The National Law Review is proud to support – the American Bar Association Business Law Section, the ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education, and the Morin Center for Banking and Financial Law of Boston University School of Law present the 3rd presentation of a two-and-one-half day introduction to the regulation of investment companies (mutual funds) and functionally similar entities.
- The structure of the investment management industry
- The anatomy of an investment company “family” of funds
- The regulatory scheme imposed on investment companies and related service providers
- The mechanics of the two “40 Acts: Investment Company Act and Investment Advisors Act”
- Modern governance standards for investment companies
- Distribution of fund shares and the fiduciary and regulatory issues raised
- Contrasting regulation of hedge funds and private equity funds
- “Hot issues” in the industry
Who Should Attend This National Institute?
- Lawyers at all levels of experience (including regulators) who are involved or expect to become involved in issues surrounding the investment company industry
- Private practitioners who advise corporate clients on related matters
- Consultants, accountants, and bank executives seeking a more comprehensive understanding of this changing industry
Mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) accreditation has been requested from all states that require continuing legal education. 17.50 hours of CLE credit, including 1.00 hours of Ethics credit, have been requested from those states recognizing a 60-minute credit hour and 21.00 hours of CLE credit, including 1.00 hours of Ethics credit, have been requested from those states recognizing a 50-minute credit hour. For NY-licensed attorneys: This transitional CLE program has been approved for all NY-licensed attorneys in accordance with the requirements of the New York State CLE Board (17.50 including 1.00
hours of Ethics total NY transitional MCLE credits).
For more information and to register go to the ABA CLE Website.