Email Marketing for Attorneys: How to Create a Professional Newsletter in Just 45 Minutes a Month


The Rainmaker Institute

You’ve been meaning to do it.  You’ve maybe seen some from your competitors, or you’ve realized how the ones you get actually provide you with useful information you’re interested in getting.


I’m talking about e-newsletters.  And if you have not launched one yet for your law firm, you are really missing out on a fabulous, low-cost way to stay engaged with your current clients, past clients and potential clients.

Newsletters are great for solos and small law firms because they:


Are cheap and easy.  Using an email marketing service like Constant Contact to create and send your monthly e-newsletters costs only $35 per month if you have fewer than 2,500 people on your list.  They have scads of free templates from which to choose, and you can customize those to feature your name and logo, your photos and even video.


Foster relationships and loyalty.  How many times have you chastised yourself for not keeping in touch with referral sources on a regular basis?  Sending out a monthly newsletter does that job for you.  It helps keep you top-of-mind with your referral sources and past clients, many of which may not have thought of you otherwise when a legal issue arose.

Allow you to track engagement.  Email marketing services have tools that let you know exactly who opened and read your newsletter, and if they clicked on any links within the content.  This helps you figure out what people find the most interesting so you can refine your efforts every month.

Help you project a professional image.  Newsletters help you project a professional, high quality image for your marketing efforts.  You can even create templates that match your website to help solidify your branding in prospects’ minds.



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National Law Forum

A group of in-house attorneys developed the National Law Review on-line edition to create an easy to use resource to capture legal trends and news as they first start to emerge. We were looking for a better way to organize, vet and easily retrieve all the updates that were being sent to us on a daily basis.In the process, we’ve become one of the highest volume business law websites in the U.S. Today, the National Law Review’s seasoned editors screen and classify breaking news and analysis authored by recognized legal professionals and our own journalists. There is no log in to access the database and new articles are added hourly. The National Law Review revolutionized legal publication in 1888 and this cutting-edge tradition continues today.