Get the Most Out of Retirement: Checklist for Happiness, Health, Purpose and Financial Security


Get the Most Out of RetirementThe American Bar Association and AARP have partnered to bring you the book Get the Most Out of Retirement: Checklist for Happiness, Health, Purpose and Financial Security. As our population continues to age, more Americans are retiring.  These Americans will need help with all the aspects of retirement.  This book provides an easy step-by-step approach to making decisions that are tailored for this growing segment of the populace.

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Whether you’re planning for or already living in retirement, there’s a lot that goes into making the most of every day. From crafting a budget and managing your money to last a lifetime to simplifying your life so you can really focus on what you want to do next, Get the Most Out of Retirement walks you through the process.

You’ll get step-by-step, practical tips to

  • Nurture new and old relationships
  • Find meaning through volunteer and work opportunities
  • Take classes and pursue hobbies
  • Decide where to live
  • Retire abroad
  • Get organized and clean out the clutter
  • Stay within your budget
  • Simplify the legal paperwork
  • Live healthfully
  • And more!

Our generation has decades of [bonus] years ahead that our parents didn’t have. This is the one book you’ll need not just to manage the business of life wisely but to make your retirement rich with health, happiness, and meaning.



Published by

National Law Forum

A group of in-house attorneys developed the National Law Review on-line edition to create an easy to use resource to capture legal trends and news as they first start to emerge. We were looking for a better way to organize, vet and easily retrieve all the updates that were being sent to us on a daily basis.In the process, we’ve become one of the highest volume business law websites in the U.S. Today, the National Law Review’s seasoned editors screen and classify breaking news and analysis authored by recognized legal professionals and our own journalists. There is no log in to access the database and new articles are added hourly. The National Law Review revolutionized legal publication in 1888 and this cutting-edge tradition continues today.