Rainmaker Retreat: Law Firm Marketing Boot Camp

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Law Firm Marketing Boot Camp:


Have you ever gone to a seminar that left you feeling motivated, but you walked out with little more than a good feeling? Or taken a workshop that was great on style, but short on substance?

Ever been to an event that was nothing more than a “pitch fest” that left a bad taste in your mouth? We know exactly how you feel. We have all been to those kinds of events and we hate all those things too. Let me tell you right up front this is not a “pitch fest” where speaker after speaker gets up only trying to sell you something.

We have designed this 2 day intensive workshop to be content rich, loaded with practical content.

We are so confident you will love the Rainmaker Retreat that we offer a 100% unconditional money-back guarantee! At the end of the first day of the Rainmaker Retreat if you don’t believe you have already received your money’s worth, simply tell one of the staff, return your 70-page workbook and the CD set you received and we will issue you a 100% refund.

We understand making the decision to attend an intensive 2-day workshop is a tough decision. Not only do you have to take a day off work (all Rainmaker Retreats are offered only on a Friday-Saturday), but in many cases you have to travel to the event. As a business owner you want to be sure this is a worthwhile investment of your time and money.


Partners at Small Law Firms (less than 25 attorneys) Solo Practitioners and Of Counsel attorneys who are committed to growing their firm. Benefits you will receive:

  • You will discover over 65 different marketing techniques that are proven to work in the real world environment of a fast moving law firm. Only practical  techniques will be discussed here. We leave the theory for the classroom.
  • You will know the 5 critical numbers you need to be tracking in your law firm and how to measure your Return On Investment (ROI) for all your marketing efforts.
  • You will understand the core concepts of search engine optimization (SEO) and internet marketing for attorneys and how to create a dominant position on the internet.
  • You will study specific tools to automate your marketing system and “fix your follow up” to increase your conversion rates from prospects to paying clients.
  • You will be introduced to several advanced internet marketing strategies for lawyers.
  • You will leave with a Rainmaker Social Media Blueprint to help you fully leverage Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Avvo and JDSupra to drive new leads to your law firm.
  • You will learn from dozens of real world case studies of how attorneys have gone from a good 6 figure practice to a great “7 figure lifestyle law firm.”
  • You will learn how to focus your money on the most effective marketing strategies based on your specific practice area.
  • You will learn how to better select, train and motivate your partners and staff to do Rainmaking activities
  • You will learn where you can ‘cut the fat’ and reduce your costs by eliminating ineffective marketing strategies
  • You will create a written Marketing Action Plan (MAP) that will guide your law firm’s efforts and provide specific goals for your team to achieve in the next 6 months
  • You will have a realistic idea of how much money it will take to effectively market your law firm
  • You will start building a network of other attorneys across the country who are dedicated to building a 7 figure lifestyle law firm
  • You will understand how to utilize the 7 Rainmaker tools for generating more referrals and repeat business from current and former clients.

Solo practitioners who need to find more clients fast on a shoe-string budget. In addition to all the above benefits, solo attorneys will receive these massive benefits:

  • You will discover over 30 low cost (starting at $20/mo)and no cost marketing strategies to help you stretch your budget
  • You will learn software tools that will help you automate your marketing system
  • You will learn an easy to use system for tracking all your incoming leads
  • You will be introduced to specific tools to help you and your staff convert more prospects into paying clients.
  • You will create a written Marketing Action Plan (MAP) that will guide your law firm’s efforts and provide specific goals for your team to achieve in the next 6 months
  • You will see how other solo attorneys have leveraged internet marketing and social media networks to beat much bigger firms
  • You will hear about best practices in legal marketing and gain new insight into what has and has not worked for other solo attorneys all across the country
  • You will be introduced to several advanced internet marketing strategies for lawyers.
  • You will understand how to utilize the 7 Rainmaker tools for generating more referrals and repeat business from current and former clients.
  • You will learn what the most profitable practice areas are in this economy.
  • You will leave with a Rainmaker Social Media Blueprint to help you fully leverage Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Avvo and JDSupra to drive new leads to your law firm.

Law Firm Business Managers and Internal Legal Marketing Staff who are either responsible for marketing the law firm or manage the team who handles the law firm’s marketing. In addition to all the above benefits, Law Firm Business Managers and Internal Legal Marketing Staff will also receive these benefits:

  • You will understand what it takes to start marketing a practice from scratch.
  • You will walk out with a specific, step-by-step, written Marketing Action Plan (MAP) that your internal marketing team can implement in the next 30 days.
  • You will learn how to quickly evaluate potential legal marketing strategies to determine if they are a “good fit” for your attorney’s practice areas.
  • You will know how to integrate your offline legal marketing strategies, like referral development and cross selling the firm’s other services,with your online and internet marketing strategies.
  • You will have a simple guide for when it’s more beneficial and cost effective to outsource specific attorney marketing projects versus keeping it in house.
  • You will know the questions to ask when evaluating internet marketing and legal website development companies so you can make wise decisions.
  • You will grasp fundamental search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and understand how to evaluate potential providers of SEO services.
  • You will understand the “metrics of legal marketing”—how to track and measure the results and ROI of your law firm’s marketing campaigns using low cost tools.
  • You will discover a proven system for fixing the follow up of your attorneys and how to start tracking every lead, every prospect, and every referral source and automatically follow up with them frequently and consistently.
  • You will discover over a dozen low cost legal marketing strategies you can launch in 30 days or less.
  • You will have a paint-by-the-numbers approach to developing more referral sources for your law firm.
  • You will understand the basics of how to put together a reasonable law firm marketing budget.
  • You will know how to work better with the Managing Partner and law firm Partners to provide them with the data, the metrics and results they are looking for.

Of Counsel Attorneys who are paid on an “eat what you kill” basis. In addition to all the above benefits, Of Counsel attorneys will also receive these benefits:

  • You will learn how other Of Counsel Attorneys build their book of business.
  • You will understand how to walk the line between promoting your firm and promoting yourself.
  • You will learn low cost strategies to develop a stronger referral base.
  • You will realize how to apply a step-by-step approach to increasing your credibility in the marketplace.
  • You will recognize how to find more clients even without the support of your firm.
  • You will apply several specific strategies designed to improve your visibility.
  • You will leave with a game plan for finding more clients and building a sustainable book of business.

Associates who are either looking to grow their book of new clients in the next 6-12 months or want to launch their own private practice. In addition to all the above benefits, Associates will also receive these benefits:

  • You will understand what it takes to start marketing a practice from scratch.
  • You will learn the importance of building your own book of business now instead of just relying on senior attorneys to build it for you.
  • You will learn low cost techniques to find more clients with your limited time.
  • You will obtain a practical understanding of what it really takes to become a “Rainmaker.”


1. Specifically Designed for Owners and Managing Partners at Small Law Firms and Solo Practitioners.While Associates, Of Counsel, and Partners at large firms (50+ attorneys) are welcome to attend and will receive benefit from attending, the Rainmaker Retreat is specifically designed to meet the needs, challenges, and financial budgets of solo practitioners and small law firms.

You won’t find any strategies that cost tens of thousands of dollars in this seminar. In fact, many of our strategies have little to no cost and with many of them we will tell you how to trade more of your time instead of spending your money if you’re marketing your practice on a shoe-string budget. Nor will you hear about generic marketing ideas that only work if you have a large staff or a separate marketing department.

2. This is an Advanced Legal Marketing Workshop. We work very hard to make the material easy to understand and simple to apply, but please understand this is an advanced, in-depth, hard-hitting law firm marketing course!

If you are just starting out or have never done legal marketing or business development before you will likely find the volume and depth of our strategies to be a little overwhelming at times.

A common remark we hear from experienced attorneys is that attending the Rainmaker Retreat is like “trying to drink from a fire hydrant” because we will provide you will dozens of time tested legal marketing strategies each day of the workshop.

At the Rainmaker Retreat, you will not hear any generic marketing advice like “just buy more Yellow Page ads” or “try to get more referrals from clients.” The Rainmaker Retreat focuses on in-depth discussions of cutting-edge strategies and revealing secrets of highly successful attorneys used by only an elite group of lawyers.

3. You will be taught How to Track and Measure Every Legal Marketing Effort! You will find a big emphasis on tracking the results of your attorney marketing efforts so if you are a numbers kind of person you will LOVE the Rainmaker Retreat!

There are 3 major areas you need to analyze and every one of your current challenges is directly related to problems in one or more of these 3 areas. We will teach you what the 3 areas are and how to use this tool to diagnose your problems and what “marketing treatment” you need to prescribe.

4. You will learn a Proven Lead Conversion System. The biggest area attorneys overlook in their legal marketing efforts is how to convert more prospects into paying clients. You will learn the 5 numbers you need to track in your law firm.

We will give you the tools and teach you how to use them so you can start tracking: (1) where every incoming lead is coming from, (2) how many of those leads turn into appointments, (3) how many appointments show up, (4) how many of those appointments retain at the initial consult, and (5) how many retain at a later date. We will introduce you to our Rainmaker Follow Up System that can be used to determine your Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Cost Per Client (CPC).

5. It is a Working Retreat. This means that several times each day you will be given specific marketing tasks to complete with step-by-step instructions. You not only come to listen, learn and discover, but also to practice and apply.

By the end of the Rainmaker Retreat you will:

  • Create a written 90-day Marketing Action Plan (MAP) for your law firm
  • Discover your firm’s Unique Competitive Advantage (UCA)
  • Identify a profile of your Ideal Target Market (ITM)
  • Have written strategies for improving your internet presence and search engine optimization
  • Develop your own plan for leveraging the power of blogging and social media following the Rainmaker Social Media Blueprint
  • Create a letter of introduction to potential Strategic Referral Partners (SRPs)

6. There is a Strong Focus on Return on Investment (ROI)! Everything about this workshop is focused on one goal—helping you achieve the best possible results by finding more and better clients in the least amount of time using the least amount of money possible!

For most attorneys,landing just 1 new client as a result of this workshop will more than pay for your attendance. But that’s not our goal! Our goal is to teach you how to gain dozens of new clients in the next 60-90 days.

Please note, ethically we cannot guarantee those kinds of results, but we work hard to provide you with all of the tools you will need to find more and better clients on a consistent basis. With that kind of Return on Investment, can you afford not to attend?

7. 100% Money Back Guarantee! We are so confident you will benefit from the Rainmaker Retreat that we offer a 100% money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied at the end of the first day, just let us know, turn your materials in and we will refund your money.

We guarantee you will come out of these 2 days with a step-by-step Marketing Action Plan (MAP) to make very specific changes to your marketing and how you go about building your legal practice.

Clash of the Generations – Age Discrimination in the United Kingdom in 2012

The National Law Review recently featured an article by Katie L. Clark of  McDermott Will & Emery regarding Age Discrimination:

In Europe, many employers are currently caught in the middle of a conflict between older and younger employees.  Many older employees want to work longer (whether by choice or necessity), while younger employees feel that an aging workforce is hampering their career progression.  Both feel that that their age is being used against them.  In the United Kingdom, the repeal of default retirement ages in April 2011 has only aggravated the problem.

UK employers may lawfully use age directly or indirectly in decision-making if “justified.”  But where is the line drawn?

Two recent English Supreme Court cases provide some much-needed clarification for employers, particularly with regard to possible justifications for direct age discrimination.

Justifying Age Discrimination

Both direct and indirect age discrimination may be justified, that is, found to be lawful, if the employer can demonstrate that the discriminatory measure is “a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”.  The Supreme Court in the United Kingdom has now ruled that the “legitimate aims” that can justify direct age discrimination are narrower than those that can justify indirect age discrimination.

Legitimate Aims

Indirect age discrimination covers situations in which a workplace provision, criterion or practice puts people in a particular age group (young or old) at a disadvantage.  A requirement of obtaining a degree to gain a promotion, for example, puts older people at a disadvantage because of lesser university access for prior generations.  Keeping such a policy in place will be lawful if justified by individual reasons that are particular to that employer, such as cost reductions or improving competiveness.  This gives employers flexibility to adopt legitimate measures that are appropriate to their individual business needs.

By contrast, the Supreme Court has now stated that direct age discrimination—treating an individual less favourably on grounds of his or her age or age group—may only be justified if an employer is implementing a legitimate public interest.  The Supreme Court, in examining European case law, has identified two legitimate public interests that potentially justify direct age discrimination:

  • Inter-generational fairness—i.e., measures that promote the recruitment and retention of, and the sharing of limited opportunities between, different generations
  • Dignity—i.e., avoiding the need to dismiss older workers on the grounds of incapacity or under-performance, which may be humiliating for the employee or lead to disputes

Absent a legitimate aim that falls within one of those two categories, it is highly unlikely that an employer would be able to justify direct age discrimination, such as a mandatory retirement age forcing an individual out.

Even if an employer can point to a potentially legitimate public interest, it must establish that it is in fact pursuing the relevant interest.  For example, improving the recruitment of young people is potentially a legitimate public aim, but it will not justify discriminating against older employees if the employer, in fact, has no difficulty in recruiting younger employees.

Proportionate Means

Once a legitimate aim has been established for direct or indirect discrimination, an employer will need to demonstrate that the measure adopted is proportionate.  The Supreme Court has confirmed that to be proportionate, a measure must be both an appropriate means of achieving the legitimate aim and (reasonably) necessary in order to do so.

A measure will not be appropriate if it does not achieve the proposed aim, while a measure that goes further than is reasonably necessary to achieve the proposed aim will be disproportionate and impermissible.

It may be more difficult to show proportionality if the stated aim is to preserve the dignity of employees.  Arguably, a retirement age of 65 insinuates that once employees turn 65, they are no longer able to do the jobs that they have been doing up to their 65th birthdays.  If anything, this practice reinforces rather than dispels discriminatory stereotypes, which will make it difficult to justify.

What Does This Mean for Employers?

Direct discrimination claims are harder to defend than indirect discrimination claims.  Managers need to understand that using mandatory retirement ages, while still possible, may lead to tough challenges.

The Supreme Court has provided clarification for employers on how to justify direct age discrimination, but not a definitive one-size-fits-all answer.  The identification of legitimate aims is only half the problem, and questions of proportionality will continue to be difficult to answer.

Consequently, if imposing, continuing, or relying upon age-related criteria such as mandatory retirement ages is important to you as an employer, now is a good time to talk to us about the legitimate aim that will be relied upon and how this can be demonstrated for the particular workplace as a matter of fact.

© 2012 McDermott Will & Emery

Canadian International Trade Compliance Conference – August 21-23, 2012

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Canadian International Trade Compliance Conference:

Addressing the Global Trade Compliance Concerns Involving Export Controls, Custom Compliance and Cross Border Trade in Canada

Event Date: 21-23 Aug 2012
Location: Toronto, Ontario – VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED, Canada

Key conference topics
  • Assess the latest export permit requirements in Canada with Pratt and Whitney Canada
  • Address re-exports of U.S. origin goods from Canada to comply with both Canadian and U.S. export controls with Future Electronics
  • Integrate an effective anti-corruption compliance program as part of a global trade compliance program with Methanex Corporation
  • Analyze supply chain security concerns when dealing with cross border trade with Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
  • Uncover the updates to the Export Controls List and their impact upon Canadian companies with Research in Motion Limited

Currently, international trade compliance professionals need to stay up to date on the changing regulations within Canada and also abroad. With the changes to the Export Controls List and the ever-complex nature of Canadian-U.S. cross border trade, companies need to be aware of how these changes affect their international trade compliance programs.

Canada’s relationship with the U.S. makes it imperative that the International Trade Compliance community is informed on the impact that U.S. rules and regulations can have on Canadian companies.

Building upon the success of the 2nd Annual International Trade Compliance Conference, the marcusevans Canadian International Trade Compliance conference addresses the Global Trade Compliance Concerns involving export controls, customs compliance and cross border trade in Canada.

By attending this event, industry leaders will be able to overcome any potential challenges in crafting and sustaining a comprehensive trade compliance program.

Attending This Conference Will Enable You To:

1. Dissect the latest updates from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with Research in Motion Limited
2. Comprehend the U.S. Export Reform Initiative and the impact upon Canadian companies with Public Works and Government Services Canada
3. Develop and understanding of import value and transfer pricing with Ericsson Canada Inc.
4. Focus on NAFTA and other Free Trade Agreements with Plains Midstream Canada

Industry leaders attending this event will benefit from a dynamic presentation format consisting of workshops, panel discussions and case studies. Attendees will experience highly interactive conference sessions, 10-15 minutes of Q&A time after each presentation, 4+ hours of networking and exclusive online access to materials post-event.


SVPs, VPs, Directors, Superintendents, Supervisors, Engineers, Specialists, Leaders and Managers from the Chemical, Petrochemical, and Refining Industries with responsibilities in:

  • EHS Environmental Health and Safety
  • Safety/Process Safety Management
  • Plant Management/Operations
  • Inspection/Reliability
  • Mechanical/Asset Integrity
  • Manufacturing/Technology
  • Training & Development

New “Stuxnet”- type Virus Discovered. What are the Security Implications for You?

A new, highly sophisticated computer virus has been discovered.  No one has yet determined what it does but it appears to be related to the Stuxnet virus – the virus that specifically targeted Iran’s nuclear centrifuges.

Stuxnet was noteworthy because it was the first virus created for a specific purpose.  It now appears that Stuxnet will not be alone.

As these types of specifically targeted “designer” viruses become more common, businesses should ask themselves “will I be targeted next?

This from MSNBC.com:

“Security experts have discovered a highly sophisticated computer virus in Iran and other Middle East countries that they believe was deployed at least five years ago to engage in state-sponsored cyber espionage.

Evidence suggest that the virus, dubbed “Flame,” may have been built on behalf of the same nation or nations that commissioned the Stuxnet worm that attacked Iran’s nuclear program in 2010, according to Kaspersky Lab, the Russian cyber security software maker that claimed responsibility for discovering the virus.

Kaspersky researchers said on Monday they have yet to determine whether Flame had a specific mission like Stuxnet, and declined to say who they think built it.

Iran has accused the United States and Israel of deploying Stuxnet.

Cyber security experts said the discovery publicly demonstrates what experts privy to classified information have long known: that nations have been using pieces of malicious computer code as weapons to promote their security interests for several years.

“This is one of many, many campaigns that happen all the time and never make it into the public domain,” said Alexander Klimburg, a cyber security expert at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs.”


5th Product and Pipeline Enhancement for Generics Conference, July 17-19, 2012

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about an upcoming conference:

5th Product and Pipeline Enhancement for Generics Conference, July 17-19, 2012 in Washington, DC

The marcus evans 5th Product and Pipeline Enhancement for Generics Conference will host industry leaders within the Generic Pharmaceutical, Branded Pharmaceutical and API industries operating globally as they share best practices, strategies and tools on portfolio management and business strategy, as well as legal, intellectual property and patent issues.

Featuring case studies from leading generics experts, including:

  • Richard Dicicco, Chairman at Harvest Moon Pharmaceutical
  • Dr. Vijay Soni, Executive Vice President, IP, BD and Product Portfolio at Glenmark Pharmceuticals
  • Candis Edwards, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs & Compliance at Amneal Pharmaceuticals
  • Gregory Fernengel, Senior Intellectual Property Counsel at Ben Venue Laboratories, Inc.
  • Markus H. Meier, Assistant Director, Health Care Division, Bureau of Compensation at Federal Trade Commission
  • Vishal K. Gupta, Chief Scientific Officer, Vice President, Research & Development at CorePharmaLLC
  • Sherri Leonard, VP, Business Development and Portfolio Management at OrchidPharma, Inc.

Attendees will leave this conference with a better understanding of:
1. Current and upcoming FDA proposals and regulations to ensure compliance
2. Innovation in the drug pipeline
3. Portfolio management and business development
4. How to protect the company’s patents’ and intellectual property
5. Expanding the commercial reach through biosimilars
6. Market changes and future industry developments


“Great in-depth coverage of hot topics in an intimate setting that lent itself to excellent discussions.” – Novartis

”Terrific chance to connect with other industry traders to exchange ideas and explore solutions to the challenges we all face.” – OrchidPharma

The CFPB’s Consumer Complaint System: Key Points of Concern for Financial Services Companies

The National Law Review recently published an article by Stephanie L. Sanders and Richard Q. Lafferty of Poyner Spruill LLP regarding CFPB’s Consumer Complaint System:

The Dodd-Frank Act requires the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to collect, investigate and respond to consumer complaints as part of its work in protecting consumers of financial products and services.  Over the past year, CFPB’s Consumer Response team has gradually begun taking complaints on credit cards, mortgages, private student loans, other consumer loans, and other bank products and services.  Because the complaint process could result in investigation or enforcement actions, financial services companies should be sure they understand the system and are prepared to respond promptly to complaints.  Below is a list of recommendations for financial service companies to deal with the complaint system.

Know How to Use the Complaint System

CFPB’s website now prominently includes a “Submit a Complaint” portal.  Consumers wishing to make a complaint in one of the above categories can simply click on the “Submit a Complaint” icon and follow the directions provided.  In addition, CFPB accepts complaints by telephone, mail, email, and fax.  The portal is the primary means of communication between CFPB and financial service companies, so companies should be familiar with the portal and establish procedures for fielding any complaints in a timely manner.  CFPB has provided aCompany Portal Manual explaining how the portal and the complaint process works.

Once a complaint is submitted, CFPB screens it to determine whether it falls within the agency’s primary enforcement authority, whether it is complete, and whether it is a duplicate submission.  If the complaint passes these tests, it is then forwarded to the company for response.  The company is notified of the complaint and can log into the portal to view all active cases.  Upon receipt of the complaint, the company must communicate with the consumer to determine the appropriate response.  The company’s response is submitted via the portal, and the consumer is invited to review the response.  The consumer can log onto the secure portal or call a toll-free number to receive status updates and review responses.  The consumer is then given an opportunity to dispute the response.

Be Prepared to Respond Quickly

CFPB requests that companies respond to complaints within 15 calendar days and resolve complaints within 60 days.  Failure to provide a timely response may trigger an investigation of the complaint by CFPB.  Since a complete response requires that the company correspond with the complaining consumer, companies should pursue a response quickly to ensure they meet CFPB deadlines.

Understand that Complaints May Result in Investigations or Enforcement Actions by CFPB

The Consumer Response Team prioritizes review and investigation of complaints where a consumer disputes the response or the company fails to provide a timely response.  In addition, the team analyzes groups of complaints to identify issue-specific trends.  In some cases, complaints are referred to CFPB’s Division of Supervision, Enforcement, and Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity for further action.  Financial services companies should thus be vigilant on the same matters, paying greater attention to disputed responses, ensuring that responses are timely, and monitoring for trends in the complaints received so that underlying problems are addressed before they are raised by the agency.

Understand that cCmplaints May Also Result in Investigations By Other Agencies

If a complaint is outside CFPB’s jurisdiction, it may be forwarded to the appropriate regulator (for example, while CFPB handles complaints on private student loans, it forwards complaints received about federal student loans to the Department of Education).

In addition, the Dodd-Frank Act requires CFPB to share consumer complaint information with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other state and federal agencies.  For example, if CFPB receives a complaint about identity theft, it may share that with the FTC, which is the agency that has historically investigated such complaints.  As a result, financial services companies may need to anticipate receiving questions from the FTC about the effectiveness of their Red Flags program, which companies should have fully implemented in response to applicable FTC and other federal agency rules.  In addition, CFPB currently shares its complaints with the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel system, an online database of consumer complaints maintained by the FTC that is accessible by law enforcement.

Be Prepared for an Increase in the Volume of Complaints

Consumer use of the complaint system is off to a strong start.  CFPB recently issued a Consumer Response Annual Report summarizing the use of the complaint system from its launch in July 2011 through December 31, 2011.  The report indicates that CFPB received 13,210 consumer complaints during that time, including 9,307 credit card complaints and 2,326 mortgage complaints.  The most common credit card complaints involved billing disputes, identity theft, and APR or interest rates.  The most common mortgage complaints involved situations in which the consumer was unable to pay (loan modification, collection, foreclosure).  The complaint systems for bank products and services, private student loans, and other consumer loans only began in 2012, so the report did not cover those categories.  By the end of 2012, the CFPB expects that the complaint system will cover all consumer financial products and services.

Financial services companies should monitor these trends to identify issues that may affect their business.  They also should anticipate a significant increase in complaint volume as CFPB adds additional products to the complaint system and more consumers become aware of it.  By comparison, the FTC Consumer Sentinel fielded 1.8 million complaints in 2011.

© 2012 Poyner Spruill LLP

Retail Law Conference 2012

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Retail Law Conference:

at the Westin Galleria in Dallas, Texas

November 7-9, 2012

This event is the perfect opportunity to discuss the latest issues affecting the retail industry while obtaining important continuing legal education (CLE) credits.

Open to retail and consumer product general counsel, senior legal executives and in-house attorneys and their teams, the exceptional dialogue presented at this conference will help your organization navigate the current legal landscape of the industry.

NLRB Member Flynn Resigns From Board

The National Law Review recently published an article by Scott J. Witlin of Barnes & Thornburg LLP regarding the National Labor Relations Board:

Terence Flynn, one of two Republican members on the five member NLRB, resigned from the Board Sunday, May 27, effective July 24. Flynn has been under investigation over alleged inappropriate communications regarding the Board’s internal deliberations. Flynn’s resignation will permit President Obama to appoint another remember.

By tradition, that member should be a Republican. President Obama himself was the subject of controversy earlier this year by using his recess appointment powers to fill three vacancies on the Board. Member Flynn was one of those recess appointments. More information about the resignation is available here.


8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:

8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

Department of State Releases June 2012 Visa Bulletin

Immigrant visas have become unavailable for Indian and Chinese nationals in the EB-2 category; DOS indicates that it may be necessary to establish a cutoff date for the EB-1 category.

The U.S. Department of State (DOS) has released its June 2012 Visa Bulletin. The Visa Bulletin sets out per country priority date cutoffs that regulate the flow of adjustment of status (AOS) and consular immigrant visa applications. Foreign nationals may file applications to adjust their status to that of permanent resident, or to obtain approval of an immigrant visa application at an American embassy or consulate abroad, provided that their priority dates are prior to the cutoff dates specified by the DOS.

What Does the June 2012 Visa Bulletin Say?

EB-1: All EB-1 categories remain current.

EB-2: Priority dates remain current for foreign nationals in the EB-2 category from all countries except China and India; immigrant visas are UNAVAILABLE for Indian and Chinese nationals in the EB-2 category.

As had been widely expected, the June Visa Bulletin indicates visa unavailability in the EB-2 category for individuals chargeable to India and China. The cutoff dates that were indicated in the May Visa Bulletin have been replaced with a “U” notation. This means that the annual quota of immigrant visas for EB-2 Indian and Chinese nationals has been exhausted for the 2012 fiscal year, and that no more immigrant visas for EB-2 Indian and Chinese nationals will be available until the 2013 fiscal year begins on October 1, 2012. When the October Visa Bulletin is published in mid-September, it is expected that the “U” notation will be removed from the EB-2 category for Indian and Chinese nationals and that cutoff dates will once again appear in this category. The DOS expects that the EB-2 India and China cutoff dates will not return to May 1, 2010 (the cutoff date indicated in the April Visa Bulletin), until the spring of 2013, however.

The practical effect of this immigrant visa unavailability is that, after June 1, no I-485 AOS applications for EB-2 Indian or Chinese nationals may be filed or approved until at least October of this year, regardless of the applicant’s priority date. Thus, even an EB-2 Indian or Chinese national with a 2006 priority date would not be able to file an I-485 application or have it approved. I-485 applications that are pending for EB-2 Indian and Chinese nationals will continue to be processed and Advance Paroles and Employment Authorization Documents will be issued as appropriate, but the I-485 applications themselves may not be approved until October 1, 2012, at the earliest.

Note: AOS applications for EB-2 Indian and Chinese nationals with current priority dates may be filed until May 31.

EB-3: There is continued backlog in the EB-3 category.

The relevant priority date cutoffs for foreign nationals in the EB-3 category are as follows:

China: August 8, 2005 (forward movement of 129 days)
India: September 15, 2002 (forward movement of 7 days)
Mexico: June 8, 2006 (forward movement of 38 days)
Philippines: May 22, 2006 (forward movement of 21 days)
Rest of the World: June 8, 2006 (forward movement of 38 days)

DOS Predictions for the EB-1 Category and the Rest of the World EB-2 Category

The DOS has indicated that, in view of higher usage in the EB-1 category, it may be necessary to establish a cutoff date for the category, regardless of country of chargeability. The DOS has also indicated that a cutoff date may be established for the rest of the world EB-2 category (which is current at the moment), and that this may occur at any time in the next few months. Given the publication schedule of the Visa Bulletin, the establishment of such cutoff dates should be publicized at least two weeks before they become effective.

How This Affects You

Priority date cutoffs are assessed on a monthly basis by the DOS, based on anticipated demand. Cutoff dates can move forward or backward, or remain static and unchanged. Employers and employees should take the immigrant visa backlogs into account in their long-term planning, and take measures to mitigate their effects. To see the June 2012 Visa Bulletin in its entirety, please visit the DOS website.

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