KnowIt 2020: Intellectual Property in a Digital World


KnowIt is a groundbreaking new annual event that brings together the community of creators and protectors of intellectual property and other innovative outputs for an unprecedented discourse and collaboration. With dramatic shifts in both consumer and business technologies, as well as social trends and business models, now is the time for KnowIt.


  • Includes intellectual property, but goes beyond IP to include all human (and artificial) intellectual output;
  • Includes lawyers and matters of law, but goes beyond law to include the business and science of creating and protecting innovations;
  • Includes panels and speakers, but goes beyond the passive listening experiences of the past to facilitate actionable exchange and collaboration.

Attendees at KnowIt will include lawyers (in-house and outside counsel), academics, inventors, authors, brand creators, cybersecurity and privacy professionals, leaders in government, regulators, startups, tech companies, investors, non-profits, media, Wall Street analysts and more.

As an attendee, you will be immersed in unique and engaging sessions about the future of intellectual enterprises, and will connect with peers beyond those that hold the same job title as you. The agenda features unique general sessions as well as more intimate conversations. KnowIt also provides a multitude of ways to meet and interact with your peers, clients, lawyers, creators, partners, vendors and friends.


KnowIt doesn’t focus on the nuts and bolts. Instead, it examines critical issues that are fundamental to understanding the changes happening today, and the changes that will define the innovation of the future.

Join us on May 11-14, 2020 at the Aria Hotel in Las Vegas, as we define intellectual output in a digital world and usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution!





Published by

National Law Forum

A group of in-house attorneys developed the National Law Review on-line edition to create an easy to use resource to capture legal trends and news as they first start to emerge. We were looking for a better way to organize, vet and easily retrieve all the updates that were being sent to us on a daily basis.In the process, we’ve become one of the highest volume business law websites in the U.S. Today, the National Law Review’s seasoned editors screen and classify breaking news and analysis authored by recognized legal professionals and our own journalists. There is no log in to access the database and new articles are added hourly. The National Law Review revolutionized legal publication in 1888 and this cutting-edge tradition continues today.