Professional Photography is More Than Just Your Attorney Headshot


Lawyers, did you know that professional photography can help your law firm’s marketing efforts by increasing your conversion rates by up to 161%? These returns are made possible through the buyer psychology of connection. It is an opportunity for your target audience to know, like, and trust you in a very tangible way.

Employing a professional photographer might seem like an expensive outlay in the short term. However, the long-term effect it has on your brand, engagement rates, and sales makes it the perfect investment for your law firm.


Simply put, fresh photographs are essential to your law firm’s success.

When prospective clients see your photos, they understand who you are beyond what outdated photographs can provide. As consumers, they are more informed than ever, and outdated, recycled photographs stop having the same effect as newer ones.


From staff changes to annual modernizations, professional photography for law firms is vital to keeping your brand fresh while building a treasure trove of personalized and exciting content for your law firm marketing strategy.


Professional Photography Placement Beyond Your Attorney Biography

Your professional photography is important to use beyond your attorney biography on your website. While those are imperative to place, other mediums are enhanced by professional law firm photography.

People get used to the same photos over time. Make yourself stand out by regularly updating your photos to be used for your promotional and public relations materials.

Places that you can use them include:

  • Website Attorney Biography
  • Third-Party Legal Directories
  • Blog Posts
  • Social Media Posts
  • Collateral Materials
  • Press Releases
  • And more

Law firms that regularly promote their content, website, and services will significantly benefit by having current, fresh photos. It will also keep staff and attorney promotions up-to-date. The expectation of an annual photoshoot will ensure everyone feels included as well.

Some changes occur over time beyond appearance and staff. Consider the new, socially-distanced world we live in right now. Updated photography can also convey safety and convenience to prospective clients as well.


Types of Attorney Photography

The digital era brings new opportunities and, thus, new requirements. In the era of Zoom calls, it is best to have an updated headshot available.

Since first impressions always matter, ask yourself this: what if your first impression of someone is filled with confusion because they do not recognize you? Help set the right expectation and tone from the outset.


An array of photos that you should take include:

  • Attorney headshots
  • Staff headshots
  • Group photos
  • Behind-the-scenes working

Make sure that your photography supports your law firm’s brand. For example, if you brand yourself as an aggressive firm, your shots should reflect this attitude and style. A professional photographer will have an instinct and eye for encapsulating the desired effect while aligning with your brand.

Tips for a Smooth Photo Session

Before scheduling your photography session with a professional, ask around. Research reviews and hire someone with experience in photographing law firms.


It is also worth talking with your legal marketing agency for local recommendations as well. They may offer in-house services or discounts, which would be ideal and convenient.


#1: Manage your time

Check your calendar and block off extra time before and after the photo shoot is scheduled. Tell the other lawyers and support staff members about it as well so that they can prepare.

2. Deal with the contract before the photo session

Tie up as many loose ends as you can before the photo session, including signing and returning the service agreement. Ensure that you review and complete any contractual requirements before the big day.

Photo shoots most definitely run more smoothly when everyone is happy, well-rested, and in a good mood. Try to facilitate this attitude as much as you possibly can on picture day.

3. Declutter the office and inspect the exterior

Most law firms, especially attorney’s desks, get cluttered over time. Spend time getting your office shooting locations in order, as it will likely become the backdrop of your photos.


Get windows cleaned professionally, run a vacuum, and put all documents in drawers or filing cabinets.

4. Provide photoshoot guidelines

While most legal professionals generally look sharp on a daily basis, it is always helpful to receive tips for dressing on photoshoot day. These guidelines typically go beyond standard grooming tips.

Here are a few tactics that you can use to make your law firm’s photo session look aesthetically better:

  • Coordinate colors that compliment the location as well as each other
  • Clothes should be fresh, clean, and wrinkle-free
  • Solid colors and tones with minimal designs are better than busy patterns
  • Well-fitting clothes are critical since discomfort translates into photos
  • Discourage short sleeves if you can
  • White shirts are distracting, which means they should be worn under jackets
  • Avoid clothing with decals or brand logos

You can also check with your photographer for additional guidelines that they may have. Be sure to communicate any guidelines to your staff.

As you can see, the benefits and returns on new professional photography is an excellent investment for lawyers and law firms. Ensure that you hire a professional photographer who takes the time to understand your needs and organize a flawless shoot.


When executed well, you will enjoy the positive audience response that keeps those cases rolling in like clockwork. After all, that is the main objective.


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