- USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) administers the National Organic Program (NOP) as authorized by the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA). The USDA organic regulations, which were published on December 21, 2000, and became effective on October 21, 2002, govern the production, handling, labeling, and sale of organically produced agricultural products. On August 5, 2020, in response to mandates in the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, as well as pressure from the industry and recommendations from the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), USDA published a proposed rule called Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) that is aimed at preventing loss of organic integrity—through unintentional mishandling of organic products and intentional fraud meant to deceive—and strengthening trust in the USDA organic label.
- On January 19, 2023, USDA published the SOE final rule. The final rule includes clarifications and additional examples in response to comments received on the SOE proposed rule. Key updates include:
- Requiring certification of more businesses, like brokers and traders, at critical links in organic supply chains;
- Requiring NOP Import Certificates for all organic imports;
- Requiring organic identification on nonretail containers;
- Increasing authority for more rigorous on-site inspections of certified operations;
- Requiring uniform qualification and training standards for organic inspectors and certifying agent personnel;
- Requiring standardized certificates of organic operation;
- Requiring additional and more frequent reporting of data on certified operations;
- Creating authority for more robust recordkeeping, traceability practices, and fraud prevention procedures; and
- Specifying certification requirements for producer groups.
- The compliance date for the SOE final rule is March 19, 2024, or 12 months after the effective date of March 19, 2023.
Category: Administrative & Regulatory
Beltway Buzz, January 20, 2023
Union Membership Decreases. The percentage of workers who are union members dropped to 10.1 percent in 2022 from 10.3 percent in 2021, according to data released this week by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In the private sector, the unionization rate fell to 6 percent last year from 6.1 percent in 2021. According to BLS:
The 2022 unionization rate (10.1 percent) is the lowest on record. In 1983, the first year where comparable union data are available, the union membership rate was 20.1 percent and there were 17.7 million union workers.
Thus, despite some splashy headlines and a few high-profile examples, the great majority of employees continue to reject unionization. Expect labor unions and their allies in Washington, D.C., to spin these numbers as a reason to double down on efforts to tilt the labor policy field in favor of labor unions.
D.C. Circuit Issues Ruling on NLRB 2019 Election Regs. This week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a decision relating to five specific provisions of the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) 2019 changes to its regulations governing union elections. In a May 2020 decision, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (in an opinion by then-judge Ketanji Brown Jackson) invalidated the five provisions as contrary to the Administrative Procedure Act because the NLRB did not seek public comment on the changes. (The Board argued that the changes were procedural, not substantive, in nature and that public comment was not necessary.) In this week’s decision, the D.C. Circuit agreed that the district court was correct in invalidating three provisions: “the rules regarding the eligible employee-voters list, the timeline for certification of election results, and election-observer eligibility.” However, the D.C. Circuit ruled that the two remaining provisions—regarding pre-election litigation of voter eligibility and the timing of the date of an election—are “‘internal house-keeping’ rules” that are exempt from notice and comment requirements.
House Republicans Seek Information From Federal Agencies. Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) is wasting no time exercising her authority as chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. Late last week, Foxx resent to federal labor agencies a series of previous information requests that were answered while Republicans were in the House minority in 2021 and 2022. The requests include the following:
- Letters to Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh regarding, among other issues, his involvement in various high-profile labor disputes; documents and communications relating to the development and implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 2021 vaccine-or-test emergency temporary standard; and information surrounding the February 2022 report offered by the Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, such as attendance lists, meeting minutes, rejected policy proposals, involvement of outside organizations.
- A letter to National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo regarding her April 2022 memorandum relating to employer speech. Specifically, the letter asks for information about the possible involvement of outside organizations, other agencies, and the White House, in the drafting of the memo.
- A letter to NLRB Chair Lauren McFerran inquiring about potential conflicts of interest that Member Gwynne Wilcox and Member David Prouty may have regarding the Board’s joint employer policy.
The Buzz suspects that these letters are just the first examples of what will be at least two years of aggressive agency oversight by the committee.
DHS Announces Deferred Action for Workers Involved in Labor Investigations. Late last week, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a new streamlined and expedited process for undocumented workers seeking deferred action as a result of their cooperation in investigations into potential violations of labor laws. The new policy further implements provisions of DHS’s October 2021 memorandum, “Worksite Enforcement: The Strategy to Protect the American Labor Market, the Conditions of the American Worksite, and the Dignity of the Individual.” According to the announcement, DHS will “provid[e] new guidance to labor agencies regarding processes to seek deferred action for certain workers” and will create a “single intake point for deferred action requests from noncitizen workers.” As such, “[t]he centralized intake process will allow DHS to efficiently review these time-sensitive requests, provide additional security to eligible workers on a case-by-case basis, and more robustly support the mission of labor agencies.”
OFCCP Proposes Changes to Complaint Intake Process. This week, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) proposed changes to its complaint intake process. OFCCP is proposing to add a preliminary step to evaluate the timeliness of allegations, whether it has jurisdiction over a matter, and how the matter should proceed. If OFCCP determines that an investigation is warranted, it will direct the complainant to fill out a more detailed form. According to the proposal, this two-step procedure “will improve the efficiency of [OFCCP’s] complaint intake process.” Comments are due by March 20, 2023.
Days of Hayes. President Rutherford Birchard Hayes passed away this week (January 17) in 1893. Hayes, the nineteenth president, was a former congressman and three-time governor of Ohio before he ran for president in 1876. His election against Democrat Samuel Tilden, the governor of New York, was mired in controversy and allegations of voter intimidation, resulting in disputed Electoral College votes. This led to the creation of an electoral commission, which eventually swung the Electoral College votes to Hayes by a margin of 185–184. The process earned Hayes the nickname “Rutherfraud” from Democrats. While Hayes hasn’t been the subject of popular movies or Broadway shows, he was a very interesting president:
- Although twelve presidents who served before him were lawyers, Hayes was the first president to graduate from law school.
- At almost forty years old, with no previous military experience, Hayes volunteered to fight for the Union during the Civil War. He was wounded several times, and served in the same infantry unit as fellow future president, William McKinley.
- In 1879, Hayes signed the “Lockwood Bill,” which permitted women to practice law in federal court.
- Hayes was the first president to make a trip to the West Coast and the first president to have both a telephone and a typewriter in the White House.
Hayes is responsible for the first Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn, a tradition that will celebrate its 145th anniversary in just a few weeks.
Humanitarian Parole Program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans with Sponsorship
As of January 6, 2023, Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans and their immediate family members may be eligible for safe passage into the United States for up to two years as parolees if they have a financial supporter. This program is like the Uniting for Ukraine program. Organizations, including companies, can provide the financial support and, upon admission, the parolees may apply for Employment Authorization Documents (EADs).
Proposed beneficiaries cannot apply directly. Supporters must start the process.
The first step is for the supporter to submit a Form I-134A, Online Request to be Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support, including documentation proving they are able to financially support the beneficiaries they are agreeing to support. Only after that application is reviewed and adjudicated will USCIS notify the proposed beneficiary and provide instructions about how to proceed. The beneficiary will be told how to submit biographic information online and, if approved, will eventually receive travel instructions. They will be told to arrange to fly directly to their destination in the United States. Upon arrival at a U.S. port of entry, the beneficiary will be vetted again before being paroled into the country. Beneficiaries should not attempt to enter through a land port of entry as that will likely lead to a denial.
Financial supporters must be U.S. citizens or nationals, legal permanent residents (“green card holders”), conditional permanent residents, non-immigrants in lawful status, asylees, refugees, parolees, and beneficiaries of TPS, DACA or Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). While an individual must submit the Form I-134A, they can do so in association with or on behalf of an organization, business, or other entity that will provide some or all the support. Individuals who file the form on behalf of an organization must submit a letter of commitment or other documentation from an officer or other credible representative of the organization or business describing the monetary or other types of support they will provide. Beyond monetary support, other forms of support can include housing, basic necessities, and transportation. When an individual is submitting the form on behalf of an organization that will be providing the necessary level of support, the individual need not submit their own financial information.
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The grant of parole is discretionary, based on urgent humanitarian reasons or if the applicants would provide a significant public benefit to the United States.
To be eligible, proposed beneficiaries must:
- Have a financial supporter in the United States;
- Undergo robust security screening;
- Have a passport valid for international travel;
- Meet vaccination requirements;
- Provide their own transportation to the United States, if approved for travel;
- Meet other general requirements; and
- Warrant an exercise of discretion.
EPA and Army Corps Issue New “WOTUS” Rule While Supreme Court Considers Jurisdiction Over Adjacent Wetlands
Yesterday, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) (together, the Agencies) published a final rule revising the definition of “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) subject to federal regulation and permitting requirements under the Clean Water Act (CWA). This rule is the latest attempt by the Agencies to craft a durable rule defining WOTUS. The new rule, which largely mirrors the 2021 proposal, asserts a broader geographic scope of federal jurisdiction than the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR). In particular, the Agencies adopt the broadest possible interpretation of the Supreme Court’s decision in Rapanos (through incorporation of both the plurality’s “relatively permanent” test and Justice Kennedy’s “significant nexus” test). The final rule would, for the first time, codify aspects of the Agencies’ 2008 Rapanos Guidance and would rely on the significant nexus test’s case-by-case approach for evaluating jurisdiction for tributaries, wetlands, and other waters. The Agencies released the final rule while the Supreme Court considers the scope of CWA authority over a major category of WOTUS, “adjacent wetlands,” in Sackett v. EPA, and the Supreme Court could hand down a decision in the coming months that could require changes to the rule.
For project proponents, the new rule would likely mean more features would be subject to regulation under the CWA, and projects that might have previously qualified for nationwide permits may no longer meet the acreage limits and would instead require an individual permit. Also, case-by-case significant nexus determinations could result in lengthy reviews with uncertain and inconsistent results.
The final rule will go into effect on March 20. While the Agencies previously characterized this rule as Phase 1 of a two-step process to enact a new WOTUS definition, EPA recently indicated that it is not currently planning a major second phase.
Summary of Final Rule
The rule defines WOTUS to include:
- Traditional navigable waters (TNWs), the territorial seas, and interstate waters. TNWs include large rivers and lakes and tidally influenced waterbodies used in interstate or foreign commerce. Interstate waters are rivers, lakes, and other waters that flow across, or form part of, State boundaries. The TNW definition (i.e., all waters currently used, or were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide) is consistent with the text of the 1986 regulations and the NWPR. However, the preamble indicates that the Agencies plan to include “waters currently being used for … commercial waterborne recreation (for example, boat rentals, guided fishing trips, or water ski tournaments),” which appears to broaden the scope of TNW waters.
- Impoundments of WOTUS. The final rule retains the provision in the 1986 regulations that defines WOTUS to include impoundments of WOTUS. The preamble defines impoundments as “created by discrete structures (often human-built) like dams or levees that typically have the effect of raising the water surface elevation, creating or expanding the area of open water, or both.” 88 Fed. Reg. at 3,066.
- Tributaries. The final rule extends jurisdiction to tributaries of categories 1 and 2 waters if the tributary meets either the Agencies’ new formulation of the relatively permanent or the significant nexus standards from Rapanos (discussed in more detail below). Ephemeral streams that meet the significant nexus test would be jurisdictional tributaries. In this respect, the rule is much broader than the NWPR, which categorically excluded ephemeral tributaries from jurisdiction.
- Adjacent wetlands. The rule retains the definition of “adjacent” from the 1986 regulations meaning “bordering, contiguous, or neighboring” and adds language that adjacent wetlands are considered WOTUSifthey meet the relatively permanent or significant nexus standards. The NWPR had narrowed the definition of adjacent wetlands to include only those wetlands that abutted or otherwise had a direct surface connection to other jurisdictional waters in a typical year. The final rule creates a broader category of adjacent wetlands, leading to additional regulatory requirements for activities that cross or impact such features.
- Other waters. The rule asserts jurisdiction over “other waters” under the relatively permanent and significant nexus standards from Rapanos. Under this provision, which essentially serves as a “catch-all” category, “intrastate lakes and ponds, streams, or wetlands” not identified in categories 1-4 can be assessed for jurisdiction under the relatively permanent standard or significant nexus standard. This list is intended to be exclusive, 88 Fed. Reg. at 3,100, but broad enough to include a large variety of water types (e.g., prairie potholes, sloughs, playa lakes, etc.). This category is a clear departure from the 2008 Rapanos Guidance, which did not assert jurisdiction over “other waters” based on the relatively permanent waters or significant nexus standards.
Exclusions. The final rule provides a list of features that are excluded even where they would otherwise qualify as jurisdictional impoundments, tributaries, adjacent wetlands, or other waters. Importantly, features that qualify as category 1 waters (TNWs, territorial seas, and interstate waters) cannot be excluded even if they meet the criteria of the exclusions provided. Key non-jurisdictional waters or exclusions include waste treatment systems, ditches, prior converted cropland, artificially irrigated areas, artificial lakes or ponds, and swales and erosional features. The list of exclusions is similar to the list provided in the 2015 WOTUS Rule and 2020 NWPR, although it does not provide the clear definitions that were included in the NWPR and in some instances changes the exemption based on preamble interpretations.
Key Definitions. The rule also includes a number of important definitions.
- The “relatively permanent standard” asserts jurisdiction over relatively permanent, standing or continuously flowing waters connected to category 1 waters, and waters with a continuous surface connection to such relatively permanent waters or to category 1 waters. 88 Fed. Reg. at 3,006. The final rule does not define or quantify what constitutes “relatively permanent” flow. The preamble states that the relatively permanent standard encompasses surface waters that have flowing or standing water year-round or continuously during certain times of the year. 88 Fed. Reg. at 3,084.
- The significant nexus standard asserts jurisdiction over waters that, either alone or in combination with similarly situated waters in the region, significantly affectthe chemical, physical, or biological integrity of category 1 waters. In a change from the proposal, the final rule defines “significantly affect” to mean “a material influence on the chemical, physical, or biological integrity of [category 1] waters.” To determine whether waters, either alone or in combination with similarly situated waters in the region, have a material influence on the chemical, physical, or biological integrity of category 1 waters, the Agencies will assess the list of functions and factors, including, for example contribution of flow, distance from a category 1 water, and hydrologic connections. The preamble states distance from a category 1 water and hydrology—will generally be given the greatest weight in the assessment. 88 Fed. Reg. at 3,120. The new significant nexus standard will likely allow for broader assertions of jurisdiction because it allows the Agencies to aggregate all tributaries and adjacent wetlands within a particular geographic area and evaluate whether they have a “material influence” on category 1 waters based on a case-by-case application of the enumerated factors and functions. This type of case-by-case significant nexus analysis has resulted in lengthy review times as well as unpredictable and inconsistent results.
Existing Jurisdictional Determinations
Landowners may obtain a jurisdictional determination in the form of either: (1) an approved jurisdictional determination (AJD), which is a Corps document identifying the limits of WOTUS on a parcel; or (2) a preliminary jurisdictional determination (PJD), which is a non-binding document in which an applicant can assume all waters will be treated as jurisdictional without making a formal determination.
The Agencies take the position that AJDs issued pursuant to the NWPR may not be relied upon in making new permit decisions. According to the preamble, because the NWPR was vacated by two district courts, NWPR AJDs “may not reliably state the presence, absence, or limits of [WOTUS] on a parcel and will not be relied upon by the Corps in making new permit decisions.” 88 Fed. Reg. at 3,136. The Agencies take the position that AJDs issued under earlier WOTUS definitions—except those AJDs issued under the NWPR—remain valid until the AJD’s expiration date. Also, the new rule will govern any pending requests for AJDs, if the AJD is issued on or after the effective date of the rule (March 20, 2023).
In contrast to AJDs, PJDs are advisory in nature and have no expiration date. The preamble clarifies that the new WOTUS rule has no impact on existing PJDs.
Potential Litigation and the Sackett Case
Multiple challenges to the new rule are likely to be filed in district courts across the country. The state of Texas and an industry coalition immediately filed suits in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, and other suits are likely. At the same time, the Supreme Court’s pending decision in Sackett may have implications for the durability of provisions of the rule.
Many commenters recommended that the Agencies defer issuing a final rule until the Supreme Court issues a decision in Sackett—a case in which the issue before the Court is “the proper test for determining whether wetlands are [WOTUS] under the [CWA].” A decision in the Sackett case is expected in the next few months. Perhaps trying to insulate the rule from a potentially unfavorable Supreme Court decision, the Agencies assert in the preamble the severability of the individual provisions of the rule. The preamble states, “if a court were to determine that a wetland cannot be treated as adjacent if it is separated from a jurisdictional water by road or other barrier, the agencies intend that other categories of wetlands within the rule’s definition of ‘adjacent’ would remain subject to jurisdiction.” 88 Fed. Reg. at 3,135. Although it is not clear how the Supreme Court will rule in Sackett, it is possible that the decision could require the Agencies to make changes to the new WOTUS definition or face legal challenges.
First Major Overhaul of Cosmetics Regulation Since FDR Administration
As part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, President Biden signed into law the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (“MoCRA”). This is the first major reform of cosmetics regulation since the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) became law in 1938.[1] MoCRA implements new compliance requirements on the cosmetics industry and also significantly expands the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (“FDA”) authority to oversee and regulate cosmetics.
New Obligations for Cosmetics Industry
MoCRA imposes the following new requirements on “responsible persons”[2] and “facilities.”[3] We note that certain of these regulatory requirements may differ for entities considered small businesses under MoCRA.
- Facility Registration and Product Disclosure. All facilitates (domestic or foreign) that manufacture or process cosmetic products for distribution in the United States must register with FDA by December 29, 2023. Registration is biennial. Further, responsible persons must annually submit cosmetic product listings to FDA and disclose key product information, such as ingredients.
- Adverse Event Recording and Serious Adverse Event Reporting. Generally, responsible persons must keep records of any adverse events related to products used in the United States for six years and submit any “serious adverse events” to FDA within 15 days of the responsible person’s receipt of the report. MoCRA broadly defines what constitutes a serious adverse event, when compared to other FDA regulatory product categories (e.g., dietary supplements).[4]
- Labeling Requirements. To improve the reporting of adverse events, responsible persons must include contact information on product labels. Additionally, product labels must identify any fragrance allergens in the product. Labels for products intended for use only by licensed professionals must also indicate that only licensed professionals may use the product.
- Safety Substantiation Requirement. Responsible persons must ensure that a product is “safe” and keep records “adequately substantiating” the product’s safety.[5] Products without adequate safety substantiation may be considered adulterated under the FDCA. MoCRA also contains a provision stating that it is the sense of Congress that animal testing should not be used for safety testing on cosmetic products and should be phased out with the exception of appropriate allowances.
Increased FDA Oversight of Cosmetics
MoCRA significantly expands FDA’s enforcement authority over the cosmetics industry.
- Issue Mandatory Recalls. FDA now has mandatory recall authority if the agency concludes there is a reasonable probability that a cosmetic is adulterated or misbranded and the use of the cosmetic will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.
- Access Records. If FDA has a reasonable belief that a cosmetic product (or one of its ingredients) is adulterated and presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death, the agency has authority to access records relating to that product.
- Suspend Facilities. FDA may suspend a facility’s registration if the agency determines that a cosmetic product manufactured or processed by that facility has a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death and there is a reasonable belief that other products from the same facility may be similarly affected.
- Federal Preemption. MoCRA explicitly preempts any state or local laws that differ from the federal cosmetics framework regarding facility registration and product listing, good manufacturing practices (“GMPs”), records, recalls, adverse event reporting, or safety substantiation.
Forthcoming FDA Rulemakings and Reports
MoCRA directs FDA to promulgate rules regarding the following three issues. Importantly, the cosmetics industry will have opportunities to provide comment on the proposed rules.
- GMPs. FDA must establish GMP regulations consistent with national and international standards. Cosmetic products manufactured or processed under conditions that do not meet FDA’s forthcoming GMP regulations may be considered adulterated. The agency must issue a proposed rule by December 29, 2024 and a final rule by December 29, 2025.
- Fragrance Allergens. FDA must publish regulations to identify fragrance allergens. Cosmetic product labels that do not include fragrance allergen disclosures required by such regulations may be considered misbranded under the FDCA. The agency must issue a proposed rule by June 29, 2024 and a final rule no later than 180 days after the public comment period.
- Talc. FDA must issue regulations to establish required standardized testing methods for detecting and identifying asbestos in talc-containing cosmetic products.
In addition to the above rulemakings, FDA must issue a report within the next three years on the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) in cosmetic products.
- MoCRA amends Chapter VI of the FDCA.
- A “responsible person” is defined as a manufacturer, packer, or distributor of a cosmetic product whose name appears on the label of that product.
- “Facilities” are defined as any establishment (including an establishment of an importer) that manufactures or processes cosmetic products distributed in the United States. MoCRA specifically exempts from registration certain facilities, such as those that (i) only label, relabel, package, hold, or distribute cosmetics products; and (ii) manufacture or process products solely for use in research and evaluation.
- “Serious adverse events” are defined as adverse events that result in (i) death; (ii) a life-threatening experience; (iii) inpatient hospitalization; (iv) a persistent or significant disability or incapacity; (v) a congenital anomaly or birth defect; (vi) infection; or (vii) significant disfigurement (including serious and persistent rashes, second- or third-degree burns, significant hair loss, or persistent or significant alteration of appearance); or that require – based on reasonable medical judgment – a medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes described above.
- “Safe” is defined as a cosmetic product (and its ingredients) that is not injurious to users under the labeling or customary/usual usage. A cosmetic product (or its ingredients) should not be considered injurious solely because it can cause minor and transient reactions or minor and transient skin irritations in some users. Further, “adequate substantiation” of safety means tests or studies, research, analyses, or other evidence or information that is considered, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the safety of cosmetic products and their ingredients, sufficient to support the product’s safety to a reasonable certainty.
Article By Christopher Hanson of Nelson Mullins. Paul Clowes, Law Clerk in the Greenville office, contributed to the drafting of this post.
For more biotech, food, and drug legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.
Environmental Justice Update: EPA Announces $100 Million in EJ Grants to Local Groups and Issues Guidance Outlining Potential Federal ‘Cumulative Impact’ Claims
“Environmental justice” (EJ) continues as the primary leitmotif of Biden Administration environmental policy in the first weeks of 2023.
Below, we unpack two recently announced EJ efforts: a grant program for groups in environmentally overburdened communities and guidance on legal resources to address “cumulative impacts” issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Legal Counsel and outline what these mean for the regulated community taken together in the context of other recent EJ developments.
EPA Announces $100 Million in Grants to Community Groups
This week, EPA announced the availability of approximately $100 million in grants for projects that “advance EJ in underserved and overburdened communities.” The grant programs are part of funding allocated by the Inflation Reduction Act programs discussed here.
Summaries of the two programs:
The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Program (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program. The EJCPS program provides $30 million in funding directly to community-based non-profit organizations for projects focused on addressing local environmental or public health issues in their communities. Five million of the funding is reserved for small community-based nonprofit organizations with five or fewer full-time employees. EPA anticipates funding approximately 50 awards of $500,000 and 30 awards of $150,000.
Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) Program. EJG2G will provide an estimated $70 million in funding for state, tribal, and local projects completed in conjunction with community-based organizations. In total the agency anticipates funding approximately 70 projects of up to $1 million each for a 3-year project.
Interested applicants must submit proposal packages on or before April 10, 2023, for projects to begin on October 1, 2023.
EPA’s efforts to fund local groups are part of its broader strategic goal of enhancing equitable apportionment of resources and the benefits of environmental policies. EPA’s Equity Action Plan, discussed here, prioritizes building capacity in environmentally underserved communities to lead projects. Projects like these would lead to increased community engagement, which in turn could lead to more equitable outcomes in the environmental space. The strategy of building up local capacity to engage on environmental issues, mirrors private-sector efforts like Bloomberg Philanthropies $85 million “Beyond Petrochemicals” campaign, discussed here.
Federal Cumulative Impact Guidance
EPA’s Office of General Counsel released its Cumulative Impacts Addendum this week. This addendum builds on EPA’s Legal Tools to Advance Environmental Justice, which was released in May 2022. Taken together, these encyclopedia-like documents were created with the purpose of “identifying and making appropriate use of every authority and tool available to EPA under the law to incorporate environmental and climate justice considerations in our work,” in the words of EPA Administrator Michael Regan. The addendum itself indicates that it “is not intended to prescribe when and how [EPA] should undertake specific actions, nor does it provide methodologies for how to conduct a cumulative impacts assessment.” (Note: EPA’s Office of Research and Development has advanced a definition of “cumulative impacts,” summarized here, and is researching methodologies to deploy the concept.)
Structurally, the addendum breaks EPA’s authorities to address cumulative impacts into six subject-matter focused chapters:
Clean Air Act Programs
Water Programs
Waste Management and Emergency Response Programs (i.e. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Oil Pollution Act; the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act; and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act)
Pesticides and Toxics Programs (i.e. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; and the Toxic Substances Control Act); and
Environmental Review Programs (i.e. National Environmental Policy Act and Clean Air Act Section 309 Reviews).
EPA’s intent with the addendum was to outline legal resources for federal, state, and local regulators to consult situationally outlining potential tools that could be used to address cumulative impacts. These legal tools, used in conjunction with EJ-focused screening tools like EJSCREEN (discussed here) and newly developed and (increasingly available) data (see our discussions here and here), are part of EPA’s high prioritization of EJ issues.
Takeaways for the Regulated Community
We offer two takeaways from these developments:
First, EPA’s commitment to a “whole of government” approach to address EJ issues continues unabated. Over time, the Biden Administration has exhibited a willingness to allocate money to address EJ issues; reorient EPA and DOJ to better address them; develop new tools; and indeed, build capacity to engage local communities in an effort to benefit more Americans regardless of their race, language or socioeconomic status.
Second, taken collectively, these efforts will necessitate changes in process for regulated entities because governmental and community engagement in the EJ space is altering the policymaking process at a rapid rate. Relevant here, we expect that a secondary effect of EPA and private parties “building capacity” in local communities will be an increase in community involvement — and potentially opposition — to businesses operating in their communities. These groups are likely to deploy all available resources — including those outlined in the addendum — to address their concerns.
EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation Enters Into Force In 2023
On December 23, 2022, Regulation (EU) 2022/2560 of December 14, 2022 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market (FSR) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The FSR introduces a new regulatory hurdle for M&A transactions in the European Union (EU), in addition to merger control and foreign direct investment screening. The FSR’s impact cannot be overstated as it introduces two mandatory pre-closing filing regimes and it gives the Commission wide-reaching ex officio investigative and intervention powers. Soon, the Commission will also launch a public consultation on a draft implementing regulation that should further detail and clarify a number of concepts and requirements of the FSR.
The bulk of the FSR will apply as of July 12, 2023. Importantly, the notification requirements for M&A transactions and public procurement procedures will apply as of October 12, 2023.
We highlight the key principles of the FSR below and provide guidance to start preparing for the application of the FSR. We refer to our On The Subject article ‘EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation to Impact EU and Cross-Border M&A Antitrust Review Starting in 2023’ of August 2, 2022 for a more detailed discussion of the then draft FSR. We also refer to our December 8, 2022 webinar on the FSR. Given the importance of the FSR, we will continue to report any future developments.
FSR in a Nutshell
The FSR tackles ‘foreign subsidies’ granted by non-EU governments to companies active in the EU and which ‘distort the internal market’.
First, a ‘foreign subsidy’ will be considered to exist where a direct or indirect financial contribution from a non-EU country or an entity whose actions can be attributed to a non-EU country (public entities or private entities) confers a benefit on an undertaking engaging in an economic activity in the EU internal market, and where that benefit is not generally available under normal market conditions but is, instead, limited, in law or in fact, to assisting one or more undertakings or industries. A ‘financial contribution’ covers a broad spectrum and encompasses, amongst others, positive benefits such as the transfer of funds or liabilities, the foregoing of revenue otherwise due (e.g., tax breaks, the grant of exclusive rights below market conditions, or the provision or purchase of goods or services).
Second, a ‘distortion in the internal market’ will be considered to exist in case of a foreign subsidy which is liable to improve the competitive position of an undertaking and which actually or potentially negatively affects competition in the EU internal market. The Regulation provides some guidance on when a foreign subsidy typically would not be a cause for concern:
– A subsidy that does not exceed EUR 200,000 per third country over any consecutive period of three years is considered de minimis and therefore not distortive;
– A foreign subsidy that does not exceed EUR 4 million per undertaking over any consecutive period of three years is unlikely to cause distortions; and
– A foreign subsidy aimed at making good/recovering from the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences may be considered not to be distortive.
The FSR looks at ‘undertakings’, as is the case for merger control. Therefore, the Commission will not look merely at the legal entity concerned, but at the entire corporate group to which the entity belongs in order to calculate the total amount of foreign financial contributions granted to the undertaking. Even companies headquartered in the EU that have entities outside of the EU that have received foreign financial contributions are covered by the FSR.
The FSR introduces three tools for the European Commission (Commission): (i) a notification requirement for certain M&A transactions, (ii) a notification requirement for certain public procurement procedures (PPP) and (iii) investigations on a case by case basis.
Notification Requirement for Certain M&A Transactions
M&A transactions (or “concentrations”) involving a buyer and/or a target that has received a foreign financial contribution shall be notifiable if they meet the following cumulative conditions:
At least one of the merging undertakings, the acquired undertaking (target, not buyer) or the joint venture is established in the EU and has an EU turnover of at least EUR 500 million, AND
The combined aggregate financial contributions provided to the undertakings concerned in the three financial years (combined) prior to notification amounts to more than EUR 50 million.
M&A transactions that meet these criteria will need to be notified and approved by the Commission prior to implementation. During its review, the Commission will determine whether the foreign financial contributions received constitute foreign subsidies in the sense of the FSR and whether these foreign subsidies actually or potentially distort or negatively affect competition in the EU internal market. The Commission likely will consider certain indicators including the amount and nature of the foreign subsidy, the purpose and conditions attached to the foreign subsidy as well as its use in the EU internal market. For example, in a case of an acquisition, if a foreign subsidy covers a substantial part of the purchase price of the target, the Commission may consider it likely to be distortive.
Notification Requirement for Certain Public Procurement Procedures
A notifiable foreign financial contribution in the context of PPP shall be deemed to arise where the following cumulative conditions are met:
The estimated value of the public procurement or framework agreement net of VAT amounts to at least EUR 250 million, AND
The economic operator was granted aggregate foreign financial contributions in the three financial years prior to notification of at least EUR 4 million from a non-EU country.
Where the procurement is divided into lots, the value of the lot or the aggregate value of all lots for which the undertaking bids for must, in addition to the two criteria set out above, also amount to at least EUR 125 million.
Through this procedure, the Commission will ensure that companies that have received non-EU country subsidies do not submit unduly advantageous bids in public procurement procedures.
During the Commission’s review, all procedural steps may continue except for the award of the contract.
Even if the thresholds are not met, the Regulation requires undertakings to provide to the contracting authority in a declaration attached to the tender a list of all foreign financial contributions received in the last three financial years and to confirm that these are not notifiable, which the contracting authority will subsequently send to the Commission.
Investigations on a Case-by-case Basis
The Commission may on its own initiative investigate potentially distortive foreign subsidies (e.g. following a complaint). These investigations are not limited to M&A transactions or PPP. However, on the basis of this power, the Commission may investigate M&A transactions and awarded contracts under PPP which do not fall within the scope of the notification requirements set out above.
If the Commission carries out an ex-officio review, its analysis will be structured in two phases: a preliminary examination and an in-depth investigation. Although these phases have no time limits, the Commission will endeavor to take a decision within 18 months of the start of the in-depth investigation.
Application of the FSR – Timetable
As mentioned above, the FSR will apply as of July 12, 2023. The FSR shall apply to foreign subsidies granted in the five years prior to July 12, 2023 where such foreign subsidies create effects at present, i.e., they distort the internal market after July 12, 2023. By way of derogation, the FSR shall apply to foreign financial contributions granted in the 3 years prior to July 12, 2023 where such foreign financial contributions were granted to an undertaking notifying a concentration or notifying a PPP pursuant to the FSR.
The FSR shall not apply to concentrations for which the agreement was signed before July 12, 2023. The FSR shall also not apply to public procurement contracts that have been awarded or procedures initiated before July 12, 2023.
In general, the FSR shall apply from July 12, 2023 while the notification obligations for M&A transactions and PPP shall only apply from October 12, 2023. However, it is advisable to start preparing immediately for the application of the FSR, given the substantial scope of the regulation.
Actions to Take Now
Businesses which conduct activities in the EU, should put in place a system to monitor and quantify foreign financial contributions received since at least July 2020 – to cover the three-year review – and, preferably, July 2018. In particular, attention should be paid to positive benefits and reliefs from certain costs normally due by the company. External counsel can assist in determining whether these foreign financial contributions constitute a ‘foreign subsidy’.
As soon as a company decides to engage in an M&A or PPP in the EU, the company should map all relevant foreign financial contributions for the relevant time period to check whether the relevant notification thresholds are met. Subsequently companies must carefully consider whether any such financial contribution constitutes a foreign subsidy and, if so, whether such foreign subsidy may have a distortive effect. It is also advisable to determine whether there any positive effects relating to the subsidy that could be invoked. Companies should ensure that the preparation above is ably assisted by external counsel.
In particular with regard to M&A transactions, companies should carry out an FSR analysis in addition to merger control and foreign direct investment reviews. Even at the stage of due diligence, it would already be advisable to check whether the target has received any foreign financial contributions. If the transaction might eventually trigger a notification to the Commission, the M&A agreement should provide for Commission approval in the closing conditions. When acting as a bidder for a target that meets the EU turnover threshold, your bid will be much better viewed when accompanied with clear assurances that no FSR filing is required or, alternatively, that a filing may be required but that the foreign subsidies received are not distortive of competition.
Venezuela Program Expanded to Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua – 30,000 Per Month for All Countries
The Biden administration has announced the expansion of its Venezuela Parole program to three additional countries – Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua. On Jan. 5, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security announced an expansion of its new migration process for Venezuelan nationals. The expansion allows those nationals from Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua and their immediate family members to request advance authorization for travel and temporary parole for up to two years in the United States, including work authorization. There will be a 30,000 per month cap on the number of parolees from all four countries.
Parolees must have a supporter in the United States who will provide financial and other support, among other requirements. In order to be eligible for advance travel to the United States to request parole at the border, a person must:
- Be a national of one of the four countries or be an immediate family member (spouse, common-law partner, or unmarried child under the age of 21) of an eligible applicant and traveling with them;
- Possess a passport valid for international travel;
- Be outside the United States;
- Have a U.S.-based supporter who filed a Form I-134 on their behalf that USCIS has vetted and confirmed;
- Provide for their own commercial travel to a U.S. airport and final U.S. destination;
- Undergo and clear required screening and vetting;
- Not be a permanent resident or dual national of any country other than one of these four countries, and not currently hold refugee status in any country;
- This requirement does not apply to immediate family members (spouse, common-law partner, or unmarried child under the age of 21) of an eligible national of Venezuela with whom are traveling.
- Not be an unaccompanied child;
- Children under the age of 18 must be traveling to the United States in the care and custody of their parent or legal guardian.
- Not have been ordered removed from the United States within the past five years or be subject to a bar based on a prior removal order;
- Not have crossed irregularly into the United States, between ports of entry, after Oct. 19, 2022;
- Not have crossed irregularly into the United States, between ports of entry, after Oct. 19, 2022;
- Not have unlawfully crossed the Mexican or Panamanian borders after Oct. 19, 2022; and
- Comply with all additional requirements, including vaccination requirements and other public health guidelines.
When the national arrives at the United States port of entry, there will be additional screening and vetting. If granted parole, it will typically be for two years. Once granted parole, nationals may apply for employment authorization and request a social security number.
Top Legal News of 2022: A Review of the Most Notable and Newsworthy Thought Leadership from the National Law Review’s Contributors
Happy New Year from the National Law Review! We hope that the holiday season has been restful and rejuvenating for you and your family. Here at the NLR, we are wrapping up the second season of our legal news podcast, Legal News Reach. Check out episode seven here: Creating A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Work Environment with Stacey Sublett Halliday of Beveridge & Diamond! A few weeks ago, we also announced the winners of our 2022 Go-To Thought Leadership Awards! Each year, around 75 recipients are selected for their timely and high-quality contributions to the National Law Review. This year’s slate of winners was particularly competitive – to see the full list, check out our 2022 National Law Review Thought Leadership Awards page.
As we look forward to a bright and busy 2023 for the legal industry, it is more prudent than ever to review the previous year and all that came with it. 2022 was a chaotic and monumental year for not only the legal profession, but for the world at large. The invasion of Ukraine, global supply chain issues, and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic were only some of the many challenges all industries and sectors faced. In the United States, companies and employers dealt with enormous changes at every level, including but not limited to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, shifting attitudes toward cannabis legalization, and ever-changing standards for COVID-19 vaccinations.
Read on below for some thought leadership highlights from this past year, and for a reminder of all that we’ve passed through in 2022:
Most prominently in 2022, the US Supreme Court handed down substantial rulings for coronavirus vaccine mandates, which affected not only healthcare workers but all employers across the country. With a 6-3 majority, SCOTUS stayed the Biden Administration’s OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard that applied to all private employers, but simultaneously ruled in a 5-4 majority that issued a 5–4 unsigned majority that vaccine mandates for medical facilities and medical workers can remain.
January also saw noteworthy changes to labor law in the United States, inviting a handful of significant standard changes for all employers. At the end of 2021 and early in 2022, the NLRB considered cases that altered the standard for determining independent contractor status, as well as the standard that established whether a facially neutral work rule violates Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act. These changes also paved the way for briefings on determining appropriate bargaining units.
Read January 2022’s thought leadership focusing on Labor and Employment law and the related Supreme Court rulings below for more information:
Supreme Court Stays Private Vaccine Mandate; Upholds Requirement for Certain Healthcare Workers
On Again, Off Again Vaccine Mandates: What Should Employers Do Now?
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a large-scale ground invasion of Ukraine, leading to considerable damage and loss of life and throwing the geopolitical landscape into chaos. Both in February and in the months since, the Russia-Ukraine war has placed an extraordinary strain on the global supply chain and businesses around the world, as the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States have continued to enforce sanctions and trade regulations. Companies must be careful to comply with these orders as the political landscape continues to change and learn how to juggle the dual headaches of the lingering COVID crisis and evolving Ukrainian war
Domestically, President Biden nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court. Succeeding Justice Stephen Breyer, Judge Jackson graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1992 and cum laude from Harvard Law in 1996 and has since served as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. She is the first African American woman to serve on the United States’ highest court of law.
Read select thought leadership articles below for more information:
President Biden Nominates D.C. Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to U.S. Supreme Court
Russian Invasion of Ukraine Triggers Global Sanctions: What Businesses Need to Know
Consequences from the Ukrainian Conflict
March of 2022 saw the long term impacts from the military conflict in Ukraine emerge locally and around the world. Sanctions continued to affect businesses, leading to global supply chain slowdowns and difficulties in manufacturing and shipping and new immigration changes and challenges. In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission “SEC” issued new and noteworthy regulations regarding Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance “ESG” and climate change disclosures for public companies. The Supreme Court also heard oral argument for a large slate of cases, perhaps most notably in ZF Auto. US v. Luxshare, Ltd. and AlixPartners v. The Fund for Prot. of Inv. Rights in Foreign States, which interpreted provisions of Title 28 of the US Code’s (“Section 1782”) reach in seeking US-style discovery from a interested party to a foreign proceeding and whether or not ection 1782 can be used to obtain key information for private international arbitrations.
Read key thought leadership articles published in March for more details:
SEC Issues Long-Awaited Proposed Rule on Climate Disclosures
The Effects of the Military Conflict in Ukraine on Supply Contracts
In April of 2022, the Biden Administration made notable changes to the National Environmental Policy Act, better known as NEPA, which had been substantially altered under the Trump Administration. A number of key provisions were returned to their pre-Trump state in order to better center the administration’s larger focus on environmental justice. Also of note, a US court for the first time contested the Center for Disease Control’s “CDC’s” travel mask mandate, on the grounds that it exceeded the CDC’s Statutory Authority under the Administrative Procedure Act “the federal APA”. This ultimately led to a vacating of the COVID travel mask mandate on a nationwide basis.
Elon Musk announced his intention to purchase Twitter in April of 2022, as well. Twitter ultimately adopted a shareholder rights plan, known as a poison pill, in hopes of preventingMusk’s hostile takeover. Poison pills are widely regarded as the an effective but a draconian anti-takeover defense available.
Read select thought leadership articles below for more information:
Biden Administration Walks Back Key Trump Era NEPA Regulation Changes
Twitter Board of Directors Adopts a Poison Pill
Administrative Law Takeaways from the Federal Travel Mask Mandate Decision
On May 17th, the first case of Monkeypox in the United States was reported in Massachusetts. In response, the Environmental Protection Agency “EPA” and the federal government implemented a number of policy changes in hopes of preventing a wider spread, including the speedy authorization of anti-Monkeypox claims for certain registered pesticides and disinfectant products.
The SEC and administrative law at large received a considerable blow after the Fifth Circuit’s ruling in Jarkesy v. SEC. The Fifth Circuit Court held that the SEC in-house courts violated a series of constitutional protections, which may result in far-reaching impacts for how administrative bodies are used to regulate in the future. Additionally in May, the Senate confirmed Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya for the Federal Trade Commission “FTC”, shifting the balance of power back at the Commission in favor of the Democratic Party.
Read the following highlighted thought leadership articles published in May for more information:
EPA Authorizes Anti-Monkeypox Claims for Pre-Designated Disinfectant Products
Fifth Circuit Holds That SEC Administrative Law Courts Are Unconstitutional
Big News at The FTC: Democrats Finally Get the Majority Back
In June of 2022, the Supreme Court released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, reversing Roe v. Wade’s 50-year precedent of ensuring abortion as a protected right. Dobb’s is a momentous decision and has resulted in a myriad of complex issues for employers, healthcare providers and individuals, including the updating of employee policies, healthcare provisions, ethical and criminal considerations for healthcare providers and the protection of personal data, and ultimately represents a massive shift away from women’s bodily autonomy in the United States. And the partial advance leak of the Dobb’s ruling, added to the myriad of concerns about the stability and public perception of the Supreme Court.
Other notable litigation and legislation in June included the passing of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, subjecting the importers of raw materials from China to new enforcement provisions. The Supreme Court also ruled in West Virginia v. EPA, limiting the SEC’s ability to enforce ESG requirements on public companies. The West Virginia v. EPA ruling presents a considerable obstacle for the Biden Administration’s ongoing climate goals.
Read select legal news articles below for more information:
Employment Law This Week: SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade – What Employers Should Consider [VIDEO]
Implications of West Virginia v. EPA on Proposed SEC Climate Rules
July of 2022 saw a great deal of changes for the Equal Opportunity Commission’s “EEOC’s” COVID testing guidance for employers. The largest change is determining if testing is needed to prevent workplace transmission and interpreting the business necessity standard under the American with Disabilities Act “ADA”.. The labor law landscape around the country also saw an increased focus on pay transparency laws – most notably, New York state passed a bill requiring employers to post salary or wage ranges on all job listings. Notably, this law is quite similar to one already in effect in New York City and Washington state, Colorado, and Jersey City.
Beginning most prominently in July, the cryptocurrency world also found itself under increased scrutiny by the federal government. Of note this month, the SEC filed a complaint against certain Coinbase employees, alleging insider trading and claiming that these employees had tipped off others regarding Coinbase’s listing announcements. This move was one of the more aggressive moves made by the SEC toward the digital asset industry.
Read select legal thought leadership articles published in July for more information:
EEOC Revises COVID-19 Testing Guidance for Employers
SEC v. Wahi: An Enforcement Action that Could Impact the Broader Crypto / Digital Assets Industry
Pay Transparency Laws Are All The Rage: Looks Like New York State Is Joining the Party
On August 12, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”) was passed by Congress, representing enormous changes for industries across the country. Perhaps most notably, the landmark legislation contained new government incentives for the clean energy sector, creating tax incentives for renewable energy projects that previously did not exist. The Act also included 15% alternative minimum corporate tax and a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks to raise government revenue.
The Inflation Reduction Act also provided significant funding for tribal communities, including but not limited to the reduction of drug prices, the lowering of energy costs, and additional federal infrastructure investments. While the funding is not as significant as COVID relief from previous years and there are still some remaining hurdles, the IRA provides groundbreaking new opportunities for Native communities, including those in Alaska and Hawaii.
Read the select legal articles published in August for more information:
The Inflation Reduction Act: How Do Tribal Communities Benefit?
The Inflation Reduction Act: A Tax Overview
Relief Arrives for Renewable Energy Industry – Inflation Reduction Act of 202
In September of 2022, Hurricane Ian made landfall in the United States, caused substaintial property damage and loss of life despite preparations ahead of time. After addressing safety concerns, policyholders began reviewing their insurance policies, collecting documentation and filing claims. In addition to filing claims for property damage, corporate policyholders also filed claims for business interruption and loss of business income.
Lawsuits opposing the remaining COVID-19 vaccine mandates also continued throughout the month of September, exceeding 1,000 complaints nationally. Previously, lawsuits had largely targeted the Biden Administration, but additional focus was also directed toward large employers with vaccine mandates.
Of global significance, Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest reigning monarch, passed away at 96 years old. Her funeral was held September 19, 2022, and was a national holiday in the United Kingdom marking the last day of public mourning.
Read following key thought leadership articles on Hurrican Ian, UK Bank Holiday due to the Sovereign’s passing and Employer’s COVID Mandate headaches for more information:
Hurricane Ian – Navigating Insurance Coverage
Bank Holiday Announced for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral
Challenges Against Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Show No Sign of Slowing
October saw forward movement in environmental justice, cannabis decriminalization, and Artificial Intelligence “AI” regulation. The EPA launched their new Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights, to work with state, local, and tribal partners providing financial and technical support to underserved communities disproportionately impacted by the ill effects of climate change. The EPA’s new office has 200 staff members across 10 regions and is expected to provide a unifying focus on civil rights and environmental justice for the EPA and federal government as a whole.
President Biden’s pardon of federal marijuana charges and mandate to review the plant’s Schedule I status signaled a shift in cannabis regulation, with the president urging state officials to follow his example and consider the contrast between wealthy cannabis business owners and those imprisoned for possession in the recent past.
Later in the month, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy addressed the swell of artificial intelligence technology with their Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, which provides guidelines to prevent privacy violations, implicit bias, and other forms of foreseeable harm.
Read selected thought leadership articles below for more information:
“Up in Smoke?” President Biden Announces Pardons and Orders Review of Cannabis Classification
The White House’s AI Bill of Rights: Not for the Robots
November was dominated by a nail-biting midterm election season, a cryptocurrency catastrophe, and NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) reform. While the midterms did not result in a Red Wave as expected, Republicans were able to regain a small majority in the House of Representatives, with the Senate remaining in Democratic control.
The digital finance world was considerably less stable, with the second largest cryptocurrency trading platform, FTX, filing for bankruptcy three days after its lawyers and compliance staff abruptly resigned. The collapse brought into stark relief the importance of solidifying the cryptocurrency custody and insurance landscape.
Also of note, President Biden signed the Speak Out Act, rendering unenforceable nondisclosure and nondisparagement agreements signed prior to incidents of sexual harassment or assault. The law’s passage offers employers the opportunity to review their states’ more robust laws in this area and ensure clauses meant to protect trade secrets and proprietary information don’t inadvertently create issues for sexual misconduct claimants.
Read select thought leadership articles below fora deeper dive:
The Spectacular Fall of FTX: Considerations about Crypto Custody and Insurance
In December, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released their hotly anticipated “Green Guides” amendment proposals, intended to combat greenwashing amidst growing demand for environmentally friendly products. The amended Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims would impose stricter standards for the use of terms such as “recyclable,” “compostable,” “organic,” and “sustainable” in advertising and on packaging.
Meanwhile, Congress narrowly avoided a railroad worker strike by passing Railway Labor Act legislation affirming all tentative agreements between rail carriers and unions. The contracts included a roughly 24% increase in wages over 4-5 years, along with an extra day of leave. Biden promised to address paid leave further in the near future.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) closed out 2022 with a number of impactful decisions favoring workers. Employees have expanded remedies for National Labor Relations Act violations and protection during Section 7 questioning, while employers have the burden of proof when seeking to expand micro-units or deny union protestors.
Read select legal thought leadership pieces below for more details:
Congress Votes to Impose Bargaining Agreement to Avoid Nationwide Railroad Strike
FTC Starts Long-Awaited Green Guides Review
NLRB Issues Flurry of Blockbuster End-of-Year Decisions (With More to Come?) (US)
Thank you to our dedicated readers and as always to our highly regarded contributing authors and our talented NLR editorial staff for working day in and day out to produce one of the most well read and reputable business law publications in the US. Have a happy 2023!
Will CMS’s Proposed Rule on “Identified Overpayments” Increase Reverse FCA Cases?
On December 27, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed rule which, in part, seeks to amend the existing regulations for Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D regarding the standard for when an “identified” overpayment must be refunded, pursuant to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the False Claims Act (FCA) reverse false claims provision. As written, the proposed rule would remove the existing “reasonable diligence” standard for identification of overpayments, and add the “knowing” and “knowingly” FCA definition. As a result, an overpayment would be “identified” when the entity has actual knowledge of an identified overpayment, or acts in reckless disregard or deliberate ignorance of an identified overpayment. And, a provider is required to refund overpayments it is obliged to refund within 60 days of such identified overpayment.
If this proposed rule is finalized, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) should be applying the same intent standard to their evaluation of potential reverse false claims and Civil Monetary Penalty liability.
The Lay of the Land
Currently, the applicable overpayment regulations state:
A person has identified an overpayment when the person has, or should have through the exercise of reasonable diligence, determined that the person has received an overpayment and quantified the amount of the overpayment. A person should have determined that the person received an overpayment and quantified the amount of the overpayment if the person fails to exercise reasonable diligence and the person in fact received an overpayment.
42 C.F.R. § 401.305(a)(2). In the 2016 Final Rule, CMS agreed “the 60-day time period begins when either the reasonable diligence is completed or on the day the person received credible information of a potential overpayment if the person failed to conduct reasonable diligence and the person in fact received an overpayment.” This reasonable diligence standard allows entities to not only determine credibility of allegations, or issues relating to, a potential overpayment but also, when credible, to conduct a properly scoped internal investigation, during which an entity also accurately quantifies any associated overpayment due for refund.
In the proposed rulemaking, CMS is suggesting instead the following standard:
A person has identified an overpayment when the person knowingly receives or retains an overpayment. The term “knowingly” has the meaning set forth in 31 U.S.C. 3729(b)(1)(A).
31 U.S.C. 3729(b)(1)(A) defines “Knowingly” as any circumstance in which “a person, with respect to information—(i) has actual knowledge of the information; (ii) acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the information; or (iii) acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information.”
The currently proposed provision has similar effect to the language CMS proposed in 2012 and, after consideration of comments, ultimately rejected in the 2014 Final Rule (Medicare Advantage and Part D) and 2016 Final Rule (Medicare Part A and Part B). In that final rulemaking, CMS removed the “actual knowledge,” “reckless disregard,” and “deliberate ignorance” terms in favor of the reasonable diligence standard, leaving practitioners to argue that CMS had lowered requisite intent to a standard less than required by the FCA.
Potential Impact
The FCA is a fraud statute, requiring intent. If a company investigating the credibility, issue, and scope of a matter (i.e., exercising reasonable diligence) also diligently determines the scope of a possible refund obligation, it would be difficult for DOJ to credibly claim an entity has acted recklessly, or with deliberate indifference to repayment under the FCA. DOJ’s general practice has been to bring reverse FCA cases when a provider does not investigate credible allegations and does not refund associated overpayments, after identifying them. For example, in a 2015 case, DOJ attorneys stated in a court conference, “[T]his is not a question … of a case where the hospital is diligently working on the claims and it’s on the sixty-first day and they’re still scrambling to go through their spreadsheets, you know, the government wouldn’t be bringing that kind of a claim.” United States ex rel. Kane v. Healthfirst, Inc., 120 F. Supp. 3d 370, 389 (S.D. N.Y. 2015).
It remains to be seen whether this change will result in an increased pursuit of reverse FCA cases. The proposed rule would eliminate an explicit diligence period (generally not to exceed six months, except in particularly complicated analyses, such as under the Physician Self-Referral or “Stark” Law) to ascertain the validity and amount of a potential obligation to refund an overpayment. The proposed rule does not explain whether providers, suppliers, and others still will have an opportunity to conduct a reasonably diligent inquiry into whether any obligation to refund exists at all, prior to the ACA 60-day clock starting to run. Ideally CMS would make clear in any preamble that the government still expects reasonable and professional efforts be undertaken before making refunds, even if that process may take some time to complete
Absent such clarity, the fact remains that it is difficult to “identify” an obligation to refund, much less any refundable amounts, without first validating the alleged overpayment and quantifying any obligation.
Additionally, this standard may prompt entities to submit an HHS-OIG self-disclosure before all facts are known. While OIG requires a disclosing party to conduct an internal investigation prior to submission, it is near impossible to thoroughly investigate issues and identify any refund 60 days from learning of a possible issue that might result in a refund (especially when multiple payors are involved). Even if a disclosing party notes within a self-disclosure that an investigation is ongoing, the disclosing party must certify that it will complete its investigation within 90 days of the submission date – which still may not be enough time based on the complexity of the allegations or claims review required. The resulting back-and-forth of incomplete information likely would create unnecessary delays in reaching a resolution and frustration among all parties involved.
We encourage all providers, suppliers, Medicare Advantage organizations, Part D participants, and other stakeholders to submit comments on this proposed rule. The public has until 5 p.m. ET on February 13, 2023 to submit comments, which are accepted, electronically or by mail.