Starting an Online Business: Licensing Requirements


Individuals interested in starting an online business are often confused or uninformed as to the licensing requirements for such businesses.  In many ways, an online business is like any “brick and mortar” store and the owner will probably be required to obtain certain licenses or permits to operate.

Federal Requirements

Business Licenses.  Most businesses do not require a federal business license or permit.  However, a business engaged in one of the following activities should contact the responsible federal agency to determine the requirements for doing business:  Investment Advising, Drug Manufacturing, Preparation of Meat Products, Broadcasting, Ground Transportation, Selling Alcohol, Tobacco, or Firearms.

Tax Identification Number.  A federal tax identification number, also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), is a federal identification number issued by the Internal Revenue Service to identify a business entity.  Nearly all businesses are required to have a tax identification number.

If a business is operated as a sole proprietorship, the owner may use his or her social security number in place of an EIN on all governmental forms and other official documents.  However, most small business advisors recommend using a federal tax identification number instead.

To obtain a federal tax identification number, a business owner should contact the nearest Local IRS Field Office or call the IRS Business and Specialty Tax Hotline at 800-829-4933.  The necessary form, IRS Form SS-4, can be downloaded directly from the Small Business Administration website.

State Requirements

Many states and local jurisdictions require a person to obtain a business license or permit before beginning business operations.  A business that operates without the required license or permit may be subjected to fines or may be barred from further business activity.  In some localities, a business operating out of a residence may require an additional permit.

While business licensing requirements vary from state-to-state, the most common types include:

·    Basic Business Operation License – a legal document issued by a local governmental authority that authorizes a person to conduct business within the boundaries of the municipality.  Many states have established small business assistance agencies to help small businesses comply with state requirements;

  • Fictitious Name Certificate – a document, usually filed with a state agency, which is required to operate a business using an assumed name or trade name (essentially, any name other than the full, formal name of the individual or company);
  • Home Occupation Permit – a permit which may be required to conduct business from a residence;
  • Tax Registration – if the state has a state income tax, a business owner must usually register and obtain an employer identification number from the state Department of Revenue or Treasury Department.  If the business engages in retail sales, the owner must usually obtain a sales tax license;
  • Special State-Issued Business Licenses or Permits – these permits may be required for a business that sell highly-regulated products like firearms, gasoline, liquor, or lottery tickets;
  • Zoning and Land Use Permits – may be required to develop a site or property for specific purposes
  • Employer Registrations – if the business has employees, the owner must usually make unemployment insurance contributions;

Additional state licenses may be required for regulated occupations such as building contractors, physicians, appraisers, accountants, barbers, real estate agents, auctioneers, private investigators, private security guards, funeral directors, bill collectors, and cosmetologists.

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Crying Over Spilled Milk: What Companies Can Learn from the Paula Deen Disaster

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Paula Deen may be the most recent celebrity to ruin the brand she built, but she is certainly not the first. Consider Martha Stewart, Tiger Woods, and Lance Armstrong. At one point, all had an empire built around their name and reputation. And, just like that, all were vehemently vilified by the press and public when an aspect of their personal lives became front-page news, resulting in the swift destruction of their businesses.

PR disasters can happen faster than a boiling pot can run over, and as Paula Deen is learning, it is hard to contain the mess once it has been unleashed. Even if companies do not have a national celebrity as the face of their business, there is a lot they can learn from the Calorie Queen’s downfall.

Separate the brand from the CEO (or other high-powered figure)

We are all human. What happened to Paula Deen can happen to any business owner.  People make inappropriate comments, go to prison, sleep around, and take steroids (see above-named individuals). When your face is more than just who you are, though, you have to tread lightly in the public eye.  When your face is your brand, negative publicity affects business.

Food Network, Smithfield Foods, Wal-Mart, Novo Nordisk, and Home Depot did not drop Paula Deen because her products were not up-to-par. They dropped Paula Deen because her public image tarnished her brand.

A company should not rest on one person’s reputation, but should be built around principles, a mission, or a niche. That way, when the higher-ups make a mistake, the company can continue. With that being said, management and boards should be concerned with how the highly visible, well-known figures in their companies are behaving, whether they are on national TV or at a local charity gala. Employment agreements should always include expectations regarding behavior and how one represents the company. Extensive background checks should occur for any employee who could potentially taint the brand.

Act fast, but fully assess the situation

In the age of social media, an incident can lead to pandemonium in no time. Allegations can spread quickly and extensively. Whether, when, and why Deen may have uttered an offensive racial slur is of no matter because Facebook and Twitter reported that she did; that was enough for public conviction. If gossip is spreading about your business, do not be afraid to address it head-on through social media or a press release. But do not fall victim to knee-jerk reactions. Take time to investigate, come up with a game plan, and take necessary action before addressing the publicity. If the incident is so bad that your company’s future is on the line, then hire a PR team to step in.

Thank employees, customers and clients for loyalty

There are a lot of angry fans out there who think Paula Deen was thrown under the milk truck. In the midst of almost every PR crisis, there will be supporters. These people will stand by the company when others are jumping ship. Make your gratitude to them known, whether it is in the form of a bonus, sincere message on your company Facebook page, or a customer appreciation day. Find some way to turn the situation into a positive one.

We have likely not heard the last of Paula Deen. Her brand, though in the trenches now, may pull through. And there is always a scorned celebrity book deal to be made. Smaller companies may not recover so easily from PR blows. Business owners should always be monitoring their image and employees to minimize risks. HR departments should be pro-active. Expectations should be communicated. Professionals should be consulted if needed.

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Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Sanctions Revlon Financial Makeover; Tips for Setting a Strong Foundation for Going Private Transaction Success


On June 13, 2013, the SEC entered into a cease and desist order and imposed an $850,000 civil money penalty against Revlon, Inc. (Revlon) in connection with a 2009 “going private” transaction (the Revlon SEC Order).  This article identifies some of the significant challenges in executing a going private transaction and highlights particular aspects of the Revlon deal that can serve as a teaching lesson for planning and minimizing potential risks and delays in future going private transactions.


Background of Revlon Going Private Transaction.

The controlling stockholder of Revlon, MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings Inc. (M&F), made a proposal to the independent directors of Revlon in April of 2009 to acquire, by way of merger (the Merger Proposal), all of the Class A common stock not currently owned by M&F (the Revlon Minority Stockholders).  The Merger Proposal was submitted as a partial solution to address Revlon’s liquidity needs arising under an impending maturity of a $107 million senior subordinated term loan that was payable to M&F by a Revlon subsidiary.  A portion of this debt (equal to the liquidation value of the preferred stock issued in the Merger Proposal) would be contributed by M&F to Revlon, as part of the transaction.  This was submitted as an alternative in lieu of potentially cost-prohibitive and dilutive financing alternatives (or potentially unavailable financing alternatives) during the volatile credit market following the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis.

In response to the Merger Proposal, Revlon formed a special committee of the Board (the Special Committee) to evaluate the Merger Proposal.  The Special Committee retained a financial advisor and separate counsel to assist in its evaluation of the Merger Proposal.  Four lawsuits were filed in Delaware between April 24 and May 12 of 2009 challenging various aspects of the Merger Proposal.

On May 28, 2009, the Special Committee was informed by its financial advisor that it would be unable to render a fairness opinion on the Merger Proposal, and thereafter the Special Committee advised M&F that it could not recommend the Merger Proposal.  In early June of 2009, the Special Committee disbanded, but the independent directors subsequently were advised that M&F would make a voluntary exchange offer proposal to the full Revlon Board of Directors (the Exchange Offer). Revlon’s independent directors thereafter chose to continue to utilize counsel that served to advise the Special Committee, but they elected not to retain a financial advisor for assistance with the forthcoming M&F Exchange Offer proposal, because they were advised that the securities to be offered in the Exchange Offer would be substantially similar to those issuable through Merger Proposal.  As a result, they did not believe they could obtain a fairness opinion for the Exchange Offer consideration.  The Board of Directors of Revlon (without the interested directors participating in the vote) ultimately approved the Exchange Offer without receiving any fairness opinion with respect to the Exchange Offer.

On September 24, 2009, the final terms of the Exchange Offer were set and the offer was launched.  The Exchange Offer, having been extended several times, finally closed on October 8, 2009, with less than half of the shares tendered for exchange out of all Class A shares held by the Revlon Minority Stockholders.  On October 29, 2009, Revlon announced third quarter financial results that exceeded market expectations, but these results were allegedly consistent with the financial projections disclosed in the Exchange Offer.  Following these announced results, Revlon’s Class A stock price increased.  These developments led to the filing of additional litigation in Delaware Chancery Court.

The Revlon SEC Order and Associated Rule 13e-3 Considerations.

A subset of the Revlon Minority Stockholders consisted of participants in a Revlon 401(k) retirement plan, which was subject to obligations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA) and a trust agreement (the Trust Agreement) between Revlon and the Plan’s trustee (the Trustee).  Provisions of ERISA and the Trust Agreement prohibited a 401(k) Plan participant’s sale of common stock to Revlon for less than “adequate consideration.”

During July of 2009, Revlon became actively involved with the Trustee to control the flow of information concerning any adequate consideration determination, to prevent such information from flowing back to Revlon and to prevent such information from flowing to 401(k) participants (and ultimately Revlon Minority Stockholders); certain amendments to the Trust Agreement were requested by Revlon and agreed to by the Trustee to effect these purposes.  This also had the additional effect of preventing the independent directors of Revlon from being aware that an adequate consideration opinion would be rendered for the benefit of Revlon’s 401(k) Plan participants.

On September 28, 2009, the financial advisor to the 401(k) Plan rendered an adverse opinion that the Exchange Offer did not provide adequate consideration to 401(k) Plan participants.  As a result, the Trustee informed 401(k) Plan participants, as previously directed by Revlon, that the 401(k) Plan Trustee could not honor tender instructions because it would result in a “non-exempt prohibited transaction under ERISA.”  Revlon Minority Stockholders, including 401(k) Plan participants, were generally unaware that an unfavorable adequate consideration opinion had been delivered to the Trustee.

In the Revlon SEC Order, the SEC concluded that Revlon engaged in a series of materially misleading disclosures in violation of Rule 13e-3.  Despite disclosure in the Exchange Offer that the Revlon Board had approved the Exchange Offer and related transactions based upon the “totality of information presented to and considered by its members” and that such approval was the product of a “full, fair and complete” process, the SEC found that the process, in fact, was not full, fair and complete.  The SEC particularly found that the Board’s process “was compromised because Revlon concealed from both minority shareholders and from its independent board members that it had engaged in a course of conduct to ‘ring-fence’ the adequate consideration determination.”  The SEC further found that “Revlon’s ‘ring-fencing’ deprived the Board (and in turn Revlon Minority Stockholders) of the opportunity to receive revised, qualified or supplemental disclosures including any that might have informed them of the third party financial advisor’s determination that the transaction consideration to be received by the 401(k) members . . . was inadequate.”

Significance of the Revlon SEC Order.

The Revlon Order underscores the significance of transparency and fairness being extended to all unaffiliated stockholders in a Rule 13e-3 transaction, including the 401(k) Plan participants whose shares represented only 0.6 percent of the Revlon Minority Stockholder holdings.  Importantly, the SEC took exception to the fact that Revlon actively prevented the flow of information regarding fairness and found that the information should have been provided for the benefit of these participants, as well as all Revlon Minority Stockholders.  This result ensued despite the fact that Revlon’s Exchange Offer disclosures noted in detail the Special Committee’s inability to obtain a fairness opinion for the Merger Proposal and the substantially similar financial terms of the preferred stock offered in both the Merger Proposal and the Exchange Offer transactions.

Going Private Transactions are Subject to Heightened Review by the SEC and Involve Significant Risk, Including Personal Risk.

Going private transactions are vulnerable to multiple challenges, including state law fiduciary duty claims and wide ranging securities law claims, including claims for private damages as well as SEC civil money penalties.  In the Revlon transaction, the SEC Staff conducted a full review of the going private transaction filings.  Despite the significant substantive changes in disclosure brought about through the SEC comment process, the SEC subsequently pursued an enforcement action and prevailed against Revlon for civil money penalties.

Although the SEC sanction was limited in scope to Revlon, it is worth noting that the SEC required each of Revlon, M&F and M&F’s controlling stockholder, Ronald Perelman, to acknowledge (i) personal responsibility for the adequacy and accuracy of disclosure in each filing; (ii) that Staff comments do not foreclose the SEC from taking action including enforcement action with regard to the filing; and (iii) that each may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated by the SEC or any other person under securities laws.  Thus, in planning a going private transaction, an issuer and each affiliate engaged in the transaction (each, a Filing Person) must make these acknowledgements, which expose each Filing Person (including certain affiliates who may be natural persons) to potential damages and sanctions.

The SEC also requires Filing Persons to demonstrate in excruciating detail the basis for their beliefs regarding the fairness of the transaction.  These inquiries typically focus on the process followed in pursuing and negotiating the transaction, the procedural fairness associated with such process, and the substantive fairness of the overall transaction, including financial fairness.  As a result of this, each Filing Person (including certain natural persons) in a going private transaction should be prepared to diligently satisfy cumbersome process and fairness requirements as part of the pre-filing period deliberative process, and later stand behind extensive and detailed disclosures that demonstrate and articulate the basis of the procedural and substantive fairness of the transaction, including financial fairness.

Damages and Penalties in Going Private Transactions Can Be Significant.

It is worth noting that civil money penalties and settlements that have been announced to date by Revlon for its Exchange Offer going private transaction is approximately $30 million.  After factoring in professional fees, it would not be surprising that the total post-closing costs, penalties and settlements approach 50 percent of the implied total transaction value of all securities offered in the Exchange Offer transaction.  From this experience, it is obvious that costs, damages and penalties can be a significant component of overall transaction consideration, and these risks must be factored in as part of overall transaction planning at the outset.

Given the risks of post-transaction damages and costs, it is essential that future going private transactions be structured and executed by Filing Persons with the foregoing considerations in mind in order to advance a transaction with full transparency, a demonstrably fair procedural process and deal consideration that is substantively fair and demonstrably supportable as fair from a financial point-of-view.

America Invents Act – Practical Considerations for Portfolio Companies


Private equity funds should familiarize themselves with recent changes to U.S. patent law that affect patent protection strategies for their portfolio companies.  In September 2011, the U.S. Congress enacted the America Invents Act (AIA) patent reform bill, which significantly overhauled U.S. patent law.  This article summarizes practical considerations that private equity funds should bear in mind when evaluating and managing the patent portfolio of their investments.

First Inventor to File 

In the broadest sense, the AIA converts U.S. patent law into a “first-inventor-to-file” system from a “first-to-invent” system.  This conversion harmonizes U.S. patent law with the rest of the world’s patent laws.  In practice, it means that businesses should not delay filing patent applications, as they can no longer antedate patent-defeating prior art with an earlier invention date.

Challenges to Patent Rights 

Effective September 12, 2012, the AIA provided businesses new post-issuance patent validity challenge options that may be exercised before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  The new post-issuance challenges provide businesses new and predictable avenues to test the validity of a competitor’s patent that is, or may in the future be, an impediment to commercialization.  These post-issuance challenges include post-grant review, inter partes review and the Transitional Program for Covered Business Methods.  Each of the three post-issuance challenges is defined briefly here.

Post-Grant Review

Someone other than the patent owner may file a petition for post-grant review challenging the validity of a patent within nine months of the patent’s date of issue or reissue on any statutory grounds for invalidity.  Thus, even if a patent has been grated to a portfolio company, it may be subject to challenge by third parties in the time period immediately following issuance.  Similarly, a portfolio company could elect to challenge a competitor’s rights, even after a patent has been issued.

Inter Partes Review 

Someone other than the patent owner may file a petition for inter partes review challenging the validity of the patent nine months after the date of issue or reissue on limited invalidity grounds.  Inter partes review may only be instituted after the time period for post-grant review has expired and offers only a subset of the challenges available in post-grant review.  This means that throughout the entire life of an issued patent, generally 20 years from the filing date of the earliest priority document, it may be subject to challenge and invalidation.  Private equity funds should closely consider any potential challenges that could be lodged against a portfolio company and should evaluate potential risk before investing.

Transitional Program for Covered Business Methods

With regard to business method patents, someone other than the patent owner may file a petition for covered business method review challenging the validity of a patent if (1) the petitioner has been sued for infringement or threatened with an infringement suit, and (2) the patent claims a financial product or service.  Practically speaking, this scope is broader than mere financial products or services, such that any patent claiming anything related to money may potentially be challenged using a covered business method review.  Versata Development Group Inc. recently filed suit against the USPTO in the Eastern District of Virginia alleging that such a scope is impermissibly broad.  Until the result of that case or guidance is issued by the USPTO, private equity funds should proceed under the broad definition of “financial product or service” when evaluating a portfolio company with patents that may be challenged under the covered business method review.


Whether used against competitors’ patents or in defense of a business’ own interests, the new post-issuance challenges available under the AIA are powerful new tools in a portfolio company’s strategic toolbox.

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Financial Innovation for Clean Energy Deployment: Congress Considers Expanding Master Limited Partnerships for Clean Energy

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Technological innovation is driving renewable energy towards a future where it is cost competitive without subsidies and provides a growing share of America’s energy. But for all the technical progress made by the clean energy industry, financial innovation is not keeping pace: access to low-cost capital continues to be fleeting, and the industry has yet to tap institutional and retail investors through the capital markets. This is why a bipartisan group in Congress has proposed extending master limited partnerships (MLPs), a financial mechanism that has long driven investment in traditional energy projects, to the clean energy industry.

Last month Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) introduced the Master Limited Parity Act (S. 795); Representatives Ted Poe (R-TX), Mike Thompson (D-CA), and Peter Welch (D-VT) introduced companion legislation (H.R. 1696) in the House of Representatives. The bills would allow MLP treatment for renewable energy projects currently eligible for the Sec. 45 production tax credit (PTC) or 48 investment tax credit (ITC) (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydropower, combined heat and power, fuel cells) as well as biofuels, renewable chemicals, energy efficient buildings, electricity storage, carbon capture and storage, and waste-heat-to-power projects. The bill would not change the eligibility of projects that currently qualify as MLPs such as upstream oil and gas activities related to exploration and processing or midstream oil and gas infrastructure investments.

MLPs have been successfully utilized for traditional fossil-fuel projects because they offer an efficient means to raise inexpensive capital. The current total market capitalization of all energy-related MLPs exceeds $400 billion, on par with the market value of the world’s largest publicly traded companies. Ownership interests for MLPs are traded like corporate stock on a market. In exchange for restrictions on the kinds of income it can generate and a requirement to distribute almost all earnings to shareholders (called unitholders), MLPs are taxed like a partnership, meaning that income from MLPs is taxed only at the unitholder level. The absence of corporate-level taxation means that the MLP has more money to distribute to unitholders, thus making the shares more valuable. The asset classes in which MLPs currently invest lend themselves to stable, dividend-oriented performance for a tax-deferred investment; renewable energy projects with long-term off-take agreements could also offer similar stability to investors. And since MLPs are publicly traded, the universe of potential investors in renewable projects would be opened to retail investors.

The paperwork for MLP investors can be complicated, however. Also, investors are subject to rules which limit their ability to offset active income or other passive investments with the tax benefits of an MLP investment. Despite the inherent restrictions on some aspects of MLPs, the opportunities afforded by the business structure are generating increasing interest and support for the MLP Parity Act.

Proponents of the MLP Parity Act envision the bill as a way to help renewable energy companies access lower cost capital and overcome some of the limitations of the current regime of tax credits. Federal tax incentives for renewable energy consist primarily of two limited tools: tax credits and accelerated depreciation rates. Unless they have sizeable revenue streams, the tax credits are difficult for renewable project developers to directly use. The reality is only large, profitable companies can utilize these credits as a means to offset their income. For a developer who must secure financing though a complicated, expensive financing structure, including tax equity investors can be an expensive means to an end with a cost of capital sometimes approaching 30%. Tax credits are a known commodity, and developers are now familiar with structuring tax equity deals, but the structure is far from ideal. And as renewable energy advocates know all too well, the current suite of tax credits need to be extended every year. MLP treatment, on the other hand, does not expire.

Some supporters have noted that clean energy MLPs would “democratize” the industry because private retail investors today have no means to invest in to any meaningful degree in clean energy projects. Having the American populace take a personal, financial interest in the success of the clean energy industry is not trivial. The initial success of ‘crowd-funded” solar projects also provides some indication that there is an appetite for investment in clean energy projects which provide both economic and environmental benefits.

Sen. Coons has assembled a broad bipartisan coalition, including Senate Finance Energy Subcommittee Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). Republican and Democratic cosponsors agree that this legislation would help accomplish the now-familiar “all-of-the-above” approach to energy policy.

However, some renewable energy companies that depend on tax credits and accelerated depreciation are concerned that Republican supporters of the legislation will support the bill as an immediate replacement for the existing (but expiring) suite of renewable energy tax credits. Sen. Coons does not envision MLP parity as a replacement for the current production tax credits and investment tax credits but rather as additional policy tool that can address, to some degree, the persistent shortcomings of current financing arrangements. In this way, MLPs could provide a landing pad for mature renewable projects as the existing regime of credits is phased out over time, perhaps as part of tax reform.

So would the clean energy industry utilize MLP structures if Congress enacts the MLP Parity Act? The immediate impact may be hard to predict, and some in renewable energy finance fear MLP status will be less valuable than the current tax provisions. This is in part because the average retail investor would not be able to use the full share of accompanying PTCs, ITCs, or depreciation unless Congress were also to change what are known as the “at-risk” and “passive activity loss and tax credit” rules. These rules were imposed to crack down on perceived abuse of partnership tax shelters and have tax implications beyond the energy industry. Modifying these rules is highly unlikely and would jeopardize the bipartisan support the bill has attracted so far. But other renewable energy companies believe they can make the structure work for them now, and industries without tax credits — like renewable chemicals, for instance — would not have the same concerns with “at-risk” and “passive activity loss” rules. Furthermore, over the long term, industry seems increasingly confident the structure would be worthwhile. Existing renewable projects that have fully realized their tax benefits and have cleared the recapture period could be rolled up into existing MLPs. Existing MLP infrastructure projects could deploy renewable energy assets to help support the actual infrastructure. Supporters of the legislation see the change as a starting point, and the ingenuity of the market will find ways to work within the rules to deliver the maximum benefit.

The future of the MLP Parity Act will be linked to the larger conversation in Congress regarding tax reform measures. The MLP Parity Act is not expected to pass as a stand-alone bill; if it were to be enacted, it would most likely be included as part of this larger tax-reform package. Congress currently is looking at ways to lower overall tax rates and modify or streamline technology-specific energy provisions. This has many renewable energy advocates on edge: while reform provides an opportunity to enact long-term policies (instead of one-year extensions) that could provide some level of stability, it also represents a chance for opponents of renewable energy to exact tough concessions or eliminate existing incentives. As these discussions continue in earnest this year, the reintroduction of the MLP Parity Act has already begun to generate discussions and mentions in policy white papers at both the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Whether a highly partisan Congress can actually achieve such an ambitious goal as tax reform this year remains uncertain. But because of its bipartisan support, the MLP Parity Act certainly will be one of the many potential reforms Congress will consider seriously.

Senate Finance Committee Leadership Releases Tax Reform Framework

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A major step forward on tax reform occurred today with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT) releasing their tax reform framework.  They are planning a “blank-slate” approach:  stripping the tax code of all current tax deductions, credits, and expenditures in place of a lower individual and corporate tax rate.

In their “Dear Colleague” letter sent out today, Senators Baucus and Hatch announced their plan to hold a markup on a bill after the August recess.  Members of the Senate have been invited to submit by July 26th a “wish list” of which tax provisions they would like to keep alive, and the Senators are encouraging the submission of legislative language.  This approach, requiring Senators to defend the provisions they would like retained, rather than cut breaks they don’t support, is a departure from current practice.  Baucus and Hatch did note that any benefit that ends up in the tax code will reduce the amount of revenue that could go towards reducing the overall rate or reducing the deficit.

Motions To Adjourn – Do They End Or Continue A Meeting?

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I’ve previously remarked on the different usages attached to the word “adjourn”.  Often a meeting will end with a motion to adjourn.  Sometimes, a meeting will be prorogued – that is, continued to another date.  ”Adjourn” is derived from the Latin words “ad” and “diurnus”, meaning “to” and “daily” (a diurnal flower opens only during the day).  The word came into the English language through Old French “ajorner” (“soup du jour” is the soup of the day).  Based on etymology, an adjournment is a moving a meeting to another day.  This is the meaning given by William Shakespeare to Cardinal Campeius (Lorenzo Campeggio) when in Act II, Scene 4 of Henry VII Katherine of Aragon leaves her divorce proceedings:

So please your highness,
The queen being absent, ’tis a needful fitness
That we adjourn this court till further day:

Strangely, many meetings end with a motion to adjourn.  Those inclined to greater precision might move to adjourn the meeting sine die (i.e, without a day – ”diurnus” is an adjective derived from the Latin word for day, “dies”).  Thus, when a motion to adjourn sine die is reduced to its original meaning, it becomes a motion to move to a day without a day!

Corporations Code Section 602(b) allows for either meaning.  It provides:

The shareholders present at a duly called or held meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to transact business until adjournment notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough shareholders to leave less than a quorum, if any action taken (other than adjournment) is approved by at least a majority of the shares required to constitute a quorum or, if required by this division or the articles, the vote of a greater number or voting by classes.

If “adjournment” means the end of the meeting, the statute simply allows shareholders to continue to transact business even though some shareholders have left a quorum has been lost.  In this case, the “until adjournment” is stating the obvious – no shareholder action can be taken after the meeting has ended.  If “adjournment” means until such time as the meeting is continued, then the statute’s special dispensation for quorumless action ends when the meeting is continued.

In a future post, I’ll discuss the question of who has the power to decide to adjourn a meeting.

Final Section 336(e) Regulations Allow Step-Up in Asset Tax Basis in Certain Stock Acquisitions

Sheppard Mullin 2012

Final regulations were issued last month under IRC Section 336(e). These regulations present beneficial planning opportunities in certain circumstances.

For qualifying transactions occurring on or after May 15, 2013, Section 336(e) allows certain taxpayers to elect to treat the sale, exchange or distribution of corporate stock as an asset sale, much like a Section 338(h)(10) election. An asset sale can be of great benefit to the purchaser of the stock, since the basis of the target corporation’s assets would be stepped up to their fair market value.

To qualify for the Section 336(e) election, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The selling shareholder or shareholders must be a domestic corporation, a consolidated group of corporations, or an S corporation shareholder or shareholders.
  2. The selling shareholder or shareholders must own at least 80% of the total voting power and value of the target corporation’s stock.
  3. Within a 12-month period, the selling shareholder or shareholders must sell, exchange or distribute 80% of the total value and 80% of the voting power of the target stock.

Although the rules of Section 338(h)(10) are generally followed in connection with a Section 336(e) election, there are a few important differences between the two elections:

  1. Section 336(e) does not require the acquirer of the stock to be a corporation. This is probably the most significant difference; and, to take advantage of this rule, purchasers other than corporations may wish to convert the target without tax cost to a pass-through entity (e.g., LLC) after the purchase.
  2. Section 336(e) does not require a single purchasing corporation to acquire the target stock. Instead, multiple purchasers—individuals, pass-through entities and corporations—can be involved.
  3. The Section 336(e) election is unilaterally made by the selling shareholders attaching a statement to their Federal tax return for the year of the acquisition. Purchasers should use the acquisition agreement to make sure the sellers implement the anticipated tax strategy

Section 336(e) offers some nice tax planning opportunities, by allowing a step up in tax basis in the target’s assets where a Section 338(h)(10) election is not allowed.

Example: An S corporation with two shareholders wishes to sell all of its stock to several buyers, all of which are either individuals or pass-through entities with individual owners. A straight stock purchase would not increase the basis of the assets held inside the S corporation, and an LLC or other entity buyer would terminate the pass-through tax treatment of the S corporation status of the target. A Section 338(h)(10) election is not available since the purchaser is not a single corporation. However, a Section 336(e) election may be available, whereby the purchase of the stock would be treated as a purchase of the corporation’s assets (purchased by a “new” corporation owned by the purchasers). The purchasers could then convert the purchased corporation (the “new” corporation with the stepped-up assets basis) into an LLC, without tax, thereby continuing the business in a pass-through entity (single level of tax) with a fully stepped-up tax asset basis.

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If You Pay More, Do You Actually Get More? Re: Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies

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The typical private fund is organized as a limited partnership or limited liability company that is managed by a general partner or manager.  The fund manager is usually compensated in three ways – an annual management fee (often 2%), a carried interest (often 20%), and an investment in the fund (often 1%).  In a recently presented paper, Professors David T. Robinson and Berk A. Sensoy tackled the question of whether private fund managers actually earn their keep.

Given the limited rights of limited partners and members and asymmetrical access to information, one might expect that these professors would conclude that fund managers who charge more, actually under perform.  Based on an analysis of 837 buyout and venture capital private equity funds from 1984-2010 to, the two scholars reach the opposite conclusion:

[W]e find no evidence that high-fee funds underperform an on a net-of-fee basis [sic].  Management fees and carried interest are generally unrelated to net-of-fee cash flow performance.  This suggests that private equity GPs that receive higher compensation earn it in the form of higher gross returns.  When we examine the relation between GP ownership and performance, our evidence flatly contradicts the argument that GPs with low skin in the game demonstrate poor performance.

You can read the entire paper here.  Unfortunately, the authors don’t reveal the source of their data, but rather mysteriously describe it as having been “obtained from a large, institutional limited partner with extensive investments in private equity”.  The paper was presented at the inaugural Sustainability and Finance Symposium held last week which was hosted by the California Public Employees Retirement System and the UC Davis Graduate School of Management.

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Yahoo!/Tumblr Deal and the Tax Cost of Cash Acquisition Payments

McBrayer NEW logo 1-10-13

When Yahoo! recently acquired the blogging service Tumblr, the two companies structured the deal so that virtually all of the $1.1 billion price tag for Tumblr will be paid in cash. In the current economy, many companies, particularly tech companies, have a lot of cash available, making the more traditional payment in stock appear less desirable. However, tax planning during mergers or acquisitions can be invaluable because, with proper counsel, the organizations can anticipate and mitigate the tax ramifications for the companies, individuals and shareholders.

Specific information about any tax planning in the Yahoo!/Tumblr deal hasn’t been released, but let’s consider the potential tax consequences of an essentially all-cash deal.

Most of Tumblr’s existing shareholders likely purchased their stock for substantially less than it was valued at the time of Yahoo’s acquisition. Since capital gains taxes are levied on the difference between the purchase price and the sale price, those Tumblr shareholders may be facing a hefty capital gains tax bill that will come due as soon as the transaction is complete.

If the deal had been structured as a stock transaction, on the other hand, it might have been structured to defer the capital gains tax for those shareholders until they actually sell their stock to Yahoo! There are a number of methods, such as 1031 exchanges, Section 368 tax-free reorganizations, and or 338(h)(10) stock purchase elections, that might also be effective in mitigating the tax burden.

An all-cash deal also presents challenges for Yahoo! in that it could affect the incentives for Tumblr’s founder and senior management going forward. In a tax-free reorganization, for example, they would generally be compensated in Yahoo! stock, which automatically creates an incentive for Tumblr’s leadership to build value for Yahoo! Without stock, a different incentive plan is needed.

According to The New York Times’ DealBook blog, Yahoo! may not need to worry about incentivizing Tumblr’s leadership, however, as it plans to continue to run the blog service as a separate company with the same group of executives. That may leave the existing incentives for success in place.

In this particular case, we don’t have enough information to determine why Yahoo! and Tumblr structured the acquisition as an all-cash deal. Well-considered tax planning, however, is essential for any business considering a merger or acquisition, stock sale, or major asset sale. Anticipating and minimizing transactional taxes, including business transfer taxes and business succession taxes, can help ensure that companies garner all potential benefits of the deal.
