securities laws in connection with its role as underwriter to residential mortgage-backed securities. According to the SEC’s order, the global bank and its affiliates were prohibited from serving as a principal underwriter or investment adviser to mutual funds or employees’ securities companies pursuant to the Investment Company Act unless an exemptive order was received. The SEC order found, however, that the Entities continued serving in these prohibited roles until the SEC granted them time-limited exemptions on June 7, 2023. Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, the Entities agreed to pay more than $6.7 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest and civil penalties totaling $3.3 million.

“Today’s action holds the [Entities] accountable for not complying with eligibility requirements,” said Corey Schuster, Asset Management Unit co-chief. “This action reinforces the need for entities to properly monitor for events that may cause disqualification and proactively seek and obtain waivers from the Commission before becoming disqualified, or refrain from performing prohibited services.”

BarnBridge DAO Agrees to Stop Unregistered Offer and Sale of Structured Finance Crypto Product

The SEC announced on December 22, 2023, that BarnBridge DAO (“BarnBridge”), a purportedly decentralized autonomous organization, and its two founders will pay more than $1.7 million to settle charges that they failed to register BarnBridge’s offer and sale of structured crypto asset securities known as SMART Yield bonds. The SEC also charged the respondents with violations stemming from operating BarnBridge’s SMART Yield pools as unregistered investment companies.

According to the SEC’s orders, the respondents compared the SMART Yield bonds to asset-backed securities and marketed them broadly to the public. Investors could purchase “Senior” or “Junior” SMART Yield bonds through BarnBridge’s website application. SMART Yield pooled crypto assets deposited by the investors and used those assets to generate fixed or variable returns to pay investors. A BarnBridge white paper, published by one of the founders, claimed that SMART Yield bonds would “mirror the safety and security of highly rated debt instruments offered by traditional finance…while still providing the outsized return” through its smart contract protocols. According to the orders, SMART Yield attracted more than $509 million in investments from investors, and BarnBridge was paid fees by the investors based on the size of their investment and their choice of yield.

To settle the SEC’s charges, BarnBridge agreed to disgorge nearly $1.5 million of proceeds from the sales, and its two founders each agreed to pay $125,000 in civil penalties.

Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, BarnBridge and its two founders agreed to cease-and-desist orders prohibiting them from violating and causing violations of the registration provisions of the Securities Act and the Investment Company Act. The SEC orders referenced remedial actions initiated by the founders.

SEC BuyBack Disclosure Rule Vacated by Appeals Court

The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, on December 19, 2023, granted a motion filed by business groups to vacate the SEC’s new rule that required companies to provide timelier disclosures on stock buybacks. Prior to this ruling, on October 31, 2023, the court found that the SEC “acted arbitrarily and capriciously” and in so doing violated the Administrative Procedure Act by failing to conduct a proper cost-benefit analysis when drafting the rule. The SEC was given 30 days to “correct the defects in the rule” but did not file a new draft. On December 7, 2023, business groups filed a motion for the court to vacate the rule.

The SEC’s finalized rule in May 2023 required companies to disclose daily stock buyback information either quarterly or semiannually to include the number of shares repurchased each day and the average price paid on that day. In addition, the rule required companies to indicate whether certain directors or officers traded the relevant securities within four days before or after public announcement of an issuer’s buyback plan or program.

2023 Key Developments In The False Claims Act

2023 was another active year for the False Claims Act (FCA), marked by notable appellate decisions, emerging enforcement trends, and statutory amendments to state FCAs. We summarize the year’s most important developments for practitioners and government-facing businesses.

Developments in Caselaw

Supreme Court Holds That FCA Scienter Incorporates A Subjective Standard

The Supreme Court issued two consequential decisions on the False Claims Act this term. In the first, United States ex rel. Schutte v. SuperValu Co., 1 the Court held that objectively reasonable interpretations of ambiguous laws and regulations only provide a defense to the FCA’s scienter requirement if the defendant in fact interpreted the law or regulation that way during the relevant period. The Court held that the proper scienter inquiry is whether the defendant was “conscious of a substantial and unjustifiable risk” that their conduct was unlawful. 2 Previously, some courts (including the courts below in Schutte) had dismissed FCA claims based on an ambiguity in relevant statutory or regulatory provisions identified by a party’s attorneys, even if the party never actually believed that interpretation. Schutte precludes such a defense. That said, Schutte does require relators or the Government to allege facts to support an inference of actual knowledge of falsity, and some courts have granted motions to dismiss on that basis post-Schutte. 3

High Court Reaffirms Government’s Authority To Intervene And Dismiss Declined Actions, While Some Justices Raise Constitutional Questions

The Court also decided United States ex rel. Polansky v. Executive Health Resources, Inc., 4 which held that the Government may intervene in a declined action—i.e., where the Government declines to litigate the case at the outset under 31 U.S.C. § 3730(b)(4)(B)—for the purpose of dismissing it over the relator’s objection. The case essentially preserves the status quo, as courts widely recognized the authority of the Government to dismiss declined qui tams before PolanskyPolansky places two minor restrictions on the Government’s ability to dismiss declined actions. First, the Government has to intervene. 5 Second, the Government needs to articulate some rationale for dismissal to meet the standard of Rule 41(a), which the Court remarked that it will be able to do in “all but the most exceptional cases.” 6 More notably, however, three of the nine Justices (Justice Thomas in dissent and Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett in concurrence) signaled that they would entertain a challenge to the constitutionality of the qui tam mechanism under Article II. 7 Though the one court that has considered such arguments on the merits post-Polansky rejected them, 8 it remains likely that additional, similar challenges will be made.

Split In Authority Deepens On Causation In Kickback Cases

In FCA cases where the relator alleges a violation of the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS), the payment of a kickback needs—at least in part—to have caused a submission of a false claim. That requirement flows from the statutory text of the AKS, which provides that claims “resulting from” AKS violations are “false or fraudulent claim[s]” for the purpose of the FCA. 9 But courts have not coalesced around a single standard for what it means for a false claim to “result from” a kickback. Before this year, the Third Circuit in United States ex rel. Greenfield v. Medco Health held that there needs to be “some link” between kickback and referral beyond temporal proximity. 10 On the other hand, the Eighth Circuit in United States ex rel. Cairns v. D.S. Medical, LLC, held that the kickback needs to be a but-for cause of the referral. 11 Earlier this year, the Sixth Circuit endorsed the Eighth Circuit’s interpretation of causation. The court reasoned that but-for causation is the “ordinary meaning” of “resulting from” and no other statutory language in the AKS or FCA justifies departure from a but-for standard. 12 But not every court has adopted the Sixth Circuit’s straightforward analysis.

In the District of Massachusetts, for example, two decisions issued this summer came out on opposite sides of the split. In both cases, United States v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., 13 and United States v. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 14 the Government alleged that the pharmaceutical companies were improperly paying copayment subsidies to patients for their drugs. Yet Teva adopted Greenfield’s “some link” standard, while Regeneron adopted the “but-for” standard of the Sixth and Eighth Circuits. The Teva court also certified an interlocutory appeal to the First Circuit to resolve the issue prior to trial, which remains pending. 15 FCA defendants in cases arising out of the AKS thus continue to face substantial uncertainty as to the applicable standard outside the Third, Sixth, and Eighth Circuits. That said, there is mounting skepticism of the Greenfield analysis, 16 and those defendants retain good arguments that the standard adopted by the Sixth and Eighth Circuits should apply.

Enforcement Trends

The also Government remained active in investigating and, in many cases, settling False Claims Act allegations. That enforcement activity included several large settlements, including a $377 million settlement with Booz Allen Hamilton arising out of its failure to comply with Federal Acquisition Regulation cost accounting standards. 17 Our review of this year’s activity revealed significant trends in both civil and criminal enforcement, which we briefly describe below.

Focus On Unsupported Coding In Medicare Advantage (Part C) Claims

Medicare recipients are increasingly turning to private insurers to manage the administration of their Medicare benefits: over half of Medicare enrollees now opt for managed care plans. 18 The Government announced several important enforcement actions focused on submissions to and the administration of Medicare Advantage plans.

On September 30, DOJ announced a $172 million settlement with Cigna due to an alleged scheme to submit unsupported Medicare coding to increase reimbursement rates. According to the press release, Cigna operated a “chart review” team that reviewed providers’ submitted materials and identified additional applicable diagnosis coding to include on requests for payment. The Government alleges that some of the coding Cigna added was not substantiated by the chart review. 19

Similarly, in October, the Government declined to prosecute insurer HealthSun for submitting diagnosis coding to CMS that increased applicable reimbursement rate of treatment without an actual underlying diagnosis by the treating physician. The declination was based on HealthSun’s voluntary self-disclosure of the conduct through the Criminal Division’s recently updated Corporate Enforcement and Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy. 20 DOJ did, however, indict the company’s former Director of Medicare Risk Adjustment Analytics for conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud and several counts of wire fraud and major fraud against the Government in the Southern District of Florida. 21

In May, the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania announced a settlement against a Philadelphia primary care practice based on the submission of allegedly unsupported Medicare diagnosis coding in Part C submissions. The press release asserts that the practice coded numerous claims with morbid obesity diagnoses when the patients lacked the required body-mass index for the diagnosis and diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without appropriate substantiation. 22

Both managed care organizations and providers that submit claims to Medicare Advantage should review their claim coding practices to ensure that their claims accurately reflect the medical diagnoses of the treating physician, as well as the treatment provided.

DOJ Follows Through On Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative

In 2021, DOJ announced the launch of its Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative, 23 which was aimed at policing government contractors’ failures to adequately protect government information by meeting prescribed cybersecurity requirements. This year, the enforcement of that policy led the Government to alleged FCA violations based on implied or explicit certifications of compliance with cybersecurity regulations:

In September, the Government declined to intervene in a qui tam action against Pennsylvania State University alleging that Penn State falsely certified compliance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 252.204-7012, which specifies controls required to safeguard defense-related information, during the length of its contract with the Defense Department. 24 However, the parties subsequently sought a 180 day stay of proceedings due to an ongoing government investigation, which was granted. 25 The application for the stay hinted that the Government may yet intervene in the action and file a superseding complaint. 26

DOJ also announced in September a $4 million settlement with Verizon Business Network Services LLC arising out of Verizon’s provision of internet services to federal agencies that was required to meet specific security standards. The Government’s press release, which specifically noted Verizon’s cooperation with the investigation, alleged that Verizon failed to implement “three required cybersecurity controls” in its provision of internet service, which were not individually specified. 27

Entities doing business with the Government should ensure that they are aware of all applicable cybersecurity laws and regulations governing that relationship and that they are meeting all such requirements.

Continued Crackdown On Telemedicine Fraud Schemes

Following OIG-HHS’s July 2022 Special Fraud Alert 28 regarding the recruitment of practitioners to prescribe treatment based on little to no patient interaction over telemedicine, DOJ announced several significant settlements involving that exact conduct. In many circumstances, the Government pursued criminal charges rather than civil FCA penalties alone.

In September, the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts announced a guilty plea to a conspiracy to commit health care fraud charge. The Government alleged that the defendant partnered with telemarketing companies to pay Medicare beneficiaries “on a per-order basis to generate orders for [durable medical equipment] and genetic testing,” and then found doctors willing to sign “prepopulated orders” based on telemedicine appointments that the doctors did not actually attend. 29

In June, as part of a “strategically coordinated” national enforcement action, DOJ announced action against several officers of a south Florida telemedicine company for an alleged $2 billion fraud involving the prescription of orthotic braces and other items to targeted Medicare recipients through cursory telemarketing appointments that were presented as in-person examinations. 30

Although enforcement in the telemedicine space to date has largely focused on obviously fraudulent conduct, practitioners should be aware that the Government may view overly short telemedicine appointments as insufficient to support diagnoses leading to claims for payment from the Government.

State False Claims Acts

Both Connecticut and New York made notable alterations to the scope of conduct covered by their state FCAs. Companies doing business with state governments should be aware that 32 states have their own FCAs, not all of which mirror the federal FCA.

Connecticut Expands FCA To Mirror Scope Of Federal Statute

Prior to this year, Connecticut’s False Claims Act covered only payments sought or received from a “stateadministered health or human services program” In June, however, Connecticut enacted a substantial revision to its state FCA, which seeks to mirror the scope and extent of the Federal FCA. 31 Those doing business with the state of Connecticut should conduct an FCA-focused compliance review of that business to avoid potential liability arising out of state law, and should also understand federal FCA jurisprudence, which is likely to have a significant influence on the new law’s interpretation.

New York Expands FCA To Cover Allow Tax-Related FCA Claims Against Non-Filers

New York is among the few states whose state FCAs cover tax-related claims. Prior to this year, though, the state and its municipalities could only assert tax-related claims against those who actually filed and whose filings contained false statements of fact. In May, New York amended its FCA to allow a cause of action against those who knowingly fail to file a New York tax return and pay New York taxes. 32 Companies doing business in New York should be aware that not filing required taxes in New York may potentially subject them to, among other things, the treble damages for which the FCA provides.

1 143 S. Ct. 1391 (2023).
Schutte, 143 S. Ct. at 1400-01.
See, e.g., United States ex rel. McSherry v. SLSCO, L.P., No. 18-CV-5981, 2023 WL 6050202,
at *4 (E.D.N.Y. Sept. 15, 2023).
4 143 S. Ct. 1720 (2023).
5 Id. at 1730.
6 Id. at 1734.
7 Id. at 1737 (Kavanaugh, J., concurring); id. at 1741-42 (Thomas, J., dissenting).
8 See United States ex rel. Wallace v. Exactech, Inc., No. 7:18-cv-01010, 2023 WL 8027309, at
*4-6 (N.D. Ala. Nov. 20, 2023).
9 See 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(g).
10 United States ex rel. Greenfield v. Medco Health Sol’ns, 880 F.3d 89, 98-100 (3d Cir. 2018).
11 United States ex rel. Cairns v. D.S. Med., LLC, 42 F. 4th 828, 834-36 (8th Cir. 2022).
12 United States ex rel. Martin v. Hathaway, 63 F. 4th 1043, 1052-53 (6th Cir. 2023).
13 Civ. A. No. 20-11548, 2023 WL 4565105 (D. Mass. July 14, 2023).
14 Civ. A. No. 20-11217, 2023 WL 7016900 (D. Mass. Oct. 25, 2023)
15 See United States v. Teva Pharma USA, Inc., No. 23-1958 (1st Cir. 2023).
16 See, e.g., Regeneron, 2023 WL 7016900, at *11 (remarking that the Greenfield analysis is
“fraught with problems” and “disconnected from long-standing common-law principles of
20 See
23 See
24 See United States ex rel. Decker v. Penn. State Univ., Civ. A. No. 22-3895 (E.D. Pa. 2023).
25 Id. at ECF Nos. 24, 37.
26 Id. at ECF No. 24.

27 See
31 See Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 4-274–4-289.
32 See N.Y. State Fin. Law § 189(4)(a).

A New Year for Whistleblowers? Emergency Action Needed to Make Current Whistleblower Laws Work

In 2021 the White House, in conjunction with every major executive agency, approved The United States Strategy on Countering Corruption. In this authoritative and non-partisan Anti-Corruption Strategy, the United States for the first time formally recognized the key role whistleblowers play in detecting fraud and corruption. Based on these findings it declared that it was the official policy of the United States to “stand in solidarity” with whistleblowers, both domestically and internationally. As part of the Anti-Corruption Strategy the United States recognized that whistleblower qui tam reward laws must play a major role in combating financial frauds, such as money laundering. The proven ability of whistleblowers to detect fraud among corporate and government elites led the United States government to formally identify them as key players in preventing fraud, strengthening democratic institutions, and combating corruption that threatens U.S. national security.

Despite these findings, leading federal agencies responsible for enforcing whistleblower rights have failed to implement the U.S. Anti-Corruption Strategy’s whistleblower-mandates. Many of their current rules and practices directly undercut and undermine the very whistleblower rights identified by the White House Strategy as playing an essential role in combating corruption.

The 118th Congress will end on January 3, 2025. Thus, there is one year remaining for Congress and the current-sitting executive officers to act on a number of pending whistleblower initiatives, all of which have strong bipartisan support, are based on the plain meaning of laws already passed by Congress, and which are individually or collectively essential for the implementation of the U.S. Anti-Corruption Strategy. Outside of political interference by those who stand to lose when whistleblowers are incentivized and protected, there is no legitimate reason why these reforms cannot be quickly approved. The actions listed below are needed for the Strategy to be implemented, but whose approval has been stalled or blocked by resistant executive agencies or a timid Congress:

  • AML Whistleblower Regulations. The Treasury Department must enact regulations fully implementing the money laundering and sanctions whistleblower provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act. This law has been in effect since January 1, 2021, but Treasury has failed to implement the required regulations. Congress did its job, but Treasury has dropped the ball on approving the regulations necessary to ensure that the law is enforced. President Biden must demand that his Secretary of Treasury fully implement the anti-corruption Strategy his White House has approved as a critical national security measure.
  • Justice Department Whistleblower Regulations. Since January 1, 2021 the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has been required, as a matter of law, to accept anonymous and confidential whistleblower disclosures concerning violations of the Bank Secrecy Act, including illegal money laundering and the use of crypto currency exchanges to facilitate violations of law. In December 2022, this requirement was by law extended to whistleblowers, worldwide, who wish to report violations of sanctions covering Russia, Hamas, ISIS, and other covered entities. In contempt of its legal requirements the Justice Department has ignored this law, and has failed to adopt regulations permitting anonymous whistleblowing. Congress did its job, Justice has dropped the ball. President Biden must demand that his Attorney General fully implement the anti-corruption Strategy his White House has approved as a critical national security measure.
  • SEC Whistleblower Regulations. Although the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Whistleblower Program has radically improved since its failure to respond to whistleblower disclosures regarding the fraudster Bernie Madoff, regulations approved over 12-years ago continue to violate the statutory rights granted whistleblowers under the Dodd-Frank Act and strip otherwise qualified whistleblowers of their rights. For example, although the law gives whistleblowers the right to provide “original information” to the SEC through a news media disclosure, the SEC has never enforced this right. This has resulted in numerous extremely important whistleblowers to be denied protection or compensation. In the context of foreign corruption, DOJ statistics inform that 20% of all Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) cases (which are covered under Dodd-Frank) are based on news media disclosures. Based on these numbers, one in five whistleblowers who report foreign corruption are illegally denied compensation under current SEC rules. An audit by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development released data regarding how whistleblowers were being harmed by the SEC’s interpretation of the law, including the failure to protect whistleblowers who make initial reports to international regulatory or law enforcement agencies, even if these agencies work closely with the United States. The SEC can resolve these issues by issuing clarifying decisions and exemptions consistent with the plain meaning of the Dodd Frank law and Congress’ clear intent. President Biden must demand that his appointments to the SEC fully implement the anti-corruption Strategy his White House approved.
  • Stop Repeal by Delay. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the SEC both fail to compensate whistleblowers in a timely manner. These delays, which the IRS admits average over 10-years, cause untold hardship to whistleblowers, many of whom have lost their jobs and careers, and their only hope for economic survival is the compensation promised under law. In response to these untenable and unjustifiable delays, Congress has introduced two laws to expedite paying legally required compensation to whistleblowers, the SEC Whistleblower Reform Act and S. 625, the IRS Whistleblower Reform Act. Both amendments have strong bipartisan support and should be/could be passed quickly. See and
  • Strengthen the False Claims Act. The False Claims Act (FCA) whistleblower qui tam provision has proven to be the most effective law ever passed protecting the government from greedy contractors, fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, and from criminal procurement practices. Over $70 billion has been recovered by the taxpayers directly from fraudsters, and countless billions has also been paid in criminal fines. Two bipartisan amendments to the FCA are languishing in Congress.  The first is designed to prevent federal contractors from colluding with government officials when trying to justify their frauds. The second permits the federal government to administratively sanction contractors in smaller cases, where prosecutors rarely file charges in court.  The Administrative False Claims Act, S. 659, has been unanimously passed by the Senate but is stalled in the House of Representatives. The False Claims Act Amendment targeting collusion has strong bipartisan support, but is awaiting votes in Congress.  See
  • Pass the CFTC Fund Improvement Act. The whistleblower reward law covering violations of the Commodity Exchange Act has proven successful beyond the wildest dreams of Congress. Billions upon billions in sanctions has been recovered from fraudsters who have manipulated markets ripping off consumers across the globe. These unprecedented whistleblower-triggered prosecutions have created an unintended problem: there are inadequate funds available to compensate whistleblowers as required under law. It is unconscionable for Congress to pass a law mandating that whistleblowers obtain compensation when they risk their jobs, reputations, and even their lives to serve the public interest, but then refuse to allocate funding to pay the mandatory rewards. The CFTC Fund Improvement Act, S. 2500, which has strong bipartisan support, would fix this problem. It needs to be immediately passed. Congress must live up to its promises.  See
  • Demand that Federal Agencies Respect, Honor, and Compensate Whistleblowers. One of the most unacceptable and unjustifiable hardships facing whistleblowers is the continued resistance to protecting whistleblowers in numerous (most) federal agencies.  This is exemplified by the complete failure of agencies to use their discretionary powers to protect or compensate whistleblowers. The Department of Commerce/NOAA can reward whistleblowers who report illegal fishing or “IUU” fishing violations and crimes committed by large ocean fishing boats operated by countries like China. Yet they have repeatedly failed to implement their whistleblower laws. The same can be said of the Department of Interior/Fish and Wildlife Service which have ignored the Lacey and Endangered Species Acts’ strong whistleblower reward provisions, allowing billions in illegal international wildlife trafficking to fester. Likewise, the Coast Guard largely ignores the whistleblower provisions of the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, turning down numerous whistleblower tips and failing to conduct investigations. Worse still, is the Justice Department’s penchant for prosecuting whistleblowers – even those who report crimes voluntarily to the Department pursuant to whistleblower disclosure laws.  President Biden must take action and demand that all executive agencies use their discretionary authorities permitted under law to incentivize and protect whistleblowers consistent with the anti-corruption Strategy his administration has approved.

A first step in changing the anti-whistleblower culture that undermines the public interest within most federal agencies is for the President to enforce the National Whistleblower Appreciation Day resolution that has been unanimously passed by the U.S. Senate over the past ten years. The resolution urges every executive agency to acknowledge the contributions of whistleblowers and educate their workforce as to these contributions. See (S. Res. 298).

The importance of President Biden’s requiring all federal agencies to institute to Senate resolution is clear, based on the text of the resolution asking that all agencies “inform[] employees, contractors working on behalf of the taxpayers of the United States, and members of the public about the legal right of a United States citizen to ‘blow the whistle’ to the appropriate authority by honest and good faith reporting of misconduct, fraud, misdemeanors, or other crimes; and acknowledging the contributions of whistleblowers to combating waste, fraud, abuse, and violations of laws and regulations of the United States.”

These seven reforms all have bipartisan support and/or can be immediately implemented through executive action. There is simply no justification for delaying the implementation of these minimum and absolutely necessary reforms.

But the buck does not stop at the top. Strong and vocal public support can push all of these bipartisan reforms across the finish line. The American people – across all demographics, stand behind whistleblowers. How do we know this? The highly respected Marist polling agency conducted a scientifically valid survey of “likely American voters.” Their findings speak for themselves:

  • 86% of Americans want stronger whistleblower protections
  • 44% of “likely voters” state that the position of candidates on this issue would impact their vote. 

Despite the divisions within American society the Marist Poll findings demonstrated that the American public is united in supporting whistleblowers:

  • 84% of people without a college education want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 89% of people with a college education want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 85% of people earning under $50,000 want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 89% of people earning over $50,000 want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 86% of people living in urban areas want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 83% of people living in rural areas want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 86% of women want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 87% of men want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 88 % of Independents want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 78 % of Republicans want stronger protection for whistleblowers
  • 94 % of Democrats want stronger protection for whistleblowers

The only thing holding back effective whistleblower laws in the United States is the lobbying power of special interests and powerful government officials’ hostility toward dissent. This must end. Whistleblowing has proven to be the most effective means to detect waste, fraud, abuse and threats to the public health and safety. The United States Strategy on Countering Corruption represents a roadmap for action. It’s time for the President, Congress and those running agencies such as the Department of Treasury and the SEC to get the job done.

Copyright Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, LLP 2023. All Rights Reserved.

by: Stephen M. Kohn of Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto 

For more news on Current Whistleblower Laws, visit the NLR Criminal Law / Business Crimes section.

Beware of Corporate Transparency Act Scams and Fraud

The Corporate Transparency Act’s (CTA) Beneficial Ownership Information reporting requirements are set to take effect on January 1, and bad actors are already using the CTA’s requirements to solicit unauthorized access to Personally Identifiable Information. To that end, the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) recently issued a warning regarding such scams. FinCEN describes these efforts as follows:

“The fraudulent correspondence may be titled “Important Compliance Notice” and asks the recipient to click on a URL or to scan a QR code. Those e-mails or letters are fraudulent. FinCEN does not send unsolicited requests (emphasis added). Please do not respond to these fraudulent messages, or click on any links or scan any QR codes within them.”