Congress Eases Criminal Offense Restrictions for Employment With Financial Institutions

Included in the defense spending bill signed by President Biden in December 2022 is a section with key provisions for financial institutions that will ease restrictions on hiring candidates with criminal records. Section 5705 in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023, titled “Fair Hiring in Banking,” further narrows convictions that would constitute a bar to employment under Section 19 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDIA) absent a written waiver by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). A representative for the FDIC confirmed that the changes are effective now and will be implemented by the FDIC in 2023.


Section 19 generally prohibits any person who has been convicted of a crime of “dishonesty or a breach of trust or money laundering or has agreed to enter into a pretrial diversion or similar program in connection with a prosecution for such offense” from working in banking without first obtaining written consent from the FDIC.

Section 19 requires financial institutions to conduct criminal background checks on job candidates, regardless of whether state or local laws limit consideration of criminal histories in hiring. In July 2020, the FDIC issued a final rule that loosened the prohibitions in Section 19 by, among other things, expanding what are considered “de minimis” offenses and expanding the definition of “expungement” to include an order to seal a criminal record or a record relating to a pretrial diversion program.

Older Offenses

The Fair Hiring in Banking provisions go even further, providing that a waiver is not needed if it has been seven years or more since the offense occurred or if the individual was incarcerated with respect to the offense and it has been five years or more since the individual was released from incarceration. The need for a waiver also does not apply to conduct that an individual committed before the age of 21 and if it has been at least thirty months since the sentencing.

De Minimis Offenses

The provisions further permit the FDIC to exempt other “de minimis offenses” that they may determine by rule. Those rules must include a requirement that the offense “was punishable by a term of three years or less.” Applicable de minimis offenses may include offenses for writing bad checks so long as the aggregate value of all the bad checks is $2,000 or less. The FDIC may further designate other “lesser offenses” to be exempt if one year or more has passed since conviction, “including the use of a fake ID, shoplifting, trespass, fare evasion, driving with an expired license or tag, and such other low-risk offenses.”

Consent Applications

According to the provision, when reviewing an application to allow an individual with an applicable criminal conviction to work for a bank, the FDIC must make an “an individualized assessment.” This assessment must take “into account evidence of rehabilitation, the applicant’s age at the time of the conviction or program entry, the time that has elapsed since conviction or program entry, and the relationship of individual’s offense to the responsibilities of the applicable position.” They must further consider the individual’s employment history, letters of recommendation, and the completion of any substance abuse or job preparation programs.

Key Takeaways

The Fair Hiring in Banking provisions clear some barriers for financial institutions to hire individuals who may have committed criminal offenses in the past but have since been rehabilitated, providing needed flexibility in hiring and recruitment. Further, the provisions go beyond the 2020 FDIC rule changes by amending Section 19 of the FDIA to create exceptions to hire individuals convicted of certain criminal offenses without burdensome consent review by the FDIC.

While the federal laws preempt conflicting state and local laws, the Fair Hiring in Banking provisions are in line with the growing number of jurisdictions across the country that have prohibited or limited consideration of job candidates’ criminal histories in the hiring process. Those measures, such as so-called ban-the-box laws, have been imposed in part to promote rehabilitation and concerns that considering criminal histories in hiring disproportionately affects individuals in protected classes.

© 2023, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., All Rights Reserved.
For more Employment Law News, click here to visit the National Law Review.

Environmental Justice Update: EPA Announces $100 Million in EJ Grants to Local Groups and Issues Guidance Outlining Potential Federal ‘Cumulative Impact’ Claims

“Environmental justice” (EJ) continues as the primary leitmotif of Biden Administration environmental policy in the first weeks of 2023.

Below, we unpack two recently announced EJ efforts: a grant program for groups in environmentally overburdened communities and guidance on legal resources to address “cumulative impacts” issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Legal Counsel and outline what these mean for the regulated community taken together in the context of other recent EJ developments.

EPA Announces $100 Million in Grants to Community Groups

This week, EPA announced the availability of approximately $100 million in grants for projects that “advance EJ in underserved and overburdened communities.” The grant programs are part of funding allocated by the Inflation Reduction Act programs discussed here.

Summaries of the two programs:

  • The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Program (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program. The EJCPS program provides $30 million in funding directly to community-based non-profit organizations for projects focused on addressing local environmental or public health issues in their communities. Five million of the funding is reserved for small community-based nonprofit organizations with five or fewer full-time employees. EPA anticipates funding approximately 50 awards of $500,000 and 30 awards of $150,000.

  • Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) Program. EJG2G will provide an estimated $70 million in funding for state, tribal, and local projects completed in conjunction with community-based organizations. In total the agency anticipates funding approximately 70 projects of up to $1 million each for a 3-year project.

Interested applicants must submit proposal packages on or before April 10, 2023, for projects to begin on October 1, 2023.

EPA’s efforts to fund local groups are part of its broader strategic goal of enhancing equitable apportionment of resources and the benefits of environmental policies. EPA’s Equity Action Plan, discussed here, prioritizes building capacity in environmentally underserved communities to lead projects. Projects like these would lead to increased community engagement, which in turn could lead to more equitable outcomes in the environmental space. The strategy of building up local capacity to engage on environmental issues, mirrors private-sector efforts like Bloomberg Philanthropies $85 million “Beyond Petrochemicals” campaign, discussed here.

Federal Cumulative Impact Guidance

EPA’s Office of General Counsel released its Cumulative Impacts Addendum this week. This addendum builds on EPA’s Legal Tools to Advance Environmental Justice, which was released in May 2022. Taken together, these encyclopedia-like documents were created with the purpose of “identifying and making appropriate use of every authority and tool available to EPA under the law to incorporate environmental and climate justice considerations in our work,” in the words of EPA Administrator Michael Regan. The addendum itself indicates that it “is not intended to prescribe when and how [EPA] should undertake specific actions, nor does it provide methodologies for how to conduct a cumulative impacts assessment.” (Note: EPA’s Office of Research and Development has advanced a definition of “cumulative impacts,” summarized here, and is researching methodologies to deploy the concept.)

Structurally, the addendum breaks EPA’s authorities to address cumulative impacts into six subject-matter focused chapters:

  • Clean Air Act Programs

  • Water Programs

  • Waste Management and Emergency Response Programs (i.e. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Oil Pollution Act; the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act; and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act)

  • Pesticides and Toxics Programs (i.e. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; and the Toxic Substances Control Act); and

  • Environmental Review Programs (i.e. National Environmental Policy Act and Clean Air Act Section 309 Reviews).

EPA’s intent with the addendum was to outline legal resources for federal, state, and local regulators to consult situationally outlining potential tools that could be used to address cumulative impacts. These legal tools, used in conjunction with EJ-focused screening tools like EJSCREEN (discussed here) and newly developed and (increasingly available) data (see our discussions here and here), are part of EPA’s high prioritization of EJ issues.

Takeaways for the Regulated Community

We offer two takeaways from these developments:

First, EPA’s commitment to a “whole of government” approach to address EJ issues continues unabated. Over time, the Biden Administration has exhibited a willingness to allocate money to address EJ issues; reorient EPA and DOJ to better address them; develop new tools; and indeed, build capacity to engage local communities in an effort to benefit more Americans regardless of their race, language or socioeconomic status.

Second, taken collectively, these efforts will necessitate changes in process for regulated entities because governmental and community engagement in the EJ space is altering the policymaking process at a rapid rate. Relevant here, we expect that a secondary effect of EPA and private parties “building capacity” in local communities will be an increase in community involvement — and potentially opposition — to businesses operating in their communities. These groups are likely to deploy all available resources — including those outlined in the addendum — to address their concerns.

© 2023 ArentFox Schiff LLP
For more Environmental Policy Legal News, click here to visit the National Law Review.

Top Legal News of 2022: A Review of the Most Notable and Newsworthy Thought Leadership from the National Law Review’s Contributors

Happy New Year from the National Law Review! We hope that the holiday season has been restful and rejuvenating for you and your family. Here at the NLR, we are wrapping up the second season of our legal news podcast, Legal News Reach. Check out episode seven here: Creating A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Work Environment with Stacey Sublett Halliday of Beveridge & Diamond! A few weeks ago, we also announced the winners of our 2022 Go-To Thought Leadership Awards! Each year, around 75 recipients are selected for their timely and high-quality contributions to the National Law Review. This year’s slate of winners was particularly competitive – to see the full list, check out our 2022 National Law Review Thought Leadership Awards page.

As we look forward to a bright and busy 2023 for the legal industry, it is more prudent than ever to review the previous year and all that came with it. 2022 was a chaotic and monumental year for not only the legal profession, but for the world at large. The invasion of Ukraine, global supply chain issues, and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic were only some of the many challenges all industries and sectors faced. In the United States, companies and employers dealt with enormous changes at every level, including but not limited to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, shifting attitudes toward cannabis legalization, and ever-changing standards for COVID-19 vaccinations.

Read on below for some thought leadership highlights from this past year, and for a reminder of all that we’ve passed through in 2022:


Most prominently in 2022, the US Supreme Court handed down substantial rulings for coronavirus vaccine mandates, which affected not only healthcare workers but all employers across the country. With a 6-3 majority, SCOTUS stayed the Biden Administration’s OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard that applied to all private employers, but simultaneously ruled in a 5-4 majority that issued a 5–4 unsigned majority that vaccine mandates for medical facilities and medical workers can remain.

January also saw noteworthy changes to labor law in the United States, inviting a handful of significant standard changes for all employers. At the end of 2021 and early in 2022, the NLRB considered cases that altered the standard for determining independent contractor status, as well as the standard that established whether a facially neutral work rule violates Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act. These changes also paved the way for briefings on determining appropriate bargaining units.

Read January 2022’s thought leadership focusing on Labor and Employment law and the related Supreme Court rulings  below for more information:

Supreme Court Stays Private Vaccine Mandate; Upholds Requirement for Certain Healthcare Workers

On Again, Off Again Vaccine Mandates: What Should Employers Do Now?

NLRB Rings in the New Year by Inviting Briefing on Multiple, Far-Reaching Standards Impacting Employers


On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a large-scale ground invasion of Ukraine, leading to considerable damage and loss of life and throwing the geopolitical landscape into chaos. Both in February and in the months since, the Russia-Ukraine war has placed an extraordinary  strain on the global supply chain and businesses around the world, as the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States have continued to enforce sanctions and trade regulations. Companies must be careful to comply with these orders as the political landscape continues to change and learn how to juggle the dual headaches of the lingering COVID crisis and evolving Ukrainian war

Domestically, President Biden nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court. Succeeding Justice Stephen Breyer, Judge Jackson graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1992 and cum laude from Harvard Law in 1996 and has since served as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. She is the first African American woman to serve on the United States’ highest court of law.

Read select thought leadership articles below for more information:

President Biden Nominates D.C. Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to U.S. Supreme Court

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Triggers Global Sanctions: What Businesses Need to Know

Consequences from the Ukrainian Conflict


March of 2022 saw the long term  impacts from the military conflict in Ukraine emerge locally and around the world. Sanctions continued to affect businesses, leading to global supply chain slowdowns and difficulties in manufacturing and shipping and new immigration changes and challenges. In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission “SEC” issued new and noteworthy regulations regarding Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance “ESG” and climate change disclosures for public companies. The Supreme Court also heard oral argument for a large slate of cases, perhaps most notably in ZF Auto. US v. Luxshare, Ltd. and AlixPartners v. The Fund for Prot. of Inv. Rights in Foreign States, which interpreted provisions of Title 28 of the US Code’s (“Section 1782”) reach in seeking US-style discovery from a interested party to a foreign proceeding and whether or not ection 1782 can be used to obtain key information for private international arbitrations.

Read key thought leadership articles published in March for more details:

SEC Issues Long-Awaited Proposed Rule on Climate Disclosures

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument on Circuit Split Over Scope of 28 U.S.C. § 1782 for Obtaining Discovery in International Arbitrations

The Effects of the Military Conflict in Ukraine on Supply Contracts


In April of 2022, the Biden Administration made notable changes to the National Environmental Policy Act, better known as NEPA, which had been substantially altered under the Trump Administration. A number of key provisions were returned to their pre-Trump state in order to better center the administration’s larger focus on environmental justice. Also of note, a US court for the first time contested the Center for Disease Control’s  “CDC’s” travel mask mandate, on the grounds that it exceeded the CDC’s Statutory Authority under the Administrative Procedure Act “the federal APA”. This ultimately led to a vacating of the COVID travel mask mandate on a nationwide basis.

Elon Musk announced his intention to purchase Twitter in April of 2022, as well. Twitter ultimately adopted a shareholder rights plan, known as a poison pill, in hopes of preventingMusk’s hostile takeover. Poison pills are widely regarded as the an effective but a draconian anti-takeover defense available.

Read select  thought leadership articles below for more information:

Biden Administration Walks Back Key Trump Era NEPA Regulation Changes

Twitter Board of Directors Adopts a Poison Pill

Administrative Law Takeaways from the Federal Travel Mask Mandate Decision


On May 17th, the first case of Monkeypox in the United States was reported in Massachusetts. In response, the Environmental Protection Agency “EPA” and the federal government implemented a number of policy changes in hopes of preventing a wider spread, including the speedy authorization of anti-Monkeypox claims for certain registered pesticides and disinfectant products.

The SEC and administrative law at large received a considerable blow after the Fifth Circuit’s ruling in Jarkesy v. SEC. The Fifth Circuit Court held that the SEC in-house courts violated a series of constitutional protections, which may result in far-reaching impacts for how administrative bodies are used to regulate in the future. Additionally in May, the Senate confirmed Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya for the Federal Trade Commission “FTC”, shifting the balance of power back at the Commission in favor of the Democratic Party.

Read the following highlighted thought leadership articles published in May  for more information:

EPA Authorizes Anti-Monkeypox Claims for Pre-Designated Disinfectant Products

Fifth Circuit Holds That SEC Administrative Law Courts Are Unconstitutional

Big News at The FTC: Democrats Finally Get the Majority Back


In June of 2022, the Supreme Court released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, reversing Roe v. Wade’s 50-year precedent of ensuring abortion as a  protected right. Dobb’s is a  momentous decision and has resulted in a myriad of complex issues for employers, healthcare providers and individuals, including the updating of employee policies, healthcare provisions, ethical and criminal considerations for healthcare providers and the protection of personal data, and ultimately represents a massive shift away from women’s bodily autonomy in the United States. And the partial advance leak of the Dobb’s ruling, added to the myriad of concerns about the stability and public perception of the Supreme Court.

Other notable litigation and legislation in June included the passing of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, subjecting the importers of raw materials from China to new enforcement provisions. The Supreme Court also ruled in West Virginia v. EPA, limiting the SEC’s ability to enforce ESG requirements on public companies. The West Virginia v. EPA ruling  presents a considerable obstacle for the Biden Administration’s ongoing climate goals.

Read select legal news  articles below for more information:

Employment Law This Week: SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade – What Employers Should Consider [VIDEO]

Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Enforcement Starts on Imports from China and on Imports with China Origin Inputs

Implications of West Virginia v. EPA on Proposed SEC Climate Rules


July of 2022 saw a great deal of changes for the Equal Opportunity Commission’s “EEOC’s” COVID testing guidance for employers. The largest change is determining if testing is needed to prevent workplace transmission and interpreting the business necessity standard under the American with Disabilities Act “ADA”.. The labor law landscape around the country also saw an increased focus on pay transparency laws – most notably, New York state passed a bill requiring employers to post salary or wage ranges on all job listings. Notably, this law is quite similar to one already in effect in New York City and Washington state, Colorado, and Jersey City.

Beginning most prominently in July, the cryptocurrency world also found itself under increased scrutiny by the federal government. Of note this month, the SEC filed a complaint against certain Coinbase employees, alleging insider trading and claiming that these employees had tipped off others regarding Coinbase’s listing announcements. This move was one of the more aggressive moves made by the SEC toward the digital asset industry.

Read select legal thought leadership articles published in July for more information:

EEOC Revises COVID-19 Testing Guidance for Employers

SEC v. Wahi: An Enforcement Action that Could Impact the Broader Crypto / Digital Assets Industry

Pay Transparency Laws Are All The Rage: Looks Like New York State Is Joining the Party


On August 12, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”) was passed by Congress, representing enormous changes for industries across the country. Perhaps most notably, the landmark legislation contained new government incentives for the clean energy sector, creating tax incentives for renewable energy projects that previously did not exist. The Act also included 15% alternative minimum corporate tax and a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks to raise government revenue.

The Inflation Reduction Act also provided significant funding for tribal communities, including but not limited to the reduction of drug prices, the lowering of energy costs, and additional federal infrastructure investments. While the funding is not as significant as COVID relief from previous years and there are still some remaining hurdles, the IRA provides groundbreaking new opportunities for Native communities, including those in Alaska and Hawaii.

Read the select legal articles published in August for more information:

The Inflation Reduction Act: How Do Tribal Communities Benefit?

The Inflation Reduction Act: A Tax Overview

Relief Arrives for Renewable Energy Industry – Inflation Reduction Act of 202


In September of 2022, Hurricane Ian made landfall in the United States, caused substaintial property damage and loss of life despite preparations ahead of time. After addressing safety concerns, policyholders began reviewing their insurance policies, collecting documentation and filing claims. In addition to filing claims for property damage, corporate policyholders also filed claims for business interruption and loss of business income.

Lawsuits opposing the remaining COVID-19 vaccine mandates also continued throughout the month of September, exceeding 1,000 complaints nationally. Previously, lawsuits had largely targeted the Biden Administration, but additional focus was also directed toward large employers with vaccine mandates.

Of global significance, Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest reigning monarch, passed away at 96 years old. Her funeral was held September 19, 2022, and was a national holiday in the United Kingdom marking the last day of public mourning.

Read following key thought leadership articles on Hurrican Ian, UK Bank Holiday due to the Sovereign’s passing and Employer’s COVID Mandate headaches  for more information:

Hurricane Ian – Navigating Insurance Coverage

Bank Holiday Announced for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral

Challenges Against Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Show No Sign of Slowing


October saw forward movement in environmental justice, cannabis decriminalization, and Artificial Intelligence  “AI” regulation. The EPA launched their new Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights, to work with state, local, and tribal partners providing financial and technical support to underserved communities disproportionately impacted by the ill effects of climate change. The EPA’s new office has 200 staff members across 10 regions and is expected to provide a unifying focus on civil rights and environmental justice for the EPA and federal government as a whole.

President Biden’s pardon of federal marijuana charges and mandate to review the plant’s Schedule I status signaled a shift in cannabis regulation, with the president urging state officials to follow his example and consider the contrast between wealthy cannabis business owners and those imprisoned for possession in the recent past.

Later in the month, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy addressed the swell of artificial intelligence technology with their Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, which provides guidelines to prevent privacy violations, implicit bias, and other forms of foreseeable harm.

Read selected thought leadership articles below for more information:

EPA Launches Their New Office: What Does the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights Mean for Companies and ESG in the United States?

“Up in Smoke?” President Biden Announces Pardons and Orders Review of Cannabis Classification

The White House’s AI Bill of Rights: Not for the Robots


November was dominated by a nail-biting midterm election season, a cryptocurrency catastrophe, and NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) reform. While the midterms did not result in a Red Wave as expected, Republicans were able to regain a small majority in the House of Representatives, with the Senate remaining in Democratic control.

The digital finance world was considerably less stable, with the second largest cryptocurrency trading platform, FTX, filing for bankruptcy three days after its lawyers and compliance staff abruptly resigned. The collapse brought into stark relief the importance of solidifying the cryptocurrency custody and insurance landscape.

Also of note, President Biden signed the Speak Out Act, rendering unenforceable nondisclosure and nondisparagement agreements signed prior to incidents of sexual harassment or assault. The law’s passage offers employers the opportunity to review their states’ more robust laws in this area and ensure clauses meant to protect trade secrets and proprietary information don’t inadvertently create issues for sexual misconduct claimants.

Read select  thought leadership articles below fora deeper dive:

2022 Midterm Election Guide

The Spectacular Fall of FTX: Considerations about Crypto Custody and Insurance

Nondisclosure and Nondisparagement Agreements in Sexual Harassment and Assault Cases: Speak Out Act Heads to President’s Desk


In December, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released their hotly anticipated “Green Guides” amendment proposals, intended to combat greenwashing amidst growing demand for environmentally friendly products. The amended Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims would impose stricter standards for the use of terms such as “recyclable,” “compostable,” “organic,” and “sustainable” in advertising and on packaging.

Meanwhile, Congress narrowly avoided a railroad worker strike by passing Railway Labor Act legislation affirming all tentative agreements between rail carriers and unions. The contracts included a roughly 24% increase in wages over 4-5 years, along with an extra day of leave. Biden promised to address paid leave further in the near future.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) closed out 2022 with a number of impactful decisions favoring workers. Employees have expanded remedies for National Labor Relations Act violations and protection during Section 7 questioning, while employers have the burden of proof when seeking to expand micro-units or deny union protestors.

Read select legal thought leadership pieces below for more details:

Congress Votes to Impose Bargaining Agreement to Avoid Nationwide Railroad Strike

FTC Starts Long-Awaited Green Guides Review

NLRB Issues Flurry of Blockbuster End-of-Year Decisions (With More to Come?) (US)

Thank you to our dedicated readers and as always to our highly regarded contributing authors and our talented NLR editorial staff for working day in and day out to produce one of the most well read and reputable business law publications in the US.  Have a happy 2023!

Copyright ©2023 National Law Forum, LLC

Legal News Reach Episode 7: Creating A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Work Environment

National Law Review Web Content Specialist Shelby Garrett closes out Legal News Reach Season 2 with an impactful minisode featuring Stacey Sublett Halliday, Principal and DEI Committee Chair with Beveridge & Diamond. Diversity, equity, and inclusion look different for every law firm, and smaller firms like B&D have to be even more resourceful in their approach to fostering dynamic work environments. How can firms use organizational partnerships to augment their internal DEI strategies?

We’ve included a transcript of the conversation below, transcribed by artificial intelligence. The transcript has been lightly edited for clarity and readability.

Shelby Garrett

Thank you for turning into the Legal News Reach podcast. My name is Shelby Garrett, Web Publication Specialist with the National Law Review, and this episode I’m super excited because I will be speaking to Stacey Halliday, an environmental justice attorney with leadership roles with the American Bar Association and the Environmental Law Institute. Hi, Stacey.

Stacey Halliday

Hi, Shelby, thank you so much. And thank you National Law Review for having me today.

Shelby Garrett

Of course! To kick things off, would you mind telling us a little bit about your background in legal and what led you to pursue a career in law?

Stacey Halliday

Sure. I’m a shareholder at Beverage & Diamond, and we’re an environmental law firm. I’m based out of Washington DC. As you mentioned, a large part of my practice involves counseling clients on environmental justice, identifying risks, opportunities, and helping them incorporate EJ in their work. And I also have a broader practice on ESG issues and product stewardship, so things like sustainability disclosures, ratings and rankings, green marketing compliance and circular economy, that sort of thing. I started the firm a million years ago, longer than I’d like to admit, and had the privilege of also spending two years in the middle of that as an Obama appointee at the US Environmental Protection Agency in the Office of General Counsel so…bounced around a little bit. It’s been a long journey, I sort of wandered into environmental law by happenstance, but it’s been an incredible journey so far.

Shelby Garrett

That’s awesome. We’re super excited to have you today, because we also worked previously on an article about the EPA. So this is perfect to actually get to see each other face to face and talk to each other. Today, we’re going to be talking about DEI initiatives. To start off with that, could you give us a basic definition for people who maybe aren’t familiar with it and tie us into how that relates to law firm operations?

Stacey Halliday

Yeah, absolutely. And I should mention, one of the other hats that I wear at the firm, besides a shareholder is also Chair of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee. So that’s sort of my D E and I hat, I have been on the committee for the 10 years on and off that I’ve been at the firm. So for D E and I, in terms of definitions, it’s–I hate to give you the lawyer answer, but it’s an “it depends” kind of thing, right? So DEI efforts are defined in such a broad variety of ways and are very unique to each organization. So some folks call it DEI, some say DEIA to include accessibility, there’s variations on the theme. But at B&D, DEI is really focused on building and fostering an inclusive culture that allows everyone to be their authentic selves at work, removing obstacles that inhibit equal opportunities for all and promoting and supporting those from historically underrepresented groups outside of the traditional DEI bucket. So defined by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, identity, disability, or otherwise. So that’s sort of how we think about it at our firm. And I’d say the way that plays out is I as chair, and my deputies, and our committee work with the Management Committee of the firm, the Chief Talent Officer, the firmwide managing principal who oversees the management of the whole firm, and members of committee, we’re the largest committee at the firm, its attorneys and staff. And we work with developing internal and external policies and practices across the firm. We have a Working Parents Group, an Employee Engagement Committee focused on staff and a Women’s Initiative to develop more targeted programming, but that’s kind of how it’s structured across the operations of the firm.

Shelby Garrett

That’s awesome, and that’s great to hear some examples because like you said, it kind of is tailored to each firm and what the community of employees needs. So it sounds like it would be a really large undertaking, because it has to be pretty authentic and genuine with straightforward conversations that might be a little bit harder, with some self-reflection. What is a good place for companies to start out? What is step one?

Stacey Halliday

Step one, really, in my perspective is, tone from the top is a really big I think, ground floor for a lot of this. I came from an HBCU, I went to Howard University School of Law, very proud graduate. And after my clerkship, I met Ben Wilson, who was the Managing Partner of Beverage & Diamond. And Ben is legendary. He’s just a staunch and uncompromising advocate for diversity and for supporting attorneys of color. And he’s the reason I went to Beverage & Diamond because I saw so significant leadership of the firm, he is an individual, but across the firm from his leadership had embraced and embedded diversity as a priority in addition to doing excellent work for our clients. So that I think has continued. He retired, I think it was within the last year, which is very hard as somebody who worked very closely with him. But we’ve really seen the firm continue to demonstrate that absolute commitment, and you see it in the numbers. In our firm about 36% of our shareholders are women, 50% of our Managment Committee are women or minorities, we continue to get very positive accolades for our DEI work even after so I think we see that commitment from the top and that helps all of us understand, incorporate remember that DEI is something important every day.

Shelby Garrett

Absolutely, that’s a really great point, and very nice to hear how you got involved with the firm. When a firm is looking to measure their success, are there any indicators– I imagine it probably depends on what exactly they’re tasked with or what their initiative is. But is there anything that overall could help measure that success?

Stacey Halliday

Yeah, it’s it’s funny, coming into this with a DEI hat but also doing ESG work, I think a lot about metrics and how do you set targets and measure your progress and hold yourself accountable. And because we’re so small, we’re fewer than 150 lawyers or so, we partner a lot. And that’s we use third party groups that are really specialize in this work and specialize in best practices for law firms to measure our progress and hold ourselves accountable. And a leading example of that is our participation in the Mansfield program. So the Mansfield certification program–I see you nodding Shelby, so that’s something you’ve heard of before. It’s based on the Rooney rule for the uninitiated, so the–I know nothing about football, but I have heard it’s based on the football Rooney rule, and that requires consideration of candidates from historically underrepresented groups for certain leadership roles. So we’re Mansfield 5.0 Certified, Mansfield Plus, and that means that not only do we consider certain underrepresented groups for at least 30% of all significant leadership roles, lateral recruiting and business development opportunities, for the Plus certification, we exceeded that requirement by actually achieving 30% or more representation. So that’s been a program we’ve been involved in at least the last four or five years, and the requirements continue to elevate every year. So it’s really an incredible way to not only track our progress, but also keep ourselves challenged because the goalposts continue to move to keep us challenged and leaning forward into this kind of work.

Shelby Garrett

That is really awesome. Yeah, when I was preparing for this, I was looking at the Mansfield website, I think it’s run by Diversity Lab maybe? So I was looking through all of their documentation on their website so that’s awesome. While we’re talking about Beverage & Diamond specifically, I know you mentioned the tone from the beginning was very inclusive. Is there any additional training or education that is provided to employees, whatever you’re comfortable talking about, specific to the firm?

Stacey Halliday

Yeah, of course. I think we have a number of different programs, we have the committee and we have an annual survey across the firm that helps us understand where there might be need or interest in getting additional training and support in this space. So from an internal perspective, that’s something that’s more dynamic and focused on our particular firm and its community. So that could be anything from implicit bias training, to learning about more accessibility issues, or neurodiversity or something like that. So that’s something that we develop, and work as committee to build over the course of the year. But I think again, partnerships are a really big part of how we support our community in getting the best practices and cutting edge work in the space and support for each of our individual community members. So we partner with groups like LCLD, the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, which is just unbelievable. The program is amazing. So we have Fellows, Pathfinders, and we have Summer 1Ls that are part of this LCLD partnership, and the Fellows and Pathfinder program supports individuals in either mid-career or senior level or entry level attorneys with things like professional development programs, leadership training, relationship building opportunities, and that’s for attorneys from historically underrepresented groups. So it’s really amazing, I haven’t actually I haven’t done it, but a lot of my close colleagues and friends have done it and they talk about the relationships they’ve built, the support they’ve gotten, in addition to what they get internally at the firm being just invaluable and a great resource. So that’s something that’s a good example of the kind of things that we do plus our internal training to really support those in our community.

Shelby Garrett

Sorry, I think I missed it. Was that a third-party group?

Stacey Halliday

Yeah, it’s unbelievable. It’s like there’s a couple of different programs like this and MCCA, Minority Corporate Counsel Association, and there’s–the acronyms, its an alphabet soup–CCWC Corporate Counsel Women of Color. There’s a couple of different programs like this that focus on different historically underrepresented attorney groups and communities. But LCLD is something where we’ve had a really in-depth relationship and pipeline coordination. So the 1L program through LCLD, we have a 1L Summer Associate. So usually they’re 2Ls, you’re a second-year law student when you come to summer at a law firm and then hopefully you get an offer afterwards for a job. But we have a 1L come in through the LCLD program from a historically underrepresented group. And it’s a great way to build a pipeline for talent in our community organization, especially in the environmental law space where diversity is a challenge.

Shelby Garrett

Absolutely. That is amazing. One of the things I think you mentioned towards the beginning was a program for working moms. Do you mind explaining a little bit more about that, is that like a third-party?

Stacey Halliday

It’s actually internal. We created a Working Parents Group, we had a Women’s Committee initially, and the Women’s Committee was dealing with a lot of coming together to talk about all of the challenges that women inherently face. But we were also finding that we had a lot of men who are parents, as well, who were kind of, you know, still tackling a lot of these challenging issues, especially coming into the pandemic, when we’re all working remotely. And I have two young kids under three… it’s a challenge, it’s a journey. And actually having that community to talk about what kind of resources we might need, how we might support one another, how we can share best practices and lessons learned, and just support each other in the work environment, which is inherently stressful in a law firm. But if we’re all being understanding and know more about what we’re facing, we can all kind of tackle it together. So the working parents group was an outgrowth, I think of the pandemic and of having a community of young parents, and of more veteran parents who could all sort of share these lessons learned and worked together on solutions.

Shelby Garrett

That is awesome to hear both the internal kind of programs and then also the third-party kind of programs. How does the firm’s DEI work align with its overall business strategy and its goals? I know we just talked about the 1Ls and having them have that exposure and the opportunity to network and really get involved early, but looking more broadly at overall business strategy and goals.

Stacey Halliday

I think it’s such an interesting time in this space, because where there might have been more skepticism, especially at a law firm where your time is billed in six minute increments, to dedicating time and resources to DEI, now we’re seeing some pressure from clients, some external pressure, that really sends home the business case for the importance of diversity and for supporting DEI from a retention perspective. And I think Beverage & Diamond is unique in that we’ve always embraced DEI as one of our core principles that are important to the firm. But were there any naysayers, it’s now you know, we’re really seeing that clients are bringing down the hammer. They’re asking for more transparency. We have dense, pages long surveys asking us to disclose information about our diversity performance, and how many people from historically underrepresented groups are on our pitch teams, how many folks are actually billing time, are they getting considered for promotion, like they, they want to know that level of detail. And if they don’t see it, there’s either a penalty in terms of fees or you don’t get the work. And I think that is something that has shifted, in concrete ways, the industry. You’re seeing a huge proliferation of Chief Diversity Officers, So C-suite level leadership and management in law firms that actually looks at this topic the way it is, a sophisticated practice, that’s on top of legal practice. So I think the business case is now kind of firmly being established across the industry more so than it has in the past. Just a really interesting trend.

Shelby Garrett

That is really interesting. When I was like reading different articles to prepare for this, I hadn’t heard of that. So that’s really great to hear that there’s some external pressure and investment in this bigger priority. You were talking kind of a little bit about, you know, billing hours. So building these DEI initiatives require some resources and support. What kind of resources and support can a firm offer to employees who might be affected by these issues? I know kind of just like, taking the time for the Working Parent Group. But what resources really go into that?

Stacey Halliday

I think for us, again, we’re fairly small. So you know, where you have these huge multinational global firms that have hundreds of 1000s of people who would be part of an affinity group or any type of program that’s associated with different subpopulations of a diverse community, we’ve got like five. So it’s not necessarily the same sort of thing in terms of the scale of the programs, which is why we end up doing more partnerships so that, you know, the Diversity and Flexibility Alliance might have a program or something like that, or we’ll say, “Hey, if you’re interested in doing this training, or engaging this community more aggressively, we absolutely support you, as an individual, doing that kind of work, because we don’t have the infrastructure necessarily to do it.” But some larger firms and companies do things like backup childcare, something like that, like, I think Bright Horizons or something like that, you know, you can go and, if your school’s closed, or if your kids sick, you can find some way to get some coverage so that you can still go to work. There’s all kinds of flexible leave policies and that sort of thing that really does help in terms of giving people the space that they need, still thinking from  the parent context. Affinity groups are something that we have decided to date not to really form more broadly, just because again, the numbers aren’t there. But for us our partnerships are the way that we do it. But a lot of other large organizations do things like affinity groups that have more of a build-out in terms of permanent programs throughout the year. So in terms of brass tacks for us, we have the committee, with its mix of associates and staff members, and we have a budget every year to support those external engagements and partnerships and certification programs and that sort of thing. But it really does run the gamut, I think, especially at larger shops, where they have more numbers to really build out more infrastructure and training programs and curricula and support benefits, like childcare.

I worked at a law firm before I went to law school, and it was a much larger law firm. And I think historically, there’s been a really strong divide between attorneys and staff at a lot of law firms, which I think can be problematic and unnecessary. It inhibits, I think, community and diversity in a lot of different ways. But B&D has been fantastic. Our DEI committee is fully integrated with staff and attorneys. And we have some pretty significant empowerment and promotion of non-lawyers at the firm in this space to try and get a better perspective on our community. We’re basically half non-lawyers. So it’s really important to make sure that we’re not only capturing the voices of those members of our community through the committee, but also investing in the non-lawyers. And so we have a couple of professional development programs and we encourage external training in the same way that we support our attorneys. So it’s, I think, something that gets lost a lot in the conversation for law firms, because they’re so focused on the folks who are billing, but it’s a much bigger biosphere, for the law firm to be successful. It’s a lot more to it than just the legal work. So I think it’s really been important to make sure those voices are captured, the broader diversity of the firm is captured through thinking about your staff, and not just your attorneys.

Shelby Garrett

That is an amazing point I had not even considered, there’s an additional kind of hierarchy of opinions being taken into account. That’s really interesting. As we start to come to a close, are there any final thoughts you wanted to share?

Stacey Halliday

I’m so grateful to the National Law Review, specifically to you, Shelby, for bringing this conversation to bear. And I think it’s really important for our community to really think about effective practices here so that we generate and support more diverse communities so that we have more diversity of thought, as well as other types of diversity in the way that we solve problems and do our work. And I’m happy that we had a chance to have this chat and celebrate the work that’s being done in the space.

Shelby Garrett

Yeah, that’s really great. I am very grateful that you joined us today, I appreciate you taking the time to really walk through all of this because it is pretty unfamiliar to me. So it’s really great to get the basic understanding of where firms can start if they haven’t started yet, and some inspiration of where they can go. So I really do appreciate that. And thank you so much for joining us today. For listeners who are interested in finding you and maybe some of your thought leadership in the environmental justice area, where can they look for you?

Stacey Halliday

Thank you for the plug, I will absolutely take it! So please check out B&D’s site, the Environmental Justice Practice Group has its own site. And we also have a podcast, another shameless plug for our joint podcast with the Environmental Law Institute called Ground Truth. That will be kicking back up in 2023, but we bring on folks and have some deep thoughts on EJ and what’s ahead and what’s coming down the pike. So hopefully check us out there as well.

Shelby Garrett

Fantastic. Thank you so much. Again, we really appreciate your time, and we will be back in a couple of weeks for a new episode of Legal News Reach.


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Division I Universities Must Be Ready for Changes to the NCAA Infractions Process

The NCAA Division I Board of Directors has adopted key changes to the way in which NCAA infractions matters will be investigated and processed in the future. The changes, which take effect on January 1, 2023, are intended to modernize and enhance the process, while focusing resources on the most serious violations. Another objective is to reduce the time needed to process and resolve violation proceedings.

President of the University of Georgia and Chair of the Division I Board of Directors Jere Morehead said in August that NCAA members are “committed to resolving cases fairly and in a timely fashion, thus holding those responsible for violations accountable and avoiding penalizing those who were not involved in rule-breaking.”

Among the key changes are the following:

Enhanced duty to cooperate: Institutions, staff, and student-athletes, upon learning of potential violations, will be required to preserve information, to provide immediate access to all electronic devices, and to encourage family members, spouses, boosters, and others to cooperate in the investigation. The number of aggravating and mitigating factors in the Bylaws has been expanded to reward prompt and full cooperation and deter efforts to hinder or impede investigations.

New head coach responsibility standard: Head coaches will be held responsible for serious violations committed by those who report to them directly or indirectly. Only in determining the appropriate penalty will the Committee on Infractions (COI) consider whether the head coach promoted compliance and monitored the program. The previous infractions approach, which included a rebuttable presumption of responsibility on the part of a head coach, has been abandoned.

Additional method for resolution: A new alternative for resolving infractions cases has been added, with the aim of providing the COI greater flexibility and reserving full hearings for only the most serious cases. The new method, known as a “Written Record Hearing,” will be employed in cases in which the facts are largely undisputed and the alleged violations not numerous or significant.

Clarification of appeal standard and limitation of appeals: Findings and penalties by the COI will be affirmed by the Infractions Appeals Committee (IAC) if there is information in the record that supports the decision. Findings and penalties will not be set aside unless no reasonable person could have made the ruling given the factual record. Appeals to the IAC as to the penalties imposed will be limited to those sanctions that fall outside legislated penalty guidelines, or “core penalties.” The majority of appeals will be decided based on the written record without the need for oral argument. Finally, and as is also the case with the revised COI process, extensions of time will be granted only in extreme and clearly defined circumstances.

Aggravating and mitigating factors: The new guidelines clarify which factors apply to institutions and which apply to involved individuals. Previously, this was unclear and often debated. New aggravating factors have been added, including hindering an investigation or inhibiting the COI’s processing of a case. New mitigating factors also have been added, including a demonstration of exemplary cooperation by, for example, securing meaningful cooperation from an outside party.

Name, image and likeness (NIL): In this rapidly evolving area, the bylaws provide that if available information indicates that behaviors surrounding an NIL offer or agreement is contrary to NCAA legislation, it shall be presumed that a violation occurred.  The charged institution or involved individual will then be required to rebut this presumption with credible and sufficient information that a violation did not occur.

In addition to the above changes, the new infractions construct eliminates the Independent Accountability Resolution Process (IARP), which had been created at the recommendation of the Commission on College Basketball chaired by Condoleezza Rice. While acknowledging the panel’s thoroughness in deciding the several cases referred to the IARP, it was concluded that this new process prolonged case timelines and required substantial additional resources to bring cases to resolution.

Finally, the Board of Directors announced that it will consider additional future changes that may help to deliver timely and fair outcomes in infractions matters. Among the subjects under further consideration are (i) requiring increased documentation of recruiting efforts, (ii) adjusting the size and composition of the COI, (iii) modification of penalty ranges (including alternatives to post-season bans), and (iv) enhancing confidentiality rules for involved parties during investigation by the NCAA enforcement staff.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2022
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Congress Passes Speak Out Act, Banning Certain Prospective Non-Disclosure Agreements (US)

Earlier this year, we reported that Congress amended the Federal Arbitration Act to preclude compulsory binding arbitration of sexual assault and sexual harassment claims. This past week, Congress went a step further, passing the Speak Out Act, S. 4524, which is aimed at prohibiting prospective, pre-dispute non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements that prevent employees from discussing sexual harassment or sexual assault. The Senate passed the bill unanimously on September 29, 2022 and the House of Representatives voted in favor of the measure, 315-109, on November 17, 2022. President Biden has expressed his intention to sign the bill into law, and it will become effective immediately upon his signature.

The bipartisan federal legislation – the latest federal bill inspired by the #metoo movement and one that has been slowly gaining support over the past five years – applies only to pre-dispute nondisclosure and non-disparagement agreements and similar clauses in employment agreements, rendering them null and void in instances in which sexual harassment or sexual assault is alleged in violation of federal, state, or tribal law. The goal of the bill is to prevent the use of pre-dispute agreements aimed at silencing employees from reporting sexual impropriety in the workplace. Similar measures have been passed at the state level in some jurisdictions (see, for example, our prior reporting regarding analogous California, Illinois, Maryland, and Vermont herehere, and here, to name just a few), but when President Biden signs the Speak Out Act, as he has indicated he will do, the law becomes immediately effective nationwide.

Earlier versions of the Speak Out Act included language precluding non-disclosure clauses as applied to claims of race, age, national origin, and similar equal employment opportunity claims, but the bill was stripped back to apply only to claims of sexual harassment and sexual assault in its final form. President Biden’s administration urges further legislation to address the use of non-disclosure agreements used to prevent discussion of other types of labor violations, but as a practical matter, the National Labor Relations Act already protects the right of covered employees to engage in protected, concerted activity – such as discussing workplace discrimination, assault, and harassment – and existing EEO laws protect employees engaged in conduct aimed at asserting their own rights or cooperating with other employees in protecting their rights.

Furthermore, the Speak Out Act only precludes the use of pre-dispute non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements, meaning those signed before the unlawful conduct begins. It does not prevent employers and employees from agreeing to confidential settlements after alleged sexual harassment or abuse occurs. Parties remain free to enter into such arrangements, provided that employers still cannot preclude employees from reporting violations of EEO laws to agencies entrusted with enforcing such laws, like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Employers may still require non-disclosure agreements to protect trade secrets and confidential business information, and may still include confidentiality provisions in severance agreements. Consequently, the Speak Out Act is not as much a sea change itself as a recommitment by Congress and the Administration to expanding measures aimed at transparency around sexual misconduct in the workplace. Employers should review existing handbook policies and standard non-disclosure agreements to ensure compliance with the Speak Out Act, but that should be just one small step in a comprehensive audit of sexual harassment policies, reporting mechanisms, and investigation procedures.

For more Labor and Employment Law news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

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Five States Put Abortion Questions on the Ballot; Health Care and Other Employers Should Stay Tuned

In the wake of the landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, we have been closely monitoring legal developments across the country. In addition to well publicized “trigger laws” that were effectuated as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court’s order, states have taken up a variety of legislative actions in response to the ruling, which placed authority for the regulation of abortion with the states.

On Election Day, five states will have voters consider various proposals in light of Dobbs and its directive that abortion law belongs with the people. Here is a run-down of abortion-related ballot initiatives that will be put to a popular vote on November 8, 2022.

A Constitutional Amendment for California

On the ballot in California is Proposition 1: Constitutional Right to Reproductive Freedom, which would amend the state Constitution at Article I, Section 1.1, to provide that the state cannot “deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.” Any amendment to the California Constitution requires a simple majority of voters. If the amendment is passed, changes take effect the fifth day after the Secretary of State files the statement of the vote for the election.

Should Proposition 1 pass, it would add express protection for reproductive freedom, including decisions about abortion and contraception, to the state constitution, under its existing guaranteed right to privacy. If the proposition does not pass, it will not affect the status quo of reproductive rights in California: while current protections for abortion and other reproductive medical care would not be constitutionally guaranteed, they would remain in place under state law.

California currently has strong protections for the right to abortion, generally only prohibiting abortion at viability. Since the Dobbs decision earlier this year, California has promoted access to abortion, including launching, a website dedicated towards providing information on reproductive health care services to people both inside and outside of California. Recently, in late September, Governor Gavin Newsom signed a package of 12 bills of abortion protections, aimed towards improving access to abortion and protecting patients and clinicians who undergo or provide them.

With the backdrop of an already-strong California legal reproductive health network, consistent polling indicates the ballot measure is expected to pass by a wide margin. Passage of the proposition will likely signal and establish the state as a refuge for individuals from more restrictive states seeking abortions.

Michigan May Modify its Constitution, Too

Michigan will also turn to its voters to decide whether its state constitution should be amended to include protections for abortion. The Michigan proposal, referred to as “Proposal 3 of 2022 – ‘Reproductive Freedom for All’ Petition,” seeks to protect the right to an abortion with a constitutional amendment that declares a right to reproductive freedom. The petition sets forth proposed language for a new section of the Michigan Constitution, stating, in part, that “[e]very individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care.”

Proposal 3 would take effect 45 days following the ballot initiative if approved by the majority of voters. It would (1) establish new individual rights to reproductive freedom, to broadly include the right to make and carry out all decisions relating to pregnancy; (2) permit state regulation of abortion in limited circumstances; (3) forbid discrimination in enforcement of reproductive rights; (4) prohibit adverse action by the state with respect to “potential, perceived, or alleged pregnancy outcomes;” and (5) invalidate state laws that conflict with the Constitution as amended by Proposal 3.

If Proposal 3 is not passed and the state constitution remains as is, the future of the right to an abortion in Michigan will be unclear. Michigan has a pre-Roe ban that, if enforced, would prohibit abortion in nearly all situations and make abortions in non-life saving circumstances potentially prosecuted as manslaughter. However, a Michigan Court of Claims judge granted a permanent injunction in Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s suit to block local prosecutors from enforcing the ban. The ban is subject to an ongoing lawsuit.

Given the uncertainty of the ballot initiative’s outcome, Michigan employers should closely monitor the results of the November 8, 2022 vote.

Vermont’s Vote

In Vermont, abortion remains legal after Dobbs under state law. However, on November 8, 2022, voters will have the opportunity to further protect abortion rights through a ballot initiative. This initiative, referred to as Proposal 5, asks registered Vermont voters whether they are in favor of amending the state’s constitution to add the following language: “That an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.” Passage would guarantee the right to access and obtain an abortion as well as other reproductive care, and prohibit government infringement of reproductive rights absent a compelling state interest, which would need to be achieved through the least restrictive means.

Should Proposal 5 pass, the resulting constitutional amendment is not expected to significantly alter the legal landscape of abortion in Vermont, which currently has strong protection for the right to abortion. If approved, the amendment will become part of Vermont’s constitution on November 22, 2022.

In Contrast, Kentucky Seeks to Constitutionally Exclude Abortion Rights

Kentuckians will cast their votes deciding whether to amend the state’s constitution to explicitly provide that the state constitution offers no protection for a right to abortion. The proposal further clarifies that there is no constitutional right to use public funds for abortion. “Constitutional Amendment 2” poses the following question to voters: “Are you in favor of amending the Constitution of Kentucky by creating a new Section of the Constitution to be numbered Section 26A to state as follows: ‘To protect human life, nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion?’”

If the majority of votes are affirmative, a new section will be added to Kentucky’s constitution. This does not constitute an outright abortion ban, but rather prohibits courts from finding an implicit right to an abortion within the state’s constitution. Kentucky laws restricting abortion, including those triggered by Dobbs, are among the most restrictive in the nation. Approval of Constitutional Amendment 2 would not alter these laws or their existing narrow exceptions, which permit the procedure only when necessary to preserve the health or life of the mother.

An advisory from the Kentucky Attorney General provides further color on the ramifications of the amendment, noting that Amendment 2 does not ban abortion, but rather ensures that elected officials of Kentucky’s General Assembly, and not courts, would regulate abortion. The Advisory also explains that implementation of Amendment 2 would not amend other provisions in the state’s constitution.

Montana’s Ballot – NOT a Proposed Constitutional Amendment

Abortion is currently legal in Montana, as a 1999 Supreme Court ruling held that the state constitution protects abortion under its right-of-privacy provision. However, in 2021, a number of restrictive abortion laws were enacted, including a law that prohibits abortions after 20 weeks. These laws are under legal challenge by abortion providers and are temporarily enjoined pending litigation.

Meanwhile, on the ballot for November 8 is a referendum on LR-131, also known as the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. The Act proposes a new statute that would classify any infant born alive as “a legal person” and require the provision of “medically appropriate and reasonable care” to such person. This would include all infants born alive from an induced labor, C-section, or attempted abortion. The Act also includes a provision mandating providers, employees, and volunteers to report a failure to comply to law enforcement, and sets forth criminal penalties. Violation of this law would be a felony with a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000. The proposed law is aimed at health care workers, and does not impose liability on parents or other parties.

Health care providers have raised concerns that the broad language of the bill could lead to unintended consequences, particularly for OB/GYN practitioners. Health care providers would be required to take “medically appropriate and reasonable care” to keep any infant alive, but these terms are not defined in the bill. Health care workers that could be held liable include doctors, nurses, and “any individual who may be asked to participate in any way in a health care service of procedure.”

If approved by the Montana electorate, the law would take effect on January 1, 2023. Hospitals and other health care providers would need to reexamine their operating procedures to comply with the bill, should it pass, including compliance with the mandatory reporting requirement.

Keeping Up With The Changes

We continue to track litigation, legislative developments, and the entirety of the post-Dobbs legal landscape as it continues to shift. Our 50-state survey and other resources provide employers, health care providers, life sciences stakeholders, and others impacted by these rapidly changing circumstances with in-depth analysis and monthly updates. Election Day results will be another element of this evolving story.

©2022 Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. All rights reserved.

State Voting Leave Requirements: A Refresher in Preparation for the 2022 Midterm Elections

Millions of workers across the United States will be headed to the polls on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, for the midterm elections. With control of Congress up for grabs for the final two years of President Joe Biden’s first term, several close Senate races, five states considering ballot measures to legalize recreational marijuana, and 36 states holding elections for governor, this midterm election is one of the most highly-anticipated in decades. Early voting numbers in some states already suggest there could be record turnout.

Despite the proliferation of early and mail-in voting, increased interest in this election could drive more employees to request time off from work to vote. Most states require employers to provide at least unpaid leave from work when polls are not open for a reasonable amount of time outside of employees’ work hours. Here is an overview of voting leave requirements across the United States to help employers prepare for Election Day.

States Without Specific Voting Time Off Requirements

Several states do not require employers to provide any specific leave to allow employees to vote. These include DelawareFloridaHawaiiIdahoIndianaLouisianaMaineMichiganMontanaNew HampshireNew JerseyNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaVermont, and Virginia.

While not requiring leave, some of those states more generally protect employees’ rights to vote or participate in politics more generally. For instance, Florida and Mississippi prevent employers from discharging an employee for voting or based on how they voted. Similarly, in Idaho and Michigan, employers may not attempt to influence an employee’s vote by discharging or threatening to discharge an employee from employment.

Delaware and New Jersey prohibit employers from intimidating employees into how to vote or not to vote, and Pennsylvania prohibits employers from interfering with an employee’s right to vote. Louisiana requires that employers with 20 or more employees not make any rule that prohibits an employee from participating in politics. In North Dakota, employers are encouraged, but not required, to allow employees to take leave to vote in all elections when employees’ regular work schedules conflict with the time the polls are open.

Finally, Washington and Hawaii do not have specific voting leave laws, but both conduct elections by mail, eliminating the need to take leave to wait at the polls. Hawaii repealed a prior law providing for up to two hours of voting leave when it switched to vote-by-mail for all statewide elections with the 2020 primary election.

Voting Leave Laws Map

States With Unpaid Voting Leave Laws

Several states require employers to provide employees with some amount of unpaid leave to allow them to vote. Connecticut joined this list of states in June 2021, requiring employers to provide all employees with two hours of unpaid leave to vote in a covered election, though employees must provide the employer notice of the need to take the time off at least two days prior to the election. However, the law is set to sunset on June 30, 2024.

Arkansas and Ohio generally require employees to allow employees to take a reasonable amount of time off, unpaid, to vote on Election Day. In Alabama, employees are allowed to take up to one hour of leave to vote in primary and general elections if the polls are not open at least two hours before or one hour after an employee’s work shift.

In Georgia, employers must give employees “necessary” time off to vote when employees provide reasonable notice of the need for the leave, however, employers are not required to provide time off for employees who have at least two hours before or after their work shift when polls are open to vote. In Massachusetts, unpaid voting leave applies only to employees working in manufacturing, mechanical, or mercantile establishments, and employers are not required to pay for this leave. Further, employees may only request leave for the first two hours after the polls are open.

Some states provide more than two hours of leave for employees to vote, though employers are not required to pay for it. In Wisconsin, employers must allow employees to take up to three consecutive hours of unpaid leave to vote. Employers may not deny a request for this leave, but may designate the specific time of the absence. Kentucky provides the most time for voting leave, requiring employers to allow employees to take unpaid leave for a reasonable time, but not less than four hours, to vote or apply for an absentee ballot. Still, employees must request leave in advance and specify the hours to be used.

States With Paid Voting Leave Laws

Employers in a number of states are required to provide paid time off for employees to vote, at least in circumstances where polls are not open outside of an employee’s regular work hours. Alaska requires employers to allow employees who do not have two consecutive nonworking hours while the polls are open to take off as much work time as necessary to vote “without loss of pay.” Similarly, in Texas, employers must allow employees to take paid time off to vote, unless the polls are not open for two consecutive hours outside of an employee’s working hours.

In Minnesota, employees must have “the time necessary” to go to their designated polling place and return to work on Election Day. In Nevada, employees may request “sufficient” leave time to vote on Election Day, which is determined by the distance of the polling place from the employee’s workplace (1 hour for up to 2 miles; 2 hours for greater than 2 and up to 10 miles; and 3 hours for more than 10 miles). Wyoming requires employers to provide for one hour of leave other than a meal break to vote in a general, primary, or special congressional election unless polls are open for at least three consecutive hours outside of an employee’s work shift.

Many states provide for up to two paid hours of leave for voting. These include: CaliforniaColoradoDistrict of Columbia, IllinoisIowaKansasMarylandNebraskaNew MexicoNew YorkOklahomaSouth Dakota, and Utah. Iowa, in 2021, reduced the paid leave from three hours to two. On the other hand, D.C. joined the states providing for up to two hours of paid leave for voting in October 2020. The D.C. law further requires employers to post a “Time Off to Vote” notice in a conspicuous location in the workplace. In New York, employers must give employees two hours of paid leave if employees do not have at least four consecutive nonworking hours to vote while polls are open. New Mexico’s leave law includes elections for Native American nations, tribes, or pueblos.

A handful of states provide for up to three hours of paid leave to vote if necessary, including ArizonaMissouriTennessee, and West Virginia. These states require employees provide notice of the need for leave prior to Election Day.

Employers may want to prepare for employees to take the leave time afforded by these laws to vote in the November elections.

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Chamber of Commerce Challenges CFPB Anti-Bias Focus Concerning AI

The end of last month the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Bankers Association and other industry groups (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) filed suit in Texas federal court challenging the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (“CFPB”) update this year to the Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices section of its examination manual to include discrimination.  Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, et al v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, et al., Case No. 6:22-cv-00381 (E.D. Tex.)

By way of background, the Consumer Financial Protection Act, which is Title X of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act (the “Act”), prohibits providers of consumer financial products or services or a service provider from engaging in any unfair, deceptive or abusive act or practice (“UDAAP”).  The Act also provides the CFPB with rulemaking and enforcement authority to “prevent unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices in connection with any transaction with a consumer for a consumer financial product or service, or the offering of a consumer financial product or service.”  See, e.g.  In general, the Act provides that an act or practice is unfair when it causes or is likely to cause substantial injury to consumers, which is not reasonably avoidable by consumers, and the injury is not outweighed by countervailing benefits to consumers or to competition.

The CFPB earlier this spring published revised examination guidelines on unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices, or UDAAPs.  Importantly, this set forth a new position from the CFPB, that discrimination in the provision of consumer financial products and services can itself be a UDAAP.  This was a development that was surprising to many providers of financial products and services.  The CFPB also released an updated exam manual that outlined its position regarding how discriminatory conduct may qualify as a UDAAP in consumer finance.  Additionally, the CFPB in May 2022 additionally published a Consumer Financial Protection Circular to remind the public of creditors’ adverse action notice requirements under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”).  In the view of the CFPB, creditors cannot use technologies (include algorithmic decision making) if it means they are unable to provide required explanations under the ECOA.

In July 2022, the Chamber and others called on the CFPB to rescind the update to the manual.  This included, among other arguments raised in a white paper supporting their position, that in conflating the concepts of “unfairness” and “discrimination,” the CFPB ignores the Act’s text, structure, and legislative history which discusses “unfairness” and “discrimination” as two separate concepts and defines “unfairness” without mentioning discrimination

The Complaint filed this fall raises three claims under the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) in relation to the updated manual as well as others.  The Complaint contends that ultimately it is consumers that will suffer as a result of the CFPB’s new position, as “[t]hese amendments to the manual harm Plaintiffs’ members by imposing heavy compliance costs that are ultimately passed down to consumers in the form of higher prices and reduced access to products.”

The litigation process started by Plaintiffs in this case will be time consuming (a response to the Complaint is not expected from Defendants until December).  In the meantime, entities in the financial sector should be cognizant of the CFPB’s new approach and ensure that their compliance practices appropriately mitigate risk, including in relation to algorithmic decision making and AI.  As always, we will keep you up to date with the latest news on this litigation.

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