Mexico Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property

The New Paradigm in Mexico for Damage Claims in Industrial Property.

The Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property, in force since the 5th of November of 2020, is distinguished from its predecessor, among other things, by the particularities in the claims of a compensation for damages caused by the infringement of industrial property rights.

Currently, individuals may claim a compensation for damages through the administrative venue, before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), or through the civil venue before the corresponding Courts in the matter. This implies that the holder of infringed exclusive rights may opt for two procedures and authorities of different nature, which has its benefits and disadvantages.


Before the IMPI, the compensation action is exercised in an ancillary proceeding, provided that such authority has previously issued a declaration of administrative infringement that is enforceable. Alternatively, it is still possible for the action to be brought directly before the Civil Courts, once the resolution from IMPI is final.

Although the exercise of the action for compensation before the administrative authority implies that a specialized authority in the matter is to hear the case, it has the disadvantages that its ancillary proceeding requires the prior prosecution of an administrative infringement claim before the same administrative authority (IMPI) and the lack of experience to quantify damages and losses. Additionally, the time required for the enforcement of the resolution issued by the IMPI before the Federal Courts in Civil Matters must be added to the time required for the substantiation of the action.


Thanks to the entry into force of the new Law, individuals may also resort directly to the civil Courts to claim infringement of their industrial property rights and compensation for damages, without the need for a prior declaration of infringement by the IMPI. This implies that a Judge, an expert in civil law, will have to delve into complex, specialized and technical issues, specific to industrial property.


Additionally, it is provided that the proceeding of the civil action will be suspended if an invalidity claim is filed before the IMPI against the right basis the civil claim, as long as the administrative authority does not issue a final resolution to such nullity action. This counteracts the advantage of a civil proceeding whose resolution may be quicker than before IMPI.

The new landscape for the claim for damages requires a careful study of the particularities of each specific case to determine the suitability of each route, since this is influenced, among other factors, by the complexity, the sophistication of the counterparty, the causes and technical considerations of the violation caused, among others.

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