Vapor Intrusion Regulation and Environmental Remediation

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EPA recently issued two draft guidance documents on vapor intrusion and will accept comments on them through May 24, 2013. If finalized in current form, these guidance documents would formalize and enhance EPA’s existing practice of prioritizing vapor intrusion as a central issue in environmental remediation and could result in increases in the expense and effort required from responsible parties to achieve compliance for cleanup of contaminated sites conducted under federal authorities such as CERCLA or RCRA. They could also be highly influential in clean-ups overseen by state regulators.

Lastly, while intended for use in the regulatory context, recommendations in these guidance documents may be used to establish a standard of care in litigation involving vapor intrusion (e.g., RCRA citizen suits or common law toxic tort litigation).

Vapor intrusion is the migration of hazardous vapor from contaminated soil or groundwater into an overlying building.  It is considered potentially harmful to human health, creates risks in real estate transactions and financing due to potentially diminished property values and environmental liability, increases exposure in toxic tort litigation, and, in the federal regulatory context, is considered a pathway of possible exposure that must be evaluated as part of the evaluation and selection of a site remediation plan.

The first of these two guidance documents was prepared by EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) and is a comprehensive set of technical and policy recommendations regarding indoor air contamination arising from subsurface-source vapor intrusion attributable to all classes of volatile, or vapor-forming, chemicals (VI Guidance).[1]  The VI Guidance modifies and expands draft guidance on vapor intrusion issued by the agency in 2002 (2002 Draft VI Guidance), which provided general direction for evaluating the potential for vapor intrusion pathways at cleanup sites but omitted any measures for delineation and mitigation of potential risks.[2]  In a 2009 report, EPA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) recommended that EPA update the 2002 Draft VI Guidance to reflect the numerous technical and policy advancements made since that time in both the public and private sectors.

The second guidance document was prepared by EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) and is focused on investigations and assessments at petroleum contaminated sites where vapor intrusion by petroleum hydrocarbons may occur (Petroleum VI Guidance).[3]

VI Guidance

The VI Guidance presents a step-by-step vapor intrusion assessment plan, beginning with gathering and evaluating data for an initial conceptual site model, through collecting and evaluating additional data from various sources, and culminating in a risk assessment.  According to EPA, the VI Guidance addresses the recommendations made in the OIG’s 2009 report and takes into consideration more recent guidance developed by states and other technical working groups.  Some of the elements in this document may well trigger an increase in expense in addressing VI risks and lengthen the site evaluation process.

·        Superfund Five-Year Reviews: At Superfund sites that require five-year reviews,[4]EPA will gather data on vapor intrusion pathways and assess the sufficiency of the selected remedy for follow up in the five-year review report.  Therefore, according to the VI Guidance and related Directive 9200.2-84,[5] the five-year review process could result in the re-opening of established Superfund remedies to address vapor intrusion, “even if vapor intrusion was not addressed as part of the original remedial action.”[6]

·        Preemptive Mitigation/Early Action: EPA recommends consideration of engineered methods to reduce vapor in buildings (e.g., by installing a radon-type detection system or vapor barriers), even in the absence of all pertinent lines of evidence necessary to characterize the vapor intrusion pathway.  Any such measure would be an early effort to cut off exposure before completing investigations, but would not address the subsurface vapor source.  The agency’s rationale is that installation of engineered exposure controls in buildings is typically more cost-effective and less disruptive than conventional vapor intrusion investigations and subsurface characterization.  Once preemptive mitigation measures are installed, however, that may conclude only an initial step rather than complete remediation.  In the context of brownfields programs, treating preemptive mitigation now as only an interim solution may affect long term redevelopment plans.

·        Aggregate Noncancer Health Risk: Even when the exposure level for each contaminant at a site is below screening levels and it is assumed that each “acts independently (i.e., there are no synergistic or antagonistic toxicity interactions among the chemicals)”, the VI Guidance nevertheless proposes that a risk manager aggregate the individual noncancer health risks associated with each contaminant exposure to determine whether a response is warranted.  The aggregated risk is reflected in a “noncancer hazard quotient” that would ultimately drive the response.  This approach could be overly precautionary if the aggregated sum overstates the actual risks presented by the individual constituents.  Furthermore, the VI Guidance recommends use of multiple lines of evidence in calculating and evaluating these risks, a process that may prolong response decisions and negatively affect situations where quick resolution of VI issues is paramount (e.g., brownfield redevelopment projects).  On the other hand, evaluation of multiple lines of evidence may be more advantageous to the extent it provides for a more informed view of likely risk.

·        Background Levels: Time-integrated sampling of volatile chemicals (as opposed to short-duration, or “grab” sampling) at multiple locations in and around a site is, in EPA’s view, necessary to distinguish among potential sources of these chemicals (i.e., ambient sources, indoor sources, or vapor intrusion).  In the past, generic values of historic background concentrations have been used to characterize ambient or indoor source concentrations.  However, EPA now recommends against the use of these generic values, even those from peer-reviewed sources, and instead asserts that only site-specific data (e.g., sub-slab, indoor air, and ambient air sampling data) should be used.  This recommendation will likely lead to improved accuracy and better understanding of site conditions, while at the same time increasing the time and cost related to characterization efforts.

Petroleum VI Guidance

The 2009 OIG report expressed concern that EPA’s 2002 Draft VI Guidance did not address petroleum vapor intrusion at UST sites.  The proposed Petroleum VI Guidance seeks to address that concern for UST sites and RCRA-driven activities undertaken by private UST owners and operators.  In addition to the traditional chemicals found in petroleum products (such as benzene), the Petroleum VI Guidance would require consideration of vapor risks associated with gasoline additives (such as MTBE) and chemicals that develop from biodegradation of petroleum in soil and groundwater (such as methane).

As proposed, at least two parts of the Petroleum VI Guidance may, in comparison with past experience, result in increased response costs and delays for responsible parties.[7]  First, the Petroleum VI Guidance rejects the notion that a single sampling event is a sufficient basis to conclude that further vapor intrusion investigation is unnecessary because “periodic monitoring and sampling over more than one annual cycle is generally needed” to address fluctuations in groundwater levels and contaminant plumes over time.  Second, the Petroleum VI Guidance includes a number of recommendations that suggest EPA seeks to reduce reliance on models.  Specifically, when modeling requires the use of literature values due to the unavailability of site-specific data, EPA “recommends that an uncertainty analysis be conducted to provide error bounds on predictions of the computer model,” and that the results of any modeling exercise be verified with field data.

Considerations for Both Guidance Documents

In conclusion, both of these proposed guidance documents signal an increased focus on vapor intrusion within EPA.  As they are amended and finalized, there is a limited opportunity to comment on them to try to encourage a final guidance that is workable and effective for remediation of sites with vapor intrusion issues.  There may be ways to improve the guidance by clarifying where there is site-specific flexibility and where the guidance is overly prescriptive.

Notably, these guidance documents may help define the standard of care in the context of RCRA citizen suits or common law toxic tort litigation.  Clarifying key assumptions in the guidance may buffer some of that impact.

Even though these guidance documents are in draft form and will likely be subject to considerable comment, EPA regions and states can be expected to consult and employ them during what may be a long interval before they are finalized.  To the extent EPA or a state regulatory agency does so and an affected party disagrees with aspects of the guidance at issue, parties should be aware that the draft guidances are non-binding on their face.  The documents state that they do “not impose any requirements or obligations on the [EPA], the states, or the regulated community.”  Accordingly, parties should be free to suggest alternative, technically sound approaches to regulators.  Moreover, because these documents are solely drafts and have not been tested by external expertise that will be provided in public comment, reliance on them in their current state is arguably premature.

Given the potential long term impact on cleanup requirements, interested parties should evaluate the guidance and strongly consider submitting comments to EPA by May 24, 2013.  In light of the complex technical issues involved, interested parties may also wish to request that EPA extend the comment period.

[1] EPA OSWER, “Final Guidance for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Sources to Indoor Air” (Apr. 11, 2013)

[2] EPA OSWER, “Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils” (Nov. 29, 2002).  This draft document was never finalized.

[3] EPA OUST, “Guidance for Addressing Petroleum Vapor Intrusion at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites” (Apr. 9, 2013).

[4] Section 121 of CERCLA (42 U.S.C. § 9621) requires that remedial actions that result in any hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants remaining at the site be re-evaluated every five years to ensure that the remedy is and will continue to be protective of human health and the environment.

[5] “Assessing Protectiveness at Sites for Vapor Intrusion: Supplement to the ‘Comprehensive Five-Year Review Guidance’” (Nov. 14, 2012).

[6] In a related context, EPA officials have already acknowledged that later discovery of vapor intrusion at Superfund sites may trigger parties to litigate over whether site remedies provided for in consent decrees should be revisited under the reopener provisions in those decrees.  SeeInsideEPA, “EPA Official Says Vapor Intrusion May Drive Suits To Reopen Cleanup Pacts” (May 3, 2013), available at

[7] These issues may also be relevant in scenarios involving vapor intrusion from sources other than those covered by the Petroleum VI Guidance.  However, because these points were emphasized in that guidance document, we highlight them here.

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Watt’s New? Michigan Energy News

Varnum LLP

Community Solar Success

Cherryland Electric Cooperative has installed 48 solar panels on a site adjacent to its offices in Grawn.  Individual customers have signed up to lease each panel for 25 years for a one-time fee of $470 per solar panel. A rebate of up to $150 will be given the customer to account for energy optimization credits. The customer will also receive a monthly billing credit for the electricity produced by the solar panel, which is expected to be at least 25 kWh per month. As many as 360 panels will be installed on the racking at the site, depending on customer support.

Energy Innovation with Nanoparticles

Grid Logic Incorporated of Lapeer is developing a low-cost superconducting wire for electric utility application. Using a new manufacturing technique, it will embed very fine particles into metals to induce superconductivity. This will reduce the cost of transmission lines, motors, wind turbines, and other electric devices. At Michigan Technological University in Houghton research on growing manganese dioxide nanorods may lead to new high performance electric capacitors. By minimizing internal resistance, such material will store more energy, allow extraction of energy more quickly, and operate longer between recharging. University of Michigan labs in Ann Arbor have added silver nanoparticles to increase solar cell efficiency by 8 percent. The nanoparticles also allow for thinner silicon layers, which means lower costs (ten times less silicon used) and flexible substrates for solar panels.

Annual Meeting of Energy Group

The Michigan Energy Innovation Business Council held its Annual Meeting on April 17 in Lansing and elected new Board members. The meeting featured a solar industry panel discussion and a keynote address on the Department of Energy’s New Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative. The new Board is composed of top officials from Astraeus Wind Energy, Growth Capital Network, Novi Energy, Ecotelligent Homes, Dowding Industries, Advanced Energy Group, Dow Chemical Company, TOGGLED, Sakti 3, First Energy Finance, Wind Resource LLC, and Ventower Industries. These are companies already engaged in wind, solar, bioenergy, geothermal, energy storage, and energy efficiency businesses. Committees on policy and advocacy, membership and marketing, and market and business development were also formed. The group participated in all seven energy forums held around Michigan in February, March, and April.

Wind Buoy Goes Back into Lake Michigan

The Grand Valley State University Wind Sentinel research buoy, one of only three in the world, will be returned to Lake Michigan this month. It will be placed about seven miles offshore, northwest of the Muskegon Channel, for its third research season. The project is running short of funding, and its future activities beyond this year are uncertain. Project partners include researchers from: Michigan Technological University, who are studying wind turbulence; Michigan Natural Features Inventory, a component of the Michigan State University Extension program, who are studying bird and bat activity (and who confirmed for the first time ever last summer that bats do fly over the Great Lakes); and the University of Michigan, who are conducting research on large data sets.

DOE Renews MSU Biofuels Funding

The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded $25 million per year for another five years to fund the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. Michigan State University is a partner in the Center which is physically based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Center supports nearly 400 researchers, students and staff working in disciplines ranging from microbiology to economics to plant biology to engineering aimed at advanced cellulosic biofuels technologies.

Courts to Rule on Wind Issues

Seventeen neighbors of the Consumers Energy Lake Wind Energy Park have filed a complaint in Mason County claiming the wind farm has negatively impacted property values and caused sleep disruption, headaches, ringing ears, dizziness, stress, extreme fatigue, nausea, and other physical and mental problems. A cease and desist order is being sought, together with damage awards, in a jury trial. In Clinton County, Forest Hill Energy-Fowler Farms LLC is suing Essex, Dallas, and Bengal townships for adopting ordinances that effectively block its wind farm development. The county had previously granted a special land use permit to Forest Hill Energy for its $120 million wind project, and the townships have moved to override that permit.

Energy Forums Concluded

With the conclusion of the last of the seven energy forums ordered by Governor Snyder in November, the next stage of fact-finding is underway. The schedule describes the May-June period as the time when the two forum chairs will be “outlining reports in each program and laying out plan for development of information that is not yet available.” The following three months is reserved for “compilation/development of information.” October-November will see the release of draft reports for public feedback. Final reports will be released in the November-December timeframe. Governor Snyder will be “making his comprehensive recommendations regarding Michigan’s energy future in December of 2013.”

Orisol Energy US, Inc. of Ann Arbor is one of the companies selected to bid on leases for submerged land in the Atlantic Ocean for offshore wind developments in the coastal waters of Virginia Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) reported that on November 23 more than a quarter of its total generation came from wind turbines at 10,012 MW  The Michigan Public Service Commission has approved a special rate contract between Cloverland Electric Cooperative and the Manistique paper mill of MPI Acquisition LLC  State Senator Hoon-Yung Hopgood has introduced a bill to increase Michigan’s renewable energy standard to 22 percent by 2022  Mascoma, cellulosic ethanol maker with plans for commercial operations in the U.P., has withdrawn its $100 million initial public offering citing market conditions

Exporting Pure Michigan

Two years ago President Obama challenged the nation to increase its exports. American exports are up 34 percent since that time, with 70 percent of total exports being manufactured goods. “Made in America” still has a huge cache around the world. “Made in Michigan” can and should have significance overseas as well. Now is the time for Michigan’s alternative energy supply chain and manufacturers to look abroad for new markets, niche and otherwise. The demand for electricity is exploding in emerging markets of developing and less developed countries. The Kyoto Treaty and other international efforts are aimed at satisfying this demand with renewable resources rather than fossil fuels. With its technology, engineering, and lean manufacturing prowess, Michigan could be on the leading edge of this effort. The export market is wide open. Let’s go to work on exporting “Pure Michigan.

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Expanding Market for Technologies to Clean Wastewater from Hydraulic Fracturing

Michael Best Logo

Since 2005, U.S. production of natural gas has increased exponentially, from a negligible amount to almost 7.5 trillion cubic feet in 2011. The U.S. is now the largest producer of natural gas in the world.

The new-found supply of this energy source has also had a significant effect on public policy. Domestic energy production, and natural gas in particular, is caught in a battle between proponents of sustainable sources of energy such as wind and solar, the interests of traditional coal-fired plants, national security interests in reducing dependence on foreign energy sources, environmentalists and proponents of natural gas.

The epic increase in the supply of natural gas has come from the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing. In the hydraulic fracturing process, water mixed with chemicals and sand is injected into a well at ultra-high pressure to shatter and hold open the rock below and release the gas. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the hydraulic fracturing fluid is composed of approximately 95% water, 4.5% sand and .05% different chemicals. These chemicals can number up to about 65 and include benzyne, glycol-ethers, toluene, ethanol and nonphenols. All of these chemicals have been linked to human health disorders when exposure and concentrations are too high. Because the percentages are by weight, it is estimated that approximately 20 tons of chemicals are added to each million gallons of water. A typical hydraulic fracturing procedure involves 4-7 million gallons of water so about 80-140 tons of chemicals. Each well requires millions of gallons of water (which separately is leading to confrontations over water supply in drought-stricken states). Some of the water comes back up immediately, along with additional groundwater. The rest returns over months or years.

A major issue is how to deal with the wastewater. The amount of water is significant. In most cases, the contaminated water is pumped into disposal wells, but this is not without risk. The wells and pumps can leak, allowing disposal water to contaminate existing aquifers.  In Texas alone, the amount of wastewater increase is significant. According to The New York Times, the state has more than 8,000 active disposal wells. The amount of wastewater being pumped into those wells has increased to approximately 3.5 billion barrels in 2011 from just 46 million barrels in 2005. A recent study dealing with the Marcellus Shale formation, which stretches from New York to Virginia, indicates that wastewater disposal from hydraulic fracturing could soon overwhelm the general wastewater treatment infrastructure of the formation. So cleaning this wastewater is important and represents a significant economic opportunity.

Insurers who write coverage on these environmental risks acknowledge that premiums are favorably impacted by the presence of effective technologies to clean the wastewater.

Water technology is a rapidly growing industry. Global Water Intelligence estimates the global water industry is $483 billion/year and growing by several percentage points annually. Water technology hubs are emerging to encourage and facilitate economic development, notably in Milwaukee, Singapore, Ontario and Israel.

Technologies are already being developed to treat wastewater from hydraulic fracturing. A new desalinization process developed at MIT can scrub the contaminants from the wastewater, uses significantly less energy and is less complicated than other desalinization techniques. The technique is called a carrier gas process in which water is sprayed onto warm air. The water vaporizes, and the water vapor, which contains only pure water, is bubbled through cool water and the vapor then condenses. Researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed a process of creating centimeter-sized silicon beads that have chemical-degrading bacteria inside them. The beads are porous so the chemicals can enter but not porous enough for the bacteria to leave. These represent just two of the developing technologies to treat the wastewater. This alone will become a multi-billion dollar industry in the coming years.

Private equity and venture capitalists should take note. There is a distinct need for this technology and a rapidly increasing, lucrative market. The economic and societal benefits of cheap, plentiful natural gas cannot be denied. Hydraulic fracturing makes it happen. And hydraulic fracturing requires billions of gallons of water annually which need to be treated and/or disposed of.

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A Reminder About Pollution Legal Liability Coverage

GT Law

A recent decision from the federal district court in Pittsburgh highlights the importance of carrying environmental insurance, especially in connection with properties or facilities with an increased potential for environmental legacy liabilities. Many property owners believe that comprehensive general liability (CGL) policies adequately protect against environmental liabilities. However, standard CGL policies will typically only cover certain, very limited environmental liabilities and are by no means an effective tool for comprehensive environmental protection. Pollution legal liability (PLL) policies, designed to respond to contamination found on properties, are a far more useful and comprehensive mechanism to mitigate potential liability stemming from current or past ownership of environmentally sensitive properties.

Wiseman Oil v. TIG Insurance, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 14747 (W.D. Pa. Jan. 22, 2013), report and recommendation adopted, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 37501 (W.D. Pa. Mar. 19, 2013), involved a claim by Wiseman for coverage and for defense under Wiseman’s CGL policy for underlying claims against Wiseman under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).

The CERCLA claims against Wiseman arose out of environmental contamination at property formerly owned by Wiseman. TIG asserted that it owed no such defense or coverage-related duties to Wiseman. Among other arguments, TIG asserted that the CGL policy contained an exclusion for bodily injury orproperty damage claims arising out of the release of hazardous materials “into or upon land.” However, the exclusion contained an exception to releases that were considered “sudden and accidental.” “Sudden and accidental” was not defined under the policy. TIG asserted that the CERCLA claims brought against Wiseman did not allege any sudden or accidental event and thus it had no duty to defend or otherwise provide coverage.

The case was assigned to Chief Magistrate Judge Lisa Pupo Lenihan for a report and recommendation. She clarified that TIG’s duty to defend did not hinge on whether the underlying complaint “expressly alleges specific factual predicates clearly within the applicable policy terms.” Rather, the duty to defend arose when a fair reading of the underlying complaint did not “expressly rule out the possibility of insurance coverage under the applicable policy terms.” Pupo Lenihan stated further that TIG could not reasonably conclude from the face of the underlying complaint that the allegations “precluded or negated any potential applicability” of the “sudden and accidental” qualifiers.

Based on the foregoing, Pupo Lenihan held that the language of the underlying complaint was a sufficient basis to deny TIG’s asserted grounds for summary judgment and to grant Wiseman’s motion for partial summary judgment on the question of TIG’s duty to defend.

Last month, U.S. District Judge Joy Flowers Conti of the Western District of Pennsylvania adopted Pupo Lenihan’s report and recommendation. (See 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 37501 (W.D. Pa. Mar. 19, 2013).)

Although in this case Wiseman succeeded in thwarting its insurer’s summary judgment motion on the dutyto defend, in order for Wiseman ultimately to obtain coverage for its claim it will face a significant burden in demonstrating that the “sudden and accidental” exception to the policy exclusion applies. Given that the property was likely contaminated over a long period of time rather than in a single abrupt, catastrophic event, actually obtaining coverage under the policy will require a factually intensive showing that the gradual contamination was sufficiently like the abrupt event to qualify as “sudden and accidental.” In short, the case highlights the difficulty of obtaining coverage for environmental liabilities under a CGL policy.

That controversy could have been avoided if the plaintiffs had considered other insurance products that are better suited to cover this type of pollution-related risk. This is especially true of properties on which manufacturing or other environmentally sensitive operations may have occurred.

Generally speaking, PLL insurance policies can help landowners mitigate known and unknown risks associated with the acquisition and divesture of real property, and offer more robust protections for environmental risks than the CGL policy that the plaintiffs sought to rely on in the Wiseman case. In situations comparable to the facts at issue in Wiseman, a PLL policy would have been a more appropriate coverage and likely would have negated the need to bring a lawsuit to enforce the policy.

PLL coverage is the most common type of insurance to address potential environmental liabilities associated with real property.

It is generally used to address cleanup costs for environmental contamination, third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage arising from environmental contamination (both pre-existing or first occurring during the policy term), and business interruption losses resulting from a covered environmental condition or claim.

Among other things, PLL policies can also provide for protection against natural resource damages, risk stemming from non-owned disposal sites, and legal defense costs associated with all of the foregoing. PLL policies cover unknown pre-existing contamination discovered after the policy inception, as well as new conditions that occur after the inception date.

Known conditions are included under most PLL policies unless they are specifically scheduled and excluded from coverage under the policy. Capital improvement exclusions are quite common and would exclude costs of remediating known conditions, such as urban fill material, in connection with redevelopment of a property.

However, costs arising in connection with government claims stemming from known conditions can still be covered under a typical PLL policy. CGL policies will typically exclude coverage for underground storage tanks, fuel or chemical storage, waste storage and business interruption, which can be included under a PLL policy. It is also important to note that off-site disposal sites or landfills (often called “non-owned disposal sites” in PLL policies) can be scheduled onto policies. If liability arises at the disposal facility and liability attaches to your client as a generator, the PLL policy would kick in.

PLL policies also can cover re-opener type situations. In many states, parties that have received no-furtheraction determinations after cleaning up a contaminated property may be audited, and the cleanup decision re-opened to require further investigation or remediation. This is likely to occur in situations where the remediation standards governing a particular contaminant are revised, or where new data become available at a later date suggesting that remediation was not properly completed. With a PLL policy in place, costs associated with a re-opener become less of an uncertainty. PLL policies also entitle the policyholder to legal defense of any of the above situations.

PLL policies are claims-made-and-reported policies, meaning that claims must be made during the term of the policy. So, for example, Wiseman would have had to have an existing PLL policy covering the property to avail itself of that policy’s protections when the underlying CERCLA claim arose. It would not have been enough to have had the policy during ownership of the property.

Underwriting on PLL policies is typically conducted using readily available environmental documents, including Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, as well as other environmental reports, and agreement documents.

Wiseman offers an important lesson, especially to those that own or operate properties that have current or former facilities with environmentally sensitive operations: CGL policies are not an effective tool to manage environmental liability risks. Although not perfect, PLL policies are a more appropriate type of coverage to mitigate unknown risks associated with present and legacy property ownership. PLL policies can offer particular value to address the residual risk after a cleanup.

Kyle R. Johnson also contributed to this article.


Biotech’s Public Relations Problems Continue

The National Law Review recently featured an article, Biotech’s Public Relations Problems Continue, written by Warren Woessner with Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A.:

Schwegman Lundberg Woessner


Maybe “fish gotta swim” but the FDA has extended the approval period for transgenic Salmon genetically engineered to reach market weight sooner. No evidence at all has been presented that filets from these fish would present a danger human consumers – and may well provide a benefit to an increasingly hungry world.

This report once again reminded me how far scientific advances in biotech have exceeded the industry’s attempts to explain their benefits to the consuming public. As biotech companies wisely sold the advantages of herbicide resistant corn, cotton and soybeans to farmers well prior to their “launch”. Farmers were tired of using herbicides that could kill their human handlers. By the time the Supreme Court decided that plants were patentable (in 2002), about 65% of U.S. corn was transgenic (and patented as well). However, the EU countries don’t grow much corn, and the lack of lobbying there contributed to the general ban on imports of genetically engineered crops and sandwich shops that advertise that their snacks have no GMO’s.

Now the Supreme Court will be answering the not-so-simple question “Are human genes patentable?” Will it be long before a stem cell suit comes before the Justices? When it does, I hope that they don’t recall last week’s episode of the TV series “Nikita” (loosely based on the “Femme Nikita” films). Nikita learns that an Eastern Europe dictator who lost a leg in an assassination attempt has been able to replace it with the help of a secret group of scientists who can grow new limbs using “pluripotent stem cells.” Nikita is about to kidnap their sales rep when he comes to visit the dictator, to get the scientists to replace the missing hand of her fiancé – the bionic one is not working well. At the last minute, she sees that the rep’s plane is full of children from orphanages that the scientists plan to use as experimental subjects. In the ensuing confusion, she shoots the rep, thus ruining her chance to find the lab.

Could you design a more effective story to illustrate the evils of biotechnology in general and stem cell research in particular? Right now, most U.S. stem cell research is funded only due to executive order. BIO and other organizations will have to fight harder than ever to win the war against science that is advancing on multiple fronts.

© 2013 Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A.