Recent National Law Review Business of Law Guest Blogger Margaret Grisdela of Legal Expert Connections provides some quick tips on how to focus a law firm’s marketing strategy:
Clearly targeting law firm clients is one of the key concepts of the Courting Your Clients legal marketing methodology. You will lower marketing costs, increase response rates, and build greater brand visibility with a narrowly defined market niche. Here are 5 ways to focus your law firm marketing strategy:
1. Geographically.
The majority of small to mid-sized law firms simply focus on developing new business located within a 50 to 100 mile radius of an office location. Proximity gives you the benefit of convenient face-to-face meeting opportunities, personal networking, and strong local referral sources.
2. Demographically.
Attorneys who serve a consumer audience in particular (like family law, trusts and estates, or immigration) can focus on known characteristics such as marital status, income, the presence of children, and/or zip codes.
3. By Industry.
Lawyers who serve a business clientele are likely to target specific industries that are well suited to their practice. Examples include intellectual property attorneys who work in the entertainment field, municipal lawyers who serve county officials, or corporate law firms who favor technology companies.
4. By Job Title.
A purchasing agent or key decision maker focus – like the HR Director for labor & employment lawyers or the General Counsel for corporate attorneys – ensures that you target your business development efforts on the person who can sign your engagement letter and check.
5. By Trigger Events.
Transactional attorneys need to find clients with a highly defined need. This could be a personal injury attorney looking for car accident victims, or a corporate lawyer who helps business owners with mergers and acquisitions.
Marketing campaigns will be determined by the focus you bring to your law firm. Of course, there may be multiple parameters that are relevant to your marketing definition, like HR Directors within retail companies located in a specific metropolitan area.
Focus not only helps you to invest your marketing budget wisely, but it also enables attorneys and staff to refine their personal business development efforts in a way that aligns with the firm’s strategy.