Consumer Financial Services Basics – ABA Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information regarding the upcoming Consumer Financial Services Basics Conference sponsored by the ABA:


October 08 – 09, 2012


American University

Washington College of Law

Washington, DC

Program Description

Facing the most comprehensive revision of federal consumer financial services (CFS) law in 75 years, even experienced consumer finance lawyers might feel it is time to get back in the classroom. This live meeting is designed to expose practitioners to key areas of consumer financial services law, whether you need a primer or a refresher.It is time to take a step back and think through some of these complex issues with a faculty that combines decades of practical experience with law school analysis. The classroom approach is used to review the background, assess the current policy factors, step into the shoes of regulators, and develop an approach that can be used to interpret and evaluate the scores of laws and regulations that affect your clients.Program FocusThis program will explain each of the major sources of regulation of consumer financial products in the context of the regulatory techniques and policies that are the common threads in a complex pattern, including:

  • Price regulation and federal preemption of state price limitations
  • Truth in lending and disclosure requirements
  • Marketing, advertising and unfair or deceptive conduct
  • Account servicing and collections
  • Regulating the “fairness” of financial institution conduct
  • Data security, fraud prevention and identity protection
  • Consumer reporting: FCRA & FACT Act
  • Fair lending and fair access to financial services
  • Remedies: regulators and private plaintiffs
  • Regulatory and legislative priorities for 2012 and beyond

Who Should Attend…The learning curve for private practitioners, in-house lawyers and government attorneys to understand the basics and changes to CFS law is very steep. This program is a great way to jump up that curve for:

  • Private practitioners with 1-10 years of experience who focus on CFS products or providers
  • In-house counsel at financial institutions and non-bank lenders
  • Government attorneys, in financial practices regulatory agencies
  • Compliance officers (who may be, but need not be, attorneys)

Consumer Financial Services Basics – ABA Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information regarding the upcoming Consumer Financial Services Basics Conference sponsored by the ABA:


October 08 – 09, 2012


American University

Washington College of Law

Washington, DC

Program Description

Facing the most comprehensive revision of federal consumer financial services (CFS) law in 75 years, even experienced consumer finance lawyers might feel it is time to get back in the classroom. This live meeting is designed to expose practitioners to key areas of consumer financial services law, whether you need a primer or a refresher.It is time to take a step back and think through some of these complex issues with a faculty that combines decades of practical experience with law school analysis. The classroom approach is used to review the background, assess the current policy factors, step into the shoes of regulators, and develop an approach that can be used to interpret and evaluate the scores of laws and regulations that affect your clients.Program FocusThis program will explain each of the major sources of regulation of consumer financial products in the context of the regulatory techniques and policies that are the common threads in a complex pattern, including:

  • Price regulation and federal preemption of state price limitations
  • Truth in lending and disclosure requirements
  • Marketing, advertising and unfair or deceptive conduct
  • Account servicing and collections
  • Regulating the “fairness” of financial institution conduct
  • Data security, fraud prevention and identity protection
  • Consumer reporting: FCRA & FACT Act
  • Fair lending and fair access to financial services
  • Remedies: regulators and private plaintiffs
  • Regulatory and legislative priorities for 2012 and beyond

Who Should Attend…The learning curve for private practitioners, in-house lawyers and government attorneys to understand the basics and changes to CFS law is very steep. This program is a great way to jump up that curve for:

  • Private practitioners with 1-10 years of experience who focus on CFS products or providers
  • In-house counsel at financial institutions and non-bank lenders
  • Government attorneys, in financial practices regulatory agencies
  • Compliance officers (who may be, but need not be, attorneys)

AntiSec Hackers Strike Again

An article by Cynthia J. Larose of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. regarding AntiSec Hackers was recently published in The National Law Review:


AntiSec – the hacker group that is the “merger” of Anonymous and Lulzsec – claims to have obtained the unique device identifiers (UDIDs) from 12 million Apple iPhone and iPad users by breaching an FBI computer, and have published more than 1 million of them.

Details of the hack can be found at ZdNet , Slateand The Washington Post.According to the hackers, the alleged hack was intended to publicize the existence of some kind of secret FBI tracking project, also raising an embarrassing question of security for the FBI.

If you want to check whether your Apple UDID was in the compromised file, The NextWeb has developed a nifty quick check tool that you can see here.

©1994-2012 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

New York Enhances Employee and Consumer Privacy Rights Under its Social Security Number Protection Law

Four years ago, New York enacted a Social Security Number Protection Law, N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law, §399-dd, aimed at combating identity theft by requiring employers to better safeguard employee social security numbers in their possession.  (Click here for our summary of the law).  Now, New York is going one step further with its passage of two new Social Security Number Protection laws.

First a note: as of November 12, 2012, §399-dd – the original Social Security Protection Law – will be re-codified as new §399-ddd, and it will also add the statutory language of the first of these two new laws, which prohibits employers from hiring inmates for any job that would provide them with access to social security numbers of other individuals.

The second law, which is codified as a separate new §399-ddd, enhances the requirements for safeguarding employee social security number while also adding similar protections for consumers.  This law prohibits companies from requiring employees and consumers to disclose their social security numbers or to refuse any service, privilege or right to the employee or customer for refusing to make that disclosure, unless (i) required by law, (ii) subject to one of its many exceptions, or (iii) encrypted by the employer.  This law also applies to any numbers derived from the individual’s social security number, which means that it extends, for example, to situations where the company asks the individual for the last four digits of their number.  It is unclear whether this law will prove effective in accomplishing its objectives.

First, it contains an exception with the potential to swallow the rule – where the individual consents to the use of the social security number, which many individuals may freely provide absent knowledge of this law’s protections.  Even with an employee’s consent, however, employers must still be mindful that other provisions of the original Social Security Number Protection Law requires them to institute certain safeguards to protect against the number’s disclosure.  And further, even if the employer obtains the employee’s consent, the original law still prohibits employers from utilizing an employee’s social security account number on any card or tag required for the individual to access products, services or benefits provided by the employer.

Second, the penalties for violations are minimal – up to $500 for the first violation and $1,000 for each violation thereafter, and can be avoided where the employer shows the violation was unintentional and occurred notwithstanding the existence of procedures designed to avoid such violations.  Further, there is no private right of action, and only the Attorney General can enforce the law.

Governor Cuomo signed the acts into law on August 14, 2012.  The inmate law will take effect on November 12, 2012 and the disclosure law will take effect thirty days later on December 12, 2012.  Now if he would only sign the recently passed wage deduction law.

©1994-2012 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

How Many Calories is in that Burger? PPACA Makes Sure you know.

The National Law Review recently published an article by Molly Nicole Lewis of McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie and Kirkland, PLLC regarding The Food Industry and The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act:


We all occasionally grab a quick bite on the go. With fall in full swing, and our schedules filling up, it is much more tempting to drive through and pick up dinner rather than slaving over the stove after a non-stop day. Consider this:  What if the menu was labeled with calorie information and you could see that the Hardee’s Thickburger you wanted to order contained 910 calories.  A healthy caloric intake for an average person is 2000 calories per day – that’s also stated on the menu.  The burger just became ½ of your daily allotment of calories. That information would definitely prompt anyone to reconsider their choices.

Menu labeling, as outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (PPACA), might actually change the way we eat, when we eat out!  That is exactly what the National Restaurant Association and the National Association of Convenience Stores is grappling with.  In the wake of the Supreme Court upholding the PPACA, it is not just the medical and insurance communities buzzing. The food industry is wadding through their own set of new rules regarding how they present their product and interact with consumers.

As outlined in Section 4205, nutritional menu labeling is required for chain restaurants across the country. The provisions include labeling requirements for restaurants and food vendors, with 20 or more outlets. Calories have to be posted on menus and menu boards, including drive-thru menus. Display tags with additional information, including fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sodium protein, and fiber must be available in writing, upon request. Vending machine companies that operate at least 20 machines are also subject to these requirements. For buffet-style or self-serve restaurants, a sign must be placed adjacent to each food and beverage item listing calories per item or serving.  There are some exceptions that will not require calorie disclosure. Items not listed on the menu such as condiments, daily specials or temporary offerings. If an item appears on the menu less than 60 days per calendar year, or a test market items appears on a menu for less than 90 days, they are both exempt.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considered Section 4205 effective immediately. However, without detailed guidance from the FDA, these provisions cannot be required.  The final FDA regulations are expected by the end of 2012.  Industry implementation would become effective six months after publication, in early 2013.  If a restaurant that is not required to comply with Section 4205, voluntarily registers with the FDA and follows the federal disclosure guidelines, they are not subject to any state or local nutrition disclosure requirements.

There is more at stake here then complying with disclosure regulations. For owners and operators in the food industry there are real costs to be considered. The new menu requirements alone will demand printing new menus and menu boards. Nutritional analysis may have to be performed to accurately report the information to the consumer. All of these added expenses could mean thousands in unbudgeted expenditures, and will result in consumer behavioral changes where the full financial impact cannot be determined – until after the fact.

It is interesting to contemplate how each of us will react to menu labeling. Will it help change the health of our country? The jury’s still out, but we are eagerly anticipating the verdict.

© 2012 by McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie & Kirkland, PLLC

Consumer Financial Services Basics – ABA Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information regarding the upcoming Consumer Financial Services Basics Conference sponsored by the ABA:


October 08 – 09, 2012


American University

Washington College of Law

Washington, DC

Program Description

Facing the most comprehensive revision of federal consumer financial services (CFS) law in 75 years, even experienced consumer finance lawyers might feel it is time to get back in the classroom. This live meeting is designed to expose practitioners to key areas of consumer financial services law, whether you need a primer or a refresher.It is time to take a step back and think through some of these complex issues with a faculty that combines decades of practical experience with law school analysis. The classroom approach is used to review the background, assess the current policy factors, step into the shoes of regulators, and develop an approach that can be used to interpret and evaluate the scores of laws and regulations that affect your clients.Program FocusThis program will explain each of the major sources of regulation of consumer financial products in the context of the regulatory techniques and policies that are the common threads in a complex pattern, including:

  • Price regulation and federal preemption of state price limitations
  • Truth in lending and disclosure requirements
  • Marketing, advertising and unfair or deceptive conduct
  • Account servicing and collections
  • Regulating the “fairness” of financial institution conduct
  • Data security, fraud prevention and identity protection
  • Consumer reporting: FCRA & FACT Act
  • Fair lending and fair access to financial services
  • Remedies: regulators and private plaintiffs
  • Regulatory and legislative priorities for 2012 and beyond

Who Should Attend…The learning curve for private practitioners, in-house lawyers and government attorneys to understand the basics and changes to CFS law is very steep. This program is a great way to jump up that curve for:

  • Private practitioners with 1-10 years of experience who focus on CFS products or providers
  • In-house counsel at financial institutions and non-bank lenders
  • Government attorneys, in financial practices regulatory agencies
  • Compliance officers (who may be, but need not be, attorneys)

Consumer Financial Services Basics – ABA Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information regarding the upcoming Consumer Financial Services Basics Conference sponsored by the ABA:


October 08 – 09, 2012


American University

Washington College of Law

Washington, DC

Program Description

Facing the most comprehensive revision of federal consumer financial services (CFS) law in 75 years, even experienced consumer finance lawyers might feel it is time to get back in the classroom. This live meeting is designed to expose practitioners to key areas of consumer financial services law, whether you need a primer or a refresher.It is time to take a step back and think through some of these complex issues with a faculty that combines decades of practical experience with law school analysis. The classroom approach is used to review the background, assess the current policy factors, step into the shoes of regulators, and develop an approach that can be used to interpret and evaluate the scores of laws and regulations that affect your clients.Program FocusThis program will explain each of the major sources of regulation of consumer financial products in the context of the regulatory techniques and policies that are the common threads in a complex pattern, including:

  • Price regulation and federal preemption of state price limitations
  • Truth in lending and disclosure requirements
  • Marketing, advertising and unfair or deceptive conduct
  • Account servicing and collections
  • Regulating the “fairness” of financial institution conduct
  • Data security, fraud prevention and identity protection
  • Consumer reporting: FCRA & FACT Act
  • Fair lending and fair access to financial services
  • Remedies: regulators and private plaintiffs
  • Regulatory and legislative priorities for 2012 and beyond

Who Should Attend…The learning curve for private practitioners, in-house lawyers and government attorneys to understand the basics and changes to CFS law is very steep. This program is a great way to jump up that curve for:

  • Private practitioners with 1-10 years of experience who focus on CFS products or providers
  • In-house counsel at financial institutions and non-bank lenders
  • Government attorneys, in financial practices regulatory agencies
  • Compliance officers (who may be, but need not be, attorneys)

FTC Proposes New Rules on Children’s Online Privacy Issues

Michelle Cohen of Ifrah Law recently had an article regarding Children’s Online Privacy published in The National Law Review:

On August 1, 2012, the Federal Trade Commission announced that is issuing a Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to modify certain of its rules under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Industry has been waiting on FTC action regarding COPPA, as the agency previously undertook a COPPA rulemaking in September 2011 and proposed modifying certain COPPA rules to account for changes in technology, particularly mobile technology.

The FTC received over 350 comments during that time. After reviewing those comments, the FTC has decided to propose certain additional changes to its COPPA rule definitions.

In summary, COPPA gives parents control over the information websites can collect from their kids. It applies to websites designed for children under 13 – or those that have reason to know they are collecting information from a child. It requires a specific privacy notice and that consent be obtained from parents in many circumstances before children’s information may be collected and/or used.

The FTC has proposed several changes that are of interest. Some are meant to “tighten” the COPPA rule, others are meant to provide some additional flexibility to operators.

  • The proposed change would make clear that an operator that chooses to integrate the services of third parties that collect personal information from visitors (like ad networks or plug-ins) would itself be considered a covered “operator” under the Rule.
  • The FTC is also proposing to allow websites with mixed audiences (e.g., parents and over 13) to age-screen visitors to provide COPPA’s protections only to those under 13. However, kid-directed sites or services that knowingly target under-13s as their primary audience or whose overall content is likely to attract kids under that age could not use that method.
  • Also, the FTC has proposed modifying the definition of what constitutes “personal information” relating to children to make it clear that a persistent identifier falls within that definition if it can be used to recognize a user over time or across different sites or services. The FTC is considering whether activities like site maintenance and analysis, use of persistent identifiers for authenticating users, maintaining user preferences, serving contextual ads, and protecting against fraud and theft should not be considered the collection of “personal information” as long what’s collected is not used or disclosed to contact a specific individual, including through the use of behaviorally-targeted advertising.

Comments on the FTC’s proposed rule changes are due by September 10, 2012.

© 2012 Ifrah PLLC

Consumer Financial Services Basics – ABA Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information regarding the upcoming Consumer Financial Services Basics Conference sponsored by the ABA:


October 08 – 09, 2012


American University

Washington College of Law

Washington, DC

Program Description

Facing the most comprehensive revision of federal consumer financial services (CFS) law in 75 years, even experienced consumer finance lawyers might feel it is time to get back in the classroom. This live meeting is designed to expose practitioners to key areas of consumer financial services law, whether you need a primer or a refresher.It is time to take a step back and think through some of these complex issues with a faculty that combines decades of practical experience with law school analysis. The classroom approach is used to review the background, assess the current policy factors, step into the shoes of regulators, and develop an approach that can be used to interpret and evaluate the scores of laws and regulations that affect your clients.Program FocusThis program will explain each of the major sources of regulation of consumer financial products in the context of the regulatory techniques and policies that are the common threads in a complex pattern, including:

  • Price regulation and federal preemption of state price limitations
  • Truth in lending and disclosure requirements
  • Marketing, advertising and unfair or deceptive conduct
  • Account servicing and collections
  • Regulating the “fairness” of financial institution conduct
  • Data security, fraud prevention and identity protection
  • Consumer reporting: FCRA & FACT Act
  • Fair lending and fair access to financial services
  • Remedies: regulators and private plaintiffs
  • Regulatory and legislative priorities for 2012 and beyond

Who Should Attend…The learning curve for private practitioners, in-house lawyers and government attorneys to understand the basics and changes to CFS law is very steep. This program is a great way to jump up that curve for:

  • Private practitioners with 1-10 years of experience who focus on CFS products or providers
  • In-house counsel at financial institutions and non-bank lenders
  • Government attorneys, in financial practices regulatory agencies
  • Compliance officers (who may be, but need not be, attorneys)

Illinois Employers Beware: New Law Prohibits Employers from Seeking Social Media Password Information

The National Law Review recently published an article regarding Social Media Passwords and Illinois Employers written by Norma W. Zeitler of Barnes & Thornburg LLP:

Employers in Illinois will be prohibited from seeking social networking password information from employees and applicants starting Jan. 1, 2013, now that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has signed into law Public Act 097-0875, which is an amendment to the Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act, 820 ILCS 55/10.

As we previously reported , the legislation makes it unlawful for an employer to require an employee or applicant to disclose passwords or other related social networking account information in order for the employer to access information that might otherwise be considered private by the employee or applicant. However, employers are not barred from accessing information that is in the public domain

Illinois becomes the second state, after Maryland, to enact such a law, according to a press release from Governor Quinn’s office announcing that he signed the legislation into law on August 1. The new law does not limit an employer’s right to promulgate and maintain otherwise lawful workplace policies regarding the use of the employer’s computer equipment, Internet use, social networking site use, and electronic mail use.

Illinois employers should consider reviewing existing policies and practices with an eye toward ensuring compliance with this new law.