On December 4, 2017, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) approved the New York Stock Exchange’s (the “NYSE”) proposed rule change to amend Section 202.06 of the NYSE Listed Company Manual to prohibit listed companies from releasing material news after the NYSE’s official closing time until the earlier of the publication of such company’s official closing price on the NYSE or five minutes after the official closing time. The new rule means that NYSE listed companies may not release end-of-day material news until 4:05 P.M. EST on most trading days or until the publication of such company’s official closing price, whichever comes first. The one exception to the new rule is that the delay does not apply when a company is publicly disclosing material information following a non-intentional disclosure in order to comply with Regulation FD. Regulation FD mandates that publicly traded companies disclose material nonpublic information to all investors at the same time.

SEC Approves NYSE Proposed Rule Change Requiring a Delay in Release of End-Of-Day Material News
© 2017 Jones Walker LLP
This post was written by Alexandra Clark Layfield of Jones Walker LLP.
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